scholarly journals Video Wisata Virtual sebagai Media Promosi Desa Ekowisata Pancoh di Era Kenormalan Baru

Bakti Budaya ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 106-125
Wiwik Sushartami ◽  
Yulita Kusuma Sari ◽  
Karlina Maizida ◽  
Intan Purwandani

Following the announcement by the national government of the cases of the Covid-19 pandemic in March 2020, tourism activities in various destinations in Indonesia, including the Pancoh Ecotourism Village, as one of the partners of the UGM Tourism Studies Program, were immediately postponed. This condition impacted the local economic circulation as the income of the population decreased. In the background of this pandemic scenario, tourism operations will hopefully be resumed as soon as possible. The Community Service Program was therefore carried out in order to achieve the key objective; to create a promotional video for the Pancoh Ecotourism Village in preparation for re-operation under a new health protocol via collaborative work. The other goal of this Community Service Program is to fulfill the commitment to higher education through Tridarma. In addition, a Community Partnership was formed to assist the Pancoh Ecotourism Team in particular and the Village Community in general in the planning of post-pandemic tourism activities to encourage the sustainability of tourism in the village concerned. This program used Community-Based Participatory Action Research (CBPAR) which consists of five stages, from project design to reporting, as an approach. The results of the program include a video training program and a virtual video promotion of the Pancoh Ecotourism Village. Public engagement and institutional collaboration have been important and considered to be the key to success of this program. By the end of the program, video promotion will be released via the social media of Pancoh. ===== Menyusul pengumuman pemerintah pusat tentang kasus pandemi Covid-19 pada Maret 2020, kegiatan pariwisata di berbagai destinasi di Indonesia, termasuk Desa Ekowisata Pancoh, sebagai salah satu mitra Program Studi Pariwisata UGM, langsung ditunda. Kondisi ini berdampak pada peredaran ekonomi lokal seiring dengan penurunan pendapatan penduduk. Dengan latar belakang situasi pandemi ini, kegiatan pariwisata diharapkan dapat segera dilanjutkan. Oleh karena itu, Program Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat dilaksanakan untuk mencapai tujuan utama; membuat video promosi untuk Desa Ekowisata Pancoh dalam persiapan untuk beroperasi kembali di bawah protokol kesehatan baru melalui kerja kolaboratif. Tujuan lain dari Program Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat ini adalah untuk memenuhi komitmen pendidikan tinggi melalui Tridarma. Selain itu, kerjasama komunitas dibentuk untuk membantu Tim Ekowisata Pancoh pada khususnya dan Masyarakat Desa pada umumnya dalam perencanaan kegiatan wisata pasca pandemi untuk mendorong keberlanjutan pariwisata di desa yang bersangkutan. Program ini menggunakan Community-Based Participatory Action Research (CBPAR) yang terdiri dari lima tahap, mulai dari desain proyek hingga pelaporan, sebagai pendekatan. Hasil dari program ini antara lain program pelatihan video dan promosi video virtual Desa Ekowisata Pancoh. Keterlibatan publik dan kolaborasi kelembagaan menjadi penting dan dianggap sebagai kunci keberhasilan program ini. Di akhir program, video promosi akan dirilis melalui media sosial Pancoh.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 993-1003
Sofyan Sofyan ◽  
M Hasbi ◽  
Muhammad Jhoni Nur

ERADICATING ILLITERACY OF AL-QUR'AN LETTERS ON RESIDENTS AND COMMUNITY OF SCAVENGERS AT THE FINAL WASTE DISPOSAL SITE (TPA) OF KARYABARU VILLAGE, PALEMBANG. The purpose of this community service program is to overcome literacy of the Koran in the scavenger community in the garbage dumps of Karyabaru Village, Alang-alang District, Palembang City. The method used The method used in this service is participatory action research (PAR) in the form of assistance in learning. Based on this service activity, it can be concluded that the ability of learning citizens to show an increase in writing and reading hijaiyah letters, this can be seen from the results of the evaluation at each meeting, namely: (1) the ability to write and read hijaiyah letters of learning citizens who are declared complete as many as 18 (90 %) and incomplete 2 (10%). (2) the ability to write and read changes in hijaiyah letters, namely 17 (85%) learning citizens were declared complete and 3 (15%) learning citizens were declared incomplete. (3) the ability of citizens to learn to pronounce letters correctly and fluently according to their meaning 15 (75%) learning citizens were declared complete and 5 (25%) learning residents were declared not complete, and (4) the ability of residents to learn to pronounce letters that were already marked with a long and short line according to the level in tajwid, namely there are 15 (75%) learning residents who have completed and 5 (25%) learning residents are declared incomplete.

