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2022 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 628-644
Mariani Dela Seran ◽  
Prayekti Prayekti

The purpose of this research is to find out the influence of education, work experience, contract work system and HR management on the quality of pt. Srikandi Mandiri Duta Mulia. The research method used in this study is descriptive quantitative by using a statistical correlation of multiple regressions. Popolasi in this study is the entire workforce available at PT. Srikandi Mandiri Duta Mulia, with a sample of 53 respondents. The results stated that education, work experience, contract work systems and HR management have a positive influence both partially and simultaneously on the quality of the workforce.  Keywords: education, work experience, contract work system, HR management, Quality of work.

2022 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 366-389
Tuan Muhammad Zukri Tuan Sembok ◽  
Wan Ahmad Amir Zal Wan Ismail

Background and Purpose: Efforts in bringing about changes to fishers' lives are often met with obstacles due to their lack of participation in empowerment programmes as well as their excessive reliance on external assistance. However, such situations are said to be the results of their level of education and work experience. This paper also examines the relationship between work experience with empowerment and formal education as a control variable to the relationship. Therefore, this paper aims to observe the reality of empowerment among fishing communities from the lens of participation and self-reliance among fishers in Terengganu, Malaysia. Concurrently, this study also reviews the theme mentioned above from the lens of formal education and work experience and their impacts on the fishing community empowerment.   Methodology: This study used a survey design and involved 220 coastal fishers, who were identified through multi-stage sampling. Data were gathered using a questionnaire, and data analysis was done through descriptive statistics and the Analysis of Variance Test (ANCOVA).   Findings: The empowerment of the fishing community in this study is not influenced by the number of years they have spent as fishers. On the other hand, their level of education plays a pertinent influence on their empowerment. Such a finding clearly shows that experience is not only a major factor in increasing the empowerment of the fishing community.   Contributions: This study contributes to our understanding that it is undeniably true that formal and informal education play an integral role in empowering the fishing community, where through education, fishers are more participative in their community and exhibit autonomy towards their work.   Keywords: Fishers, empowerment, formal education, experience, community development   Cite as: Tuan Sembok, T. M. Z., & Wan Ismail, W. A. A. Z. (2022). Formal education, work experience and empowerment of the fishing community in Terengganu, Malaysia. Journal of Nusantara Studies, 7(1), 366-389.

2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 137
Aida Goga ◽  
Ardita Prendi ◽  
Brunilda Zenelaga

The totalitarian socialist regime, which was installed in Albania in 1945, lasting until 1990, was expressed and articulated as a consistent effort led to modernism or civilization, as a kind of “social engineering” incarnated to the inner individual and society dimensions. Fighting old and traditional mentality, the totalitarian socialist countries created the infrastructure for spreading the model of the “new man” according to new principles, aiming to make everyday life productive and disciplined. Under the implementation of the “new man” approach, especially the image of woman was reconstructed. The purpose of this paper is to analyze how the ideal of the “new man” and “new woman” were socially constructed and how they have influenced the everyday life of people, under the totalitarian socialist regime, referring to the case of the Albania. 18 in depth semi structured interviews with woman and men from 55 until 85 years old have been conducted and the poetry and text songs of that time have been explored. The research showed that through the trinomen “education-work-tempering”, the “new man” and “new woman” was socially constructed. People’s social status, during the socialist regime in Albania influences their perceptions and their attachment to the “new man” and “new woman” portraits   Received: 4 September 2021 / Accepted: 15 November 2021 / Published: 3 January 2022

2021 ◽  
pp. 107780042110682
Elizabeth de Freitas ◽  
Nathalie Sinclair ◽  
Kate le Roux ◽  
Armando Solares-Rojas ◽  
Alf Coles ◽  

This article explores the complex relational landscape of international partnerships where local and transnational education objectives are entangled. We present a methodological practice for experimenting with diagrams and maps. Our emphasis on spatial rendering of local/global relationality is intended to invite discussion about the postcolonial context of international education work and the geopolitics of transnational curriculum. We pursue a diagrammatic and archipelagic form of creative abstraction, which we present as a posthuman cartographic practice. To illustrate this practice, we focus on a specific international curriculum development project funded by the World Universities Network.

