Possible influence of sum of effective temperatures on gypsy moth Lymantria dispar (L.) population density dynamic at the northern border of its natural range

В.В. Напалкова ◽  
Г.И. Клобуков ◽  
В.И. Пономарев

Практически одновременно в 2016 г. вдоль северной границы ареала непарного шелкопряда Lymantria dispar (L.) в Зауралье и в Западной Сибири лесопатологическими службами установлено образование новых очагов с угрозой средней, сильной и сплошной дефолиации в 2017 г. Значительная часть вновь образовавшихся очагов расположена там, где очаги никогда не отмечали (Тюменская обл., более 70 тыс. га), все вновь возникшие очаги расположены севернее ранее зафиксированных очагов. Из них около 11 тыс. га – в подзоне южной тайги. Другие очаги возникли в насаждениях, где последняя вспышка проходила более 50 лет назад – на юго-востоке Свердловской обл. (более 110 тыс. га). Такая синхронность в появлении новых очагов на значительной территории позволяет полагать, что они были спровоцированы одним модифицирующим фактором. Цель исследования – выявление возможных ведущих факторов, спровоцировавших формирование очагов непарного шелкопряда севернее той части ареала, где наблюдаются регулярные вспышки массового размножения. По всей видимости, засуха не является модифицирующим фактором, спровоцировавшим образование значительных площадей очагов непарного шелкопряда в Свердловской и Тюменской обл. в 2016 г. Ведущим модифицирующим фактором могли оказаться низкие температуры в летне-осенний период в годы, предшествовавшие вспышке, приведшие как к элиминации потомства особей популяции с большой длительностью развития до имагинальной стадии, так и к сокращению длительности развития личиночной стадии эмбрионов, получивших необходимую сумму летне-осенних температур для завершения раннеэмбрионального развития и подготовки к зимовке. Такое снижение длительности развития, в свою очередь, могло привести к снижению смертности особей на активных стадиях развития от регулирующих факторов, в частности от паразитов и хищников. Рассматриваемая гипотеза требует дополнительных исследований, но в случае подтверждения позволяет дать адекватное объяснение ряду явлений, алогичных с позиции классических походов к причинам вспышек. In 2016, almost simultaneously the Forest Protection Services recorded formation of new gypsy moth foci with risks of moderate, strong and total defoliation damage in 2017 along the northern border of distribution range in the Trans-Ural and West Siberia. Significant part of newly formed foci were located in areas where previously there were no records of gypsy moth foci (Tyumen Region). All of newly formed foci were located further north than previously recorded foci (more than 70,000 ha). About 11,000 ha of them were in the southern taiga subzone. Another new foci located in stands where the last outbreak was recorded more than 50 years ago, in south-east of Sverdlovsk Region (more than 110,000 ha). Such synchronicity in formation of new foci over the wide range allows us to suggest that it was initiated by the same modifying factor. The goal of this study was to determine possible main factors that could provoke formation of the gypsy moth foci in areas further north than sites where regular outbreaks are usually observed. Conducted analysis resulted in the following conclusions: 1. In all likelyhood, the drought was not a modifying factor that initiated formation of the gypsy moth foci on large areas in Sverdlovsk and Tyumen Regions in 2016. 2. The main modifying factor that could provoke observed situation could be the low temperatures during second half of the summer and the early fall in previous years. That could led to both, the elimination of progeny of the individuals with long development duration and reducing in larval development duration of individuals that received the sum of summer-autumn temperatures on early embryonic stage that is necessary for the completion of embryogenesis and overwintering. Such reduction in the development duration could led to decrease in mortality of individuals on active stages of development (larval, pupal, adult) caused by such regulating factors as predators and parasites. 3. Proposed hypothesis requires additional research, however in case of corroboration it makes possible to adequately interpret some phenomena that cannot be explained from classical points of view on factors initiating the gypsy moth outbreaks.

