scholarly journals Editorial note

2017 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
Alain Assounga

As the official journal of the African Association of Nephrology (AFRAN), the African Journal of Nephrology (AJN) publishes research on kidney diseases by African and other researchers. AJN has reached a significant milestone in this first issue of Volume 20. This is the first issue which was prepared and published using our new web-based platform. We wish to take this opportunity to thank the editorial board, the reviewers and the authors for their role in the successful migration to the new platform. To mark this milestone, and to coincide with the March 2017 AFRAN/AFPNA Congress in Cameroon, we are delighted to publish a special article on the history of AFRAN by Professor Rashad Barsoum, one of the co-founders of AFRAN. Contributions to the success of AFRAN by the International Society of Nephrology, and by colleagues from Europe, America and Africa, are acknowledged. This is an illustrated story of our association told by its founding president, which is now immortalised in AJN. This issue also features an original article reporting on malignant kidney tumours in Port Harcourt, Nigeria. Nephroblastoma and renal cell carcinoma remain the leading kidney malignancies, as also reported worldwide. Finally, two interesting case reports conclude this issue: a case of IgG4-related nephropathy and a successful pregnancy in a patient on chronic haemodialysis.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (10) ◽  
pp. e234513
Mantej Sehmbhi ◽  
Penelope Sellers ◽  
Jonathan Segal ◽  
Susan Clark

An 18-year-old man presented with fever, night sweats and progressive weight loss over 2 months. He had a history of Peutz-Jeghers syndrome (PJS) complicated by previous intussusception requiring left hemicolectomy. Colonoscopy revealed deep punched out ulceration throughout the colon with multiple polyps. He was investigated for tuberculosis based on his occupation as dairy farmer. Following a negative QuantiFERON test, he was started on infliximab as emergency therapy and made a good recovery at 6 months follow-up. We describe a case of newly diagnosed Crohn’s disease (CD) in an adolescent with a background diagnosis of PJS. While inflammatory bowel disease, such as CD, is common in the UK, the association with PJS is very rare, with only two existing case reports in the literature.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
Marianne A. Larsen ◽  
Vanessa R. Sperduti

The first section of this article provides a brief history of Comparative and International Education (CIE), the official journal of the Comparative and International Education Society of Canada, over its almost 50-year history. The second section outlines general characteristics of the journal, including the role of the editors and editorial board, the bilingual nature of the journal, special issues, and book reviews. The article reviews the current general operations associated with the journal, providing details about financial aspects and changes in the production and dissemination processes as it moved from a print to an online format in 2012. Finally, the article recaps some challenges the journal has had and currently faces, as well as aspirations for the future. It demonstrates the resilience of the journal to adapt and notes the commitment of its champions, who have kept it going through challenging times. Keywords  Journal publishing; Bilingual publishing; Editorial process; Knowledge dissemination; Comparative education; International education; Canada Résumé La première partie de ce document présente une brève histoire de la Éducation comparéeet internationale (ECI), la revue officielle de la Société canadienne d’éducation comparée et internationale (SCECI), au cours de ses presque 50 ans d’existence. La deuxième partie est consacrée aux caractéristiques générales de la revue, notamment le rôle des éditeurs et du comité de rédaction, son bilinguisme, ses numéros spéciaux ainsi que les critiques littéraires. Sont examinées les questions générales relatives à la revue en fournissant des éléments d’information sur les aspects financiers et sur les changements apportés aux processus de production et de diffusion de la revue, passée d’un format papier à un format consultable en ligne. Enfin, sont rappelés certains défis que la revue a dû relever et continue à ce jour de relever, ainsi que ses aspirations pour l’avenir. Cet article démontre la capacité d’adaption de la revue et souligne l’engagement de ses champions qui lui ont permis de se maintenir, même en des temps difficiles. Mots clés  Publication de revues; Publication bilingue; Processus éditorial; Diffusion des connaissances; Éducation comparée; Éducation internationale; Canada 

2011 ◽  
Vol 7 (5) ◽  
pp. 363-370 ◽  
Suzanne Nielsen, BPharm, BPharmSc (Hons), PhD ◽  
Jacqui Cameron, BA, BSW, MPhil (Social Science Research) ◽  
Nicole Lee, BSc (Hons), GradCertEd (Tertiary), PhD, MAPS

