scholarly journals Terrestrial Medium and Large-Sized Mammalian Species Diversity in Michole Community Protected Forest, Southern Ethiopia

Amanuel Agebo ◽  
Wondimagegnehu Tekalign

Abstract Study on medium and large size mammalian species diversity and distribution is important for conservation efforts in the different protected areas of Ethiopia. The study aimed to assess the species diversity of medium and large-sized mammalian fauna between October 2019 and July 2020 in Michole Community Protected Forest, southern Ethiopia. The study was conducted by stratification of the study area into three habitat types riverine forest (3.37 km2), woodland (4.14 km2), and grassland with scattered trees (2.33 km2) based on the vegetation cover. A diurnal transect survey method was implemented to record the mammalian species diversity. A total of 18 representative sample transect lines (six in riverine forest, four in grassland with scattered trees, and eight in the woodland habitats) which varied in length and width were used. A total of 17 species of medium and large-sized mammalian species were identified and recorded in the study area. Accordingly, order Carnivora and Primates constitutes a large proportion of abundance, while order Lagomorpha was the least. Anubis baboon (Papio anubis) was the most abundant species (15.14%) followed by Spotted hyena (12.98%), Porcupine (12.51%), Vervet monkey (10.35%), Common duiker (8.80%), and Giant root-rat (8.65%). The distributions of mammals among the three habitat types were comparable. Riverine forest harbored the highest mammalian diversity index (H’=2.35) followed by the woodland (H’=2.32), and the grassland with scattered trees (H’=2.30), respectively. The greatest species similarity was recorded in woodland (0.902). The study area harbors considerable mammalian species that are threatened by interacting anthropogenic factors. So, urgent conservation measures by concerned sectors are needed to safeguard these animals and their habitat.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 ◽  
pp. 1-5
Adanech Lemma ◽  
Wondimagegnehu Tekalign

This study was undertaken with the intention of assessing abundance, species diversity, and distribution of medium and large diurnal mammals at the Humbo Community Based Forest Area, Ethiopia. The study area was stratified into three major habitats based on the vegetation cover of the area, such as riverine forest, bushland, and open grassland. The study in each vegetation type was surveyed using the transect method. It was conducted on foot along a randomly selected transect line. A total of eight large and medium mammalian species were recorded. The species recorded were Papio anubis, Sylvicapra grimmia, Tragelaphus scriptus, Chlorocebus pygerythrus, Tragelaphus strepsiceros, Lepus fagani, Phacochorus ethiopicus, and Panthera leo. During the survey, the leading order recorded was Artiodactyla followed by Primates. In terms of relative abundance, Anubis baboon (28.4% and 28.1%) and common duiker (19.4% and 11.4%) were the most abundant species, while warthog (12.1% and 8.9%) and lion (0.7% and 0.4%) were the least abundant during the wet and dry seasons, respectively. The highest number of mammalian species were distributed in bushland habitat during both wet (n = 7) and dry (n = 7) seasons. The highest Shannon-winner diversity index and evenness were obtained in the bushland habitat (1.70 and 2.21) during wet and dry seasons, respectively. Though the forest is the living place for various wild mammalian species, the conservation measures of the local community should also consider those species in line with the efforts that have been done on forest management practices.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 ◽  
pp. 1-11 ◽  
Zerubabel Worku ◽  
Zerihun Girma

Outside protected areas in Ethiopia, there is a lack of information concerning mammalian diversity and ecology. Consequently, the findings of the research on large mammals at Geremba Mountain constitute one of the steps towards a continuing effort to document the diversity and distribution of Ethiopian mammals. The survey was conducted to investigate the species composition, relative abundance, and population structure of large mammals at Geremba Mountain fragment from August 2017 to February 2018, covering both dry and wet seasons. Direct (sighting) and indirect (scat) survey techniques were employed using systematically established transect lines and sampling plots, respectively. Transects and plots were established across three dominant habitat types (modified dry ever green Afromontane forest, alpine bamboo forest, and Erica scrubland). A total of 10 large mammal species were recorded including two endemic mammals, namely, Chlorocebus djamdjamensis and Tragelaphus scriptus meneliki. There was a statistically significant difference in the abundance of species among habitat types at Geremba Mountain. The highest diversity index was recorded in the alpine bamboo forest habitat (D = 7.142, H′ = 2.052), and the Erica scrubland had the lowest. Papio anubis was the most abundant species while Felis serval was the least abundant species. The populations of most of the species were characterized by more adult and more female individuals. However, promising young individuals of the endemic mammals (C. djamdjamensis and T. s. meneliki) and Papio anubis were recorded. The mountain fragment is an isolated island that is totally disconnected with other fragments in the region, so attempts should be made to connect the fragment with other fragments using wildlife corridors.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
Novita Putri Sesar ◽  
Iskandar A M ◽  
Togar Fernando Manurung

