scholarly journals Use of Social Media for Strategies to Improve the Indonesian Economy for the Sustainability of MSMES

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 81-96
Rofif Satria Azraputra ◽  
Maryani Maryani ◽  
Erwin Halim

Indonesia is currently entering the phase of this demographic bonus that must be used well. In the process of advancing micro, small and medium economic development, many Indonesians become small entrepreneurs selling products to others. The proportion of young people exceeds 25% of Indonesia's total population of around 250 million, plus 59.2 million Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) units, contributing 61.41% of GDP. Indonesia is Indonesia's two main economic powers. However, even though the January 2016 data shows that the potential for Information and Communication Technology (ICT) infrastructure has reached around 90% of the population, and the mobile penetration rate of internet users exceeds 126%, there are still 90% of MSMEs. The unit is still running in the offline domain. Reaching 51.8% of the total population of Indonesia. Although he can only hold information technology by hand, one of them is through social media. You can take advantage of social media such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to sell goods. E-UMKM is an Android-based application designed to sell Indonesian MSME products online and has been integrated with the system. The steps that must be taken include data collection, MSME product certification, application development, socialization and delivery systems. This activity is expected to help MSME business players in selling their businesses online through social media.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (01) ◽  
Dhita Paranita Ningtyas ◽  
Hisworo Ramdani ◽  
Duana Fera Risina

Bisnis kuliner saat ini menjadi salah satu bisnis paling menjanjikan untuk di jalankan, prospek usaha ini akan terus cemerlang mengingat kuliner atau makanan merupakan kebutuhan pokok bagi semua manusia. Salah satu bisnis bidang kuliner yang bisa dijalankan adalah bisnis katering. Selain itu  dengan semakin berkembangnya teknologi dan pemanfaatan teknologi bisnis di media online merupakan opsi yang menguntungkan bagi usaha kecil dan menengah. bisnis online memiliki lahan pasar yang cukup besar, diperkirakan angka pengguna internet di Indonesia lebih dari 88 juta orang. Katering misalnya, bisnis penyedia makanan yang awalnya jarang melakukan promosi, sekarang banyak ditemukan iklan katering di social media instagram. Namun kenyataanya masih banyak usaha katering yang belum menggunakan teknologi sebagai usaha promo katering yang mumpuni. Ini dapat dilihat dari usaha katering yang dijalankan oleh posdaya mandiri bekasi. Bisnis katering ini masih menggunakan promo secara manual untuk mengenalkan usaha katering mereka. Alhasil usaha katering yang dijalankan oleh posdaya mandiri bekasi tidak berjalan dengan maksimal. Solusinya kami tawarkan untuk menjawab permasalah di atas yaitu meningkatkan pelatihan dan praktek Pengelolaan Bisnis Katering Manual Menjadi Bisnis Katering Online. Mitra bisa memanfaatkan media online sebagai tempat untuk promosi katering serta penyebaran informasi secara luas dan gratis. Selain itu Pengembangan Menu Katering. Pengembangan katering selain masakan katering biasa, dibuat katering khusus balita dengan mengusung “real food” bahan alami untuk dibuat makanan dengan kemasan yang bagus dan nilai gizi yang tinggi, Karena sasaran pasar ini banyak tetapi belum ada usaha seperti ini. Serta Pengelolaan SDM Katering, pengelolaan katering dibuat lebih simple dengan dibuatkan kelompok kerja untuk anggota posdaya yang belum memiliki pekerjaan dan dikelola secara baik dengan sistem online.Kata kunci: Usaha Katering, Real Food, Berbasis OnlineThe culinary business is currently one of the most promising businesses to run, the prospect of this business will continue to be brilliant considering that culinary or food is a basic need for all humans. One of the culinary business that can be run is the catering business. In addition, with the development of technology and the use of business technology in online media, it is a profitable option for small and medium enterprises. Online businesses have a large market area, estimated that the number of internet users in Indonesia is more than 88 million people. Catering for example, business food providers who initially rarely do promotions, now found many ads catering on Instagram social media. But in fact there are still many catering businesses that have not used technology as a qualified catering promo business. This can be seen from the catering business run by posdaya mandiri bekasi. The catering business is still using promos manually to introduce their catering business. As a result, the catering business run by the Mandiri Bekasi Posdaya does not run optimally. The solution we offer to answer the above problems is to improve training and practice of Managing a Manual Catering Business into an Online Catering Business. Partners can use online media as a place to promote catering and disseminate information widely and free. Besides that, the Development of the Catering Menu. Catering development in addition to ordinary catering cuisine, catering specifically for toddlers is made by carrying "real food" natural ingredients to be made with good packaging and high nutritional value, because there are many target markets but there are no such businesses. As well as Managing HR Catering, catering management is made more simple by working groups for Posdaya members who do not have jobs and are well managed with online systems.Keywords: Catering Business, Real Food, Based Online

Torboon Puangmaha ◽  
Tatri Taiphapoon ◽  
Pakpachong Vadhanasindhu ◽  
Sukree Sinthupinyo

