Pelatihan SPSS pada Guru-Guru di Sekolah Dasar Negeri 173529 Tampahan

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 486-491
Sinta Dameria Simanjuntak ◽  
Ari Usman

The teachers at SD 173529 are teachers with the status of Civil Servants (PNS). Teachers with the status of civil servants must write scientific papers when going up to a position or class. The problem is writing scientific papers and data processing. The solution offered to overcome this problem is SPSS training include processing research data and how to read the SPSS output to be narrated in the research results. The method used consisted of group discussions, deliberations, in-house training and workshops. The results from this activity are the teacher gives a positive response to the training activities include 100% of teachers liked the training material, the modules used, the way of learning, the way the instructor taught. The other results are the teachers stated that the training material is new (71.42%), the modules used are new (85.71%),  the learning method implemented is new (85.71%),  the method of teaching is a new way of teaching (85,71%), the teacher expressed interest in using SPSS in processing research data and in training activities (100%).

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 99-110
Sinta Dameria SImanjuntak ◽  
Ari Usman

The problem of partners in Community Service Activities is that teachers are not able to operate computers or laptops properly. As a result of these conditions, the teacher is unable to use Microsoft Word smoothly. On the other hand, the use of Microsoft Word is very necessary for teachers both for administrative purposes, the need for the preparation of scientific work or the preparation of teaching materials. The solution used to overcome partner problems is through Microsoft Word learning activities. The learning method implemented is through group discussions, deliberations, internal training and workshops. The results obtained were an increase in partner knowledge in operating Microsoft Word and the teacher gave a positive response to the training activities.

2016 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 47-57 ◽  
Rochmad Rochmad ◽  
Masrukan Masrukan

Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengekplorasi kemampuan mahasiswa program studi matematika dalam menganalisis materi secara berkelompok. Subyek penelitian sebanyak 42 mahasiswa program studi matematika yang mengikuti mata kuliah dasar-dasar penelitian pendidikan matematika. Ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK) dengan 3 siklus. Subyek penelitian dibagi dalam delapan kelompok, masing-masing beranggota 5-6 mahasiswa. Pelaksanaan pembelajaran di kelas menggunakan pembelajaran kooperatif resiprokal berbantuan e-learning edmodo. Investigasi kemampuan mahasiswa dalam menganalisis materi dilakukan dengan cara mengamati berlangsungnya kegiatan diskusi kelompok, dan dari laporan hasil kerja tertulis. Di samping itu data penelitian dapat diperoleh melalui presentasi dan diskusi kelas. Kinerja mahasiswa dalam kelompok ketika menganalisis aturan atau pedoman, misalnya buku panduan penulisan skripsi, tugas akhir, dan karya ilmiah tampak meliputi aspek kegiatan membaca, mengeksplorasi, dan mempresentasikan. Dalam menganalisis jurnal ilmiah kegiatan mahasiswa dalam kelompok meliputi aspek membaca, merencanakan, menganalisis, mengeksplorasi, dan memverifikasi. Dalam mempresentasikan hasil diskusinya menunjukkan adanya aspek menanya, menjelaskan, memprediksi, dan meringkas. Dalam memecahkan masalah secara berkelompok, mahasiswa bersikap disiplin, aktif, dan bertanggungjawab.The purpose of this study is to explore the ability of students of mathematics to analyze the material in groups. The research subjects were 42 students of mathematics who followed the course the basics of mathematics education research. It is classroom action research (CAR) with 3 cycles. The subjects were divided into eight groups, each student membered 5-6. Implementation of classroom learning using reciprocal aided cooperative learning Edmodo e-learning. Investigation of students ability to analyze the material is done by observing the course of the group discussions, and reports the results of the written work. In addition, research data could be collected through presentations and class discussions. Performance of the students in the group when analyzing the rules or guidelines, for example guidebooks thesis writing, thesis and scientific papers appear include aspects of reading, exploring, and presenting. In analyzing the scientific journal of student activities in the group include aspects of reading, plan, analyze, explore, and verify. In the present discussion results indicate aspects ask, explain, predict, and summarize. In solving problems in a group of students, they were being discipline, active, and responsible.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (01) ◽  
Sri Wulan Anggraeni ◽  
Yayan Alpian ◽  
H. Haerudin

