scholarly journals Analisis Jenis Pertanyaan Yang Diajukan Mahasiswa Magang Di Sma Kota Sukabumi Berdasarkan Taksonomi Bloom Revisi Pada Konsep Pencemaran Lingkungan

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 57
Teguh Rachmatuloh Effendi ◽  
Suhendar Suhendar ◽  
AA Juhanda

<p align="center">Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kemunculan jenis pertanyaan yang diajukan mahasiswa magang di SMA Kota Sukabumi berdasarkan taksonomi bloom revisi pada konsep pencemaran lingungan. Objek penelitian adalah tigaorang calon guru biologi yang mengajar di sejumlah SMA Kota Sukabumi Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa persentase jenis pertanyaan yang diajukan mahasiswa magang atau dari tiga calon guru rata-rata menggunakan pertanyaan tingkat rendah (<em>Lower-Order Thinking Skills</em>) yaitu pada mahasiswa magang ke satu pada aspek kognitif C1 faktual 16,66% dan C1 konseptual 16,66%, sedangkan aspek kognitif C2 konseptual 50%, dan aspek kognitif C3 prosedural 16,66%. Pada hasil persentase jenis pertanyaan mahasisswa magang ke dua pada aspek kognitif C1 dan aspek pengetahuan faktual 28,57%, C1 konseptual 14,28%, dan C2 faktual 14,28%, C2 konseptual 42,85%, kemudian persentase pertanyaan tingkat tinggi pada aspek kognitif C6 dan aspek pengetahuan konseptual 14,28%. Lalu pada hasil persentase mahasiswa ke tiga menunjukan aspek kognitif C1 faktual 42,85%,C1 konseptual 14,28%. Aspek kognitif C2 konseptual 14,28%, sedangkan aspek kognitif C5 prosedural 14,28%. Rata-rata persentase kemunculan jenis pertanyaan yang diajukan mahasiswa magang masih tergolong menggunakan pertanyaan tingkat rendah yaitu dari C1sampai C3 meskipun dari hasil penelitian menunjukan ada kemunculan meggunakan pertanyaan tingkat tinggi.</p><p><strong><em> </em></strong></p><p><strong><em>Kata Kunci:</em></strong><strong><em> </em></strong>Jenis Pertanyaan, Mahasiswa Magang, Taksonomi Bloom Revisi</p>

Intan Permata Sari And Indra Hartoyo

This study is aimed at (1) analyzing reading exercises based Bloom’s taxonomy for VIII grade in English on Sky textbook. (2) Found the distribution of the lower and higher order thinking skill in reading exercises. (3) To reason for level reading exercises. After analyzed the data, the result of the data analysis also infers that the six levels of Bloom’s taxonomy in reading exercises weren’t applied totally. The creating skill doesn’t have distribution in reading exercise, and the understanding – remembering level more dominant than another levels. The distribution of the higher order thinking level was lower than the lower order thinking level and the six levels are not appropriate with the proportion for each level of education based Bloom’s taxonomy, such as the distribution of the creating level in the reading exercise must be a concern because no question that belong to the creating level. It was concluded that reading exercises in English on Sky textbook cannot improve students' critical thinking skills for VIII grade.

J. K. Stringer ◽  
Sally A. Santen ◽  
Eun Lee ◽  
Meagan Rawls ◽  
Jean Bailey ◽  

Abstract Background Analytic thinking skills are important to the development of physicians. Therefore, educators and licensing boards utilize multiple-choice questions (MCQs) to assess these knowledge and skills. MCQs are written under two assumptions: that they can be written as higher or lower order according to Bloom’s taxonomy, and students will perceive questions to be the same taxonomical level as intended. This study seeks to understand the students’ approach to questions by analyzing differences in students’ perception of the Bloom’s level of MCQs in relation to their knowledge and confidence. Methods A total of 137 students responded to practice endocrine MCQs. Participants indicated the answer to the question, their interpretation of it as higher or lower order, and the degree of confidence in their response to the question. Results Although there was no significant association between students’ average performance on the content and their question classification (higher or lower), individual students who were less confident in their answer were more than five times as likely (OR = 5.49) to identify a question as higher order than their more confident peers. Students who responded incorrectly to the MCQ were 4 times as likely to identify a question as higher order than their peers who responded correctly. Conclusions The results suggest that higher performing, more confident students rely on identifying patterns (even if the question was intended to be higher order). In contrast, less confident students engage in higher-order, analytic thinking even if the question is intended to be lower order. Better understanding of the processes through which students interpret MCQs will help us to better understand the development of clinical reasoning skills.

