Estimation of snow covered area for an urban catchment using image processing and neural networks

2003 ◽  
Vol 48 (9) ◽  
pp. 155-164 ◽  
B.V. Matheussen ◽  
S.T. Thorolfsson

This paper presents a method to estimate the snow covered area (SCA) for small urban catchments. The method uses images taken with a digital camera positioned on top of a tall building. The camera is stationary and takes overview images of the same area every fifteen minutes throughout the winter season. The images were read into an image-processing program and a three-layered feed-forward perceptron artificial neural network (ANN) was used to calculate fractional snow cover within three different land cover types (road, park and roofs). The SCA was estimated from the number of pixels with snow cover relative to the total number of pixels. The method was tested for a small urban catchment, Risvollan in Trondheim, Norway. A time series of images taken during spring of 2001 and the 2001-2002 winter season was used to generate a time series of SCA. Snow covered area was also estimated from aerial photos. The results showed a strong correlation between SCA estimated from the digital camera and the aerial photos. The time series of SCA can be used for verification of urban snowmelt models.

1987 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
pp. 39-44 ◽  
A.T.C. Chang ◽  
J.L. Foster ◽  
D.K. Hall

Snow covers about 40 million km2of the land area of the Northern Hemisphere during the winter season. The accumulation and depletion of snow is dynamically coupled with global hydrological and climatological processes. Snow covered area and snow water equivalent are two essential measurements. Snow cover maps are produced routinely by the National Environmental Satellite Data and Information Service of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA/NESDIS) and by the US Air Force Global Weather Center (USAFGWC). The snow covered area reported by these two groups sometimes differs by several million km2, Preliminary analysis is performed to evaluate the accuracy of these products.Microwave radiation penetrating through clouds and snowpacks could provide depth and water equivalent information about snow fields. Based on theoretical calculations, snow covered area and snow water equivalent retrieval algorithms have been developed. Snow cover maps for the Northern Hemisphere have been derived from Nimbus-7 SMMR data for a period of six years (1978–1984). Intercomparisons of SMMR, NOAA/NESDIS and USAFGWC snow maps have been conducted to evaluate and assess the accuracy of SMMR derived snow maps. The total snow covered area derived from SMMR is usually about 10% less than the other two products. This is because passive microwave sensors cannot detect shallow, dry snow which is less than 5 cm in depth. The major geographic regions in which the differences among these three products are the greatest are in central Asia and western China. Future study is required to determine the absolute accuracy of each product.Preliminary snow water equivalent maps have also been produced. Comparisons are made between retrieved snow water equivalent over large area and available snow depth measurements. The results of the comparisons are good for uniform snow covered areas, such as the Canadian high plains and the Russian steppes. Heavily forested and mountainous areas tend to mask out the microwave snow signatures and thus comparisons with measured water equivalent are poorer in those areas.

1987 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
pp. 39-44 ◽  
A.T.C. Chang ◽  
J.L. Foster ◽  
D.K. Hall

Snow covers about 40 million km2 of the land area of the Northern Hemisphere during the winter season. The accumulation and depletion of snow is dynamically coupled with global hydrological and climatological processes. Snow covered area and snow water equivalent are two essential measurements. Snow cover maps are produced routinely by the National Environmental Satellite Data and Information Service of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA/NESDIS) and by the US Air Force Global Weather Center (USAFGWC). The snow covered area reported by these two groups sometimes differs by several million km2, Preliminary analysis is performed to evaluate the accuracy of these products.Microwave radiation penetrating through clouds and snowpacks could provide depth and water equivalent information about snow fields. Based on theoretical calculations, snow covered area and snow water equivalent retrieval algorithms have been developed. Snow cover maps for the Northern Hemisphere have been derived from Nimbus-7 SMMR data for a period of six years (1978–1984). Intercomparisons of SMMR, NOAA/NESDIS and USAFGWC snow maps have been conducted to evaluate and assess the accuracy of SMMR derived snow maps. The total snow covered area derived from SMMR is usually about 10% less than the other two products. This is because passive microwave sensors cannot detect shallow, dry snow which is less than 5 cm in depth. The major geographic regions in which the differences among these three products are the greatest are in central Asia and western China. Future study is required to determine the absolute accuracy of each product.Preliminary snow water equivalent maps have also been produced. Comparisons are made between retrieved snow water equivalent over large area and available snow depth measurements. The results of the comparisons are good for uniform snow covered areas, such as the Canadian high plains and the Russian steppes. Heavily forested and mountainous areas tend to mask out the microwave snow signatures and thus comparisons with measured water equivalent are poorer in those areas.

