Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat
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Published By Universitas Mathla Ul Anwar Banten

2540-8747, 2540-8739

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 917-926
Mojiono Mojiono ◽  
Nur Qomariah ◽  
Fortunata Riana

CATFISH MINICULTURE OFTEN CALLED AS “BUDIKDAMBER” HAS RAPIDLY GAINED ITS POPULARITY DURING COVID-19 PANDEMIC DUE TO FOLLOWING REASONS: EASY TO ADOPT AND AFFORDABLE. In this regard, we disseminated technical assistance of “budikdamber” to villagers in two villages: Montongsekar and Sugihwaras, which aimed at fostering the food production in households. The dissemination was carried out through three activities: (1) assembly of “budikdamber” unit, (2) assistance and observation, and (3) evaluation. The unit was assembled using 80 L-plastic container, and filled with about 60 L of freshwater. Catfish seeds (12 cm in length) were reared in the unit for 3 weeks. During the period, their growth (body length, in cm) and survival rate. At the end of period, questionnaires were asked to the participants. The results showed that “budikdamber” unit could be made simply, equipped with water outlet, allowing to change water without jeopardizing fish survival. The assistance and observation to the participants demonstrated a pivotal role in disseminating the technical aspects of the catfish miniculture. The aquculture of catfish using “budikdamber” resulted in a satisfying output, represented by high survival rate ranging from 94 - 100% and final fish size (16.82 - 17.90 cm ). For further consideration, we need to publicize the fish culture method using both offline and online approaches, enabling to deliver the benefits of this technique to broader scale. In conclusion, “budikdamber” could impose significant effect on our attempts in ensuring food security during covid-19 pandemic.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 954-962
Stacia Reviany Mege ◽  
Rianditha Eri Werdani ◽  
Nurul Imani Kurniawati ◽  
Kholidin Kholidin

MODEL OF EMPOWERMENT AND DEVELOPMENT OF LOCAL RESOURCE POTENTIAL IN KANGKUNG VILLAGE, MRANGGEN SUBDISTRICT, DEMAK REGENCY IN ORDER TO CONTINUOUSLY IMPROVING THE STANDARD OF LIVING OF COMMUNITIES. Kangkung Village is located in Mranggen Subdistrict, Demak Regency, Central Java and rich in natural resources and other potentials. However, the local potentials are not well utilized due to lack of funding, technology, skill, and knowledge of the communities. Some sectors such as farming or gardening have been the main source of income for most of the villagers even though the disparity between village and cities is increasing. The purpose of this community service is to empower the community to realize their potential and to take action and move together for the prosperity of all villagers. Methods used to obtain the objective were socialization and assistance. The result of the community service was the identification of problems, solutions, and potential in Kangung Village. Furthermore, the community realized that local resource potential does not rely on natural resources only but more to human resources that they are motivated to improve their potential. In conclusion, socialization and assistance are needed by the village to realize their potential and must be done continuously and the collaboration between the community and village administrators is highly necessary to improve the standard of living.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 974-982
Mawardi Mawardi ◽  
Agustina Tyas Asri Hardini

EFFECTIVENESS OF MENTORING INSTRUMENT PREPARATION OF ATTITUDE ASSESSMENT FOR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TEACHERS. The purpose of devotion to society in the form of this training is to increase the competence of elementary school teachers in THE KKG Group of Dr. Wahidin Soediro Hoesodo District, Central Java in order to develop a scale instrument of attitude. The benefits gained by the participants in this training and mentoring are the increasing understanding and experience for the teacher in organizing the instrument of attitude. This activity is implemented by the following steps: 1) Identifying the ability of the trainees, 2) sets the need Gap, 3) develops the program, 4) conducting the training, and 5) evaluation. Based on the findings of the training as described above, the following steps included : 1) The training on the preparation of attitude assessment instruments is an urgent necessity; 2) The average Pretest score in training only reaches 54; While on final test reached 69.76. A minimum score pretest 23 and final test 47; Maximum score pretest 72 and final test 79. The increase in the achievement of the learning outcomes is quite meaningful, both seen from the average and from the achievement of the maximum score of 79; 3) found data from 25 elementary school teachers who attended the training, 16 of them (68%) has uploaded training products in the form of Likert model scale instrument. Compared to the specified PM target of 60%, this achievement has exceeded the target.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 1110-1121
Aulia Nursyifa

