contextual approach
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2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 367
Didin Baharuddin ◽  
Mohammad Rindu Fajar Islamy

<p><span lang="IN">Intervensi pemerintah </span><span>terhadap</span><span lang="IN"> pasar dipandang suatu kebutuhan, tujuannya adalah dalam rangka melindungi konsumen dari unsur kerugian atau kemadharatan. Namun demikian, dalam literature hadis, sebagian narasi mengindikasikan adanya larangan intervensi pemimpin dalam mengatur mekanisme penetapan harga pasar. Ditinjau dengan menggunakan pendekatan kontekstual, perkembangan tradisi, kultur, budaya, serta lahirnya kompleksitas problematika baru justru mendorong pemerintah dan para sarjana muslim untuk mereinterpretasi pemahaman baru terkait hadis tas’ir sehingga berimplikasi dalam memberikan solusi alternatif terhadap kebijakan-kebijakan ekonomi yang mapan dan produktif. Tujuan studi literature ini dalam rangka melacak hadis-hadis tas’ir serta bagaimana bangunan konstruksi pemahaman para ulama dalam menafsirkan makna hadis tas’ir tersebut. Koleksi hadis tas’ir dikumpulkan dari beragam kitab-kitab turats hadis, lalu dianalisi</span><span>s</span><span lang="IN"> menggunakan metode deskriptif analitik. Temuan penelitian ini memperlihatkan bahwa tas’īr diperbolehkan oleh para ulama dengan beberapa dhowābith. Hal ini menunjukkan Kontekstualisasi pemahaman hadis sangat penting agar Islam tidak kaku terhadap perkembangan zaman. Islam menjadi responsif terhadap tantangan dan permasalahan yang muncul. Sehingga Islam menjadi <em>shalihun li kulli makan wa zaman</em>.</span></p><div><span lang="IN">[<strong><span lang="IN">The Relevance </span><span>o</span><span lang="IN">f The <em>Tas'ir</em> Hadith (Price Setting) </span><span>t</span><span lang="IN">o The Economic System </span><span>i</span><span lang="IN">n Indonesia</span></strong><span>. </span><span lang="IN">Government intervention in market policies is seen as a necessity, the aim is to protect consumers from elements of loss or harm. However, in the hadith literature, some narratives indicate that there is a prohibition on the intervention of the leader in regulating the market pricing mechanism. Judging by using a contextual approach, the development of traditions, culture, culture, and the birth of new problematic complexities actually encourage the government and Muslim scholars to reinterpret new understandings related to the tas'ir hadith so that it has implications for developing alternative solutions to established and productive economic policies. The purpose of this literature study is to trace the traditions of tas'ir and how to construct the understanding of the scholars in interpreting the meaning of the hadith of tas'ir. The collection of tas'ir hadiths was collected from various turats hadith books, then analyzed using descriptive analytic methods. The findings of this study show that tas'īr is allowed by scholars with several dhowābith. This shows the contextualization of the understanding of hadith is very important so that Islam is not rigid to the times. Islam becomes responsive to the challenges and problems that arise. So that Islam becomes shālihun li kulli makān wa zamān.]</span></span></div>

2021 ◽  
Vol 28 (3-4) ◽  
pp. 179-205
John Klaasen

Abstract This article is a contribution to the discourse on religion and development. The contribution seeks to investigate the role of religious conceptualisations in development. Theological anthropology, and specifically the Christian doctrine of the imago Dei, is critically analysed from the historical-biblical approach, a feminist and postcolonial approach, and a contextual approach. Themes such as progression, responsibility, relationships, and the spiritual dimension of personhood are identified as contributing toward the role of religion in development. Drawing from theological concepts such as “vocation,” “rule,” “image,” and “likeness,” the specific connections between religion and development derives from the central theological anthropological doctrine of the imago Dei. The themes that are identified are not explored exhaustively but are nonetheless highlighted as markers that should be considered by both practitioners and academics in the broad-based development discourse and practices. The limitations of the modernisation and materialistic approaches of the post-war period are countered by the centrality of personhood.