С.В. Залесов ◽  
В.В. Фомин ◽  
Е.П. Платонов ◽  
Г.А. Годовалов ◽  
К.А. Башегуров ◽  

На основе баз данных лесорастительных материалов проанализированы таксационные показатели насаждений, произрастающих на территории карбонового научно-исследовательского по- лигона, расположенного в Уральском учебно-опытном лесхозе (УУОл) Уральского государственного лесотехнического университета (УГлТУ). Отмечается, что основными лесными формациями на поли- гоне являются сосняки и березняки. Доля насаждений с доминированием в составе древостоев других пород-лесообразователей невелика. Помимо сосны обыкновенной (Pinus sylvestris L.) и березы повислой (Betula pendula Roth.), другие виды произрастают, как правило, в примеси с указанными. Среди дре- востоев преобладают среднеполнотные спелые и перестойные насаждения. большинство древостоев характеризуется относительно высокими классами бонитета. Насаждения, произрастающие на террито- рии полигона, относятся к 13 типам леса, что свидетельствует о разнообразии лесорастительных усло- вий. В целом можно отметить, что видовое разнообразие древесных пород и лесорастительных условий на карбоновом научно-исследовательском полигоне УУОл УГлТУ обеспечивает возможность изучения широкого спектра вопросов депонирования углерода лесными экосистемами в условиях подзоны южной тайги Урала. The taxation indicators of plantations growing on the territory of the carbonic research polygon located in the Ural educational experimental forest enterorize (UEEF) of the Ural State Forest Engineering University were analyzed on the base of the forestry materials database. It is noted that the main forest formations on the polygons are pine and birch forest stands. The share of stands with other species of forest formers dominating in composition of forest stands is small. In addition to scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and silver birch (Betula pendula Roth.), other species usually grow in admixtures with the specified. Among the stands mature and over mature stands of average density prevails. Most of the stands are characterized by relatively high bonitet classes. Plantations growing on the territory of the polygon belong to 13 types of forest, which indicates a variety of forest growing conditions. In general, it can be noted that the species diversity of tree species and forest growing conditions at the carboniferous research sity (UEEF) provides an opportunity to study a wide range of problems of carbon deposing forest ecosystems in conditions of the Southern Taiga subzone in the Urals.

В.И. Пономарев ◽  
А.М. Мамытов ◽  
К.С. Ашимов

В связи с тем, что одной из основных целей феромонного мониторинга лесных насекомых является мониторинг динамики плотности популяции целевого вида, корреляционные связи уловистости феромонных ловушек с плотностью популяции начали анализировать сразу же после начала их широкого применения в практике лесозащиты. Абсолютное большинство ученых, проводивших такой анализ, отмечали отсутствие прямой зависимости между плотностью популяции и результатами феромонного мониторинга у непарного шелкопряда Lymantria dispar (L.). В горных условиях Южного Кыргызстана в течение многолетних исследований (2001-2007 гг.) была зафиксирована высокая уловистость самцов вловушки вне зависимости от плотности популяции. Целью исследования было установление влияния схемы расположения ловушек и расстояния между ними на результаты феромонного мониторинга. Выставляли три группы линий ловушек с расстоянием между ловушками в группе 200-250 м. Первую линию ловушек вывешивали в поясе фисташкового редколесья (800-1200 м н.у.м.), вторую - в поясе смешанных насаждений (1200-1600 м н.у.м.), третью - в поясе грецкого ореха (1600-2000 м н.у.м.). Перепад высот между самой нижней и самой верхней ловушками составил более 700 м, протяженность маршрута между этими крайними ловушками - более 10 км. Результаты проведенных исследований показывают, что при устойчивых потоках воздуха самцы в массе могут мигрировать на расстояние до двух километров к точечному источнику феромона. Некоторые самцы - до 4 км. Самцы способны к миграции на значительное расстояния, на что указывает их появление в крайне верхних ловушках верхней зоны в начале их лёта в нижней зоне. Результаты проведенного исследования подтверждают ранее сделанный нами вывод о значительном влиянии устойчивых потоков воздуха на результаты феромонного мониторинга. В этих условиях расстояние между ловушками 2 км и менее приводит к значительному снижению объективности результатов учетов. Since one of the main goals of pheromone monitoring of forest insects is monitoring of the population density of the target species, correlations between catch efficiency of pheromone traps and population density began to be analyzed immediately after their widespread use in the forest protection practice. The absolute majority of authors that carried out such analysis, noted the absence of a direct correlation between population density and the results of pheromone monitoring of the gypsy moth Lymantria dispar (L.). In the mountainous conditions of Southern Kyrgyzstan, during the many years of pheromone monitoring (2001-2007), a high catch rate of males in traps was recorded, regardless of the population density. The goal of this study was to determine the effect of the trap layout and the distance between them on the results of pheromone monitoring. Three groups of trap lines were set up with a distance of 200- 250 m between the traps in a group. The first line of traps was set up in the belt of the pistachio light forest (800-1200 m above sea level), the second line was set up in the zone of mixed stands (1200-1600 m above sea level), and the third line was set up in the walnut belt (1600-2000 m above sea level). The elevation difference between the lowest and the highest trap was more than 700 m, and the distance between these extreme traps was more than 10 km. The results of this monitoring show that with stable air flows, males in the mass can travel up to two kilometers to a point source of the pheromone. Some males can travel up to 4 km. Males are capable of traveling long way, as indicated by the appearance of males in the uppermost traps of the upper zone during the beginning of their summer flight at the lower zone. The results of this study confirm our earlier conclusion about the significant influence of stable air flows on the results of pheromone monitoring. Under these conditions the distance of 2 km or less between traps leads to significant decrease in the objectivity of monitoring results.