2020 ◽  
Vol 19 (3) ◽  
pp. 467-483 ◽  
Georgios Tsaparlis

This work analyses students’ failure in the 2019 Nationwide Chemistry Examination in Greece, which concerns secondary education graduates, competing for admission to higher education Greek institutions. The distinction of thinking skills into higher and lower order (HOTS and LOTS) is used as a theoretical tool for this analysis. The examination included several questions that contained HOTS elements that had been unusual in previous examinations. This led to a decrease in overall student performance but better discrimination between outstanding and good students. Based on two samples of examination papers, corresponding to very similar subsets of the student population, the 2018 and 2019 examinations are compared, and the individual 2019 questions are evaluated. It was found that section B of the 2019 examination paper (which included contexts unfamiliar to the students, and for which, a large effect size between 2018 and 2019 was calculated) may have caused the large drop. An important link is established between the 2019 low performance and the HOTS and LOTS features of the questions, and the role or non-role of algorithmic calculations is examined. In addition, the critical opinions of chemistry teachers are provided, with a consensus emerging in favour of connecting chemistry with everyday life. Keywords: chemistry examinations, higher-order cognitive skills, higher-order thinking skills, student assessment, twelfth-grade chemistry.

2018 ◽  
Vol 76 (4) ◽  
pp. 483-498
Soo Eun Chae ◽  
Mi-Suk Lee

Past research on higher-order thinking (HOT) was mainly conducted on the bases of educational context in U.S. or western countries. This research aimed to see what kinds of HOT styles actually appear in universtiy students in South Korea. The use of HOT skills were explored in Korean universtiy students and the factors influencing the classification were examined. 1,138 Korean university students were called to respond to Lee’s (2016) Higher-Order-Thinking-Scale for Korean University Students (HOTUS). Then, a latent profile analysis and the multinomial logistic analysis were conducted. The latent profile analysis revealed that the use of HOT skills could be classified into four classes (i.e., a lower-order thinking class, a creative-argumentative class, an analytical-caring class, and a higher-order thinking class). Gender, year, and instructional approach were the determinants of latent profile types. However, there were no differences when measured by academic fields. Students with lower years were likely to fall under lower-order thinking class. The probability that men was classified as a caring class was statistically significantly lower than that of women. Students who received lecturer-centered learning were more likely to fall under the analytical and caring class. Keywords: higher-order thinking skill, latent profile analysis, multinomial logistic analysis.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 208
Muhammad Erfan ◽  
Tursina Ratu

Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) are essential skills for prospective teachers in the 21st  century. HOTS in the cognitive domain includes the ability in analyzing (C4), evaluating (C5), and creating (C6). In the process of mastering HOTS, one must know first what level of thinking skills he/she has. Therefore, this study aims to measure the achievement of the cognitive thinking skills of students of the Physics Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education University of Samawa. The measurement used test instrument in the form of essay test, then the results of the thinking skills achievement for each cognitive domain of students divided into three categories (low, medium and high). The result of  the student’s achievement of the cognitive thinking skills  obtained by students were in low category of 55%, the medium category of 11%, and 34% in the high category for mastering lower-order thinking skills (LOTS), while for HOTS, 100% was in low category and it can be concluded that the achievement of students' cognitive thinking skills is still in lower-order thinking skills.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 111-119
Andi Rurisfiani ◽  
Ramly Ramly ◽  
Sultan Sultan

Analisis Pertanyaan Guru dengan Kerangka LOTS (Lower Order Thinking Skills) dan HOTS (Highter Order Thinking Skills) pada Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia di SMKN 3 Soppeng. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan wujud pertanyaan LOTS dan HOTS guru pada awal, tengah, dan akhir pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia di SMK Negeri 3 Soppeng dengan menggunakan panduan Taksonomi Bloom Revisi Anderson & Krathwohl. Analisis dalam penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif. Teknik yang digunakan dalam pengumpulan data adalah teknik rekam dan teknik catat. Teknik yang digunakan untuk menganalisis data dalam penelitian ini adalah statistik deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada awal dan akhir pembelajaran terdapat 100% pertanyaan tingkat rendah (LOTS). Pada inti pembelajaran sebanyak 89.72% pertanyaan tingkat rendah dan sebanyak 10.28% pertanyaan yang termasuk kategori pertanyaan tingkat tinggi (HOTS).

