Occupational Medicine: Toward a Worker/Patient Empowerment Approach to Occupational Illness

2002 ◽  
Vol 32 (3) ◽  
pp. 515-549 ◽  
Michael B. Lax

Clinicians practicing occupational medicine are increasingly confronted with patients who have complex illnesses with chronic nonspecific symptoms. Most clinicians use the traditional tools of biomedicine to diagnose and treat the illness, determine etiology, and assess disability. This article argues that the biomedical approach is inadequate to effectively evaluate and treat occupational illness. After reviewing several critiques of biomedicine, including biopsychosocial, feminist, class, and critical theory/postmodern perspectives, the author offers an alternative approach that builds on aspects of these perspectives as well as the “popular education” work of Paulo Freire. Constraints on, and possibilities for, the development of an alternative approach that attempts to build patients' capacities for transformative action are explored.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 94
José Henrique Singolano Néspoli

O artigo pretende examinar as relações entre educação popular e emancipação presentes na Pedagogia do Oprimido desenvolvida por Paulo Freire. Segundo este autor, as práticas de educação popular se definem fundamentalmente pelas relações que elas estabelecem com as lutas emancipatórias empreendidas pelos oprimidos. Deste ponto de vista, o texto procura analisar o processo de constituição e emergência histórica do método Paulo Freire no cenário político e educacional brasileiro dos anos 1960 tendo por objetivo examinar as relações que a Pedagogia do Oprimido estabeleceu com as lutas dos trabalhadores e das camadas populares pela emancipação das classes subalternas naquele contexto. Com base nesta perspectiva, o texto aborda a Pedagogia do Oprimido não como uma obra individual de um autor específico, mas como expressão orgânica das classes subalternas e de seu projeto contra hegemônico de transformação da sociedade.Palavras-chave: História e filosofia da educação, educação e política, Paulo Freire, emancipação das classes subalternas. Abstract: The article aims to examine the relationship between popular education and emancipation present in the Pedagogy of the Oppressed developed by Paulo Freire. According to this author, the practices of popular education are fundamentally defined by the relations they establish with the emancipatory struggles undertaken by the oppressed. From this point of view, the text seeks to analyze the process of constitution and historical emergence of the Paulo Freire method in the Brazilian political and educational scenario of the 1960s with the objective of examining the relations that the Pedagogy of the Oppressed established with the struggles of workers and the popular classes for the emancipation of the subaltern classes in that context. From this perspective, the text approaches the Pedagogy of the Oppressed not as an individual work of a specific author, but as an organic expression of the subaltern classes and their counter-hegemonic project of transformation of society.Keywords: History and philosophy of education, education and politics, Paulo Freire, emancipation of subaltern classes.

2011 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 84-109 ◽  
Marianne Moyaert

This article focuses on multiculturalism in the context of present-day societies and the need to incorporate minorities within a reframed social order. In his critical theory, Axel Honneth rightly draws attention to the idea of the moral grammar of struggles for recognition.  Analyzing his theory in depth, the article shows that Honneth underestimates the violent power of ideological discourse in marginalizing and excluding society’s others, e.g. cultural minorities. It then puts forward an alternative approach based on Ricœur’s creative and original reflections on ideology and utopia. For the incorporation of cultural minorities to occur, the symbolic order of society needs to be critiqued, transformed and expanded. From this perspective, the author highlights the subversive and transformative strength of utopian counter-narratives. The latter form a vital resource for cultural minorities in their struggle for recognition.

2011 ◽  
Vol 5 (11) ◽  
pp. 2609
Andréa Loureiro Roges ◽  
Eloine Nascimento Alencar ◽  
Ricardo Alexandre Amaral Muniz ◽  
Michelly Tavares Da Silva Marques ◽  
Galdência Amaro Ferreira ◽  