Abstract: The purpose of this Community Service activities are aimed at disseminating the increase in the number of professional teachers for credit through the writing of scientific papers, providing the knowledge and understanding of how to write a scientific paper in the journal scientific, and produces scientific papers in the form of the paper/article about education-elementary's.In addition, this Community Service is a vehicle for the study Program PGSD to devote keilmuannya.Target audience Devotion On this society is The primary teachers se-Banyusari sub district of Falkirk which is the teacher of Civil Servants and Non-Civil Servants totalling 20 people from the planned 32 people.This activity is a method of training for 2 days of writing scientific papers.The implementation is done by the training, using the method of lecture with presentation techniques, followed by a question and answer discussions and exercises as a form of scientific paper-writing workshop activities as betuk professional development of teachers.The results of the implementation of the community service Society showed still lack of success because the participants are present just as many as 20 men primary school teachers from the plan of 32 people.Nevertheless, the Community Service activities whose primary purpose is to provide an understanding of writing scientific papers.It can be seen from his enthusiasm the primary teachers in following the whole training activities, both in the granting of material.The teachers also show enthusiasm when conducting discussions.Keyword: Writing Of Scientific Works, Primary School TeachersAbstrak: Tujuan kegiatan Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat ini adalah bertujuan untuk mensosialisasikan kenaikan angka kredit bagi guru profesional melalui penulisan karya ilmiah, memberikan pengetahuan dan pemahaman tentang tata cara menulis karya ilmiah pada jurnal ilmiah, dan menghasilkan karya ilmiah berupa naskah/artikel tentang pendidikan ke-SD-an. Selain itu, Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat ini merupakan wahana bagi Program Studi PGSD untuk mengabdikan keilmuannya. Khalayak sasaran Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat ini adalah Para guru SD se-kecamatan Banyusari kabupaten Karawang yang merupakan guru PNS dan Non PNS berjumlah 20 orang dari yang direncanakan 32 orang. Metode kegiatan ini adalah Pelatihan selama 2 hari tentang penulisan karya ilmiah. Pelaksanaan dilakukan dengan pelatihan, menggunakan metode ceramah yaitu dengan teknik presentasi, dilanjutkan dengan diskusi tanya jawab dan latihan sebagai bentuk kegiatan workshop penulisan karya ilmiah sebagai betuk pengembangan profesi guru. Hasil pelaksanaan Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat dapat diidentifikasi mengenai tingkat pemahaman peserta pengabdian adalah bahwa 70% peserta pengabdian memahami konsep penulisan karya ilmiah sebagai pengembangan profesi guru yang profesional. Kegiatan pelatihan berjalan dengan lancar dihadiri oleh 20 peserta undangan. Peserta pelatihan terlihat antusias dengan materi pelatihan yang diberikan. Hal ini terlihat dari awal hingga akhir acara, semua peserta mengikuti dengan baik. Para guru juga memperlihatkan antusiasnya ketika melakukan diskusi.Kata Kunci: Penulisan Karya Ilmiah, Guru SD

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (01) ◽  
Anggy Giri Prawiyogi ◽  
Hamawati Hamawati ◽  
Tarpan Suparman

Abstract: The purpose of this Community Service activities are aimed at disseminating the increase in the number of professional teachers for credit through the writing of scientific papers, providing the knowledge and understanding of how to write a scientific paper in the journal scientific, and produces scientific papers in the form of the paper/article about education-elementary's.In addition, this Community Service is a vehicle for the study Program PGSD to devote keilmuannya.Target audience Devotion On this society is The primary teachers se-Banyusari sub district of Falkirk which is the teacher of Civil Servants and Non-Civil Servants totalling 20 people from the planned 32 people.This activity is a method of training for 2 days of writing scientific papers.The implementation is done by the training, using the method of lecture with presentation techniques, followed by a question and answer discussions and exercises as a form of scientific paper-writing workshop activities as betuk professional development of teachers.The results of the implementation of the community service Society showed still lack of success because the participants are present just as many as 20 men primary school teachers from the plan of 32 people.Nevertheless, the Community Service activities whose primary purpose is to provide an understanding of writing scientific papers.It can be seen from his enthusiasm the primary teachers in following the whole training activities, both in the granting of material.The teachers also show enthusiasm when conducting discussions.Keyword: Implementation Of Sundanese, Elementary StudentsAbstrak: Kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat merupakan salah satu bentuk pelaksanaan Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi yang ditujukan agar dosen dan mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar memiliki keterampilan bermasyarakat. Khalayak  sasaran  dari  pengabdian  ini  adalah  siswa/siswi  di  desa Karangjaya. Kegiatan pengabdian  telah  dilaksanakan  pada  tanggal  4-6 Agustus yang  bertempat  di desa Karangjaya Kecamatan Pedes Kabupaten Karawang, dengan diikuti oleh 30 orang peserta siswa/siswi  SD. Dari  hasil  evaluasi  diperoleh  hasil  dan  manfaat  dari  kegiatan  pengabdian  ini diantaranya adalah meningkatkan motivasi belajar bahasa daerah yaitu basa sunda, dan keterampilan siswa dalam menulis dan membaca aksara sunda serta menembangkan pupuh-pupuh yang ada pada pelajaran bahasa sunda. Kegiatan pengabdian  ini  berjalan  dengan  lancar,  karena  berbagai  pendukung  terutama  partisipasi peserta yang cukup antusias dan berpartisipasi aktif dalam kegiatan penataan kelompok belajar ini. Kegiatan penataan  ini  hendaknya  dilakukan  pada  sasaran  yang  lebih  luas  dan  materinya dapat dikembangkan lagi sehingga siswa/siswi lebih banyak mendapatkan materi tentang bahasa daerah yaitu bahasa sunda. Tujuan  kegiatan  pengabdian  kepada  masyarakat  ini,  yang  dilaksanakan melalui kegiatan penataan kelompok belajar adalah memotivasi siswa/siswi agar bersemangat belajar dan belajar melestarikan bahasa sunda, membekali siswa/sisi pengetahuan bahasa sunda dengan menggunakan media pembelajaran yang mengasikan, membekali siswa/siswi cara menembangkan pupuh dengan nada yang sesuai, membekali siswa/siswi menulis dan membaca aksara sunda dengan baik dan benar. Selain itu, Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat ini merupakan wahana bagi Program Studi PGSD untuk mengabdikan keilmuannya. Kata Kunci: Implementasi Bahasa Sunda, Siswa SD