Objectives: Recently, there has been considerable policy and public interest in the availability of over-the-counter (OTC) codeine. Case reports demonstrating severe harm from OTC codeine have been published. However, few studies have examined how people use these products and who develops dependence. The aim of this study was to better understand who develops problematic use of OTC codeine.Design and setting: The authors conducted a web-based survey with people who self-reported OTC codeine use. Eight hundred participants completed the survey that examined codeine use and dependence, pain, and general physical and mental health.Results: Codeine-dependent people differed from nondependent codeine users on a range of characteristics. They were younger, had lower levels of employment and education, and were more likely to report family history of substance dependence. They were more likely to have taken well above recommended doses of OTC codeine and have taken codeine for considerably longer periods of time than recommended. Codeine-dependent people in this study differed markedly from other populations of opioid-dependent people recruited to research in Australia and were more similar to the general population, suggesting that a web-based survey may have reached an under-researched population of opioid-dependent people.Conclusions: How best to use these findings to identify at-risk OTC codeine users requires consideration. Approaches aimed at reducing harm from prescription opioids may be difficult to implement in pharmacy settings. Implications for pharmacists and other health professionals are discussed.

2019 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 7
Mario Bernardo-Filho

Dear all,It is my pleasure to introduce the BrazilianJournal of Health and Biomedical Sciences (BJHBS).The history of the Journal goes back to 1982, startingunder the title “Medicina HC-UERJ”. At that time, theJournal was created to be vehicle for the disseminationof experience, research, and didactic guidelines ofsubjects related to biomedical area of HUPE, theuniversity hospital of the State University of Rio deJaneiro (UERJ). The publication goes through somehardships from 1991 until 2001. Afterwards, in 2002,the Journal goes back to being published entitled as“Revista do Hospital Universitário Pedro Ernesto –UERJ”, HUPE Journal.In 2019, following actions towards expanding thescope of the Journal, the Editorial Board has decided toreview its title one more time, going for BJHBS. The aimof the Journal is to raise the quality of the publicationsand expand our network of international scientificcooperation. The Journal is also focused in promotingtranslation of basic research into clinical investigationand converting clinical evidence into practice. Theidea is to build strategies to improve health in differentlevels, from education to high technology.BJHBS is a multidisciplinary publication organizedto produce highly impactful articles. The editorialpolicy accepts articles covering a variety of themesin health and biomedical sciences with severalapproaches, if they are not in simultaneous analysisfor publication in any other journal. The Journalstrongly stimulates undergraduate and graduatestudents to submit papers sharing their scientificexperience abroad.The participation of the Associate Editors andthe Editorial Board is highly desired to expandBJHBS’ visibility in the scientific world. As part of thepublication ethics, the BJHBS promptly rejects anyplagiarism and self-plagiarism practices. It featuressections dedicated to original research, literaturereviews, case reports, and letters to the editor.Papers must be submitted in one of three languages:Portuguese, Spanish, and English.In this issue, papers with different approaches arepresented. There are studies in basic sciences and clinicalevaluations, as well as an article regarding occupationalexposures reported by patients with leukemia.You are welcome to contribute with a manuscriptin your area of expertise to BJHBS at any time.

2013 ◽  
Vol 2013 ◽  
pp. 1-3
Hemasri Tokala ◽  
Karthik Polsani ◽  
Jagadeesh K. Kalavakunta

Gastrointestinal (GI) sarcoidosis is a very rare disease, which clinically presents along with systemic disease or as an isolated finding. Gastric sarcoidosis is the most common form of GI sarcoidosis. Symptomatic gastric sarcoidosis is rare and only few case reports have been described in the literature with well-documented histological evidence of noncaseating granulomas. We present an interesting case of gastric sarcoidosis in a 39-year-old Caucasian man with symptoms of epigastric pain and profound weight loss. His endoscopic gastric mucosal biopsies revealed noncaseating granulomas consistent with gastric sarcoidosis. Treatment with oral steroids alleviated his symptoms with no recurrence in 2 years. Gastric sarcoidosis should be considered in patients with history of sarcoidosis and GI symptoms.

Mohammad M. Al-Qattan ◽  
Nada G. AlQadri ◽  
Ghada AlHayaza

Abstract Introduction Herpetic whitlows in infants are rare. Previous authors only reported individual case reports. We present a case series of six infants. Materials and Methods This is a retrospective study of six cases of herpetic whitlows in infants seen by the senior author (MMA) over the past 23 years (1995–2017 inclusive). The following data were collected: age, sex, digit involved in the hand, mode of transmission, time of presentation to the author, clinical appearance, presence of secondary bacterial infection, presence of other lesions outside the hand, method of diagnosis, treatment, and outcome. Results All six infants initially presented with classic multiple vesicles of the digital pulp. In all cases, there was a history of active herpes labialis in the mother. Incision and drainage or deroofing of the vesicles (for diagnostic purposes) resulted in secondary bacterial infection. Conclusion The current report is the first series in the literature on herpetic whitlows in infants. We stress on the mode of transmission (from the mother) and establishing the diagnosis clinically. In these cases, no need for obtaining viral cultures or polymerase chain reaction; and no medications are required. Once the vesicles are disrupted, secondary bacterial infection is frequent and a combination of oral acyclovir and intravenous antibiotics will be required.