ABSTRACTObjective: to analyze radiophonic products under the light of the main constructs of Paulo Freire's theory of popular education: communication/information/education, dialectics, and popular participation. Method: this is a documental, retrospective, and qualitative study in which ten editions, from 2004 to 2005, of the program Radio Saude, which was broadcasted by Radio Universitaria AM 820 KHz, were analyzed. Results: the themes selected for the radiophonic productions presented and discussed relevant cultural and regional aspects for the listeners community, besides approaching issues related to the health care actions taken by the population, however, the problematization was not so apparent during the debates - moments of exchange between announcers and listeners. One observes moments of convergence and divergence from the assumptions of the popular education in health. Conclusion: the study allowed a change of look from the Nursing university student regarding the construction of new proposals for educative actions in health, using the radio as an instrument of interaction with the community, pointing ways for the nursing care through communication, aiming, thus, at the health promotion according to the orientations from the Brazilian Unique System of Health (SUS). Descriptors: health education; media; communication in health; nursing.RESUMOObjetivo: analisar produtos radiofônicos à luz dos principais construtos da teoria da educação popular de Paulo Freire: comunicação/informação/educação, dialética e participação popular. Método: estudo documental, retrospectivo e qualitativo, onde foram analisados dez programas intitulados Rádio Saúde veiculados pela Rádio Universitária AM 820 KHz no período de 2004 a 2005. Resultados: as temáticas selecionadas para as produções radiofônicas conduziam e discutiam aspectos culturais e regionais relevantes para a comunidade ouvinte, além de abordarem questões relativas aos cuidados em saúde da população, porém, a problematização não foi tão evidente durante os debates - momentos de troca entre locutores e ouvintes. Apresentando momentos de convergência e divergência dos princípios da educação popular em saúde. Conclusão: O estudo possibilitou uma mudança de olhar no graduando de enfermagem em relação à construção de novas propostas de ações Educativas em Saúde, utilizando o rádio como instrumento de interação com a comunidade, norteando caminhos para o cuidado de enfermagem através da comunicação visando, portanto, a promoção de saúde conforme preconiza o Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). Descritores: educação em saúde; meios de comunicação; comunicação em saúde; enfermagem.RESUMENObjetivo: analizar productos radiofónicos a la luz de los principales constructos de la teoría de la educación popular de Paulo Freire: comunicación/información/educación, dialéctica y participación popular. Método: esto es un estudio documental, retrospectivo y cualitativo, donde fueron analizados diez ediciones del programa Rádio Saúde, transmitido por la Rádio Universitária AM 820 KHz, en el periodo de 2004 a 2005. Resultado: las temáticas seleccionadas para las producciones radiofónicas presentaban y discutían aspectos culturales y regionales relevantes para la comunidad oyente, además de abordar cuestiones relativas a los cuidados en salud de la población, pero la problematización no fue tan evidente durante los debates - momentos del intercambio entre anunciadores y oyentes. Son observados momentos de convergencia y divergencia de los principios de la educación popular en salud. Conclusión: el estudio posibilitó un cambio de mirada del graduando en Enfermería con relación a la construcción de nuevas propuestas de acciones educativas en salud, utilizando el radio como instrumento de interacción con la comunidad, orientando caminos para el cuidado de enfermería a través de la comunicación, intentando, mientras, la promoción de salud como preconiza el Sistema Único de Salud (SUS) brasileño. Descriptores: educación en salud; medios de comunicación; comunicación en salud; enfermería.

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 ◽  
pp. 3561089
Francikely Da Cunha Bandeira ◽  
Maria Lígia Isídio Alves ◽  
Gildivan Francisco das Neves

BOOK REVIEW/RESENHA/RESEÑA [BRUTSCHER, Volmir José; SCOCUGLIA, Afonso Celso. Discursos da educação popular contemporânea: encontros com Michel Foucault e Paulo Freire. João Pessoa, PB: Editora da UFPB, 2017. 304 p.]Palavras-chave: Educação popular, Michel Foucault, Paulo Freire.Keywords: Popular education.Palabras claves: Educación popular.e3561089

2018 ◽  
Vol 26 ◽  
pp. 84
João Colares da Mota Neto

The article analyzes possibilities of convergence between popular education and participatory action research, taking as a reference the thought of the Brazilian pedagogue Paulo Freire and the Colombian social scientist Orlando Fals Borda. In particular, it examines these convergences in order to identify elements for the constitution of a decolonial pedagogy in Latin America. It is a research inserted in the field of the comparative history of Latin American social thought, using as primary sources several works of Paulo Freire and Orlando Fals Borda. The article defends the argument that the convergence between popular education and participatory action research is one of the most fruitful, creative and instigating intellectual contributions ever produced in Latin America, capable of pointing to a decolonial pedagogy that confronts intellectual colonialism, Pedagogical traditionalism and the authoritarianism of modern-colonial science. 

