2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (01) ◽  
pp. 109-20
Sukatin Sukatin ◽  
Fitri Nasution

The occurrence of the Covid-19 pandemic around the world has resulted in changes in various lives, including in the field of education. The government policy requiring studying from home, working from home and praying at home in the first week felt very sudden. And make the confusion of parents and teachers compounded by the lack of preparation for distance learning. As learning materials at home, assignments from student books are given. During this pandemic, more children will be at home, this is an effort made to break the chain of the spread of Covid, which has not yet subsided, even continues to grow. For the effectiveness of learning at this time the role of parents is very important, because the responsibility for education that is usually held by teachers while in school now completely shifts to both parents.Parents must accompany their children more in learning, be more attentive during learning, because when children are given freedom during unsupervised learning, not a few children take the opportunity to play online games, surf in cyberspace such as playing Facebook, Instagram, and other interesting applications, because in the learning process children are facilitated with cellphones plus a quota package that makes it easy to access whatever they want. For this reason, supervision and cooperation between parents and teachers is needed in continuing children's education. Keywords: parents, learning process assistance, distance, pandemic period

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-24
Agus Suryana ◽  
Siti Herdiana Aulia

This study aims to determine what the roles of parents are in accompanying children during the distance learning process during the Covid 19 pandemic at Ciparigi Village, Bogor City. The method used is a case study through online interviews with thematic analysis on 5 parents. The results show that the role of parents is needed in the distance learning process. In general, the role of parents during distance learning, in addition to being a substitute for teachers at home, parents also act as facilitators, motivators, guides for children, and guide children to achieve success of learning in pandemic.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 55-73
Nadya Prameski Putri ◽  
Lu'luil Maknun

The purpose of this research was to analyze the important role of educators in the achievement of distance learning outcomes at MI Al-Mursyidiyyah. The method used is the mixing method, where the sources studied come from the results of the literature review and the results of questionnaire processing. The results of the questionnaire processing and literature review provided 3 important discussion points, namely; (1) PJJ (Distance Learning), (2) The Role of Teachers in Distance Learning and, (3) Criteria for Achievement of Learning Outcomes. Seeing the current situation, the role of educators must be optimized so that they can carry out their roles and the learning process properly. Educators not only convey material, but also must be able to design a learning process that is as attractive as possible by using learning media such as online games and so on, so that educators can attract the attention of students so that they remain enthusiastic in the learning process.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 124
Putu Febri Sri Suandari ◽  
Ni Nengah Selasih

<p><em>        Education is one of the most important things that is able to be a change in the world and in changing the younger generation to be better and have character. With the existence of an education that is complemented by religious teachings it self, it will streng then character and reduce the moral and ethical degradation or decline that occurs in every nation's future child. Cultivators of noble moral values, ethics and religious teachings must be planted from an early age so that children become accustomed to them and are able to understand behaviors that should be avoided and prohibited. Therefore the role of parents is very influential on the character of the child because the family is the primary or primary education that the child gets. In addition, to reduce the current moral degradation or deterioration that is prevalent in life, there is a need for cooperation between parents, educators and the government to be able to create a good young generation. In the teachings of Hinduism, there are many teachings that can be used as a guide for life and can be used as character strengthening for children and the younger generation, one of which is known as the teaching of Catur Guru, which is the teaching of how to be devoted, ethical and respecting these four teachers, including self-help teachers. , rupaka teachers, recitation teachers and wisesa teachers.</em></p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 242-250
Novianita Rulandari