Vera Timofeeva ◽  
Stanislav Kutenkov ◽  
Victoria Tarasova ◽  
Vera Androsova ◽  
Anna Ruokolainen

The information about the state and nature conservation value of the recreational forests of the Savin Navolok Park is presented. Maps of vegetation and localization of rare and protected species of vascular plants, mosses, lichens and fungi have been compiled. Nine types of forest have been identified in the Park where birch herb-rich forests (31.8 %), spruce forests (25.2 %), and pine forests (16.3 %) prevail. About a quarter of the studied territory (25.6 %) is covered by mixed coniferous-deciduous forests, aspen and willow forests. The flora of the Park is characterized by high species diversity: 258 species of vascular plants, 40 species of mosses and 45 species of lichens have been identified. In comparison with adjacent territories, distinctive feature of the studied flora is the presence of a large number of species of the southern taiga subzone (19.7 %), including nemoral species on the northern border of their distribution range (Corydalis solida, Pulmonaria obscura, Tilia cordata, etc.). In the Savin Navolok Park, 8 species protected in the Republic of Karelia are registered: Galium odoratum, Humulus lupulus, Lentaria afflata, Neckera pennata, Punctularia strigosozonata, Thalictrum kemens, among which species Calypso bulbosa and Cypripedium calceolus are listed in the Red Data Book of Russian Federation. Species Chaenotheca brachypoda and Ulmus glabra are included in the list of taxa of the Republic of Karelia that need special attention to their state in the natural environment and are recommended for biological surveillance. According to the Federal Law “On Specially Protected Natural Areas”, the natural complexes of the Savin Navolok Park satisfies the criteria for give this territory the status of a specially protected natural area in the rank of a natural monument or a state botanical reserve of regional significance “Savin Navolok”.

2021 ◽  
Vol 59 (6) ◽  
pp. 618-631
E. E. Veretennikova ◽  
I. V. Kuryina ◽  
E. A. Dyukarev ◽  
E. A. Golovatskaya ◽  
S. V. Smirnov

Forests ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (12) ◽  
pp. 1100 ◽  
Yifan Zuo ◽  
D. K. Kurenshchikov ◽  
Jinyong Yu ◽  
Yuanping Zou ◽  
Yiming Wang ◽  

