Proceeding of Community Development
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2019 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 567
Listya Sugiyarti ◽  
Nur Asmilia ◽  
Rakhmawati Oktavianna ◽  
W. Wizanasari

Saving is setting aside some of the money you have to save and can be used later when needed. Saving is one way to manage finances to meet our needs. At the Community Service this time, the theme was the importance of saving from an early age held on 28-30 October 2018 in the village of Jampang, Bogor. What is taught to save is that children from school age because saving is a positive thing especially if done from a young age? The method used is the presentation of material that is easy to understand and interesting for children. Savings media that are made by them using used bottles are very interesting things for them. Most of the parents of these children are fish farmers whose income is volatile, so the lecturers teach children to be able to set aside their allowances to be more useful later. And is expected to be able to help them especially to meet their school costs and needs. 

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 618
Roebiandini Soemantri ◽  
Memed Sueb ◽  
Yusar Yusar Sagara

The purpose of village financial management training is to improve the village financial management apparatus to be more transparent, accountable, participatory, orderly and budget disciplined, and to increase the knowledge of village officials of the important roles of village regulations as a legal umbrella in managing village finance. The research method was conducted through Focus Group Discussion which was attended by fifteen cipacing village officials, Cipacing Village, Jatinangor Subdistrict, Sumedang Regency. The results obtained were that the village officials had agreed to make village regulations, but they failed to implement them. Therefore, it is recommended that the village community who do not yet have a village regulation, for example, the regulation about carik land, levies or quotes to the villagers, and others, must be immediately agreed to issue the regulations as long as they get agreement from the villagers and follow the legal umbrella above: the regent regulations, the governor regulations and the 1945 Constitution.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 250
Akip Suhendar ◽  
S. Siswanto

Kadu Agung Village is a mountainous region, the natural wealth of which is agricultural and plantation commodities. The particular one of them is melinjo fruits reaching 60 tons of yield per year. People commonly consume melinjo's leaves as well as the seeds for their daily diets. They cook the leaves for vegetable soup and process the seeds, named tangkil, to be melinjo chips but they waste the fruit skins, kulit tangkil, It is out of question that during harvest season, tons of melinjo skins are dumped  in Kadu Agung. Based on this fact, the community service program will carry out a training food diversification to process melinjo skins, kulit tangkil,  into a new product that is crackers, named Kerupuk Kulit Tangkil (Kerikil).  The method of this activity used is pre-implementation, implementation, and post-implementation. The results of this study are melinjo skin cracker products with good packaging to lift up their selling value. and the improvement of the economy in Kadu Agung of Gunung Sari, Serang.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 956
Popo Hartoyo ◽  
Deddy Dwi Yusdiyanto

Marine pollution has been common in Indonesian waters, including one of the hot issues that just happened is the discovery of plastic waste in the bodies of dead whales stranded in Wakatobi, Sulawesi. Marine pollution, in this case, garbage, is more often due to human behavior in littering. It also includes the possibility of fishing behavior. Fishermen in their work, it often takes days to go to sea, so they bring supplies, which are not uncommon to supply food into garbage in the open ocean. And also garbage or other pollution caused by fishermen. In maritime science, there are many conventions that regulate environmental concerns when humans are in the waters. These conventions are the basis for providing education to fishermen regarding environmental concerns. 

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 234
Syaina Ulfah Azhara ◽  
Firdanis Setyaning Handika

Economically, The society of Pasir Gadung in Sangiang village is fairly low because the majority employment of society is as farmers and laborers where the agricultural product is still sold directly without processing. As yields of Melinjo trees society usually sell the bark and seeds Melinjo directly to the collector of Melinjo in Pasir Gadung. To increase the added value and selling value of agricultural commodities, it is necessary to handle and post-yields processing. The yield of Melinjo can be processed into ceplis which is one of souvenir typical of the Serang Banten region and has a higher selling value than raw Melinjo. So that effort is made,  approach themselves, entrepreneurship seminar, the formation of society business groups, mentoring of production activities, marketing guidance and business evaluation monitoring in the Pasir Gadung society business group to increase knowledge, skills, product quality, number of products, product types and management capabilities. The result of this activity is to form a society business group so that business management is more directed and better organized, develops raw melinjo product into ceplis with interesting packaging and has a higher selling value, and cooperates with other sectors as a way of a marketing product.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 754
Aprilia Dwi Handayani ◽  
Irwan Setyowidodo