1987 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
pp. 39-44 ◽  
A.T.C. Chang ◽  
J.L. Foster ◽  
D.K. Hall

Snow covers about 40 million km2of the land area of the Northern Hemisphere during the winter season. The accumulation and depletion of snow is dynamically coupled with global hydrological and climatological processes. Snow covered area and snow water equivalent are two essential measurements. Snow cover maps are produced routinely by the National Environmental Satellite Data and Information Service of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA/NESDIS) and by the US Air Force Global Weather Center (USAFGWC). The snow covered area reported by these two groups sometimes differs by several million km2, Preliminary analysis is performed to evaluate the accuracy of these products.Microwave radiation penetrating through clouds and snowpacks could provide depth and water equivalent information about snow fields. Based on theoretical calculations, snow covered area and snow water equivalent retrieval algorithms have been developed. Snow cover maps for the Northern Hemisphere have been derived from Nimbus-7 SMMR data for a period of six years (1978–1984). Intercomparisons of SMMR, NOAA/NESDIS and USAFGWC snow maps have been conducted to evaluate and assess the accuracy of SMMR derived snow maps. The total snow covered area derived from SMMR is usually about 10% less than the other two products. This is because passive microwave sensors cannot detect shallow, dry snow which is less than 5 cm in depth. The major geographic regions in which the differences among these three products are the greatest are in central Asia and western China. Future study is required to determine the absolute accuracy of each product.Preliminary snow water equivalent maps have also been produced. Comparisons are made between retrieved snow water equivalent over large area and available snow depth measurements. The results of the comparisons are good for uniform snow covered areas, such as the Canadian high plains and the Russian steppes. Heavily forested and mountainous areas tend to mask out the microwave snow signatures and thus comparisons with measured water equivalent are poorer in those areas.

2003 ◽  
Vol 34 (4) ◽  
pp. 281-294 ◽  
R.V. Engeset ◽  
H-C. Udnæs ◽  
T. Guneriussen ◽  
H. Koren ◽  
E. Malnes ◽  

Snowmelt can be a significant contributor to major floods, and hence updated snow information is very important to flood forecasting services. This study assesses whether operational runoff simulations could be improved by applying satellite-derived snow covered area (SCA) from both optical and radar sensors. Currently the HBV model is used for runoff forecasting in Norway, and satellite-observed SCA is used qualitatively but not directly in the model. Three catchments in southern Norway are studied using data from 1995 to 2002. The results show that satellite-observed SCA can be used to detect when the models do not simulate the snow reservoir correctly. Detecting errors early in the snowmelt season will help the forecasting services to update and correct the models before possible damaging floods. The method requires model calibration against SCA as well as runoff. Time-series from the satellite sensors NOAA AVHRR and ERS SAR are used. Of these, AVHRR shows good correlation with the simulated SCA, and SAR less so. Comparison of simultaneous data from AVHRR, SAR and Landsat ETM+ for May 2000 shows good inter-correlation. Of a total satellite-observed area of 1,088 km2, AVHRR observed a SCA of 823 km2 and SAR 720 km2, as compared to 889 km2 using ETM+.

