case presentation
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2022 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 344-349
N. Ouatassi ◽  
W. Elguerch ◽  
A. Bensalah ◽  
M. Maaroufi ◽  
MN. Alami

2022 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
Elvin M. Mendez

Abstract Background Allergic rhinitis is the most common allergic disease encountered in a primary care setting. Diagnosis is often made clinically based on response to empiric therapy. However, with long-term treatment failure and/or atypical disease presentation, a differential diagnosis should be considered. The following is a report of an unusual and rare presentation of a subglottic tracheal angiomyomatous hamartoma in an adolescent, treated for many years as allergic rhinoconjunctivitis and asthma. Case presentation A 12-year-old Caucasian was referred to the allergy clinic with a lifetime history of bronchospasms and rhinoconjunctivitis symptoms, treated for many years for asthma and environmental allergies. Cough, posterior nasal drainage, self-described “choking on phlegm,” and a sensation of “a flap in the throat,”, worsened 5 months prior to the initial evaluation. Puncture skin testing for common environmental allergens was negative. Spirometry, performed due to history of chronic cough, showed blunting of the forced expiratory phase. A chest X-ray, immediately ordered to rule out possible extrapulmonary obstruction, showed bilateral bibasilar infiltrates. A noncontrast computerized tomographic scan of the chest, ordered to further elucidate X-ray findings, revealed a subglottic tracheal mass. Following a subsequent transfer and admission to a tertiary hospital center, microlaryngoscopy, bronchoscopy, and microsuspension laryngoscopy were performed to remove the tracheal mass. Pathology confirmed squamous mucosa with polypoid angiomyomatous changes and chronic inflammatory features consistent with angiomyomatous hamartoma. Surgical intervention was successful, and follow-up 1 year postoperatively revealed a healthy, asymptomatic adolescent child with normal lung function. Conclusions Although posterior nasal drainage and cough are typical presenting symptoms in the general patient population, they may be clinically impactful as they could disguise more serious medical conditions. A detailed history and careful physical examination may provide a high index of suspicion of disease, and can help work the differential diagnosis. This case presentation is the first documentation of subglottic hamartoma reported in the pediatric literature with clinical manifestation of environmental allergy and asthma symptoms.

2022 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 109-110
Suresh Kumar Nag

Introduction: Situs inversus is a rare autosomal recessive disorder occurring in 1:5,000 to 1:20,000 indiviuals. Cholecystectomy is a standard treatment for symptomatic gallbladder stone. We report a case of cholelithiasis in patient with inversus totalis who underwent cholecystectomy. Case presentation: A 48 years old obese female patient with dextrocardia and hypertention presented with a recurrent left upper abdominal pain for two years. Ultrasound abdomen showed gallbladder stone. Conventional cholecystectomy was done with a small left subcostal incision. The postoperative period was uneventful and the patient was discharged on 3rd post operative day. Conclusion: Cholecystectomy is the treatment of choice in patients with a left sided gallbladder stone, like in normal gallbladder and it is safe.

2022 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 106-108
Prabir Maharjan ◽  
Shiv Vansh Bharti ◽  
Digbijay Bikram Khadka ◽  
Anup Karki ◽  
Arun Gnyawali

Introduction: Isolated duodenal injuries are rare in blunt abdominal trauma. These present a significant challenge for management because of the associated injuries and its difficult anatomical accessibility. Case presentation: A 20years male presented to the Emergency department following a bike accident sustaining injury over face, chest and abdomen, 6hours after the incident. His vitals were unstable so he was resuscitated and admitted in Intensive Care Unit. He had generalized abdominal tenderness without rigidity. Contrast enhanced computed tomography of abdomen and pelvis was suggestive of hollow viscus perforation. He underwent exploratory laparotomy and primary repair for isolated perforation at fourth part of duodenum. He was discharged on his ninth postoperative day. Conclusion: Rare injuries following blunt abdominal trauma should be considered and early intervention is necessary.

2022 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
Zhe Zhu ◽  
Jun Xiao ◽  
Lifu Luo ◽  
Bo Yang ◽  
He Zou ◽  

Abstract Background Herein, we report two cases of unilateral retinal pigment epithelium dysgenesis (URPED) in Chinese patients and explore the relationship between URPED and combined hamartoma of the retina and retinal pigment epithelium (CHRRPE). Case presentation The lesion margins in the two cases showed pathognomonic clinical features of URPED, namely, a scalloped reticular margin in hyperplastic retinal pigment epithelium and mild fibrosis. The hypoautofluorescence observed by fundus autofluorescence was inverted compared with that observed by fundus fluorescence angiography. A large amount of fibroglial proliferation and disorganization of the retina involving the whole layer, which are also found in peripapillary CHRRPE, were found in the lesions. Conclusions URPED appears to share some clinical features with CHRRPE, and the relationship between URPED and CHRRPE needs further study.

2022 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
Zhaoying Chen ◽  
Chen Jiang ◽  
Xiaoyu Cheng ◽  
Lidan Ma ◽  
Ying Xin ◽  

Abstract Background Previous reports have described hypogonadism associated with virus infection such as hantavirus, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) or severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-COV-2). However, to our best knowledge there has been no case report of secondary hypogonadism following hand, foot, and mouth disease (HFMD). Case presentation A previously healthy 28-year-old man with no history of major physical and psychological trauma, presented with bilateral gynecomastia and erectile dysfunction 2 weeks after HFMD. Laboratory testament showed the level of gonadotropin hormones declined. Imaging examination demonstrated no major abnormal change in pituitary or reproductive system. The diagnosis of hypogonadism was established. Then the patient was ordered to maintain mental health outward of hospital without drug intervention. One month after presentation, his gonadotropin hormone level and sexual desire had recovered, while bilateral gynecomastia and erectile dysfunction symptoms disappeared. Conclusions Physicians should notice the possibility for hypogonadism in adult patients with a recent history of HFMD.