2020 ◽  
Vol 32 ◽  
pp. 183-193
María Bobadilla-Pérez ◽  
Noelia Galán-Rodríguez

En las últimas décadas se han tomado muchas medidas para promocionar el plurilingüismo en Galicia. Una de las iniciativas más extendidas llevada a cabo en esta comunidad autónoma es la creación de las secciones bilingües y la red de instituciones educativas plurilingües desde 2010 en Educación Infantil, Educación Primaria y Secundaria. Como elemento unificador, estas secciones siguen la metodología AICLE (Aprendizaje Integrado de Contenidos y Lenguas Extranjeras): una materia no lingüística se enseña en una lengua extranjera. Sin embargo, la lengua de instrucción (L2) es la única utilizada en estas clases; la lengua materna (L1) está a veces presente en AICLE. A pesar de la idea equivocada de que utilizar la L1 en la clase de lengua extranjera sería contraproducente, estudios han demostrado que AICLE se puede beneficiar de una cierta coexistencia de ambas lenguas (Méndez García & Pavón Vázquez, 2012). Contraria a la idea de que el uso de la L1 se debe a un dominio pobre de la lengua, la aparición de ambas lenguas en el habla de los alumnos y del profesor AICLE apuntanun conocimiento más profundo de ambas lenguas. En nuestro debate sobre este tema, nos referiremos al concepto de ‘translanguaging’, que puede ser útil para entender el uso de diferentes lenguas en las secciones AICLE gallegas. Por lo tanto, este estudio trata de analizar el uso de la L1 (castellano-gallego) y la L2 como práctica de code-switching en un contexto educativo de secundaria AICLE. Dentro del marco teórico, se considerará la taxonomía de Bloom de HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills) y LOTS (Lower Order Thinking Skills) (Bloom, 1956) para evaluar el tipo de producciones orales y como el code-switching está influenciado por dichas habilidades de pensamiento.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 104
Ratna Farida ◽  
Amru Alba ◽  
Rudi Kurniawan ◽  
Zamzami Zainuddin

Traditional learning instruction puts students in a passive learning role such as listening to lectures in the classroom. One of the contemporary innovative instructional approaches is the "flipped classroom", which employs pre-class video-recorded lectures and critical in-class discussion. This instruction leads students to remember and understand the pre-class content or access videos before attending the class. In this study, we proposed the flipped learning model design in which relevant to the Indonesian Political Systems course. This preliminary study employed Research-Based Design as a methodological approach in collecting rigorous information from two experts in the field of educational technology and pedagogy. The study was conducted within several phases, namely: planning, designing, formative evaluation, revision, redesign, and summative evaluation. The finding of this study reveals that two activities are recommended to be applied for students before class (lower-order thinking skills)and the other four activities are practiced in the classroom (higher-order thinking skills). This study can be summarized that the employment of flipped-class instruction may potentially lead to independent learning and critical thinking skills. Besides, this study also becomes a recommendation for the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education (Ristekdikti) to consider the flipped classroom as a contemporary teaching-learning conception in Indonesia. AbstrakPembelajaran dengan metode konvensional seperti mendengarkan ceramah di kelas cenderung membuat peserta didik menjadi pasif dan akhirnya membuat kegiatan belajar-mengajar menjadi tidak menyenangkan dan membosankan. Salah satu model pembelajaran inovatif terbaru berbasis video pembelajaran dan diyakini dapat menjadi solusi untuk masalah ini adalah flipped classroom. Model pembelajaran ini akan menuntun peserta didik untuk belajar secara mandiri melalui video pembelajaran sebelum datang ke kelas, sedangkan kegiatan di kelas lebih difokuskan pada aktivitas diskusi dan tanya-jawab. Oleh karena demikian, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendesain model pembelajaran flipped classroom atau kelas terbalik untuk diterapkan pada sebuah perguruan tinggi dengan mata kuliah Sistem Politik Indonesia. Studi sederhana ini menggunakan pendekatan Desain Berbasis Penelitian (Design-Based Research). Penelitian ini dilakukan dalam beberapa tahap, yaitu: perencanaan, perancangan, evaluasi formatif, revisi, desain ulang, dan evaluasi sumatif oleh dua orang pakar. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa model pembelajaran flipped classroom bisa diimplementasikan dalam enam tahapan kegiatan; dua kegiatan sebelum datang ke kelas (lower-order thinking skills) dan empat kegiatan di dalam kelas (higher-order thinking skills). Dari hasil penelitian ini, dapat disimpulkan bahwa model pembelajaran inovatif flipped classroom berpotensi untuk diterapkan dalam kegiatan belajar-mengajar di perguruan tinggi, bertujuan untuk membangun budaya belajar mandiri dan berfikir kritis mahasiswa. Studi ini juga diharapkan bisa menjadi masukan bagi Kementerian Riset, Teknologi, dan Pendidikan Tinggi (Ristekdikti) atau pembuat kebijakan untuk merekomendasikan flipped classroom sebagai model pembelajaran kontemporer pada institusi pendidikan tinggi Indonesia.

