scholarly journals Chemical composition of sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.) berry grown in the Chelyabinsk region

Vestnik MGTU ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 24 (3) ◽  
pp. 306-312
N. L. Naumova

The most important phytonutrients of sea buckthorn ( Hippophae rhamnoides L.) berry are carotenoids, flavonoids, anthocyanins, sugars, organic and amino acids, water and fat-soluble vitamins, tannins and pectin substances, phospholipids, macro- and microelements. In the Chelyabinsk region it is almost impossible to find well-groomed industrial plantings of sea buckthorn, since its main areas (600 hectares) are concentrated in amateur and home gardens. To form a healthy diet, it is important not only to ensure the safety of horticultural products, but also to raise the priority of signs that determine consumer demand, namely the quality and chemical composition of fruits, their saturation with the necessary micronutrients. While studying food and biologically active substances of sea buckthorn berries of the "Velikan" variety growing in different garden agrocenoses of the Chelyabinsk region it has been determined that sea buckthorn berries cultivated in the garden "Lokomotiv-1" (Chelyabinsk) contain more flavonoids (by 21.4 %), proteins (by 17.4 %), mineral elements - Al (in 5.3 times), V (3.4 times), Cu (3 times), Ti (2.4 times), Ca and Fe (1.9 times), Mn (1.5 times), in berries obtained in the garden "Dizelist-1" (Chelyabinsk region, Troitsk) contains more sugars (by 15.1 %), as well as Mo and Sr (2-2.3 times), Se (1.4 times), Cr (by 76.2 %), etc. In terms of Se content, the studied fruits exceed the clarke values by 4-6 times; in terms of Pb content, they turned out to be as close as possible to the upper limit of MPC according to the requirements of the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union. The study of the mineral composition of sea buckthorn is especially important in the context of the ecological disadvantage of the Chelyabinsk region due to the pollution of the environment with heavy metals.

Chagnaadorj Rentsendavaa ◽  
Dóra Székély ◽  
Diána Furulyás ◽  
György Végvári ◽  
Faraja Gonelimali ◽  

Sea Buckthorn (SB) juice is rich in biologically active compounds. It has considerable health benefits; thus, it can serve as functional food ingredient. The aim of this study was to determine and compare the total content of polyphenols, antioxidant capacity (FRAP), soluble solid content, pH value, β-carotene content and colour parameters (L*, a*, b*) in berry juice of cultivar 'Leikora' Sea Buckthorn (SB) (Hippophae rhamnoides L.). The treatment was made as control sample of Sea Buckthorn juice (C), and Sea Buckthorn juice with 0.5 % (P0.5); 1 % (P1); 2 % (P2) dried pomace of Sea Buckthorn. The samples were stored at room temperature for physicochemical analysis at interval of 2 months for a total period of 14 months.According to our results, the β-carotene (C to P2 was 3.71, 4.82, 5.49 and 6.52 mg 100mL−1) as well as the antioxidant capacity of the samples increased with the growth of the pomace content. During storage, degradation occurred in the polyphenol content and antioxidant capacity, but the β-carotene content increased. The increase of the β-carotene content was 94.6 % (C) and 32.7 % (P0.5). The smaller reduction in antioxidant compounds was the higher the sample of pomace content is. The FRAP and total polyphenol values measured during storage confirm that the pomace has antioxidant effect. There is a close correlation between the two parameters, including a positive correlation (r = 0.8614), which indicates that a significant part of the antioxidant capacity of buckthorn is due to the presence of different polyphenols.

2018 ◽  
pp. 209-214
Эльдар (El'dar) Новруз (Novruz) Новрузов (Novruzov) ◽  
Закир (Zakir) Гусейн (Gusejn) Мамедов (Mamedov) ◽  
Латафат (Latafat) Ахад (Аkhad) Мустафаева (Mustafaeva) ◽  
Хураман (Khuraman) Миргасан (Mirgasan) Мирюсифова (Miryusifova) ◽  
Айдан (Аjdan) Мирза (Mirza) Зейналова (Zeynalova)

Seabuckthorn – Hippophae rhamnoides L. is a valuable food, vitamin and medicinal plant, various parts of which are used to treat diseases as a traditional medicine in many countries of the world. All parts of Hippophae rhamnoides L. are a rich source of biologically active substances, especially polyphenolic compounds, carotenoids, phytosterols and others. Extracts obtained from various sea buckthorn organs possess high antioxidant, antibacterial, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antikanserogenic, antiradiation properties. Analysis of leaves of H. rhamnoides on the content of flavonoids showed that they contain from 2.81 to 3.2% flavonoids. Chromatographic spectrophotometric methods were used to study the qualitative composition and content of the leaf flavonoids of male H. rhamnoides. Five individual flavonoids were isolated from the sum of flavonoids, the isolated flavonoids identified as quercetin, mirisetin, isoramnetin, quercetin-3-rutinoside (rutin) and isoramnetin-3-rutinoside (narcissine), on the basis of chromatographic data, UV spectra, and acid hydrolyses. Routine and narcissine are the main components of leaves of H. rhamnoides. It has been established that the content of flavonoids is significant, with the main components being biologically active flavonoids such as rutin and narcissine, thus the leaves of the male sea buckthorn are a promising source of raw materials for the production of P vitamins and food additives.