Since the beginning of 2020, the world has been shocked by the Corona Virus Diseases (Covid-19) pandemic which has spread rapidly throughout the world, infecting more than forty million people, causing more than one million deaths by October 2020. This pandemic has an impact on the education world where all levels of education from kindergarten to postgraduate are required to carry out distance learning through online-based classes. Various problems then arise in distance learning because not all students have the facilities and infrastructure needed in its implementation, even causing casualties. This research examines and discusses the phenomenon of Covid-19 pandemic and its impact on the education world in Indonesia. The purpose of this research is to find out government policies in overcoming learning problems in a pandemic situation and finding the right policies so that learning can still be carried out effectively, how the supervision needs to be done by the government so that teaching and learning activities can run effectively and how the teaching communication strategies in using online media so that the delivery of material by lecturers can be easily understood by students. From the research results, several conclusions were obtained. The Minister's policy to carry out the online learning process still faces various challenges in its implementation; The learning process from home must always be monitored through good cooperation between students, parents, and educators, especially for primary and secondary education; and by using some appropriate learning communication strategies, the online teaching and learning process can be carried out more effectively because it does not take up a lot of time and space.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 43
Welyda de Lucena Brasil ◽  
Maria do Socorro Ferreira Osterne

Muitos são os embates acirrados nas academias que se posicionam contra (ou a favor) da educação à distância, sem ao menos um debruçar teórico-metodológico-prático sobre os limites e possibilidades que esta modalidade pode ocasionar no processo de ensino-aprendizagem. Assim este trabalho tem como objetivo, através de uma pesquisa bibliográfica, verificar como a educação a distância está sendo percebida pelos estudiosos na literatura, para isto, autores como Belloni(2001), Demo(2007), Morin(2001), Fróes(1999); Gouvêa (2006), dentre outros, foram lidos e suas ideias apresentadas. Para melhor entendermos essa modalidade, tratamos de sua historicidade, origem, limites e possibilidades, datas e acontecimentos marcantes no mundo e no Brasil, em seguida, algumas colocações sobre a função dos educadores e/ou tutores e orientadores, e como os profissionais dessa modalidade entendem o processo ensino-aprendizagem, para que ao ensinar verdadeiramente aconteça o aprender. Outra questão importante abordada neste artigo é a linguagem das tecnologias de comunicação como um dos fatores que influenciam a performance do educador nesta modalidade de ensino. Conclui-se que o ensino a distância não é algo novo e não deve ser analisado por atitudes maniqueístas, ou seja, como algo totalmente bom ou totalmente ruim. Há necessidade de competência(s) para se desenhar um ensino de qualidade, seja à distância, ou não, para não se oferecer apenas “perfumarias” baratas para serem comercializadas, pois cada vez mais a educação está sendo um direito inalienável e essencial para a sociedade. DISTANCE EDUCATION AND THE EDUCATOR OF THE 21ST CENTURY ABSTRACT Many are the conflicts in the academies that oppose (or favor) distance education, without at least a theoretical-methodological-practical approach to the limits and possibilities that this modality can cause in the teaching-learning process. Thus, this work aims, through a bibliographical research, to verify how distance education is being perceived by scholars in the literature, for this, authors such as Belloni (2001), Demo (2007), Morin (2001), Fróes (1999) ); Gouvêa (2006), among others, were read and their ideas presented. In order to better understand this modality, we deal with its historicity, origin, limits and possibilities, dates and events in the world and in Brazil, then some positions on the role of educators and / or tutors and counselors, and how the professionals of this modality understand the teaching-learning process, so that when teaching truly happens, learning happens. Another important issue addressed in this article is the language of communication technologies as one of the factors that influence the performance of the educator in this modality of teaching. It is concluded that distance learning is not something new and should not be analyzed by Manichean attitudes, that is, as something totally good or totally bad. There is a need for competence (s) to design quality education, whether at a distance or not, so as not to offer only cheap "perfumeries" to be marketed, since education is increasingly an inalienable and essential right for the society.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 9-18
Muhammad Alwan ◽  
Nita Sunarya Herawati ◽  
Taqiudin Zarkasi