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 106-120
Benny Afwadzi

[Bahasa]: Persoalan radikalisme dan terorisme di Indonesia sudah sangat nampak kian berbahaya. Bahkan, aksi tersebut sudah menyeret anak-anak di dalamnya. Misalnya saja bom bunuh diri di tiga gereja Surabaya pada tahun 2018 silam yang juga melibatkan empat orang anak yang notebenenya masih sekolah, bahkan yang menyedihkan dua diantaranya masih berada pada tingkatan Sekolah Dasar. Pengabdian ini berupaya untuk turut berkontribusi dalam menyelesaikan persoalan tersebut dengan bentuk pengabdian di lembaga pendidikan dasar Islam, yakni Taman Pendidikan al-Qur’an (TPQ) dengan kerangka besar moderasi beragama. Kegiatan yang dijalankan ada dua, yakni parenting yang bernuansa wasathiyah dan perpustakaan Qur’ani. Dengan metode  Participatory Action Research (PAR) dan dilaksanakan dalam jangka waktu tiga bulan, yaitu Juli sampai September 2020, pengabdi sampai pada kesimpulan bahwa dua kegiatan tersebut cukup bisa membangun pemahaman keagamaan masyarakat TPQ menjadi lebih moderat, atau paling tidak, bisa lebih memperkuat moderasi beragama yang sudah mereka yakini. Mereka menyadari bahwa harus adanya kecintaan terhadap Indonesia dan adanya kesadaran bahwa perbuatan radikalisme dan terorisme merupakan perbuatan yang keji. Meskipun demikian, pengabdi menyadari bahwa perlu waktu yang jauh lebih lama untuk bisa merubah pemahaman ke arah yang benar-benar moderat. Kata Kunci: moderasi; parenting wasathiyah; perpustakaan; Taman Pendidikan al-Qur’an [English]: The problems of radicalism and terrorism in Indonesia have become increasingly dangerous. The actions have already dragged children into it. For example, the suicide bombing in three churches in Surabaya in 2018 involved four schoolchildren; sadly, two of them were still at the elementary school level. This community service program seeks to resolve these problems by implementing religious moderation in Taman Pendidikan al-Qur’an (TPQ). The program comprised two activities; parenting with wasathiyah nuances and the Qur'anic library and applied Participatory Action Research (PAR). It was implemented within a period of three months, from July to September 2020. The results show that both programs are able to construct a moderate religious understanding of the TPQ community, or at the very least, reinforce the existing religious moderation they already have. They realized that people must love their homeland (Indonesia) and that radicalism and terrorism are heinous. Nonetheless, it will take much longer to change their understanding into a truly moderate one. Keywords: moderation; parenting wasathiyah; library; Taman Pendidikan al-Qur’an

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-11
Muhsinul Ihsan ◽  
Bayu Priyambodo ◽  
Handa Muliasari

[Bahasa]: Komponen biaya terbesar dari usaha budidaya lobster adalah pakan. Pakan buatan diyakini merupakan salah satu solusi berkelanjutan bagi pengembangan industri budidaya yang ramah lingkungan. Dengan demikian, inovasi formulasi dan pembuatan pakan buatan harus terus dilakukan. Tujuan pengabdian ini adalah untuk memberikan keterampilan kepada pembudidaya lobster untuk memproduksi pakan buatan berbentuk gel berbasis bahan lokal di Dusun Telong-Elong Jerowaru Lombok Timur. Metode yang digunakan adalah Participatory Action Research (PAR). Peserta pelatihan menginisiasi, menyiapkan, dan mempraktekkan langsung cara pembuatan pakan dengan dibimbing oleh pengabdi. Evaluasi pakan yang dihasilkan meliputi tiga hal yaitu: tekstur (kelenturan), attractabilty (daya tarik), dan water stability (ketahanan dalam air). Melalui pelatihan yang difasilitasi oleh Australian Center for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR), pembudidaya berhasil memproduksi pakan buatan dengan karakteristik sebagai berikut: tekstur pakan yang dihasilkan menyerupai tekstur daging udang; daya tarik pakan sangat bagus; dan pakan mampu tidak hancur di dalam air selama 24 jam sebelum dimakan oleh lobster. Kelemahan pakan yang dihasilkan adalah tidak bisa bertahan lama ketika dimastikasi oleh lobster. Hal ini menyebabkan sebagian nutrien dalam pakan larut dalam air. Secara umum, pakan yang dihasilkan telah memenuhi sebagian besar kriteria yang diperlukan bagi pakan buatan lobster. Kombinasi binder perlu dikaji ulang untuk mengatasi kelemahan dalam pakan. Kata Kunci: pelatihan, pakan buatan, lobster, budidaya [English]: The major cost of lobster aquaculture is in the feed. The artificial feed is one of the viable solutions for development of aquaculture industry as it is environmentally friendly. Therefore, the innovation in formulating and producing the artificial feed shall be pursued. The purpose of this community service program is to equip the lobster farmers with the skills in producing artificial feed using local ingredients in Lombok Island. Participatory Action Research (PAR) method was used in this program. The participants initiated, prepared, and practiced the skills directly guided by the trainers. Artificial feeds produced by the participants were then evaluated including the texture, attractability, and water stability. Through this training facilitated by the Australian Center for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR), lobster farmers succeeded in producing artificial feed with the characteristics: the texture is similar to the texture of shrimp meat, the attractability is very good, and cannot be destroyed in water for 24 hours before being eaten by lobsters. The disadvantage of artificial feed is that it is unstable when masticatied and eaten by lobsters. This cause some of nutrients in the feed dissolve in water. In general, the artificial feed produced by lobster farmers have fulfilled the criteria of lobster feed. Binder combination is need to be reviewed to overcome weakness in artificial feed. Keywords: training, artificial feed, lobster, aquaculture