2021 ◽  
pp. 288-311
Dineke Schokkin

This chapter discusses traditional small-scale multilingualism in Southern New Guinea (SNG), in connection with the expression of possession in one of the languages spoken here: Idi. SNG is a high diversity region with many languages and families attested, and individuals tend to be highly multilingual. Throughout the area, patterns of language contact are grounded in established cultural practices of intermarriage. A system of symmetrical sister exchange produces many linguistically exogamous marriages. Children from such marriages usually acquire both their father’s (their primary or “emblematic” language of identification) and their mother’s language. Other languages are picked up from other family members and as people travel within the region or further afield for education, work or church activities. Practices of receptive multilingualism are widely reported. Idi has two types of possessive pronoun, termed “close” and “distant” possessive. Which type of possessive is used appears to be driven partly by semantics, based on alienability, and partly by pragmatics. The chapter looks specifically at how Idi speakers use possessives in the context of discussing the languages they speak. The linguistic landscape of the region is reflected in Idi, in the ways that possessive forms are used to refer to the different languages speakers acquire during their lifetime.

Kuntoutus ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 44 (3) ◽  
pp. 36-48
Johanna Vilppola ◽  
Markku Vanttaja

Mielenterveyssyistä johtuvat sairauspoissaolot ja työkyvyttömyyseläkkeet ovat lisääntyneet Suomessa viime vuosikymmeninä. Sen vuoksi on tarpeen tutkia mielenterveyskuntoutujien yksilöllisiä elämäntilanteita sekä heidän kuntoutumistaan ja kiinnittymistään yhteiskuntaan. Tässä artikkelissa tarkastellaan mielenterveyskuntoutujien kuntoutusprosessia erityisesti koulutus- ja työtoimijuuden näkökulmasta. Tutkimusaineistona käytetään aikuisten mielenterveyskuntoutujien kirjoittamia elämänkerrontoja (n = 42). Elämänkerrontojen teema-analyysin ja tyypittelyn perusteella kirjoittajat jaettiin kolmeen erilaiseen ryhmään, jotka nimettiin toimijoiksi (9), taistelijoiksi (18) ja tipahtaneiksi (15). Toimijat olivat aktiivisia oman kuntoutumisensa, koulutuksensa, työnsä sekä kokonaiselämänsä suhteen. Heillä oli vahva pyrkimys hakeutua koulutukseen, palata takaisin työelämään tai ylläpitää nykyinen koulutus- ja työtilanteensa. Taistelijat olivat puolestaan omassa kuntoutusprosessissaan matkalaisia, jotka halusivat olla yhteiskunnan tarpeellisia jäseniä. Myös heillä oli koulutukseen ja työhön liittyviä haaveita, mutta keinot oman elämän hallitsemiseksi olivat toisten ihmisten tuen varassa. Tipahtaneet olivat luovuttaneet sekä oman kuntoutumisensa että koulutus- ja työtoimijuutensa suhteen. Heillä ei ollut enää koulutukseen tai työhön liittyviä tavoitteita. Abstract Mentally wounded. Research of Education and Work Agency of Mental Health Rehabilitees Mental health related sick leaves and early pensions have increased enormously in our society in the last decades. That is why it is important to study the life narratives of mental health rehabilitees, especially focusing on individual and societal factors connected to rehabilitation, education and work agency. The data of this research consisted of 42 self-written life stories of adult mental health rehabilitees. Based on theme analysis and typification, life stories were divided into three groups: agentic actors (9), warriors (18) and dropouts (15). Agentic actors were described as active agents of their own rehabilitation, education, work and life. They had strong intentions to participate in education and work. Warriors seemed to be more like passengers in their own rehabilitation process, yet they had intentions to be a necessary part of society. They had hopes and dreams towards education and work, but they seemed to be lacking concrete means to lead their independent lives.  The dropouts had given up on their agency in rehabilitation, education and work. They had no more goals or intentions concerning education and work. Keywords: mental health rehabilitation, life story, education, work, agency

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (20) ◽  
pp. 202130
Juliana Cristina dos Santos ◽  
Ana Carolina dos Santos Lima ◽  
Letícia Salua Maraschin Mottola ◽  
Gianfrancisco Schork