Успешная интродукция древесных растений сопровождается их натурализацией – внедрением видов инорайонного происхождения в природные фитоценозы. Примером натурализации древесных интроду- центов на Урале может быть образование популяций Hippophae rhamnoides L. на берегах озера Чебаркуль Челябинской области и в зольных отвалах Рефтинской ГРЭС Свердловской области. Высокая изменчивость однотипных признаков определяет приспособленность вида к меняющимся условиям среды и указывает на ослабление жесткости генотипического контроля, слабую стабилизацию фенотипа и увеличение роли внешних факторов в формировании фенотипического признака.Цель исследований – установление изменчивости плодов и листьев облепихи крушиновидной при на- турализации ценопопуляций облепихи на Южном и Среднем Урале в начале экспансии в 1999 г. и через 20 лет. Методикой работы предусмотрены маршрутное обследование интродукционных популяций облепихи на берегах озера Чебаркуль, золоотвалах Рефтинской ГРЭС и определение уровня изменчивости плодов и листьев форм, образованных при спонтанной гибридизации с начала натурализации облепихи и в на- стоящее время. Уровень изменчивости морфологических признаков оценивался по эмпирической шкале уровней изменчивости С. А. Мамаева. В чебаркульской и рефтинской популяциях преобладают плоды облепихи с овальной, шаровидной и конусовидной формой с желтой, светло-оранжевой, оранжевой, красно-оранжевой окраской. По массе 100 шт. плодов наибольшее хозяйственное значение имеют формы чебаркульской популяции, отобранные в начале расселения облепихи на берегах обмелевшего озера Чебаркуль. Посевом семян от свободного опыления нами получен ряд перспективных форм с массой 100 шт. плодов от 40,9 до 70,2 г. Некоторые чебаркульские формы облепихи не уступают по данному признаку сортам этой культуры. Отбор крупноплодных форм облепихи стал возможен в начале плодоношения чебаркульской облепихи. Натурализация данной культуры происходит за счет микроэволюционных процессов в интродукционных популяциях и формообразования за пределами естественного ареала. The successful introduction of woody plants is accompanied by their naturalization – the introduction of species of foreign origin into natural phytocenoses. The population’s formation of Hippophae rhamnoides L. on the shores of Lake Chebarkul in the Chelyabinsk region and ash dumps of the Reftinskaya SDPP in the Sverdlovsk region can be an example of the naturalization of tree introduced species in the Urals.The high variability of the same type of traits determines the species adaptability to changing environmental conditions and indicates a weakening of the genotypic control rigidity, weak stabilization of the phenotype and an increase in the external factors’ role in the formation of the phenotypic trait.The purpose of the research is to establish the variability of fruits and leaves of sea buckthorn during naturalization of sea buckthorn cenopopulations in the South and Middle Urals at the beginning of expansion in 1999 and 20 years later.The methodology of the work provides for a route survey of the introduction populations of sea buckthorn on the shores of Lake Chebarkul, ash dumps of Reftinskaya SDPP and determination of the level of variability of fruits and leaves of forms formed during spontaneous hybridization from the beginning of naturalization of sea buckthorn and at present time. The level of morphological traits’ variability was assessed using an empirical scale of levels of variability by S.A. Mamaev. In the Chebarkul and Reftinskaya populations sea buckthorn fruits with an oval, spherical and conical shape, with a yellow, light orange, orange, red-orange color prevail. By the mass of 100 pieces of fruits, the forms of the Chebarkul population, selected at the beginning of the resettlement of sea buckthorn on the shores of the shallow lake Chebarkul, are of the greatest economic importance. By sowing seeds from free pollination, we obtained a number of perspective forms with a mass of 100 fruits from 40.9 g to 70.2 g. Some Chebarkul forms of sea buckthorn are not inferior to the varieties of this crop in this respect. Selection of large-fruited forms of sea buckthorn became possible at the beginning of fruiting of the Chebarkul sea buckthorn. Naturalization of this culture occurs due to microevolutionary processes in introduction populations and morphogenesis outside the natural area.

