scholarly journals 20. Ectoparasites Identification of Stingrays Fish (Dasyatis Sp.) At Peunayong Fish Market, Banda Aceh

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 145-150
Muttaqien Muttaqien ◽  
Arini Ulfa Khaira ◽  
Winaruddin Winaruddin ◽  
Eliawardani Eliawardani ◽  
Muhammad Hambal ◽  

The aim of this research was to observe the histological of the thymus in tegal duck (Anas javanicus) according to the variation of ages. The animals used in this research were one month, two months and three months old of tegal duck. The thymus of each duck was analyzed by Hematoxylin-Eosin (HE) method and then observed under a light microscope. The result of the research performed differences in thymus structure of these three ages.The cortex had increased at the age of 2 months and decreased at the age of 3 months. The longest diameter of medulla at the age of 3 months was followed by ages 2 months and 1 month of tegal ducks. The distribution ofHassall's body had increased at every age level. So, the cortex thickness decreased at the age of 2 months to 3 months, while the diameter of the medulla was getting longer

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 138-144
Hamdani Budiman ◽  
Anugrah Septian ◽  
Hamny Hamny ◽  
Zainuddin Zainuddin ◽  
Cut Dahlia Iskandar ◽  

The aim of this research was to observe the histological of the thymus in tegal duck (Anas javanicus) according to the variation of ages. The animals used in this research were one month, two months and three months old of tegal duck. The thymus of each duck was analyzed by Hematoxylin-Eosin (HE) method and then observed under a light microscope. The result of the research performed differences in thymus structure of these three ages. The cortex had increased at the age of 2 months and decreased at the age of 3 months. The longest diameter of medulla at the age of 3 months was followed by ages 2 months and 1 month of tegal ducks.  The distribution of Hassall's body had increased at every age level. So, the cortex thickness decreased at the age of 2 months to 3 months, while the diameter of the medulla was getting longer.

2016 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Safara Malullana Ulfah

This study aims to determine the histopathology of lung of local dog (Canis lupus familiaris) with anthracosis. The study used 30 dogs with the ages of 2 years sacrificed by strychnine and necropsied to collect the lungs. The anatomycal pathology method was used to examine the presence of dust particles in lungs. The samples then proceed to histopathology using standard microtechnic method and stained with hematoxylin-eosin. Data were analyzed descriptively. The result showed that 10 out of 30 samples were positive pulmonary anthracosis proven by carbon pigment found in septae of alveolar, whereas 20 samples negative anthracosis. Other changes observed were emphysema, congestion, edema, hemorrhage, hyperemia, and fibrosis. In conclusion the percentage of dogs with anthracosis in Banda Aceh City and Aceh Besar is 33.33%. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Key words: lung histopathology, local dog, anthracosis