ASPECTS OF FISH COMMERCIALIZATION IN THE MUNICIPAL FAIR OF CORURIPE – ALAGOASASPECTOS DE LA COMERCIALIZACIÓN DEL PESCADO EN LA FERIA MUNICIPAL DE CORURIPE – ALAGOASRESUMOA comercialização de pescados nos pequenos municípios da região Nordeste está historicamente associada às feiras livres. Nesse cenário, o presente trabalho objetivou caracterizar a comercialização de pescados na feira livre de Coruripe (AL) por meio de visitas de campos e questionários semiestruturados que avaliaram os feirantes, os produtos comercializados e os aspectos higiênico-sanitários dos postos de venda. De um total de 1.152 boxes disponíveis na feira, foram contabilizados 70 ocupados pela venda de pescados. Os dados indicaram que os comerciantes apresentam, em sua maioria, o seguinte perfil: são mulheres, têm idade entre 40 e 59 anos, possuem baixa escolaridade, trabalham na atividade há mais de 20 anos e têm na feira sua principal fonte de renda. A partir das entrevistas, evidenciou-se que a ocupação de feirante está intrinsecamente vinculada com a cultura das comunidades pesqueiras locais. Quanto ao comércio, uma ampla variedade de espécies, sobretudo marinhas, é negociada (peixes, crustáceos, moluscos). A conservação do pescado é simples, geralmente com gelo, e o beneficiamento é realizado no momento da compra.Palavras-chave: Feiras Livres; Pesca Artesanal; Cadeia Produtiva do Pescado.ABSTRACTThe sale of fish in small municipalities in the Northeast region is historically associated with open markets. In this scenario, the present work aimed to characterize the commercialization of fish in the open market in Coruripe (AL) through field visits and semi-structured questionnaires that evaluated the marketers, the products sold, and the hygienic-sanitary aspects of the points of sale. From a total of 1,152 boxes available at the fair, 70 were occupied by the sale of fish. The data indicated that most merchants have the following profile: they are women, aged between 40 and 59 years, have low education, work in the activity for over 20 years, and have their main source of income at the fair. Based on the interviews, it became clear that the occupation of market stalls is intrinsically linked to the culture of local fishing communities. As for trade, a wide variety of species, especially marine ones, are traded (fish, crustaceans, mollusks). Fish conservation is simple, usually with ice, and processing is carried out at the time of purchase.Keywords: Free Fairs; Artisanal Fishing; Fish Production Chain.RESUMENLa comercialización de pescado en los pequeños pueblos de la región Nordeste se basa históricamente en los mercados libres. En este escenario, el presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo caracterizar la comercialización de pescado en el mercado libre de Coruripe (AL) a través de visitas de campo y cuestionarios semiestructurados que evaluaban a los comercializadores, los productos vendidos y los aspectos higiénico-sanitarios de los puntos de venta. De un total de 1.152 cajas disponibles en la feria, 70 fueron ocupadas por la venta de pescado. Los datos indicaron que la mayoría de comerciantes tienen el siguiente perfil: son mujeres, tienen entre 40 y 59 años, tienen baja educación, trabajan en la actividad desde hace más de 20 años y tienen su principal fuente de ingresos en la feria. A partir de las entrevistas, quedó claro que la ocupación de puestos de mercado está intrínsecamente vinculada a la cultura de las comunidades pesqueras locales. En cuanto al comercio, se comercializan una amplia variedad de especies, especialmente marinas (peces, crustáceos, moluscos). La conservación del pescado es sencilla, generalmente con hielo, y el procesamiento se realiza en el momento de la compra.Palabras clave: Ferias Gratuitas; Pesca Artesanal; Cadena de Producción Pesquera.

2021 ◽  
Bonsa Amsalu Geleta ◽  
Yosief Tsige Radie ◽  
Habtamu Abera Areri

Abstract Background Ethiopian nurses are facing a culturally diverse population predominantly due to the coexistence of multicultural and diverse ethnics in the country. This study aimed to assess the level of cultural competency and its associated factors among nurses working in tertiary hospitals of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Methods A cross-sectional study was conducted on nurses working in tertiary hospitals of Addis Ababa city from March 1 to April 30, 2018. A systematic random sampling technique was used to select 352 nurses. Data were collected using an English version self-administered cultural competence questionnaire for nurses scale. Data was entered into Epi data manager version 4.2.2 and exported to SPSS software version 20.0 and analyzed using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. Results A total of 343 participants were involved in the study with a response rate of 97.4%. The overall cultural competence level of participants was low to moderate (1.94 ± 0.65) with the highest mean was scored for cultural sensitivity (2.54 ± 0.69) and the lowest mean was scored for cultural skill (1.62 ± 0.98). Participants’ age, religion, level of education, work experience, current role, spoken languages beside Amharic and English, previous cultural care education, work experience beside the current hospital, the experience of caring for diverse patients and availability of interpreter service were the factors significantly associated with cultural competence at p < 0.05. Conclusion The overall cultural competence of nurses was low to moderate and influenced by several factors. Therefore, nurses and other responsible bodies should struggle to improve the cultural competence of nurses. Furthermore, a national large-scale study with patient’s perspectives was recommended.

2021 ◽  
pp. 111-130
Jon Ivar Elstad

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