<p class="0abstract">Social media marketing communication has been widely adopted in organizations due to its values of interactivity, integration of communication channels, information collection and immediacy.  Nevertheless, a majority of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) do not realize how to systematically and effectively implement social media marketing communication.  In addition, few studies on application development of social media marketing communication have demonstrated the support for Thai hotel SMEs. This study aims to understand the pain points and expectations of SMEs in the Thai hotel industry, to design and develop an innovative social media marketing communication application for business promotion. The research utilizes design thinking process for application development using semi-structured interviews with 10 industry professionals. Based on results from the data analysis and conceptual prototype design, validated by group of professionals in business, innovation design and technology, the proposed prototype is practical and suitable for developing an innovative application that promotes Thai hotel SMEs’ social media marketing communication.</p>

2019 ◽  
Stanley Ronaldi Tandio

The current number of internet users in Indonesia has exceeded50% of the total population, with an average expenditure ofIDR 6.5 million per annum for online shopping. The value ofe-commerce has reached US$ 87.8 or 52% of the e-commercemarket in Southeast Asia. On the one hand, the development ofdigital lifestyle and digital technology-based industries has becomea necessity, but on the other hand, it will become “a serious threat”for traditional and conventional businesses as a result of changesin consumer shopping characteristics, that is, fast, practical, andinexpensive. Millennial generation is very familiar with digitaltechnology and becomes potential target to increase market share.This research is categorized as qualitative research with positiveparadigm. This research uses primary data and secondary datawith the focus on Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs)and the behavior of consumers as internet (smartphone) users. Theresults show that there are still some problems with regulation,collaboration, and infrastructure that need to be addressed so asnot to hamper the growth of the digital economy and the stabilityof the financial system in Indonesia.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 242
Tutik Sulistyowati ◽  
Nur Hayatin ◽  
Gita I. Marthasari ◽  
Hidayah B. Qur'ani

The insufficiency of understanding of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) among woman entrepreneur in Indonesia is a problem that needs to be resolved. Because Indonesia has the potential to develop business through e-commerce. At present, there are many small and medium enterprises, especially those spread in Malang Regency, dominated by women as business actors. However, they have difficulties in marketing products, especially online marketing. To overcome this problem, we proposed a training program to improve the understanding of ICT for women entrepreneur, especially who is a member of Aisyiyah Organization in Malang. This program will provide ICT training as well as mentoring. Output targets of this program are: 1) partners are able to manage online stores independently; and 2) partners can market their products online through web media, social media, and market place. The material to be provided includes: an introduction to the internet, creating e-mail, marketing through social media, marketing through the market place, and marketing through online web shops. Through the program, the knowledge and skills of women entrepreneur of Aisyiyah Malang can increase so that they can become capital to be more competitive, especially in entering the global market.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 11
Lina Asmara Wati ◽  
Hartati Kartikaningsih ◽  
Mimit Primyastanto ◽  
Supriyadi Supriyadi ◽  
Rhytia Ayu Christianty Putri

This time, in the digital era, a business cannot be separated from digital marketing, this is by the explanation of technological developments. The existence of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Indonesia is a driving factor in the creation of national economic development because it can spur economic growth. The high use of social media, especially Facebook in Indonesia, encourages business people to use social media as marketing media. This is also done by Anugerah Mina Lestari  SMEs. So that researchers feel they are researching the Effectiveness of the UKM Mina Lestari Marketing System Using Facebook Social Media. The research used the EPIC Model which involved 80 samples. The sample is part of the population of product buyers from Anugerah Mina Lestari SMEs. The effectiveness of the Anugerah Mina Lestari SME marketing system through Facebook social media that was analyzed using the EPIC Model with four variables (Empathy, Persuasion, Impact, Communication), showed an EPIC Rate of 2.943 which means that the Anugerah Mina Lestari SMEs marketing system through Facebook social media can be assessed effectively.

2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 60
Zakky Zamrudi ◽  
Teguh Wicaksono

Small and medium enterprises (SME’s) has gradually become an economic backbone for several developing country including Indonesia. In several studies, it was assumed that SME's was a sign of self-sufficiency concept. In the economic strike, SME's could sustain the price of several staple goods that are related to society livelihoods such as food and attire. South Kalimantan Province was well known for its authentic fabric namely sasirangan produced by local SME's spread all around the area. SME's are nowadays are inseparable from IT particularly that related to social media to promote their product. The use of IT infrastructure and platform were usually centered in the large city mainly in the capital of province such as Banjarmasin. As an alternative, the use of social media could be employed to empower SME's at county area. This study was aimed to understand the attitude of county area SME's on the use of social media for commerce purposes. The sample involved in this study was 45 Sasirangan SME’s on 5 off-capital counties at South Kalimantan Province. These works use PLS-SEM due to the nature of research was explore the interaction amongst the variable (exploratory factor analysis). The finding shows that in general, SME's entrepreneur has a great willingness to use their social media for commerce purposes. A further discussion of research finding and research limitation will be further discussed in the end of paper.