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 ◽  
pp. 1-34
Simphiwe S Bidie

Impediments to corporate accountability have over the recent years manifested in diverse forms. What took place in Peel v Hamon J&C Engineering (Pty) Ltd is a case in point. The aim of this article is in two forms. First, from the commentaries and cases consulted, it is clear that the character of who must qualify in terms of the section 163 criterion is not settled. Moreover, this can be gleaned from the criticisms against Moshidi J's judgment in Peel for having extended/expanded the section 163 remedy to afford relief to shareholders and directors whom the legislature may not have contemplated to cover under the relief. The aim here is to argue in support of this expansion as promoting accountability. Secondly, it is to make some comments on the criterion that it is only a shareholder and a director who are accorded locus standi to invoke the remedy. From the discussion, the paper makes numerous commendable observations. First, the complaint raised in Peel was not an abuse of process; it was a genuine complaint/application seeking to address genuine and novel issues which often arise between the parties in company law. Second, Moshidi J's judgment demonstrates evolution/progress for its contextual approach to the section 163 remedy's interpretation. The judgment heralds/foreshadows colossal principles/practices within company law aimed at balancing stakeholder interests. Third, the judgment potently disentangles hurdles which normally impede accountability by company directors. Lastly, the paper recommends that other stakeholders be considered for relief under the remedy.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 204-209

This study aims to obtain an overview of the application of contextual models in mathematics learning in an effort to improve student competence. The subjects in this study were students of class VIII A Mts. Tunas Harapan Bangsa, Sukabumi Regency, found 41 people consisting of 21 male students and 20 female students and the sub-topics were circles. This can be seen from the average value of the formative tests for each cycle of action and sub summative, namely the Action Cycle I on average is 66.88 with 70.73% completeness, in Cycle II the average is 73.66 with 87 completeness. .80%, and in the sub-summative the average is 88 with a completeness of 92.68%. In addition to improving student learning outcomes, the use of a contextual approach can also increase the responses of students who are netted through journals and questionnaires. As students respond positively to learning by using a contextual approach. Based on student questionnaires, a response of 3.09 was obtained. Meanwhile, based on the journal, in Cycles I, II, and III students gave positive responses of 53.66%, 65.86%, and 87.80%, respectively. ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh gambaran tentang penerapan model konstektual pada pembelajaran matematika dalam upaya meningkatkan kompetensi siswa. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VIII A Mts. Tunas Harapan Bangsa Kabupaten Sukabumi, berjumlah 41 orang yang terdiri dari 21 siswa laki-laki dan 20 siswa perempuan dan sub pokok bahasan adalah lingkaran. Hal ini dapat dilhat dari nilai rata-rata tes formatif setiap siklus tindakan dan sub sumatif, yaitu Siklus Tindakan I rata-ratanya adalah 66,88 dengan ketuntasan 70,73%, pada Siklus Tindakan II rata-ratanya adalah 73,66 dengan ketuntasan 87,80%, dan pada sub Sumatif rata-ratanya 88 dengan ketuntasan 92,68%. Selain untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa, penggunaan pendekatan konstektual pun dapat meningkatkan respon siswa yang terjaring melalui jurnal dan angket. Sebagai siswa merespon positif terhadap pembelajaran dengan menggunakan metode pendekatan konstektual. Berdasarkan angket siswa diperoleh respon sebesar 3,09. Sedangkan berdasarkan jurnal, pada Siklus I, II, dan III siswa memberikan respon positif berturut-turut sebesar 53,66%, 65,86%, dan 87,80%.

2021 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
Hiromune Oda

Abstract The article shows that the Coordinate Structure Constraint (CSC) can be violated in a number of languages and establishes a novel cross-linguistic generalization regarding languages that allow violations of the CSC. A phase-based deduction of this generalization is then provided under a particular contextual approach to phases. In addition, based on the cross-linguistic data regarding violations of the CSC, it is argued that the CSC should be separated into two conditions: (i) the ban on extraction of a conjunct, and (ii) the ban on extraction out of a conjunct. This means that the whole coordinate structure (ConjP) as well as individual conjuncts are islands independently of each other. The article also addresses the long-standing debate regarding where in the grammar the CSC applies, arguing that the two different conditions that result from the separation of the traditional CSC ((i) and (ii) above) are deduced from different mechanisms in the architecture of the grammar: one is a purely syntactic condition, and the other is an interface condition.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (12) ◽  
pp. 762
Mariana Pita ◽  
Joana Costa ◽  
António Carrizo Moreira