Natural orchids are one of the flora in Mount Poteng which is included of Raya Pasi Nature Reserve located at Singkawang City, West Kalimantan Province. Orchids have economic value for source of income and be beneficial to ecology that needs to be protected. The altitudes and environmental factors strongly affected the presence of orchid species.The research aims to record the diversity of natural orchids species based on the altitudes place in Mount Poteng. The research was conducted on February 28 until March 28, 2020. This research uses survey method. The research sample was taken using double plots method and to determine sample plots locations is conducted by purposive. The total number of the sample plots is 16 plots and each plot measure 20 by 50 meters. Based on the result of research found 19 species of natural orchids that consist of 348 individuals. The results analysis of the diversity index of orchid species in whole of altitudes at Mount Poteng is 1,338 that is included medium range. The highest species diversity index of 1,300 occurred at altitude of 400-500 m asl and the lowest species diversity index at altitude of 700-725 m asl that is 0,594. Orchid species which found in whole of altitudes is Dendrobium crumenatum. Furthermor, there were found the orchid species on certain heights are Cleisostoma scortechinii, Cordiglottis filiformis, Ludisia discolor, and Phalaenopsis pantherina at altitude of 400-500 m asl and species of Bromheadia finlaysoniana and Pomatocalpa latifolia found at altitude of 700-725 m asl.Keywords: altitudes, mount poteng, orchids, species diversity

Erwin Theofilius ◽  
Zahidah Hasan ◽  
Asep Agus Handaka ◽  
Herman Hamndani

This study conducted to determine the water quality of Situ Ciburuy based on the structure of the gastropod community as a bioindicator. The survey method used in this study based on collecting data directly at the research area (purpose sampling method).  For instance, species and density of gastropods were descriptively analyzed, using diversity index and evenes index. For instance, The findings showed that level of water quality in  Situ Ciburuy based on gastropods bioindicators was lightly polluted. That is indicated by the low to moderate diversity of gastropods, which ranges from 1.31-1.98. The Shannon evenness index (0,73-0.95) revealed low gastropod species diversity in Situ Ciburuy, indicating low evenness of gastropod in Situ Ciburuy.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
. Mazlan ◽  
Siti Masitoh Kartikawati ◽  
. Burhanuddin

Arboreal ants are ants that do activities and spend their lives in tree. Roles of this organism are to serve as decomposers, pollinators, predators and indicators. Ant species diversity constitutes a chain for ecosystem stability. They are responsible as decomposing insects making their presence becomes ecologically vital. Research on ant species diversity in mangrove forest remains insufficient. One of the reasons possibly is that fact that mangrove is an ecosystem which is affected by sea tide. This research aims at gathering data about ant species diversity based on types of mangrove forest vegetation located in Setapuk Besar, Singkawang City. The research used a survey method by observing types of trees whose diameter was 10 cm and above. Additionally, the tree should have a large number of ants. The data was collected through fly sheet trap set under, in the mid, and above the tidal level. Findings revealed 6 types of ants consisting 4 sub-families in 6 types of the trees i.e. Rhizopora mucronata, Avicennia lanata, Hibiscus tiliaceus, Terminalia capatta, Nypa fruticans, and Bruguiera cylindrical.. Based on the diversity index of those 6 types of trees, the divercity of arboreal ants spesies could be categorized low (H’<1). The highest diversity was nypa fruticans vegetation by 0.325. This was because the tree contains sugar level and carbohydrate. The lowest diversity was Hibiscus tiliaceus and Termialia catappa. The H’ value was 0. One of the reasons was because only one species of ants can be found in both trees, namely Oecophylla smaragdina.Keywords: Arboreal Ants, Diversity, Mangrove, Singkawang

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
Furwoko Kirno ◽  
Dwi Astiani ◽  
Hanna Artuti Ekamawanti

The activities of the community around the peat swamp forest cause disruption of the ecosystem from the sustainability of the forest area's resources. Land clearing and peatland fires also affect the presence of ferns. The new environmental conditions due to changes in land cover cause ferns to be affected by these changes. Kuala Dua Village Kubu Raya Regency has secondary peat swamp forest and open peat land due to fires 3-4 years earlier so it is overgrown with a variety of new types of flora, one of which is a type of fern. The objective of the study is to describe species diversity of ferns and their site conditions in secondary peat swamp forests and open peatlands of Kuala Dua Village, Kubu Raya District. This research was conducted with survey method using multiple plot samples. The plots determination was done by purposive sampling which was taken place on the site where there were many species of ferns land. Three plots were on each land covered condition with a plot size of 5 m x 5 m that divided into 25 of a 1 m x 1 m sub plots. The results show that 5 species of ferns found in peat swamp forest and 4 species of ferns were found on open peatlands. The species that has the highest INP value in the forest was Asplenium belangeri and the species that has the INP value in open peatland was Nephrolefis falcata. Dominant Index, Spesies Diversity Index and Spesies Abudance Index were 0,12 and 0,18; 0,30 and 0,36; 0,51 and 0,52 on the forest and open peatland respectively. The Similarity Index value (IS) of ferns in secondary peat swamp forest and open peatland is 44%. The study shows dissimility of species fern in peat swamp forests and open peatlands.Keywords: Open peatland, Pteridophyta, secondary peat swamp forest

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (7) ◽  
pp. 18827-18845
Kismat Neupane ◽  
Mahamad Sayab Miya

A study was carried out to find the butterfly species diversity and abundance in Putalibazar Municipality, Syangja, Gandaki, Nepal, from June 2019 to July 2020. Pollard walk method was used for data collection in three different habitat types: forest, agricultural land, and settlement area. The study was performed in all seasons: pre-monsoon, monsoon, post monsoon and winter. A total of 180 butterfly species from 108 genera and six families were recorded. The overall Shannon-Wiener diversity index (H) was 4.48. The highest diversity was represented by the Nymphalidae with 67 species (H= 3.79). Butterfly diversity and species abundance was highest in the forest area (147 species, 1199 individuals; H= 4.47). The highest species richness (109 species) was observed in the monsoon season.