Bulusari village, Tarokan sub-district is a fertile village with the majority of its residents making a living as farmers. Most of the residents' houses in Bulusari Village still have empty yards on the side of the yard and the side of the houses. So it is necessary to use the vacant grounds to become a TOGA Park which is beneficial for improving public health and increasing family income. One form of service that is done is by empowering community members to make TOGA Parks in their respective yards. In this service activity, there are several stages, starting with giving information to the community about the importance of TOGA plants, how to cultivate TOGA plants, how to utilize TOGA plants and the efficacy of various TOGA plants. This community service activity consists of two stages, namely extension activities, and mentoring activities. In this activity, community members actively participated in providing vacant yards in their homes to be used as TOGA, providing TOGA seeds that could be obtained from the surrounding environment, and actively exchanging knowledge about the use and efficacy of various TOGA.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 91
Abdul Rahmat ◽  
Sriharini Sriharini

The increasing number of population and the limited number of jobs have bridged employment competition very tightly, and this requires strengthening the character of entrepreneurship. This study uses a survey method with an approach to quantitative research. The technique of data collection is a questionnaire. Data analysis techniques used in testing hypotheses multiple regression statistical analysis. The results showed: (1) SKB head entrepreneurship leadership did not have a positive relationship with the development of entrepreneurial character of the learning community, (2) Innovation culture has a positive relationship with entrepreneurial character development and (3) Entrepreneurial leadership and innovation culture together have a positive relationship with the development of entrepreneurial character of learning citizens. Synergy and good coordination optimally make a real contribution in entrepreneurial character education how to become good entrepreneurs and stakeholders as an important aspect of providing capital and infrastructure assistance in the effectiveness of entrepreneurial character development aim to build an innovative culture of entrepreneurship as a media for strengthening community empowerment.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 899
Anggun Andreyani ◽  
Yanif Dwi Kuntjoro ◽  
Asih Tri Marini

The technological innovation of electric briquette stove is one of the latest innovations in an effort to increase the use of environmentally friendly renewable energy. The electric briquette stove has two functions, namely the means for combustion systems with biomass briquettes only, or if biomass briquettes are not available it can function as an electric stove only. This technological innovation has the main goal of improving the function of the stove, especially from the fuel side. It is expected that with the electric briquette stove the community will be more interested in using stoves with environmentally friendly fuel in this case biomass briquettes and have alternative fuels other than LPG gas at a more economical price. The importance of this technology is disseminated to the people of Tangkil Village, Citeureup, Bogor because the attractiveness of the people to use briquettes is still low, so the dependence on LPG gas is still quite high.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 436
Dindin Moh Saepudin

Student service in a real work program (KKN) needs to be done as an integral and inseparable part of the Student, to prepare themselves to understand the community and be able to contribute to change the situation better. The service done is in Central Limbangan, hamlet 3 covers RW 06, 07 and 08. The research uses a description-experimental method, a type of living approach to the Quran with interview research steps, teaching and community assistance with the aim of living Surat al-asr in society. The results of this study were viewed from education, religious assistance, and community activities. From the field of education is being able to memorize the Surah al-Asr for students aged 7-12 years, in the field of religious assistance the citizens of the community have practiced surah al-‘asr, from virtuous attitudes, advising each other in truth, and being patient. It can be seen from the pengajian majelis ta'lim bapa / mother doing good deeds by studying and providing food for the congregation, as well as being patient in studying. Whereas in the field of community activity there are still some who have not been able to practice the sura al-'asr, such as community service activities which are the obligation of the community members in a village to protect the environment, the people have not yet realized the importance of cleanliness. firm and consistent in conducting community work activities by RW chairman.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 131
Siti Nuraini ◽  
Riski Isminar Ardianti ◽  
Deddy Kurniawansyah ◽  
Izzato Millati

This study will examine the system of implementing the Banyuwangi Regional healthcare program, especially in the implementation of pro-poor budgeting in poverty reduction. The method used in this study is descriptive qualitative with respondents are resource persons who are beneficiaries of regional healthcare, health services and technical support officers at the village level. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of public healthcare in Banyuwangi Regency has been running well overall. Regional healthcare in Banyuwangi Regency, as usual, called poor statement letters (SPM). In terms of implementation, the comparison between manual and online management of SPM is very different. The arrangement of SPM online in accordance with the statement of the village head and health service only requires a maximum of one day. Whereas in reality, online SPM management can reach three working days, faster than the time needed for manual management because it takes approximately one week. The difference in the management of the SPM needs to be minimized so that all communities are able to obtain healthcare benefits appropriately. Most of the respondents, 95 percent stated that the regional healthcare program provided considerable benefits for the community, especially the poor.

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