Tarisai F. Rukuni ◽  
Eugine Tafadzwa Maziriri ◽  
Tsepo Mofoka

<p class="0abstract">Small and medium enterprises – including those in the business consultancy industry – are strategic for the development of the South African economy and for developing marginalised economies through employment creation and income generation. However, the existence of small and medium business consultancy firms is threatened by competitive pressure of multinational consulting firms such as the PricewaterhouseCoopers, McKinsey and KPMG [8]. Small and medium business consultancy firms need to adopt innovative strategies for survival. Appropriate use of social media strategies is one strategy that can be adopted by small and medium business enterprises to influence brand awareness and brand loyalty and to build a competitive edge. An inability to use social media as a business strategy results in poor brand awareness, a decrease in sales, and business closure. It is against this background that this study aimed to assess customers’ perceptions of social media strategies employed by the small and medium business consultancy firm, investigate the relationship between social media strategies and brand awareness, and evaluate the relationship between brand awareness. A quantitative descriptive research methodology, using a structured questionnaire was employed to collect data from a sample of 231 customers at the business consultancy. The Statistical Package for Social Sciences version 25 was employed to conduct descriptive and multivariate analysis, including mean, standard deviation, correlation and regression analysis. Findings indicated that customers had negative perceptions of social media strategies employed by the small and medium business consultancy firm. It was also found that social media strategies had a statistically significant positive relationship with brand awareness and brand acceptance. The research findings hold major implications for theory and practice.</p>

2019 ◽  
zakky zamrudi

Micro, small and medium enterprises (SME’s) are one of the sectors predicted to be the backbone of the economy in developing countries including Indonesia. In recent studies, it was assumed that SMEs are a sign of the emergence of self- sufficiency. In the economic downturn, SMEs are predicted to be able to support several community needs such as food and clothing. The province of South Kalimantan was famous for its authentic fabrics, namely sasirangan which are produced by local SMEs that are spread throughout the area. The sustainability of SMEs today was inseparable from IT infrastructure, especially those which related to promotion. The use of IT infrastructure and platforms is usually concentrated in big cities such as Banjarmasin. As an alternative, the use of social media can be used by SMEs in county area. This study aimed to understand the attitude of county SMEs related to the use of social media for commerce purposes or called as social commerce. The sample involved in this study were 100 Sasirangan business people in 5 districts in South Kalimantan Province. The analysis used in this study was PLS-SEM. The findings in this study indicate that, in general, SME’s entrepreneurs have a great desire to use their social media for trading purposes. Further discussion of research findings and restrictions on research will be discussed further at the end of the paper.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 45-52
Nurani Nurani ◽  
Eni Widhajati ◽  
Eni minarni ◽  
Mukhamad Eldon

Abstract Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises play an important role in improving the economy and welfare of the community. The ability to compete and market products is one of the spearheads for business actors to exist and be competitive. There are many factors that influence the success of a business, however how a product can dominate the market is one of the priorities that business actors must do. In the era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0, business people can no longer rely on conventional marketing, they must also start marketing their products online. This shift in the marketing model must be carried out immediately by business actors so that their products are able to compete in the global market. In this context, the business actors have been assisted by PLUT KUMKM Tulungagung which  have experienced in solving many problems in terms of marketing,. The purpose of this activity is to provide knowledge about the use of social media as a marketing medium and provide skills to MSME owners in increasing sales of their products. The method used in this activity is training and mentoring. The results of the training and mentoring activities besides increasing knowledge are expected that business actors will also be able to use social media as a means of product promotion and marketing so that sales can increase. Abstrak Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah berperan penting dalam meningkatkan perekonomian dan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Kemampuan bersaing dan pemasaran produk menjadi salah satu ujung tombak agar pelaku usaha dapat eksis dan berdaya saing. Banyak faktor yang mempengaruhi keberhasilan suatu usaha, namun bagaimana  suatu produk dapat menguasai pasar menjadi salah satu prioritas yang harus dilakukan oleh pelaku usaha. Pada era Revolusi Industri 4.0 pelaku usaha tidak dapat lagi mengandalkan pemasaran konvensional, mereka juga harus mulai memasarkan produknya secara online. Pergeseran model pemasaran ini harus segera dilakukan oleh pelaku usaha agar produknya mampu bersaing dipasar global. Pelaku usaha binaan PLUT KUMKM Tulungagung banyak mengalami kendala dalam hal pemasaran, pelaku usaha masih mengandalkan pemasaran konvensional dan belum memanfaatkan media social secara maksimal sebagai sarana pemasaran produknya. Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah untuk memberikan pengetahuan tentang pemanfaatan media social sebagai media pemasaran dan memberikan ketrampilan kepada pemilik UMKM dalam meningkatkan penjualan produknya. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini pelatihan dan pendampingan. Hasil dari kegiatan disamping meningkatkan pengetahuan diharapkan pelaku usaha juga mampu memanfaatkan sosial media sebagai sarana promosi dan pemasaran produk sehingga penjualan dapat meningkat.   

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