Kambai Collina ◽  
Akwashiki Ombugadu ◽  
Apervega Paul Tersoo ◽  
Nanlir Janfa ◽  
Francis Mundi Junior ◽  

Forest is the most significant habitat for birds by supporting around 75% of all bird species while only 45% of all bird species have adapted to humans modified habitats. The research was conducted in the Montane Forest Research Station, Jos, Plateau State, in other to determine the abundance, diversity and effect of habitat types on bird’s species diversity. Fifteen transects of 200m were laid in the three habitat types (riparian forest, farmland and residential area) using stratified random sampling method. The data collected were analysed using R console. Shannon Weiner diversity index was used to analyse species diversity while generalized linear model was used to determine the effect of the habitat variables on bird species diversity. The result showed a total number of 1466 individual birds belonging to 17 families and 60 bird species were sighted. The abundance of birds was highest in riparian forest (2252), farmland (1732) and Residential area (1094) with no significance difference (p=0.177). Species richness was higher in the riparian forest (57), farmland (49), and the residential area (44). It also revealed that bird diversity index was highly significant. Riparian forest had the highest diversity (4.77), and the species were more evenly distributed (0.6) as compared to the other habitat types. The higher the number of trees and canopy cover the higher the diversity of species as was observed in the riparian forest where forest species that weren’t seen in the other habitats were found. The farmland and residential areas also hold a considerable number of some generalist bird species due to some patches of vegetation found in the habitat. Therefore, conservation efforts should be directed towards keeping vegetation intact in human dominated areas, as it serves as repository for bird species which are ecologically important. Hence, planting trees (economic, fruit and ornamental) should be encouraged.

Robert S. Buhdy ◽  
Norce Mote ◽  
Edy HP. Melmambessy

Fisheries production in the mainland waters of Mappi Regency is larger (27.48%) compared to marine fisheries (8.53%).  Edera District is one of the districts in Mappi District which contributes to the potential of fisheries specifically for mainland waters. This study aims to determine the diversity of fish species in the Digoel River, Edera District, Mappi Regency. The fishing gear used is gill nets, stocking nets, fixed lines, fishing rods and spoon nets (tanggo).  The study was conducted in August - October 2017 using the survey method. The variables analyzed were the species diversity index, evenness index, dominance index and relative abundance index.  The results of the study obtained 28 species of fish which were divided into 8 orders of 20 families and 28 species. The value of the diversity of fish species is moderate, the Evenness value is relatively stable and evenly distributed, the type of dominance in Di shows that there is no dominance of species and the relative abundance of Kr is medium. Keywords:  Digoel River; Diversity; Evenness; Dominance and Relative Abundance.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-9
Ziyad Jemal ◽  
Zerihun Girma ◽  
Girma Mengesha

Background: Birds are one component of biodiversity. Ethiopia is rich in biodiversity resources. The avian diversity record is far from complete. There is no scientifically documented information on bird species composition and abundance at Nensebo forest. The objective of the study was to assess species composition, relative abundance and distribution of birds at Nensebo forest in southern Ethiopia. Methods: We employed a stratified random sampling technique with our study area stratified into two dominant habitat types: moist Afromontane forest and modified habitat. Within strata, we established 20 transect lines of 1km length and 0.25km width to sample 27.75% of the study area. We used line transect count methods aided by binoculars to estimate avian species diversity and distribution. We employed quantitative biodiversity indices, such as Shannon wiener diversity indexes to compare species diversity among habitat types and two way ANOVA to analyze the effect of season and habitat on bird species richness and abundance. Results: A total of 105 bird species consisting of 1 endemic, 8 near endemic, 1 globally threatened and 9 Palearctic migrants were recorded in Nensebo forest. Species richness and abundance varied between habitat types in Nensebo forest with mean species richness greater in modified habitat (mean= 4.70 ±1.65) as compared to moist Afromontane forest habitat (mean= 3.95 ±4.12, F=94.66 P<0.001). Additionally, modified habitat (Shannon diversity index= 4.131) harbored higher diversity of birds as opposed to Afromontane forest habitat (Shannon diversity index=3.79). Conclusion: The Nensebo forest has high avian species diversity including several endemic and endangered species revealing the importance of this site for bird conservation. Although we found that habitat heterogeneity favored bird species diversity, moist Afromontane habitat is critical for forest obligate species. Hence, sustainable bird conservation strategies including land use planning should be initiated for this area.

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