Ramziah An Najah ◽  
Ernani Lubis ◽  
Retno Muninggar

<p>ABSTRACT<br />Lampulo Coastal Fishing Port is not working optimally after the 2004 tsunami. A total of 9,563 units boats without motor, outboard boats and inboard boats were damaged by the tsunami, including the PPP Lampulo, 30 Fish Landing Base (PPI), ice plant, cold storage, Fish/Shrimp Seed Center Office, and the fish market. This study aimed to obtain information about the existence and condition of facilities in the PPP Lampulo, Banda Aceh; determining the level of existence, needs, and facility conditions to support their activities; and determining the ratio between the existence and needs of the facilities. The case study method was applied in this research with scoping on existence, needs, and facility conditions and the ratio between the existence and the need for facilities to support activities in the PPP Lampulo. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistical approach. The result showed that, in general, the existence and condition of facilities in supporting the activities of the PPP Lampulo had been going well. The ratio between the existing facilities toward the should exist facilities, namely on the vital facilities 1:1,12 (good), significant 1:1 (very good), and complement 1:1,43 (good) and this indicated that all activities in the PPP Lampulo had already been going properly. Key words: Banda Aceh, fishing ports, PPP Lampulo, the facilities</p><p>-------</p><p><br />ABSTRAK<br />Pelabuhan Perikanan Pantai Lampulo merupakan pelabuhan perikanan pantai (PPP) yang belum berupaya secara optimal setelah tsunami. Sebanyak 9.563 unit perahu tanpa motor, perahu motor tempel dan kapal motor hancur/hilang/rusak akibat tsunami, termasuk juga PPP Lampulo, 30 Pangkalan Pendaratan Ikan (PPI), pabrik es, cold storage, Balai Benih Ikan/Balai Benih Udang, dan Pasar Ikan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang keberadaan dan kondisi fasilitas yang terdapat di PPP Lampulo; menentukan tingkat keberadaan, kebutuhan, dan kondisi fasilitas dalam menunjang aktivitasnya; serta menentukan rasio antara keberadaan dan kebutuhan fasilitasnya. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah studi kasus yang melingkupi keberadaan, kebutuhan, dan kondisi fasilitas serta rasio antara keberadaan dan kebutuhan fasilitas dalam menunjang aktivitas di PPP Lampulo. Analisis yang dilakukan secara deskriptif melalui pendekatan statistik. Secara umum keberadaan dan kondisi fasilitas dalam menunjang aktivitas di PPP Lampulo telah berjalan dengan baik. Perolehan rasio antara fasilitas yang ada terhadap fasilitas yang seharusnya ada, yaitu: pada kelompok fasilitas vital 1:1,12 (baik), penting 1:1 ( baik sekali), dan pelengkap 1:1,43 (baik). Hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa segala aktivitas di PPP Lampulo sudah dapat berjalan dengan baik.<br />Kata kunci: Banda Aceh, pelabuhan perikanan, PPP Lampulo, fasilitas</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
Riana Pauline Tamba ◽  
Yefta Moenadjat

Introduction: Immature intestines are the major problem in prematurity. Postnatal oral spermine has been shown in studies to improve intestinal maturation in rats and piglets. This study aimed to find out the efficacy of spermine in rabbits during gestation.Method: An experimental study was done in an unblinded, randomized manner on those treated with and without spermine administration. A morphological examination of hematoxylin–eosin-stained villi was performed under a light microscope with a focus on villi height. Data were subjected to analysis.Results: The median of the spermine-treated group was found to be higher at 24, 26, and 28 days than the non-spermine group, but was not significantly different.Conclusion: Oral spermine supplementation during gestation might improve intestinal villi height in immature rabbit intestines.

2017 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 118-123
Nabila Latifa Hafizsha ◽  
Hamdani Budiman ◽  
Hamny Hamny ◽  
Dian Masyitha ◽  
Cut Dahlia Iskandar ◽  

The aim of the  study was to determine the histological structure of tegal duck (Anas javanicus) spleen according to ages variation. One month, 2 month and 3 months of tegal duck were used as the sample of this study. The spleen of each duck was analyzed by Hematoxylin-Eosin (HE) method, then observed under light microscope. The result of this study performed there were the differences of histological structure of the ducks spleen. The capsule thickness had increased along with increasing age, which was 16.0 ± 1.0 µm; 25.3 ± 2.5 µm; and 29.0 ± 1.0 µm. The boundary between the two pulp in the tegal duck 3 months  old more obvious than 1 month or 2 months old. The diameter of white pulp had increased in the oldest duck. It can be concluded that the development of spleen histological structure was more perfect with the  increasing age of tegal duck.

İlkay Çorak Öcal ◽  
Nazife Yiğit ◽  
Merve Oruç

Scorpions are venomous arthropods in Arachnida classis; they are thought to be related with the spiders, ticks and mites. However, scorpions have sensory organs called sensory comb organ (pectine) and their structure are distinctive other relatives. The objective of the present study, is to characterize the morphological and histological features of pectines (sensory comb) organ of scorpion species Mesobuthus gibbosus (Brullé, 1832) (Scorpionidae: Buthidae) were identified by using light microscope and scanning electron microscope (SEM). The pectines were prepared by following routine electron microscope procedures and routine paraffin methods and the sections were stained by hematoxylin-eosin stain. The pectines of M. gibbosus are paired sensory organs located on the ventrolateral of second segments of mesosoma, the comb like each pectin organ consist of marginal lamella, different number of median lamella and teeth. Pectines have several sensory hairs and peg sensilla of tip of the tooth. The transverse sections of pectines organ were observed that each peg sensilum innerved by many sensory neurons.