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 292
Robson Machado

 Com o avanço das forças neoconservadoras e neoliberais no âmbito da educação pública brasileira, os ataques e as tentativas de interdição da Pedagogia Libertadora e do legado de seu precursor, o professor Paulo Freire, têm se tornado cada vez mais frequentes. Sob ameaça, a teoria pedagógica humanista e progressista de Freire tem sido, equivocadamente, associada ao marxismo. Este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar os pressupostos teórico-filosóficos da Pedagogia Libertadora, bem como as implicações de tais pressupostos no método didático-pedagógico de Paulo Freire. Para isso, destaca sua relação com a fenomenologia, com o existencialismo cristão e com a dialética idealista. Expõe divergências entre o ideário libertador e a filosofia marxista, contrapondo suas perspectivas ontológicas e epistemológicas. No que diz respeito ao método libertador, analisa-o a partir da compreensão de seu desenvolvimento ao longo da produção intelectual de Freire e evidencia sua relação com a Escola Nova. Toma como referencial teórico-metodológico o materialismo histórico dialético, pois o conjunto de ideias existentes em uma dada formação social, dentre elas as ideais pedagógicas, são determinadas pela produção material da vida.Palavras-chave: Contra-Hegemonia. Educação Popular. Marxismo.The phenomenology as a philosophical foundation of Pedagogia Libertadora: a historical-critical analysis of the theory of Paulo FreireABSTRACTWith the advancement of neoconservative and neoliberal forces within Brazilian public education, the attacks and attempts of interdiction of the Pedagogia Libertadora and the legacy of its precursor, teacher Paulo Freire, have become increasingly frequent. Under threat, Freire humanist and progressive pedagogical theory has been mistakenly associated with Marxism. This article aims to present the theoretical-philosophical assumptions of the Pedagogia Libertadora, as well as the implications of such assumptions in the didactic-pedagogical method of Paulo Freire. For this, it highlights its relation with phenomenology, with Christian existentialism and with the idealistic dialectic. It exposes divergences between the liberating ideology and the Marxist philosophy, opposing its ontological and epistemological perspectives. With regard to the liberating method, it analyzes it from the understanding of its development throughout the intellectual production of Freire and evidences its relation with the New School. It takes as a theoretical-methodological reference the dialectical historical materialism, since the set of ideas existing in a given social formation, among them the pedagogical ideals, are determined by the material production of life.Keywords: Counter-Hegemony. Popular Education. Marxism.La fenomenología como fundamento filosófico de la Pedagogía Libertadora: una análisis histórico-crítico de la teoría de Paulo FreireRESUMENCon el avance de las fuerzas neoconservadoras y neoliberales dentro de la educación pública brasileña, los ataques e intentos de interdicción de la Pedagogía Libertadora y el legado de su precursor, el maestro Paulo Freire, se han vuelto cada vez más frecuentes. Bajo amenaza, la teoría pedagógica progresista y humanitaria de Freire ha sido asociada erróneamente con el marxismo. Este artículo pretende presentar los supuestos teórico-filosóficos de la Pedagogía Libertadora, así como las implicaciones de tales supuestos en el método didáctico-pedagógico de Paulo Freire. Para ello, destaca su relación con la fenomenología, con el existencialismo cristiano y con la dialéctica idealista. Expone divergencias entre la ideología liberadora y la filosofía marxista, oponiéndose a sus perspectivas ontológicas y epistemológicas. Con respecto al método liberador, lo analiza desde la comprensión de su desarrollo a lo largo de la producción intelectual de Freire y evidencia su relación con la Nueva Escuela. Toma como referencia teórico-metodológica el materialismo histórico dialéctico, ya que el conjunto de ideas existentes en una formación social dada, entre ellas, los ideales pedagógicos, están determinados por la producción material de la vida.PALABRAS CLAVE: Contrahegemonía. Educación Popular. Marxismo.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 270-292
Carlos Alberto Torres

Abstract This article discusses the origins and structure of what for the lack of a better term I will call the ‘Paulo Freire System’. Focusing on the historical experience of Angicos which catapulted Freire to world fame as an adult educator, a major claim of this article is that Freire’s work was a much more ambitious and revolutionary project than transforming adult education and literacy training becoming another landmark in the history of popular education in the region. The Angicos experience connecting public education with popular culture, the system that Freire and associates imagined in the sixties aimed for a profound and revolutionary transformation of public education in Brazil. With his exile in 1964, popular education becomes a model that could deeply affect public education worldwide. Represented theoretically in the pages of Pedagogy of the Oppressed, a pedagogical classic of the twenty first century, education is for Freire critical hermeneutics, addressing the dilemmas of citizenship building with a postcolonial ethics.

Marjorie Mayo

Competing definitions of the concept of popular education are summarised, showing how the concept has been developed from different perspectives – and then applied in varying ways, in practice. This sets the context for the discussion of popular education as the basis for developing critical consciousness and social transformation. The chapter goes on to summarise the legacies of previous critical educationalists in USA and elsewhere, including the contributions of British experiences and approaches. These legacies have contributed to the thinking of the legendary Brazilian Paulo Freire and others, in the contemporary context. The final section explores the roots of participatory action research, as these have been developed in India, Latin America and elsewhere, in international development contexts.

Stig Broström

Abstract: In early childhood education and care there has been a tendency in recent years to narrow down the educational practice to an introduction to school with a strong emphasis on literacy and math. It is essential that early childhood education and care researchers and practitioners analyse and reflect on this tendency and consider developing an alternative approach: Critical early childhood education. On the basis of a critical theory of society, a theory of recognition (Honneth, 1995), a Bildung oriented critical-constructive Didaktik* (Klafki, 1995, 1998) and various childhood approaches (Dahlberg, Moss, & Pence, 2001, 2007), this article will present an outline of critical preschool education.* The German term Didaktik is not the equivalent of the English term didactics. The concept of Didaktik goes beyond both didactics and the term curriculum by focusing on both democratic aims and content with a liberation perspective. A theoretical discussion on this issue is elaborated in Hopmann & Riquarts (1995).

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