1983 ◽  
Vol 14 (5) ◽  
pp. 257-266 ◽  
B. Dey ◽  
D. C. Goswami ◽  
A. Rango

The results presented in this study indicate the possibility of seasonal runoff prediction when satellite-derived basin snow-cover data are related to point source river discharge data for a number of years. NOAA-VHRR satellite images have been used to delineate the areal extent of snow cover for early April over the Indus and Kabul River basins in Pakistan. Simple photo-interpretation techniques, using a zoom transfer scope, were employed in transferring satellite snow-cover boundaries onto base map overlays. A linear regression model with April 1 through July 31 seasonal runoff (1974-1979) as a function of early April snow cover explains 73% and 82% of the variance, respectively, of the measured flow in the Indus and Kabul Rivers. The correlation between seasonal runoff and snow cover is significant at the 97% level for the Indus River and at the 99% level for the Kabul River. Combining Rango et al.'s (1977) data for 1969-73 with the above period, the April snow cover explains 60% and 90% of the variance, respectively, of the measured flow in the Indus and Kabul Rivers. In an attempt to improve the Indus relationship, a multiple regression model, with April 1 through July 31, 1969-79, seasonal runoff in the Indus River as a function of early April snow-covered area of the basin and concurrent runoff in the adjoining Kabul River, explains 79% of the variability in flow. Moreover, a significant reduction (27%) in the standard error of estimate results from using the multi-variate model. For each year of the study period, 1969-79, a separate multiple regression equation is developed dropping the data for the year in question from the data-base and using those for the rest of the years. The snow cover area and concurrent runoff data are then used to estimate the snowmelt runoff for that particular year.The difference between the estimated and observed dircharge values averaged over the 11 year study period is 10%. Satellite derived snow-covered area is the best available input for snowmelt-runoff estimation in remote, data sparse basins like the Indus and Kabul Rivers. The study has operational relevance to water resource planning and management in the Himalayan region.

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 20
Shrinidhi Ambinakudige ◽  
Pushkar Inamdar ◽  
Aynaz Lotfata

Snow cover helps regulate the temperature of the Earth's surface. Snowmelt recharges groundwater, provides run-off for rivers and creeks, and acts as a major source of local water for many communities around the world. Since 2000, there has been a significant decrease in the snow-covered area in the Northern Hemisphere. Climate change is the major factor influencing the change in snow cover amount and distribution. We analyze spectral properties of the remote sensing sensors with respect to the study of snow and examine how data from some of the major remote sensing satellite sensors, such as (Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer) ASTER, Landsat-8, and Sentinel-2, can be used in studying snow. The study was conducted in Mt. Rainier. Although reflectance values recorded were lower due to the timing of the data collection and the aspect of the study site, data can still be used calculate normalized difference snow index (NDSI) to clearly demarcate the snow from other land cover classes. NDSI values in all three satellites ranged from 0.94 to 0.97 in the snow-covered area of the study site. Any pollutants in snow can have a major influence on spectral reflectance in the VIS spectrum because pollutants absorb more than snow.

2009 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 130-148 ◽  
Benjamin F. Zaitchik ◽  
Matthew Rodell

Abstract Snow cover over land has a significant impact on the surface radiation budget, turbulent energy fluxes to the atmosphere, and local hydrological fluxes. For this reason, inaccuracies in the representation of snow-covered area (SCA) within a land surface model (LSM) can lead to substantial errors in both offline and coupled simulations. Data assimilation algorithms have the potential to address this problem. However, the assimilation of SCA observations is complicated by an information deficit in the observation—SCA indicates only the presence or absence of snow, not snow water equivalent—and by the fact that assimilated SCA observations can introduce inconsistencies with atmospheric forcing data, leading to nonphysical artifacts in the local water balance. In this paper, a novel assimilation algorithm is presented that introduces Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) SCA observations to the Noah LSM in global, uncoupled simulations. The algorithm uses observations from up to 72 h ahead of the model simulation to correct against emerging errors in the simulation of snow cover while preserving the local hydrologic balance. This is accomplished by using future snow observations to adjust air temperature and, when necessary, precipitation within the LSM. In global, offline integrations, this new assimilation algorithm provided improved simulation of SCA and snow water equivalent relative to open loop integrations and integrations that used an earlier SCA assimilation algorithm. These improvements, in turn, influenced the simulation of surface water and energy fluxes during the snow season and, in some regions, on into the following spring.