Entrepreneurial universities are a significant element of entrepreneurial ecosystems and aspire to foster entrepreneurial initiative through their “third mission”. However, while entrepreneurial ecosystems are scrutinized using a contextual approach to detect differences and similarities and how they affect entrepreneurship, little is known about how entrepreneurial universities impact entrepreneurial initiatives in general, considering multiple environments. Drawing on entrepreneurial university and entrepreneurial ecosystem theories, a conceptual framework is proposed that aims to explain the effect of the entrepreneurial university on an entrepreneurial initiative through its three “missions”, using an entrepreneurial ecosystem taxonomy. Based on individual data from the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, this entrepreneurial initiative analyzed 18 European countries in 2017. The results do not generally support the importance of entrepreneurial universities to entrepreneurial initiative. The relevance of entrepreneurial universities increases in more fragile entrepreneurial ecosystems since individuals need support over multiple dimensions. Conversely, the entrepreneurial universities that are embedded in stronger entrepreneurial ecosystems lose relevance and negatively affect the entrepreneurial initiative. Therefore, the value of entrepreneurial universities is reduced when individuals receive greater support from other dimensions. The variations across both groups suggest that the concept of entrepreneurial universities is not a contemporaneous phenomenon; however, their effect is progressively revealed by the maturity of each university’s mission. This perspective substantially changes the understanding of entrepreneurial universities as a thwartwise strategy, suggesting that the universities’ impact is expanded as their missions gradually evolve. Overall, the study contributes to an understanding of the implications for universities that blindly follow entrepreneurship, neglecting the exogenous environment, namely, the entrepreneurial ecosystem and individual drive.

Syntax Idea ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (11) ◽  
pp. 2413
Inan Nurrofiq

SMA Negeri 1 Sukapura in class X MIA has learning problems in Mathematics, namely Trigonometry. In Class X MIA SMA Negeri 1 Sukapura, many students do not understand the material presented by the Mathematics teacher. The low understanding of students towards Trigonometry is caused by students having difficulty understanding the material presented by the teacher., Students are not actively involved in learning and it is difficult to gain deep understanding. This results in students' ability to understand trigonometry. Therefore, this study takes the title "Implementation of STAD type Cooperative Learning Learning Model with a Contextual Approach to Improve Students' Ability to Understand Trigonometry in Class X MIA SMA Negeri 1 Sukapura Academic Year 2017/2018" Learning Model Cooperative Learning type STAD through a Contextual Approach is a teaching method that emphasizes activities and interactions between students to motivate each other and help each other in mastering the subject matter in order to achieve maximum performance by presenting real-world situations into the classroom. Comparison of research results, namely in the pre-cycle the number of students who finished studying was only 19 students or 76%, then in cycle 1 it increased to 20 students or 80%, and increased in cycle 2 to 22 students or 88%. From the comparison of the results of the study, It can be concluded that, with the concept of 4X meetings, the STAD Cooperative Learning model learning with a Contextual Approach has a positive impact on the process of increasing students' ability to understand Trigonometry

2021 ◽  
David Noakes

<p>This thesis ... seeks to identify expressions of spirituality that have been evident in Pakeha interaction with and reflection upon the Hutt River since 1840. To achieve this, an historical-contextual approach has been adopted using Claire Wolfteich's premise that 'spirituality must be analysed through a historical-contextual approach which can uncover the contours of a community's spiritual practice in relation to a given time and place.' It is important to note here that the historical-contextual approach does not treat spirituality as purely metaphysical and therefore extraordinary to human experience or history. Instead, it recognizes social context as the very environment in which spirituality is located and found. Using this approach the thesis uncovers expressions of nature spirituality that have been operative in relation to the Hutt River since the arrival of the first European settlers. It demonstrates that a range of these spiritual expressions have always existed, and highlights the way that these spiritualities have been shaped, in varying degrees, by religious, economic, political and aesthetic factors. The evolution, accommodations and adaptations which have occurred amongst expressions of nature spirituality present a scene of diversity, complexity and variegation. Overall, this thesis therefore argues that various expressions of river spirituality are clearly evident in Pakeha interaction and relationships with the Hutt River. These expressions are complex in make up and how they interrelate with each other. River spirituality exists with its own unique set of dynamics within a wider discussion of Pakeha earth centered spirituality. (p. 7)</p>

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