scholarly journals Tantangan Guru Dalam Pembelajaran Daring Pada Masa Pendemi Di SD Negeri 01 Kebandungan Kecamatan Bantarkawung

Juju Ariah Tati Haryati

<p><em>This paper examines the implementation of education policies during the Covid-19 pandemic related to distance learning policies. The distance learning process is a solution that is not yet optimal in its implementation. The purpose of writing this article is to display and desciprtion challenges faced by teachers in the learning process during the pandemic in the SD Negeri 01 Kebandungan, Kecamatan Bantarkawung. This study used a descriptife qualitative. The results of this study prove that, (1) the family economy burdens the problems of the primary needs of parents lives, (2) parental education can affect how parents guide and care for their children while are learning at home, and (3) limited learning resourc as having to have an andorid based phone, data, and signal become obstacles in the learning process.</em></p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 208-218
Afip Miftahul Basar

Abstract: The learning process in schools during the Covid-19 pandemic had many problems to face. The Covid-19 pandemic that has hit the world, including Indonesia, requires taking a stand in preventing wider transmission, including the education sector. In this regard, the Ministry of Education and Culture has taken a firm stance through several circular letters relating to education policies in the emergency period of the spread of Covid-19. This paper examines the implementation of education policies during the Covid-19 pandemic related to distance learning policies. The distance learning process is a solution that is not yet optimal in its implementation. There are things that must be considered in this distance learning, among others, the quality of teacher resources must be improved, both in terms of content and methodology as well as in terms of the use of information technology. In addition, students are also less active in participating in this distance learning, both due to an unstable internet network and in terms of providing a limited internet quota. The purpose of writing this article is to study and understand the problems in learning activities during a pandemic, namely distance learning so that students can participate actively and interestingly. This study used a qualitative and observative approach. The results of this study prove that distance learning (PJJ) during the Covid-19 pandemic caused various responses and changes to the learning system that could affect the learning process and the level of development of students in responding to the material presented. Abstrak: Proses pembelajaran di sekolah pada masa pandemi Covid-19 mempunyai banyak permasalahan yang dihadapi. Pandemi Covid-19 yang melanda dunia termasuk Indonesia mengharuskan mengambil sikap dalam mencegah penularan yang lebih luas, termasuk sektor pendidikan. Berkaitan dengan hal tersebut Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan mengambil sikap tegas melalui beberapa surat edaran berkaitan tentang kebijakan pendidikan dalam masa darurat penyebaran Covid-19. Tulisan ini mengkaji pelaksanaan kebijakan pendidikan dalam masa pandemi Covid-19 berkaitan dengan kebijakan pembelajaran jarak jauh. Proses pembelajaran jarak jauh merupakan solusi yang dalam pelaksanaannya belum optimal secara keseluruhan. Ada hal yang harus diperhatikan dalam pembelajaran jarak jauh ini antara lain sumber daya guru harus ditingkatkan kualitasnya, baik dari segi konten maupun metodologi juga dalam hal pemanfaatan teknologi informasi. Selain itu, peserta didik juga kurang aktif dalam mengikuti pembelajaran jarak jauh ini, baik itu disebabkan jaringan internet yang kurang stabil maupun dari segi penyediaan kuota internet yang terbatas. Tujuan penulisan artikel ini untuk mempelajari dan memahami permasalahan dalam kegiatan pemebelajaran di masa pandemi yakni pembelajaran jarak jauh agar peserta didik bisa mengikutinya dengan aktif dan menarik. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan observatif. Hasil kajian ini membuktikan bahwa pembelajaran jarak jauh (PJJ) di masa pandemi covid-19 ini menimbulkan berbagai tanggapan dan perubahan pada sistem belajar yang dapat mempengaruhi proses pemebelajaran serta tingkat perkembangan peserta didik dalam merespon materi yang disampaikan.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 149-166
Nurul Fatehah ◽  
Teddy Dyatmika