PREVENTION OF DEVIANT BEHAVIOUR DUE TO DRUG ABUSE IN MILLENIAL ADOLESCENTS IN UNTUNG JAWA ISLAND. The changing times are so rapidly that youth are susceptible to deviating behaviors, one of which is drug abuse among adolescents. The existence of tourist attraction becomes an attraction for tourists in Pulau Untung Jawa, the tourists can bring influence to the youth in Untung Jawa island including drug use. The purpose of this devotion is to provide knowledge to the youth to make precautions against deviant behavior due to drug abuse. Method of community devotion in the form of counseling to adolescent youth organization Untung Jawa Island which amounted to 30 people. The results of devotion to the community showed that there was increased understanding of participants related to drug hazards of 82%. The participants were also very enthusiastic to follow the activities that took place. With the activity of devotion to the community can provide awareness for adolescents to do prevention of the impact of the drug by conducting a variety of positive activities such as: following entrepreneurial training, attending sports activities, attending the arts, following religious activities, becoming a janitor, and developing tourism objects in the Untung Jawa Island. This effort is a preventive measure of deviant behaviour due to adolescent drug abuse. The youth of Untung Jawa Island has proved to be a healthy generation without drugs and a young generation that is useful to the surrounding community.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 983-992
Encep Andriana ◽  
Indhira Asih VY ◽  
Ratna Sari Dewi ◽  
Callista Aulina ◽  
Suci Ramadayanti ◽  

OPTIMIZING THE SWEET POTATOES’ POTENTIAL IN SINDANGKARYA VILLAGE, MENES SUB-DISTRICT, PANDEGLANG REGENCY. Sweet potato is one of the agricultural commodities that is suitable for cultivation in Sindangkarya village, Pandeglang Regency. Each year, Sindangkarya village produces 350 tonnes of sweet potato. However, the low price of sweet potato causes small income for the residents. One of the efforts to increase its selling value is processing sweet potatoes into various products such as sweet potato cake or various other processed products. The problem founded is that people do not have the knowledge and skills of sweet potatoes utilization. The purpose of this community service activity is to transfer knowledge and train the community skills in processing sweet potatoes so they will have a higher selling value and attract the buyers. This article concludes that Sindangkarya Village has a business potential that involves the participants, PKK Cadres, Posyandu Cadres and Youth Organization developing creative ideas to make valuable products and beneficial to the lives of Sindangkarya residents and can reduce unemployment.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 1043-1050
Surya Amami Pramuditya ◽  
Cita Dwi Rosita ◽  
Siska Firmasari ◽  
Sri Asnawati

TEACHERS IN THE DIGITAL ERA: TRAINING ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF SCHOOLOGY AS A LEARNING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FOR TEACHERS OF SMP VETERAN CIREBON CITY. Distance education is a natural learning system that involves two-way communication through the media between educators and students when there is a distance that separates them. To integrate the two-way communication process requires a learning management system (Learning Management System). One of the LMS platforms is Schoology. Schoology allows users to create, manage, and interact with each other and share academic content. Schoology provides solutions for teachers to improve their professionalism in the digital age, especially in the use of technology for learning. The resource person trains participants with the lecture method, which explains how to use the menus and tools contained in LMS Schoology, as well as simulations of how to implement them in learning. The training stage consists of the preparation phase and the implementation phase of the training. The target of the training is the teachers of all subjects in Cirebon Veterans Junior High School. Indicators of training implementation with evaluation during the training process and post-training evaluation. From the results of the community service activities, during the face-to-face events, the teachers looked enthusiastic, only when the exercises were online (non-face-to-face), only one teacher actively participated out of a total of 9 teachers who became training participants. Based on observations, few teachers took part in online activities because of their busy operations in classroom teaching, which had to pursue productive weeks of learning.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 1004-1014
Reni Pawestuti Ambari Sumanto ◽  
Henny Puji Astuti ◽  
Ni Kadek Aris Rahmadani ◽  
R Agustinus Arum Eka Nugroho

NUTRITIONAL PARENTING ASSISTED WHATSAPP; DIGITAL LITERACY TO SUPPORT THE HEALTHY GENERATION OF ACHIEVERS. Parents have an important role in a family. Parental involvement in childcare has great potential to be developed. The potential of parents in parenting can be optimized through the potential of human and technological resources. In the current digital era, the potential for parental involvement can be strengthened by whatsapp-based digital literacy. Whatsapp is a technology resource that can convey various forms of messages such as text messages, voice messages, picture messages, even voice and video calls. This activity aims to empower parents in providing balanced nutrition for children through whatsapp-based parenting activities. The target group used as partners in this activity are parents of toddlers who attend Pos PAUD, at Pos PAUD Lestari II, Semarang City, Central Java. The method used in this activity was the initiation and parenting of whatsapp continuously. The results of activities carried out in the form of whatsapp-based nutrition parenting groups, the number of participants consisted of 20 parents, the results showed there were 85% of parents who had high enthusiasm when whatsapp parenting took place and 35% of parents were able to practice balanced diet for children. This activity needs to be continued given the limited number of parents who can practice balanced diet, the next activity can be in the form of literacy strengthening through peer education activities as an effort to increase parental involvement in fulfilling children's nutritional intake.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 1087-1096
Supriadi Supriadi