The gyspy moth Lymantria dispar Linnaeus, a widely distributed leaf-eating pest, is considered geographically isolated in the world, with two Asian gypsy moth subspecies, Lymantria dispar asiatica and Lymantria dispar japonica. In China, only one subspecies, L. d. asiatica, has been observed. In this study, we characterized gypsy moth diversity and divergence using 427 samples covering a wide range of the species distribution, with a focus on sampling along a latitudinal gradient in China. We combine the quantitative analysis of male genitalia and the genetic diversity analysis of nine microsatellite loci of nuclear genes nuclear genes to study the structure of gypsy moth individuals in 23 locations in the world and the male genitalia of gypsy moths in some areas. In mixed ancestry model-based clustering analyses based on nuclear simple sequence repeats, gypsy moths were divided into three well-known subspecies, a unique North American cluster, and a southern Chinese cluster with differentiation between the Asian gypsy moth and European gypsy moth. We also found individuals identified as European gypsy moths in two distant regions in China. The results of a quantitative analysis of male genitalia characteristics were consistent with an analysis of genetic structure and revealed the differentiation of gypsy moths in southern China and of hybrids suspected to be associated with L. d. japonica in the Russian Far East. Admixture in gypsy moths can be explained by many factors such as human transport. In China, we detected European gypsy moths, and found unexpectedly high genetic diversity within populations across a wide range of latitudes.

2010 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 65-69
Vasiliy Ponomarev ◽  
Nikolay Shatalin ◽  
Tatiana Strelskaya ◽  
Georgiy Klobukov

On the northern border of the Gypsy moth area (Lymantria dispar L., 1758), caterpillars are reorient to exogenous regulators of membrane lipid peroxidation in connection with repeated cold periods during feeding. In case of an introduction of host plants with high contents of exogenous regulators of MLP (e.g. Fe2+) in foliage in these areas that may affect diapause duration, the boundaries of spreading and intensity of outbreaks may change.

2019 ◽  
pp. 3-27 ◽  
L. M. Kipriyanova ◽  
M. A. Kleshchev

Information on the aquatic and semiaquatic vegetation of the major watercourses of West Siberia is relatively scarce, while this of small rivers is practically absent. There are 430 rivers whose length exceeds 10 km within the Novosibirsk Region. The aim of our work was to study the phytocenotic diversity of their aquatic and semiaquatic vegetation. 130 geobotanical relevés were performed by the authors in July–August 2003–2005. The object was aquatic communities formed by true aquatic (submergent and floating-leaved) plants and semiaquatic ones with emergent plants and these of water′s edge. In total 10 watercourses were studied (Table 1): 2–3 in each of five geomorphologic regions within the forest-steppe zone (Table 2). The upper, middle and lower courses (Fig. 1, Table 1) with the length of 2–2.5 km were studied in each case to ensure the 4–5 repetition of main elements (stream pools and ridges) that would give a reliable information on their flora and vegetation. The sample plots were selected above the settlements, whenever possible in sites with no to intensive anthropogenic impact. The data were collected according to J. Braun-Blanquet (1964) approach. The relevés were done on the sample plot of 100 m2 placed in the most homogeneous part of the community or, in case of its smaller area, within the natural boundaries. The following scale was used for abundance estimation: r — the species is extremely rare; + — rare, small cover; 1 — the number of individuals is large, the cover is small or individuals are sparse, but the cover is large; 2 —cover of 5–25 %; 3 — 26–50 %; 4 — 51–75 %; 5 — more than 75 %. The date on water depth, transparency (on a white Secchi disk with a diameter of 30 cm), temperature and the flow rate were obtained. The soil mechanical composition and color, the degree and nature of anthropogenic impact on vegetation and river banks were quantified. Water samples for general chemical analysis were taken in the middle course of each river. Computer programs TURBOVEG and MEGATAB (Hennekens, 1996) were used for database. The syntaxonomic affiliation of phytocenoses was determined using modern literature (Bobrov, Chemeris, 2006; Vegetace..., 2011; Chepinoga, 2015; Landucci et al. 2015; Mucina et al., 2016, etc.). 36 associations and 3 communities belonging to 12 alliances, 9 orders, and 5 classes have been identified (Tables 3–14, Fig. 2–9). Such great syntaxonomic diversity is determined by the significant ecotopic variety, the variability of substrates, the wide range of water flow rates and the different water trophicity. For comparison, 26 associations, 13 variants, 2 communities were identified in the study of 50 rivers of Lithuania (Sinkyavichene, 1992); altogether 84 associations are known for the Upper Volga region as a whole (Bob­rov, Chemeris, 2006), while 45 ones were recorded previously in 130 watercourses of this region (Bobrov, 1999). Information on small river macroalgae cenoses in the study area is partially reflected in the paper published earlier (Bobrov et al., 2005).

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