Attin Warmi ◽  
Alpha Galih Adirakasiswi ◽  
Adi Ihsan Imami

Pembelajaran dan penilaian pembelajaran berbasis kemampuan berpikir tingkat tinggi (Higher Order Thinking Skills / HOTS) atau berpikir kritis selalu direkomendasikan dalam proses pembelajaran yang bermutu. Tujuan dari penelitiam ini yaitu untuk mendeskripsikan soal-soal pada penilaian akhir semester berdasarkan level berpikir dan jenis-jenis stimulis yang digunakan.  Pengelompokan pada level berpikir yaitu berdasarkan pada Lower Order Thinking Skills (LOTS), Midle Order Thinking Skills (MOTS), dan Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS). Pengelompokan pada jenis stimulus yaitu dilihat dari pertanyaan yang digunakan dalam soal-soal penilaian akhir semester. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan analisis dokumen. Soal-soal yang dianalisis adalah soal-soal matematika kelas VII pada penilaian akhir semester genap tahun pelajaran 2018/2019. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hampir setengah dari soal-soal yang di berikan pada Penilaian Akhir Semester ini merupakan soal Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) yaitu 48,57%, sedangkan soal yang tergolong dalam Midle Order Thinking Skills (MOTS) dan Low Order Thinking Skill (LOTS) berturut turut sebesar 31,43% dan 20%. Jenis stimulus yang digunakan dalam soal Penilaian Akhir Semester ini berupa penggalan kasus/situasi masalah, gambar, simbol,daftar kata, diagram dan rumus, tetapi jenis stimulus yang paling banyak ditemukan  dalam Soal Penilaian Akhir Semester ini yaitu penggalan kasus/situasi masalah.  

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (02) ◽  
pp. 115-123
Erniyanti ◽  
M. Junus ◽  
Muliati Syam

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis besar persentase kemunculan ranah kognitif pada soal latihan  berdasarkan   taksonomi   Bloom  Revisi  yang  terdapat  pada  buku pelajaran Fisika kelas X karya Ni Ketut Lasmi khususnya pada materi Vektor, Gerak Lurus dan Gerak Parabola dengan total soal sebanyak 172 butir soal. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif dengan instrumen penelitian yang digunakan berupa lembar klasifikasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa persentase kemunculan soal yang mengembangkan keterampilan berpikir tingkat rendah (lower order thinking skills) terbilang besar yaitu C1-konseptual 2,9%, C2-konseptual 5,2%, C3-konseptual 0,6%, dan C3-prosedural 66,9%, sedangkan pada  kategori soal yang mengembangkan keterampilan berpikir tingkat tinggi (higher order thinking skills) persentase tertinggi terdapat pada kategori soal C4-prosedural sebesar 23,8% dan untuk C4-konseptual hanya 0,6%. Selain tingkatan soal di atas, maka persentase kemunculan tingkat soal lainnya sebesar 0%. Sehingga, persentase kemunculan soal yang mengembangkan keterampilan tingkat tinggi masih rendah dan masih perlu ditingkatkan.

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