2009 ◽  
Vol 36 (1) ◽  
pp. 77-99 ◽  

The bibliography brings together more than 250 scientific papers and books written by Alwyne (Wyn) Wheeler over fifty years, from 1955–2006. This chronological list shows that from the beginning his research followed three themes: taxonomy of historically important fish collections; identification and distribution of the British and European fish fauna ; the status of British fishes in a changing environment. Until the mid-point in Wyn's career he published regularly on the identification of fish remains in archaeological sites in Britain and Europe. Wyn also wrote under an alias, Allan Cooper, and these have been listed separately. The bibliography concludes with a selection of the regular columns he contributed to angling magazines.

1970 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 90-97
Олена Злобіна

Статтю    присвячено    аналізу    можливостей    застосування    міждисциплінарного    підходу    в  дослідженнях трансформацій конструкту ідентичності. Виокремлено обмеженості дослідження стадій  циплінарних  підходах.  Запропоновано  застосувати  стадійний  підхід  в  аналізі  вікової  групи  «молодь»  з  метою верифікації положення про її диференціацію на різні вікові підгрупи, які відрізняються статусами  ідентичності. Теоретичним підґрунтям дослідження є теорія психогенетичного розвитку особистості Е.  Еріксона та статусна динамічна модель розвитку ідентичності Дж. Марсіа. Емпіричну основу склали  матеріали аналізу 14 фокус-групових дискусій, проведених у молодіжних аудиторіях: 7 груп з молоддю у віці  18-21  рік  і  7  з  молоддю  у  віці  26-30  років.  Підтверджено  внутрішню  диференціацію    вікової  стадії  «молодість». Показано, що динаміка психогенезу на цій стадії характеризується домінуванням дифузного  статусу у молодшої групи та статусу досягненості у старшої.  Інші статуси зустрічаються значно  рідше.   Наявний   емпіричний   матеріал   не   дає   можливості   простежити   чинники,   які   зумовлюють  зафіксовані відмінності, проте отримані в ході дослідження типові портрети зазначених груп  дозволяють   розвинути міждисциплінарний підхід до проблеми персоногенезу та застосувати його можливості для  вироблення стратегії дослідження «процесу переходу» від стадії до стадії The article is devoted to the analysis of the possibilities of using the interdisciplinary approach in studies of transformations of the construct of identity. The limitations of studies of stages of development in monodisciplinary approaches are singled out. It is suggested to apply the step-by-step approach in the analysis of the age group "youth" in order to verify the position on its differentiation into different age subgroups that differ in identity statuses. The theoretical basis of the study is the theory of psychogenetic development of the personality of E. Erickson and the status dynamic model of identity development of J. Marcia. Empirical basis was made by the analysis materials 14 focus group discussions held in youth audiences: 7 groups with youth aged 18-21 and 7 with young people aged 26-30. The internal differentiation of the age stage "youth" has been confirmed. It is shown that the dynamics of psychogenesis at this stage is characterized by the dominance of diffuse status in the younger group and the status of attainment in the older group. Other statuses are much less common. The existing empirical material does not provide an opportunity to trace the factors that cause the observed differences, but the typical portraits of these groups obtained in the course of the research allow developing an interdisciplinary approach to the problem of personogenesis and applying its possibilities for developing a strategy for studying the "transition process" from stage to stage.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 129-131
Almanna Wassalwa ◽  
Agung Wijaksono