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Nanning Nanning ◽  
Ahmad Abbas ◽  
Abd Rauf Ibrahim ◽  
Mujahidah Mujahidah

The program of this community service is designed to increase the village economy through the waste recycle. This program aims to assist the community in Tanete Village of Sidenreng Rappang of South Sulawesi to increase the family economy by utilizing the banana waste. It was carried out  using Participatory Action Research (PAR) approach. The sample of village community consisted of twenty people in Tanete Village of Sidenreng Rappang of South Sulawesi. The stages of its implementation were socialization, training and demonstration. The result of this program encouraged the village community successfully to make banana waste become the painting and food jam.  Keywords: Banana Waste; Economy; Village.  

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 27-42
Afif Ikhwanul Muslimin

[Bahasa]: Pertumbuhan ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, dan ekonomi dunia yang cukup pesat, menyebabkan mobilisasi manusia semakin tinggi. Bergulirnya AFTA (Asia Free Trade Agreement) dan bergaungnya era revolusi industri 4.0 membuat masayarakat Indonesia harus memiiki daya saing Internasional. Sehingga, tujuan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah meningkatkan kompetensi bahasa asing komunitas berbasis Desa dengan pembentukan kampung Inggris untuk meningkatkan daya saing masyarakat. Pengabdian ini dilaksanakan di Desa Kalipakem, Kecamatan Donomulyo, kabutapen Malang dengan metode PAR (Participatory Action Research). PAR adalah metode penelitian aksi partisipatoris, dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui masalah yang dihadapi subyek penelitian dan menjadikanya sebagai target untuk dipecahkan sesuai kebutuhan subjek yang diteliti. Pengabdian ini melibatkan tokoh penggerak masyarakat Desa Kalipakem dan masyarakat desa yang meliputi remaja dan ibu-ibu jamaah kemasyarakatan. Metode ini dilakukan untuk memahamkan masyarakat Donomulyo terhadap: a) kelemahan-kelamahan yang dialami dan dimilikinya, b) keinginan-keinginan masyarakat untuk mengatasi kekuranganya, c) menyusun strategi dan metode untuk memecahkan masalahnya dan d) membantu masyarakat mengatasi, memecahkan, dan menemukan jalan keluarnya. Berdasarkan implementasi pengabdian, diketahui bahwa 1) masyarakat Desa Kalipakem memberikan dukungan maksimal melalui antusiasme partisipasi dan pemfasilitasan kegiatan pengabdian, 2) materi pelatihan pengabdian yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan masyarakat mendorong antusiasme pelatihan bahasa Inggris, dan 3) optimisme keterwujudan kampung Inggris di Desa Kalipakem sangatlah tinggi yang ditunjukkan dengan keseriusan setiap pihak dalam mengikuti proses pengabdian. Kata Kunci: kampung Inggris, Participatory Action Research, komunitas, desa [English]: The rapid growth of science, technology, and the world economy has caused human mobilization to increase. The implementation of the AFTA (Asia Free Trade Agreement) and the reverberation of the industrial revolution 4.0 require Indonesian people to boost international competitiveness. Thus, the aim of the present community service was to increase the international language competence ​​in village-based communities by establishing English villages to increase community competitiveness. This program was carried out in the village of Kalipakem, Donomulyo sub-district, Malang using the PAR (Participatory Action Research). PAR is a participatory action research method which aims at finding out the problems faced by research subjects and making them targets to be solved according to the needs of the subjects being studied. It involved community leaders in Kalipakem Village and village communities, including teenagers and community worshipers. This method was utilized to make the community: a) understand experienced and possessed weaknesses, b) understand desires of the community to overcome weaknesses, c) develop strategies and methods to solve the problem, and d) help the community to overcome, to solve, and to find a way out. Based on community service implementation, it was found that 1) Kalipakem villagers provided maximum supports through the enthusiasm of participations and facilitating the community service activities, 2) dedicated training materials that fitted the needs of the community encouraged enthusiasm for English language training, and 3) optimism for the realization of the British kampung in the village of Kalipakem is very high shown by the seriousness of each party in following the activities. Keywords: English village, Participatory Action Research, community, village