The emergence of covid-19 has a significant impact on the world of education, especially in the teaching and learning process. The government through the Minister of Education appealed for the implementation of the teaching and learning process to be carried out with Online learning. Based on the appeal, SDN 2 Kalijaga until now is still carried out learning activities through online, Then teaching and learning activities are carried out with digital devices such as smartphones and laptops. However, based on observations on the ground digital devices such as smartphones are not used wisely, smartphones are used for online games and tiktok. This is due to students' lack of digital literacy about utilization, use, and impact. Therefore, devotional activities focused on cultivating digital literacy in elementary school children in Kalijaga village with socialization and mentoring methods to students of SDN 2 Kalijaga. The results of the devotion showed that the role of teachers and parents is very important to direct and control the use of smartphones. Furthermore, students' understanding and skills in finding useful content for lessons in school are seen to increase after socialization and mentoring.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 235-248
Eko Hari Purnomo ◽  
Tutuk Ningsih

Abstract Government policy in the world of education during the pandemic requires teaching and learning activities to no longer be in schools, but to be diverted into distance learning activities for safety and health that are centered in their homes. Situations and conditions like this require the maximum involvement of parents and restore the role of parents in educating children essentially. The role and function of parents initially is as a place for children's education to be first and foremost in instilling religious values, shaping character and character, but during a pandemic like this where children have to study at home, the role of parents increases by accompanying children when learning is something very important. The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze the role of parents in accompanying children to learn during the pandemic. Data collection in the form of interviews, documentation, observation. And the type of research is qualitative.  The results of research on the role of parents in accompanying children during the pandemic show that parents are very bothered in dividing their time, energy, and smartphone. From the research results, it can be concluded that parents have a very important role in assisting children to learn during a pandemic. Learning assistance for children can be seen from explaining material that the child does not understand, how parents help children's task difficulties, communicating or borrowing a smartphone to do the tasks given by the teacher. Keywords: Role of Parents, Learning Assistance, Pandemic.   Abstrak Kebijakan pemerintah dalam dunia pendidikan saat pandemi mengharuskan kegiatan belajar mengajar tidak lagi di sekolah, namun dialihkan menjadi kegiatan pembelajaran jarak jauh demi keamanan dan kesehatan yang berpusat di rumah masing-masing. Situasi dan kondisi seperti ini mengharuskan interaksimorang tua secara lebihmmaksimal dan mengembalikan peran orang tua didalam mendidik anak secara hakiki. Peran dan fungsi orang tua awalnya adalah sebagai,tempat,pendidikan,anak,yang,pertama,dan,utama,didalam menanamkan nilai-nilai,,agama, membentuk karakter dan berbudi pekerti,meskipun saat terjadi pandemi seperti ini,,dimana anak harus belajar di rumah maka peran orang tua menjadi bertambah dengan mengawasi anak saat belajar merupakan hal yang begitu penting.   Tujuan penelitian ini ingin mendiskripsikan dan menganalisa anak belajar dengan didampingi orang tua dalam pandemik. Wawancara, dokumentasi, dan observasi merupakan pengumpulan data. Serta jenis penelitian yaitu kualitatif.  Hasil penelitian tentang anak dalam pandemic dengan didampingi oleh orang tua, menunjukkan bahwa orang tua begitu repot didalam membagi waktu, tenaga, dan smartphonnya. Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa orang tua memiliki peran yang sangat penting dalam mendampingi anak untuk belajar pada saat pandemi. Bantuan belajar anak terlihat dari penjelaskan tugas yang kurang dipahami anak, bagaimana orang tua membantu anak dengan tugas yang sulit, mengkomunikasikan atau peminjamkan smartphone untuk mengerjakan tugas yang diberikan oleh gurunya. Kata Kunci :  PeranmOrangTua, Pendampingan Belajar, Pandemik.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 207-223
Haryono Haryono ◽  
Sunhaji Sunhaji