The research objective is to increase the wealth of mufrodat through hypnoteaching methods. The research subjects were all fifth grade students of MI Miftahun Najah Banyuputih Situbondo in the 2016/2017 Academic Year. Researchers used data collection instruments in the form of observation formats, question sheets, field notes, and interview guidelines. The research method is classroom action research. Data analysis techniques are planning, acting, observing and reflecting. The results of the study are: 1) The average memorization of students' mufrodat in the pre cycle before receiving hypnoteaching learning method treatment gets an average of 65.38. The smallest value is 55 and the highest value is 80. With the Minimal Completeness Criteria reference of 70, the number of students who get a score equal to or above the Minimal Completeness Criteria is 23% while students who have not reached the Minimal Completeness Criteria is 77%. 2) The average memorization of students' mufrodat in the first cycle after applying hypnoteaching learning method got an average of 72.3. The smallest value is 55 and the highest value is 80. With the Minimal Completeness Criteria reference of 70, the number of students who score equal to or above the Minimal Completeness Criteria is 61.5% while students who have not reached the Minimal Completeness Criteria is 38.5%. 3) The average memorization of students' mufrodat in the second cycle gets an average of 90. The smallest value is 75 and the highest score is 100. With a Minimal Completeness Criteria reference of 70, the number of students who score equal to or above the Minimal Completeness Criteria is 92.3% while students who have not yet reached Minimal Completeness Criteria is 7.7%. 4) The use of hypnoteaching method can increase the wealth of mufrodat of fifth grade students of MI Miftahun Najah Banyuputih Situbondo in 2016/2017 Academic Year.

2017 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 193-214
Afifur Rochman Sya'rani

Most of traditional Muslim exegetes interpret Q. 4:34 in terms of maintaining the superiority of men over women. Some progressive Muslim scholars then insist a contextual approach to the verse to criticize gender inequality. Among some progressive Muslim scholars, this article comparatively examines the interpretations of Amina Wadud and Mohammed Talbi of Q. 4:34. Although both of them propose a contextual reading of the verse, they have different intellectual background, approach and method in interpreting the Qur’ān. The questions are to what extent the similarities and differences of both Wadud’s and Talbi’s interpretation of Q. 4:34 and how far their interpretations reflect their respective intention and perspective? Applying Gadamer’s hermeneutical approach, the article concludes that [1] Both Wadud and Talbi argue that the verse does not establish the superiority of men over women, but acknowledges duties division among married couple; [2] the difference among their interpretations is on the status of relationship among married couple; [3] Wadud’s and Talbi’s interpretations represent their respective hermeneutical situations and the way they define ontologically the nature of  interpretation and Qur’anic hermeneutics affect on producing the meanings of the verse.

Derek Parfit

This third volume of this series develops further previous treatment of reasons, normativity, the meaning of moral discourse, and the status of morality. It engages with critics, and shows the way to resolution of their differences. This volume is partly about what it is for things to matter, in the sense that we all have reasons to care about these things. Much of the book discusses three of the main kinds of meta-ethical theory: normative naturalism, quasi-realist expressivism, and non-metaphysical non-naturalism, which this book refers to as non-realist cognitivism. This third theory claims that, if we use the word ‘reality’ in an ontologically weighty sense, irreducibly normative truths have no mysterious or incredible ontological implications. If instead we use ‘reality’ in a wide sense, according to which all truths are truths about reality, this theory claims that some non-empirically discoverable truths — such as logical, mathematical, modal, and some normative truths — raise no difficult ontological questions. This book discusses these theories partly by commenting on the views of some of the contributors to Peter Singer's collection Does Anything Really Matter? Parfit on Objectivity.

Eva Steiner

This chapter looks briefly at the way judges are recruited in France and how and to what degree this is reflected in their way of reasoning and style of argument. It outlines the requirements for admission to the profession of being a judge in France and the methods adopted for training them. This outline is confined to professional judges, but it should be noted that, in France, commercial and employment cases are adjudicated at the first instance by lay judges. Further, judges in the administrative courts are not included in the teaching and training processes provided for by the École Nationale de la Magistrature (ENM). Administrative judges are recruited from the pool of high-ranking civil servants, many of them trained at the prestigious ENA (École Nationale d'Administration).

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