B. J. Panessa ◽  
J. F. Gennaro

Tissue from the hood and sarcophagus regions were fixed in 6% glutaraldehyde in 1 M.cacodylate buffer and washed in buffer. Tissue for SEM was partially dried, attached to aluminium targets with silver conducting paint, carbon-gold coated(100-500Å), and examined in a Kent Cambridge Stereoscan S4. Tissue for the light microscope was post fixed in 1% aqueous OsO4, dehydrated in acetone (4°C), embedded in Epon 812 and sectioned at ½u on a Sorvall MT 2 ultramicrotome. Cross and longitudinal sections were cut and stained with PAS, 0.5% toluidine blue and 1% azure II-methylene blue. Measurements were made from both SEM and Light micrographs.The tissue had two structurally distinct surfaces, an outer surface with small (225-500 µ) pubescent hairs (12/mm2), numerous stoma (77/mm2), and nectar glands(8/mm2); and an inner surface with large (784-1000 µ)stiff hairs(4/mm2), fewer stoma (46/mm2) and larger, more complex glands(16/mm2), presumably of a digestive nature.

J. G. Adams ◽  
M. M. Campbell ◽  
H. Thomas ◽  
J. J. Ghldonl

Since the introduction of epoxy resins as embedding material for electron microscopy, the list of new formulations and variations of widely accepted mixtures has grown rapidly. Described here is a resin system utilizing Maraglas 655, Dow D.E.R. 732, DDSA, and BDMA, which is a variation of the mixtures of Lockwood and Erlandson. In the development of the mixture, the Maraglas and the Dow resins were tested in 3 different volumetric proportions, 6:4, 7:3, and 8:2. Cutting qualities and characteristics of stability in the electron beam and image contrast were evaluated for these epoxy mixtures with anhydride (DDSA) to epoxy ratios of 0.4, 0.55, and 0.7. Each mixture was polymerized overnight at 60°C with 2% and 3% BDMA.Although the differences among the test resins were slight in terms of cutting ease, general tissue preservation, and stability in the beam, the 7:3 Maraglas to D.E.R. 732 ratio at an anhydride to epoxy ratio of 0.55 polymerized with 3% BDMA proved to be most consistent. The resulting plastic is relatively hard and somewhat brittle which necessitates trimming and facing the block slowly and cautiously to avoid chipping. Sections up to about 2 microns in thickness can be cut and stained with any of several light microscope stains and excellent quality light photomicrographs can be taken of such sections (Fig. 1).

J. H. Luft

Ruthenium red is one of the few completely inorganic dyes used to stain tissues for light microscopy. This novelty is enhanced by ignorance regarding its staining mechanism. However, its continued usefulness in botany for demonstrating pectic substances attests to selectivity of some sort. Whether understood or not, histochemists continue to be grateful for small favors.Ruthenium red can also be used with the electron microscope. If single cells are exposed to ruthenium red solution, sufficient mass can be bound to produce observable density in the electron microscope. Generally, this effect is not useful with solid tissues because the contrast is wasted on the damaged cells at the block surface, with little dye diffusing more than 25-50 μ into the interior. Although these traces of ruthenium red which penetrate between and around cells are visible in the light microscope, they produce negligible contrast in the electron microscope. However, its presence can be amplified by a reaction with osmium tetroxide, probably catalytically, to be easily visible by EM. Now the density is clearly seen to be extracellular and closely associated with collagen fibers (Fig. 1).

Shinya Inoué

This paper reports progress of our effort to rapidly capture, and display in time-lapsed mode, the 3-dimensional dynamic architecture of active living cells and developing embryos at the highest resolution of the light microscope. Our approach entails: (A) real-time video tape recording of through-focal, ultrathin optical sections of live cells at the highest resolution of the light microscope; (B) repeat of A at time-lapsed intervals; (C) once each time-lapsed interval, an image at home focus is recorded onto Optical Disk Memory Recorder (OMDR); (D) periods of interest are selected using the OMDR and video tape records; (E) selected stacks of optical sections are converted into plane projections representing different view angles (±4 degrees for stereo view, additional angles when revolving stereos are desired); (F) analysis using A - D.

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