Abstract   This study describes the role of parents in increasing children's learning motivation at MI Ma'arif NU 01 Sokanegara Purbalingga. This study used a descriptive survey research method. Sampling using purposive sampling technique with the criteria of the parents of MI Ma'arif NU 01 Sokanegara students, Purbalingga. The sample in this study were 10 respondents who were conducted in February 2021. To obtain data, researchers used interview and observation methods. As we all know, the Covid-19 pandemic that has hit the world has had many impacts in various fields of human life, including education. Likewise in our country, Indonesia. Since the Covid-19 pandemic occurred in early 2020, the government immediately took a system change policy in the delivery of education. So far, prior to the Covid-19 pandemic, teaching and learning activities were carried out directly and centered on schools. Now, in the Covid-19 pandemic season, distance learning has been chosen as the best alternative for students to take. In the implementation of distance learning (PJJ) via online or online, students learn independently from their respective homes, teachers deliver learning materials, provide learning assignments through online learning media. To achieve the success of online learning, of course, requires good participation and cooperation between the school / teacher, students, and parents. The role of parents to motivate children's interest in learning is needed. From the results of the research, the roles played by parents as motivators for children include giving attention, affection, learning facilities, praise, gifts, rewards, and punishments.   Keywords: parents, motivation to learn, children, the Covid-19 pandemic   Abstrak   Penelitian  ini mendeskripsikan tentang peran orang tua dalam meningkatkan motivasi belajar anak di MI Ma’arif NU 01 Sokanegara Purbalingga.  Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian survei deskriptif. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik purposive sampling dengan kriteria orang tua siswa MI Ma’arif NU 01 Sokanegara Purbalingga. Sampel pada penelitian ini sebanyak 10 responden yang dilakukan pada bulan Februari 2021. Untuk memperoleh data, peneliti menggunakan metode wawancara dan observasi. Sebagaimana yang telah kita ketahui bersama bahwa pandemi Covid-19 yang melanda dunia, berdampak banyak di berbagai bidang kehidupan manusia, tak terkecuali bidang pendidikan. Demikian pula di negara kita, Indonesia. Sejak terjadi pandemi Covid-19 pada awal tahun 2020, pemerintah segera mengambil kebijakan perubahan sistem pada penyelenggaraan pendidikan. Selama ini, sebelum terjadi pandemi Covid-19, kegiatan belajar mengajar dilaksanakan secara langsung dan berpusat di sekolah-sekolah. Kini, di musim pandemi Covid-19, pembelajaran jarak jauh dipilih sebagai alternatif terbaik yang harus ditempuh oleh para siswa. Dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran jarak jauh (PJJ)  via online atau daring, siswa belajar secara mandiri dari rumah masing-masing, guru menyampaikan materi pembelajaran, memberikan tugas-tugas belajar melalui media pembelajaran daring. Untuk mencapai keberhasilan pembelajaran daring ini tentu membutuhkan peran serta dan kerjasama yang baik antara pihak sekolah/guru, siswa, dan orang tua siswa. Peran orang tua untuk memotivasi minat belajar anak sangat dibutuhkan. Dari hasil penelitian, peran yang  dilakukan oleh orang tua sebagai motivator untuk  anak diantaranya adalah memberikan perhatian, kasih sayang, fasilitas belajar, pujian, hadiah, penghargaan, dan hukuman. Kata kunci: orang tua, motivasi belajar, anak, pandemi Covid-19

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 43-54
Siti Sabaniah ◽  
Dadan F Ramdhan ◽  
Siti Khozanatu Rohmah