2020 ◽  
Vol 58 ◽  
pp. 118-134
Aleksandr E. Kotov

The journal of Ksenofont A. Govorsky “Vestnik Yugo-Zapadnoy I Zapadnoy Rossii” (“South-West and West Russia Herald”) is known in the history of pubic thought as odious and reactionary. However, this stereotypical image needs some revision: the anti-Polish discourse on the pages of the magazine was not so much nationalistic as anti-aristocratic in nature. Considering the “Poles” primarily as carriers of the aristocratic principles, the editorial board of the magazine claimed to protect the broad masses of the people. Throughout its short history, the magazine consistently opposed both revolutionary and aristocratic propaganda. However, the regional limitations of the problems covered in the magazine did not give it the opportunity to reflect on the essential closeness of the revolutionary and reactionary principles. Yu.F. Samarin and I.S. Aksakov – whose conservative-democratic views, on the whole, were close to “Western Russianism”, promoted by the authors of “Vestnik Yugo-Zapadnoy I Zapadnoy Rossii”, managed to reach that goal.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 99-106
Marián Hudák ◽  
Štefan Korečko ◽  
Branislav Sobota

AbstractRecent advances in the field of web technologies, including the increasing support of virtual reality hardware, have allowed for shared virtual environments, reachable by just entering a URL in a browser. One contemporary solution that provides such a shared virtual reality is LIRKIS Global Collaborative Virtual Environments (LIRKIS G-CVE). It is a web-based software system, built on top of the A-Frame and Networked-Aframe frameworks. This paper describes LIRKIS G-CVE and introduces its two original components. The first one is the Smart-Client Interface, which turns smart devices, such as smartphones and tablets, into input devices. The advantage of this component over the standard way of user input is demonstrated by a series of experiments. The second component is the Enhanced Client Access layer, which provides access to positions and orientations of clients that share a virtual environment. The layer also stores a history of connected clients and provides limited control over the clients. The paper also outlines an ongoing experiment aimed at an evaluation of LIRKIS G-CVE in the area of virtual prototype testing.

2019 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
Danielle Whiting ◽  
Ian Rudd ◽  
Amit Goel ◽  
Seshadri Sriprasad ◽  
Sanjeev Madaan

Abstract Background Angiomyolipomas are rare mesenchymal tumours arising from the perivascular epithelioid cells consisting of variable amounts of adipose, thick-walled blood vessels and smooth muscle cells. These benign tumours commonly occur in the kidney with only a few case reports of adrenal angiomyolipomas which have the potential to reach a large size and haemorrhage. Case presentation A 45-year-old lady presented with a 3-week history of right loin pain, nausea and vomiting. A CT scan revealed a right adrenal angiomyolipoma measuring 6.3 × 6.8 cm with associated haemorrhage. The lesion was successfully treated with right open adrenalectomy, and histology confirmed the diagnosis of adrenal angiomyolipoma. The patient remained well with no evidence of recurrence at the 36-month follow-up. Conclusion Adrenal angiomyolipomas are rare benign tumours that have the ability to reach a large size and potential to bleed. Here, we report the second case of spontaneous haemorrhage in an adrenal angiomyolipoma, which was successfully treated with open adrenalectomy.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
Florence Jaguga

Abstract Background Stuttering is a rare side effect of clozapine. It has been shown to occur in the presence of one or more factors such as abnormal electrophysiological findings and seizures, extrapyramidal symptoms, brain pathology, and a family history of stuttering. Few case reports have documented the occurrence of clozapine-induced stuttering in the absence of these risk factors. Case presentation A 29-year-old African male on clozapine for treatment-resistant schizophrenia presented with stuttering at a dosage of 400 mg/day that resolved with dose reduction. Electroencephalogram findings were normal, and there was no clinical evidence of seizures. The patient had no prior history or family history of stuttering, had a normal neurological examination, and showed no signs of extrapyramidal symptoms. Conclusion Clinicians ought to be aware of stuttering as a side effect of clozapine, even in the absence of known risk factors. Further research should investigate the pathophysiology of clozapine-induced stuttering.

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