COMMUNITY SERVICE INNOVATION OF THE SCHOOL MATHEMATICS HEALTH CENTER (PUSKESMAS) IN LEARNING MATHEMATICS BASED ON THE TOWN SQUARE. The purpose of this study was to develop an innovation in the school’s mathematics health center in mathematics learning through city square-based mathematics learning. Descriptive method is used with subjects in early childhood and elementary school students who are in the location of the school mathematics health center. The instrument used by the researcher itself, data collection techniques using structured interviews, observation and documentation. The data analysis technique used triangulation, data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. The results showed that the media presented at the Puskesmas were all new and they had not yet gotten them in their respective schools. The attitude of students who become happy, like, cheerful in learning mathematics and easy to understand mathematical concepts, and bring out the creativity of early age and elementary school students in learning mathematics. Student concentration also increases because the learning model used uses an individual approach, so that they can focus more on seeing the student learning process. Parents who accompany their children generally feel happy because their children enjoy learning mathematics. Puskesmas activities have an impact on early age and elementary school students to be happy learning mathematics, like learning with mathematics media, cheerful in following math tutoring and enjoy learning mathematics. This program is also highly supported by parents because it is very helpful in the learning process of their children and eases the family’s economic burden in education.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 993-1003
Sofyan Sofyan ◽  
M Hasbi ◽  
Muhammad Jhoni Nur

ERADICATING ILLITERACY OF AL-QUR'AN LETTERS ON RESIDENTS AND COMMUNITY OF SCAVENGERS AT THE FINAL WASTE DISPOSAL SITE (TPA) OF KARYABARU VILLAGE, PALEMBANG. The purpose of this community service program is to overcome literacy of the Koran in the scavenger community in the garbage dumps of Karyabaru Village, Alang-alang District, Palembang City. The method used The method used in this service is participatory action research (PAR) in the form of assistance in learning. Based on this service activity, it can be concluded that the ability of learning citizens to show an increase in writing and reading hijaiyah letters, this can be seen from the results of the evaluation at each meeting, namely: (1) the ability to write and read hijaiyah letters of learning citizens who are declared complete as many as 18 (90 %) and incomplete 2 (10%). (2) the ability to write and read changes in hijaiyah letters, namely 17 (85%) learning citizens were declared complete and 3 (15%) learning citizens were declared incomplete. (3) the ability of citizens to learn to pronounce letters correctly and fluently according to their meaning 15 (75%) learning citizens were declared complete and 5 (25%) learning residents were declared not complete, and (4) the ability of residents to learn to pronounce letters that were already marked with a long and short line according to the level in tajwid, namely there are 15 (75%) learning residents who have completed and 5 (25%) learning residents are declared incomplete.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 1065-1076
Madi Madi ◽  
Yoyok Setyo Hadiwidodo ◽  
Tuswan Tuswan ◽  
Abdi Ismail

SATISFACTION LEVEL ANALYSIS OF AUTOCAD ONLINE TRAINING PARTICIPANTS FOR COMMUNITY SERVICE AFFECTED BY COVID-19 USING KIRKPATRICK LEVEL I METHOD. Online AutoCAD training is an activity to learn modelling techniques using AutoCAD software for participants affected by Covid-19. Online AutoCAD training was held to increase people's productivity during the pandemic, increase knowledge, and develop modelling ability using AutoCAD software. The number of participants registered to join this program was 49 participants from open recruitment which consisted of 59% male participants and 41% female participants. The program ran for four meetings online, each session 1.5 hours with a system of introduction, learning, assignments, and exams. The service team also provides free facilitators, facilities, presenters and materials (F2PM) for training participants. So, to find out participants' satisfaction, it is necessary to conduct an evaluation at the end of the training. The review was carried out by means of an online survey to the participants, then processed qualitatively with the Kirkpatrick Level I method. The final result of the participant evaluation of the facilitator was considered acceptable (59%), the facilities were considered excellent (67%), the presenters were considered very good (56 %), and the material is considered very good (59%). In the future, evaluation data on the level of participant satisfaction can be used as a recommendation and motivation to organize advanced training.

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