Munkhtsetseg B ◽  
Mungunnaran D ◽  
Odonchimeg M ◽  
Bayarmaa B

Recently, plants, animal and compounds by minerals are increased to use trend. Raw materials from plant, especially sea buckthorn, have the high contents of biologically active compounds, then, these compounds demonstrate some special properties for medicine and functional that including to supply deficiency of minerals and vitamins, to improve immune system, metabolism, and tissue culture, to anti-inflammation, to detoxification, to immune human body. In our previous study, we determined optimal conditions for extracting total flavonoids from sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.) fruit flakes and purified biologically active compounds in laboratory conditions. Level of total flavonoids, the main active ingredient extracted from sea buckthorn fruit flakes, heavy metals, and the hygiene parameters were determined in the current study. Total flavonoids were 2.1%, heavy metals, including cadmium and lead, did not exceed maximum permissible levels, and there were no bacteria or fungi detected.The acute toxicity study performed on the C57/BL6 strain of mice by administering 500-6000 mg/kg of extract orally. The LD50 was more than 6000 mg/kg, which is classified as a non-toxic compound based on Hodge and Sterner toxicity scale. Чацаргана (Hippophae rhamnoides L.) жимсний хальснаас гарган авсан биологийн идэвхт бэлдмэлийн хорон чанарын судалгаа Хураангуй: Орчин үед ургамал, амьтан, эрдсийн гаралтай бэлдмэлүүдийг хэрэглэх хандлага өсөн нэмэгдэж байна. Ургамлын гаралтай түүхий эдүүд ялангуяа чацаргана жимс нь биологийн идэвхт олон бодисуудыг өндөр тунгаар агуулдаг бөгөөд бие махбодийн эрдэс бодис, витамины дутагдлыг нөхөх, дархлааг сайжруулах, үрэвслийн эсрэг үйлдэл үзүүлэх, бодисын солилцоог эрчимжүүлэх, эд эсийн төлжилтийг сайжруулах, хоргүйжүүлэх зэрэг эмчилгээний болон зохицуулах үйлчилгээтэй өвөрмөц шинжийг үзүүлдэг.Бид өмнөх судалгаагаар чацаргана жимсний хальснаас нийлбэр флавоноидыг хандлах, тохиромжтой горимыг тогтоож, биологийн, идэвхт бэлдмэлийг лабораторийн нөхцөлд гарган авсан. Чацаргана (Hippophae rhamnoides L.) жимсний хальснаас гарган авсан бэлдмэлийн гол үйлчлэгч бодис болох нийлбэр флавоноидын агууламж, эрүүл ахуй, хүнд металлын үзүүлэлтүүдийг тодорхойлоход флавоноидын агууламж нь 2.1%, кадми, хар тугалгын агууламж хүнсний бүтээгдэхүүнд зөвшөөрөгдөх дээд хэмжээнээс бага, бактери, хөгц мөөгөнцөр илрээгүй болно.Бэлдмэлийн хорон чанарын туршилтыг C57/BL6 үүлдрийн шугаман хар хулгана дээр хийсэн бөгөөд бэлдмэлийг 500-6000 мг/кг тунгаар хулганад амаар олгоход LD50 нь 6000 мг/кг-аас дээш хэмжээтэй байгаа нь Ходжа ба Стернерийн хорон чанарын ангилалаар хоргүй ангилалд багтаж байна. Түлхүүр үг: чацарганы хальс, флавоноид, бэлдмэл, хорон чанар .

Plants ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (5) ◽  
pp. 847
Anita Zapałowska ◽  
Natalia Matłok ◽  
Miłosz Zardzewiały ◽  
Tomasz Piechowiak ◽  
Maciej Balawejder

The aim of this research was to show the effect of the ozonation process on the quality of sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.). The quality of the ozonated berries of sea buckthorn was assessed. Prior to and after the ozone treatment, a number of parameters, including the mechanical properties, moisture content, microbial load, content of bioactive compounds, and composition of volatile compounds, were determined. The influence of the ozonation process on the composition of volatile compounds and mechanical properties was demonstrated. The ozonation had negligible impact on the weight and moisture of the samples immediately following the treatment. Significant differences in water content were recorded after 7 days of storage. It was shown that the highest dose of ozone (concentration and process time) amounting to 100 ppm for 30 min significantly reduced the water loss. The microbiological analyses showed the effect of ozone on the total count of aerobic bacteria, yeast, and mold. The applied process conditions resulted in the reduction of the number of aerobic bacteria colonies by 3 log cfu g−1 compared to the control (non-ozonated) sample, whereas the number of yeast and mold colonies decreased by 1 log cfu g−1 after the application of 100 ppm ozone gas for 30 min. As a consequence, ozone treatment enhanced the plant quality and extended plant’s storage life.

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