2015 ◽  
Vol 8 (10) ◽  
pp. 8481-8518
S. Härer ◽  
M. Bernhardt ◽  
K. Schulz

Abstract. Terrestrial photography combined with the recently presented Photo Rectification And ClassificaTIon SoftwarE (PRACTISE V.1.0) has proven to be a valuable source to derive snow cover maps in a high temporal and spatial resolution. The areal coverage of the used digital photographs is however strongly limited. Satellite images on the other hand can cover larger areas but do show uncertainties with respect to the accurate detection of the snow covered area. This is especially the fact if user defined thresholds are needed e.g. in case of the frequently used Normalised-Difference Snow Index (NDSI). The definition of this value is often not adequately defined by either a general value from literature or over the impression of the user but not by reproducible independent information. PRACTISE V.2.0 addresses this important aspect and does show additional improvements. The Matlab based software is now able to automatically process and detect snow cover in satellite images. A simultaneously captured camera-derived snow cover map is in this case utilised as in-situ information for calibrating the NDSI threshold value. Moreover, an additional automatic snow cover classification, specifically developed to classify shadow-affected photographs was included. The improved software was tested for photographs and Landsat 7 Enhanced Thematic Mapper (ETM+) as well as Landsat 8 Operational Land Imager (OLI) scenes in the Zugspitze massif (Germany). The results have shown that using terrestrial photography in combination with satellite imagery can lead to an objective, reproducible and user-independent derivation of the NDSI threshold and the resulting snow cover map. The presented method is not limited to the sensor system or the threshold used in here but offers manifold application options for other scientific branches.

2017 ◽  
Kristoffer Aalstad ◽  
Sebastian Westermann ◽  
Thomas Vikhamar Schuler ◽  
Julia Boike ◽  
Laurent Bertino

Abstract. Snow, with high albedo, low thermal conductivity and large water holding capacity strongly modulates the surface energy and water balance, thus making it a critical factor in high-latitude and mountain environments. At the same time, already at medium spatial resolutions of 1 km, estimating the average and subgrid variability of the snow water equivalent (SWE) is challenging in remote sensing applications. In this study, we demonstrate an ensemble-based data assimilation scheme to estimate peak SWE distributions at such scales from a simple snow model driven by downscaled reanalysis data. The basic idea is to relate the timing of the snow cover depletion (that is accessible from satellite products) to pre-melt SWE, while at the same time obtaining the subgrid scale distribution. Subgrid SWE is assumed to be lognormally distributed, which can be translated to a modeled time series of fractional snow covered area (fSCA) by means of the snow model. Assimilation of satellite-derived fSCA hence facilitates the constrained estimation of the average SWE and coefficient of variation, while taking into account uncertainties in both the model and assimilated data sets. Our method makes use of the ensemble-smoother with multiple data assimilation (ES-MDA) combined with analytical Gaussian anamorphosis to assimilate time series of MODIS and Sentinel-2 fSCA retrievals. The scheme is applied to high-Arctic sites near Ny Ålesund (79° N, Svalbard, Norway) where in-situ observations of fSCA and SWE distributions are available. The method is able to successfully recover accurate estimates of peak subgrid SWE distributions on most of the occasions considered. Through the ES-MDA assimilation, the root mean squared error (RMSE) for the fSCA, peak mean SWE and subgrid coefficient of variation is improved by around 75 %, 60 % and 20 % respectively when compared to the prior, yielding RMSEs of 0.01, 0.09 m water equivalent (w.e.) and 0.13 respectively. By comparing the performance of the ES-MDA to that of other ensemble-based batch smoother schemes, it was found that the ES-MDA either outperforms or at least nearly matches the performance of the other schemes with regards to various evaluation metrics. Given the modularity of the method, it could prove valuable for a range of satellite-era hydrometeorological reanalyses.

2021 ◽  
Nora Helbig ◽  
Michael Schirmer ◽  
Jan Magnusson ◽  
Flavia Mäder ◽  
Alec van Herwijnen ◽  

Abstract. The snow cover spatial variability in mountainous terrain changes considerably over the course of a snow season. In this context, fractional snow-covered area (fSCA) is therefore an essential model parameter characterizing how much of the ground surface in a grid cell is currently covered by snow. We present a seasonal fSCA algorithm using a recent scale-independent fSCA parameterization. For the seasonal implementation we track snow depth (HS) and snow water equivalent (SWE) and account for several alternating accumulation-ablation phases. Besides tracking HS and SWE, the seasonal fSCA algorithm only requires computing subgrid terrain parameters from a fine-scale summer digital elevation model. We implemented the new algorithm in a multilayer energy balance snow cover model. For a spatiotemporal evaluation of modelled fSCA we compiled three independent fSCA data sets. Evaluating modelled 1 km fSCA seasonally with fSCA derived from airborne-acquired fine-scale HS data, satellite- as well as terrestrial camera-derived fSCA showed overall normalized root mean square errors of respectively 9 %, 20 % and 22 %, and represented seasonal trends well. The overall good model performance suggests that the seasonal fSCA algorithm can be applied in other geographic regions by any snow model application.

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