2022 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
Yusuf Shieba ◽  
Mahmoud Khairy ◽  
Mohamed Elzouk ◽  
Albaraa Ali Mansour

Abstract Background Nodular fasciitis (NF) is a rare non-neoplastic inflammatory tumor and usually presents as a painless, rapidly growing subcutaneous soft tissue mass. The head and neck are relatively common locations for nodular fasciitis, particularly in children. NF in the trachea is rare and may evolve to a fatal condition, especially due to its rapidly growing nature that can cause life-threatening tracheal obstruction. Case presentation We report the case of a 5-year-old child with NF in the trachea and subtotal tracheal obstruction. Bronchoscopy and biopsy proved the diagnosis, and bronchoscopic excision of the tumor was performed. Conclusions NF is a rare airway tumor, occurring mostly in adults, and may presenting with pneumonia-like symptoms. Early detection of the lesion is essential to avoid life-threatening airway obstruction.

2022 ◽  
Vol 2022 ◽  
pp. 1-4
Yousef S. Abuzneid ◽  
Hussam I. A. Alzeerelhouseini ◽  
Abdelrahman Rabee ◽  
Wafa Aqel ◽  
Rawan F. Ayyad ◽  

Introduction. Foreign body ingestion is a common pediatric complain, and most can be passed spontaneously; however, magnetic object ingestion is rather rare, and they can cause severe complications when multiple magnets are ingested, as they lead to entrapment of bowel walls between them, causing ischemia, pressure necrosis, perforation, and fistula formation. Case Presentation. Herein, we present a case of a 16-month-old female patient presented to our department complaining of continuous vomiting for two days along with fever and irritability. X-ray revealed dilated bowel loops with a radioopaque foreign body in the right lower quadrant. After discussing with the parents, exploratory laparotomy was done, showing two bowel perforations at the site of the magnets. Affected bowel was resected with anastomosis. The patient was discharged after 3 days with an uneventful recovery. Discussion. The diagnosis and management of magnet ingestion differ from those of small foreign bodies, which are usually managed conservatively by watchful waiting. Usually, the diagnosis is done due to complications such as peritonitis and death. On the other hand, management depends on the number, size, magnetic field, and shape of the magnet, and whether it has passed the pylorus or not. Conclusion. It is important to establish the diagnosis of this condition as early as possible to prevent complications. Despite the efforts that were made to try to prevent and minimize the risk of magnet ingestion, more investigations are required to reach a common and united strategy for management of such conditions.

Omoloro Adeleke ◽  
Farrukh Gill ◽  
Ramesh Krishnan

The Limb Body Wall Complex (LBWC) aka. Body Stalk Syndrome is an uncommon congenital disorder characterized by severe malformations of limb, thorax, and abdomen, characterized by the presence of thoracoschisis, abdominoschisis, limb defects, and exencephaly. This condition is extremely rare with an incidence of 1 per 14,000 and 1 per 31,000 pregnancies in large epidemiologic studies. Majority of these malformed fetuses end up with spontaneous abortions. We present this rare case with occurrence in a preterm infant of 35 weeks gestation. Our report highlights majority of the clinical presentations as reported in previous literature, but the significant pathological findings of absent genitalia and malformed genitourinary, anorectal malformations make this case presentation an even more rare occurrence. Infant karyotyping was normal male and there is no specific underlying genetic correlation in this condition which has fatal prognosis.

2022 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 1460-1464
Yonis Ismed ◽  
Radiyati Umi Partan ◽  
Ismail Bastomi

Background. Tuberculosis is still a significant health problem, especially in developing countries. Although pulmonary tuberculosis is the most common form of the disease, extrapulmonary tuberculosis also contributes significantly to morbidity and mortality. 10-15% of extrapulmonary cases are due to tuberculous arthritis. The following is a case report of a 36-year-old woman with a diagnosis of genu Sinistra tuberculosis arthritis and drug-induced hepatotoxic injury due to OAT. Case presentation. A woman, 36 years old, Muslim, addresses Banyuasin. The patient is a housewife, treated at Dr. Moh Hoesin General Hospital since October 11, 2021. The main complaint in the form of pain in the left knee has been getting worse since 1 week before being admitted to the hospital. 4 months before admission the hospital, the patient complained of left knee pain, the pain felt like being stabbed, coming and going, especially when walking. In this patient, there was a complaint of nausea that was felt in the pit of the stomach. The results of laboratory examinations showed an increase in the transaminase enzyme and hyperuricemia, so it was suspected that the patient had DILI due to OAT drugs. Hepatocyte death in DILI can occur through two processes, namely processes mediated by apoptosis or necrosis. In apoptosis, cell shrinkage and fragmentation occur into small pieces with the cell membrane intact. These fragments are cleared by phagocytosis and generally do not stimulate the host immune response. Conclusion. A patient diagnosed with arthritis tuberculosis genu Sinistra with Drug-Induced Liver Injury and Confirmed COVID 19.

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