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on all areas of life, including education. The education system, which was originally face-to-face, had to be replaced with online learning. Various problems arise related to the implementation of the Distance Learning or PJJ system. This system makes parents have to participate more in supervising as well as being a substitute for teachers at home in the learning process of their children. In addition, homeschooling also raises problems where students find it difficult to understand the material given by the teacher. The decrease in enthusiasm for learning becomes a problem when the PJJ system seems monotonous and boring. To support the government's program in breaking the chain of the spread of COVID-19 without reducing the effectiveness of online learning implemented by the Ministry of Education and Culture, this activity was carried out. This activity is expected to help reduce the anxiety of parents who are afraid that their children are not serious and have difficulty in learning. In addition, it is hoped that this activity will help participants to easily understand the material that has not been mastered. The methods of socialization, demonstration, and mentoring are carried out directly. The success of this activity can be seen from the assistance of the participants in solving the problems faced and the enthusiasm of the participants during the activity.

Heny Solekhah

Happiness is a subjective assessment of individual wellbeing. Adolescents, especially secondary school students living in Islamic Boarding School, experience dramatic changes from learning at their dormitory with face-to-face teaching method to distance learning at home with minimum activities outside their houses. The survey was conducted on 111 respondents of students who had to return home due to the outbreaks of covid-19 pandemic for two months. The research found that the dramatic changes made them had difficulty to adapt new activities at home for a long time while studying independently through distance learning. Only a third of the sample felt happy during the online learning while the majority felt negative emotions such as boredom, unhappiness, and loneliness. The adolescents’ life satisfaction and community engagement significantly correlated with happiness although the size effects were medium. Female students also had lower happiness variables than males. To maintain their happiness, during the pandemic, most of them prefer activities that mostly trigger a sedentary lifestyle.

Muhammad Sholeh ◽  
Suraya Suraya ◽  
Dina Andayani

The learning process carried out at home during the COVID-19 pandemic demands the creativity of educators so that the material provided can be understood by students. The problems that arise during online lectures are changing the habits of students who always get detailed explanations from lecturers, while in online lectures the interaction between students and lecturers is limited and there are student guidelines for independent study. The research was conducted with the aim of evaluating the learning process at home using video-based tutorials. The methodology is carried out using the ADIIE model. The process of making tutorials is done by making a video story board that will be made and implementing the story board using Camtasia Studio. The results of the study resulted in Structured Programming course material in the form of video tutorials from meetings 1 to 10. The evaluation results showed that 39.1% of students answered very well to the question of whether videos can be used for self-study at home and 60.8% answered quite well.

Maulia Azqia Azqia

<p><em>The Covid-19 pandemic that has hit the world, including Indonesia, requires taking a stand in preventing wider transmission, including the education sector. In this regard, the Ministry of Education and Culture has taken a firm stance through several circular letters relating to education policies in the emergency period of the spread of Covid-19.</em><em> </em><em>The distance learning process is a solution that is not yet optimal in its implementation. There are things that must be considered in this distance learning, among others, the quality of teacher resources must be improved, both in terms of content and methodology as well as in terms of the use of information technology. In addition, students are also less active in participating in this distance learning, both due to an unstable internet network and in terms of providing a limited internet quota. The purpose of writing this article is to study and understand the problems in learning activities during a pandemic, namely distance learning so that students can participate actively and interestingly.</em><em> </em><em>This study used a qualitative and observative approach. The results of this study prove that distance learning (PJJ) during the Covid-19 pandemic caused various responses and changes to the learning system that could affect the learning process and the level of development of students in responding to the material presented. </em></p>

2020 ◽  
Delipiter Lase ◽  
Sonny Eli Zaluchu ◽  
Dorkas Orienti Daeli ◽  
Amurisi Ndraha