Abstract, Distance Learning should be well prepared from planning, implementing, to evaluating learning. This encourages research to examine how the role of teachers in the learning process is seen from the learning process. The focus of this research is to describe the Role of Teachers in the Implementation of Distance Learning, from the planning, implementation, and evaluation of learning. This research uses a descriptive qualitative research model. This research was conducted at MI Mathlau'ul Huda with the subject of the research being the teachers, in this case the teachers were given questionnaires and interviews to find out some indicators of the teacher's role, (1) the teacher's role as a source of learning in distance learning the teacher provided the source of learning among them namely the theme books and programs that the government made through television namely on TVRI; (2) the teacher's role as a demonstrator in this distance learning where the teacher provides facilities such as media for example with video media to help students in the learning process; (3) the teacher's role as a motivator gives the teacher motivating students. The motivation provided by the teacher also varies, there are those who provide motivation with rewards and also those that go directly to students (4) the role of the teacher as a manager in distance learning here the teacher acts as a manager of learning so that learning can be directed according to the basic competencies and learning objectives that must be achieved; (5) the teacher's role as an evaluator here the teacher's role is to provide an evaluation in order to know the extent to which students master a learning material. Abstrak, Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh seyogianya harus dipersiapkan dengan baik dari mulai perencanaan, pelaksanaan, sampai kepada evaluasi pembelajaran. Hal ini mendorong penelitian untuk mengkaji bagaimana peran guru dalam proses pembelajaran yang dilakukan dilihat dari proses pembelajaranya. Fokus penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan peran guru dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran jarak jauh, dari mulai perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan evaluasi pembelajaran. Penelitian ini menggunakan model penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Penelitian ini dilakukan di MI Mathlau’ul Huda dengan subjek penelitianya adalah para guru, dalam hal ini para guru diberikan angket dan wawancara untuk mengetahui beberapa indikator dari peran guru, (1) peran guru sebagai sumber belajar, dalam pembelajaran jarak jauh guru memberikan sumber belajar, yaitu buku tema dan program yang pemerintah buat melalui televisi yaitu di TVRI; (2) peran guru sebagai demonstrator, pada pembelajaran jarak jauh ini dimana guru memberikan fasilitas seperti, media contohnya dengan media video untuk membantu siswa dalam proses pembelajaran; (3) peran guru sebagai motivator, guru memberikan memotivasi kepada peserta didik. Motivasi yang diberikan guru juga beragam ada yang memberikan motivasi dengan reward dan juga ada yang melalui langsung kepada peserta didik (4) peran guru sebagai pengelola, dalam pembelajaran jarak jauh disini guru berperan sebagai pengelola pembelajaran, agar pembelajaran dapat terarah sesuai dengan kompetensi dasar dan tujuan pembelajaran yang harus dicapai; (5) peran guru sebagai evaluator disini guru berperan untuk memberikan evaluasi agar mengetahui sejauh mana peserta didik menguasai suatu materi pembelajaran. Terakhir mengenai faktor pendukung dan penghambat peran guru dalam pelaksanan pembelajaran jarak jauh.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 232-244
Dede Gustian

Pandemi Covid-19 telah berlangsung selama 1 tahun. Sejak saat itu, proses kegiatan belajar mengajar pun mengalami perubahan. Proses belajar Dalam Jaringan  (Daring) menjadi solusi dari pemerintah untuk menekan angka penyebaran dari virus tersebut. Akan tetap pada praktiknya, guru, murid serta orang tua khususnya merasa kewalahan dalam melaksanakan proses Daring tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran orang tua dalam proses belajar Daring di masa Covid-19 serta faktor yang mempengaruhi pembelajaran daring bagi anak. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode studi kasus dengan menggunakan analisa kualitatif deskriptif. Penelitian ini dilakukan kepada 10 orang tua (3 ayah dan 7 ibu). Hasil menunjukkan bahwa orang tua memiliki peran ekstra selama masa pandemi berlangsung. Adapun peran orang tua dalam proses belajar daring antara lain mengawasi anak selama menggunakan gadget, mendampingi anak mengerjakan tugas sekolah, menjalin komunikasi yang baik dengan anak, memberikan edukasi serta menciptakan lingkungan bersih aman dan nyaman bagi anak.   Kata Kunci : Peran Orang Tua; Masa Pandemi Covid-19;   ABSTRACT   The Covid-19 pandemic has been going on for 1 year. Since then, the teaching and learning process has changed. The online learning process is a solution from the government to reduce the spread of the virus. However, in practice, teachers, students and parents in particular feel overwhelmed in carrying out the Online process. This study aims to determine the role of parents in the online learning process during the Covid-19 period and the factors that influence online learning for children. This research uses case study method using descriptive qualitative analysis. This research was conducted to 10 parents (3 fathers and 7 mothers). The results show that parents have an extra role during the pandemic. The role of parents in the online learning process includes supervising children while using gadgets, assisting children with school assignments, establishing good communication with children, providing education and creating a clean, safe and comfortable environment for children.   Keywords : The Role of Parents; The Covid-19 Pandemi Period;

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