BMJ Open ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (7) ◽  
pp. e049564
Mary Abboah-Offei ◽  
Akosua Gyasi Darkwa ◽  
Andrews Ayim ◽  
Adelaide Maria Ansah-Ofei ◽  
Delanyo Dovlo ◽  

IntroductionWith rapid urbanisation in low-income and middle-income countries, health systems are struggling to meet the needs of their growing populations. Community-based Health Planning and Services (CHPS) in Ghana have been effective in improving maternal and child health in rural areas; however, implementation in urban areas has proven challenging. This study aims to engage key stakeholders in urban communities to understand how the CHPS model can be adapted to reach poor urban communities.Methods and analysisA Participatory Action Research (PAR) will be used to develop an urban CHPS model with stakeholders in three selected CHPS zones: (a) Old Fadama (Yam and Onion Market community), (b) Adedenkpo and (c) Adotrom 2, representing three categories of poor urban neighbourhoods in Accra, Ghana. Two phases will be implemented: phase 1 (‘reconnaissance phase) will engage and establish PAR research groups in the selected zones, conduct focus groups and individual interviews with urban residents, households vulnerable to ill-health and CHPS staff and key stakeholders. A desk review of preceding efforts to implement CHPS will be conducted to understand what worked (or not), how and why. Findings from phase 1 will be used to inform and co-create an urban CHPS model in phase 2, where PAR groups will be involved in multiple recurrent stages (cycles) of community-based planning, observation, action and reflection to develop and refine the urban CHPS model. Data will be managed using NVivo software and coded using the domains of community engagement as a framework to understand community assets and potential for engagement.Ethics and disseminationThis study has been approved by the University of York’s Health Sciences Research Governance Committee and the Ghana Health Service Ethics Review Committee. The results of this study will guide the scale-up of CHPS across urban areas in Ghana, which will be disseminated through journal publications, community and government stakeholder workshops, policy briefs and social media content. This study is also funded by the Medical Research Council, UK.

2014 ◽  
Vol 34 (4) ◽  
Andrea Gossett Zakrajsek ◽  
Mansha Mirza ◽  
Nathan Kai-Cheong Chan ◽  
Tom Wilson ◽  
Mark Karner ◽  

<p><span>Despite preference for community-based living, large numbers of people with psychiatric disabilities live in nursing homes throughout the US. Community-based services for this population are limited by public policy and service system barriers. This paper summarizes these barriers and presents the second phase of a participatory action research project jointly developed by university-based researchers and two Centers for Independent Living. A qualitative case study methodology was used to understand the experiences of three individuals with psychiatric disabilities reintegrating into the community from nursing homes. Findings revealed themes of social isolation, participation in virtual communities, variability of impairment experiences and unmet needs for community supports. In addition to thematic findings, action products were generated for the benefit of community partners. These products included national best practice resources and a needs assessment survey tool. Study findings and products point to specific systems change and policy recommendations to better support community reintegration for this population. These recommendations are discussed in light of U.S. healthcare reform and broader disability advocacy efforts.</span></p>

Joanna Ochocka ◽  
Elin Moorlag ◽  
Rich Janzen

The purpose of this article is twofold: to explore the entry process in community-based research when researching sensitive topics; and to suggest a framework for entry that utilises the values of participatory action research (PAR). The article draws on a collaborative community-university research study that took place in the Waterloo and Toronto regions of Ontario, Canada, from 2005–2010. The article emphasises that community entry is not only about recruitment strategies for research participants or research access to community but it is also concerned with the ongoing engagement with communities during various stages of the research study. The indicator of success is a well established and trusted community-researcher relationship. This article first examines this broader understanding of entry, then looks at how community research entry can be shaped by an illustrative framework, or guide, that uses a combination of participatory action research (PAR) values and engagement strategies. Key words: research entry, community engagement, participatory action research, mental health and cultural diversity

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