This study aims to examine parents' perceptions of distance learning in response to the closure of many schools due to the Covid-19 pandemic. This research uses a qualitative approach with descriptive methods. The research subjects consisted of parents of elementary school students, and the data were collected using interview techniques. This study shows that distance learning in a research context is organized in the form of online and offline learning. For parents, the current learning approach is something that must be lived and supported in the absence of other options. Even though parents do not have negative perceptions, distance learning contributes to increasing the burden on parents or families economically, including psychological and social aspects. The lack of parental involvement and support in the learning process of children at home is generally due to the lack of time and the inability of parents to become teachers for their children at home. Actions to accompany and support children's learning at home are carried out in the form of providing internet packages, helping children to master the learning materials, and participating in completing assignments or tests given by the teacher. The surprising finding of this study is that children's learning motivation has decreased, and for the remainder of the school year, parents expect the government to reopen it so that children can study again in class and meet with their peers.

Yanto Suhaimi

This research is motivated by the results of observations in XXX Village, Waru Subdistrict, Pamekasan Regency, where the most of the community have a profession as an immigrant with various abilities. This research focuses on the expatriate dentist who works in various parts of this country. because it's easier to find respondents to get data research we need. This research focuses on the expatriate dentist who works in various parts of the archipelago. because it's easier to find respondents to get the research data they need. This tradition, if we examine further will affect the educational conditions of children left at home. Therefore, this research wants to find out how they really feel about children's education? In Another side, children's education is an important thing that should get the attention of the parents. Because parental education is very big effect on children's education, in their intellectually, spiritually, and character. This research uses a qualitative-descriptive approach by collecting data using interviews and observations and the data are analyzed using content analysis techniques. The results show that: 1) the lack of parental knowledge about children's education; 2) children's educational responsibilities are borne by the family at home; 3) school institutions are considered to be responsible for children's education; and 4) there is an assumption that meeting economic (financial) needs is a primary need for children. In this study describes perceptions, early childhood education, children's education in Islam, the transfer of family functions, family responsibilities towards children's education, the nature of migrating and its impact on children's education.

Educatio ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 21-30
Linda Feni Haryati ◽  
Nursaptini Nursaptini ◽  

Indonesia began to be affected by Covid-19 in early 2020, of course, this will give changes to all sectors of life. One sector that has also felt the impact is the education sector. On March 24, 2020, the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia issued a government circular number 4 of 2020 concerning the Implementation of Education Policy in an Emergency for the Spread of COVID, by stipulating the provisions of the teaching and learning process starting from tertiary to basic education levels to be carried out online or learning at home. This distance learning course provides new challenges for teachers, students, and parents, in its implementation. This research aims to find out more clearly how the distance learning process and what obstacles are faced by teachers, students, and parents at SDN 3 Banjar Sari during the Covid-19 Pandemic. The method used in this research is qualitative research methods. This type of research uses a multi-case study design. Research results: the teacher has tried to do several learning methods, but until now there is no method that is considered the most effective in the teaching and learning process during the Covid-19 pandemic. Each method used by the teacher does not escape from various obstacles and shortcomings. Even so, teachers still try their best to carry out their duties in order to realize the goals of education

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (01) ◽  
pp. 109-20
Sukatin Sukatin ◽  
Fitri Nasution

The occurrence of the Covid-19 pandemic around the world has resulted in changes in various lives, including in the field of education. The government policy requiring studying from home, working from home and praying at home in the first week felt very sudden. And make the confusion of parents and teachers compounded by the lack of preparation for distance learning. As learning materials at home, assignments from student books are given. During this pandemic, more children will be at home, this is an effort made to break the chain of the spread of Covid, which has not yet subsided, even continues to grow. For the effectiveness of learning at this time the role of parents is very important, because the responsibility for education that is usually held by teachers while in school now completely shifts to both parents.Parents must accompany their children more in learning, be more attentive during learning, because when children are given freedom during unsupervised learning, not a few children take the opportunity to play online games, surf in cyberspace such as playing Facebook, Instagram, and other interesting applications, because in the learning process children are facilitated with cellphones plus a quota package that makes it easy to access whatever they want. For this reason, supervision and cooperation between parents and teachers is needed in continuing children's education. Keywords: parents, learning process assistance, distance, pandemic period

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