scholarly journals Analisa Alogaritma Layout Heuristik untuk Meminimasi Total Material handling dalam Perencanaan tata Letak Fasilitas

2010 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 22
Annisa, Kesy G

This research has goal to compare there alternative layout performances CRAFT,MULTIPLE, and BLOCPLAN. Using the problem of layout which include forward flow material and fordward backward flow material can be found result : Multiple Algoritm has total distance and material cost minimally but the problems that have lower departement,CRAFT algoritm can be used better than MULTIPLE algoritm because almost gives the same result with easier input process.

2010 ◽  
Vol 37-38 ◽  
pp. 116-121
Yu Lan Li ◽  
Bo Li ◽  
Su Jun Luo

In the facility layout decisions, the previous general design principle is to minimize material handling costs, and the objective of these old models only considers the costs of loaded trip, without regard to empty vehicle trip costs, which do not meet the actual demand. In this paper, the unequal-sized unidirectional loop layout problem is analyzed, and the model of facility layout is improved. The objective of the new model is to minimize the total loaded and empty vehicle trip costs. To solve this model, a heuristic algorithm based on partheno-genetic algorithms is designed. Finally, an unequal-sized unidirectional loop layout problem including 12 devices is simulated. Comparison shows that the result obtained using the proposed model is 20.4% better than that obtained using the original model.

1961 ◽  
Vol 17 (8) ◽  
pp. 401t-403t

Abstract This report considers in detail the uses of, corrosion resistance of, and application of, zinc filled inorganic coatings. Environments in which these coatings were exposed and evaluated include water and moisture, acids, oxidizing agents, alkalies, and solvents and oils. Properties of applied coatings considered include temperature limitations, impact and abrasion resistance, aging, toxicity and odor, weight, electrical properties, adhesion and gloss retention. Matters discussed in connection with application include coverage, flammability and toxicity, surface preparation, drying time, curing, baking, inspection and compatibility. Total material cost for zinc filled inorganic coating systems ranged from eight to ten cents per square foot. 5.4.2

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 168-178
Noval Dwi Aryadipura ◽  
Rusindiyanto Rusindiyanto ◽  
Erlina Purnamawaty

PT. Temprina Media Grafika adalah bagian dari Jawa Pos Group yang bergerak di bidangjasa percetakan dan kardus. Permasalahan yang dialami oleh PT. Temprina Media Grafika adalahpenempatan produk jadi yang berada di area gudang tidak berada pada satu area yangsama,sehingga didalam hal ini harus mencari dan menata ulang dalam pengambilan produk. Untukmeningkatkan efisiensi dari penggunaan material handling maka dilakukan penelitian yangbertujuan untuk menentukan kebutuhan luas area yang dibutuhkan untuk gudang barang jadi danmerancang tata letak gudang usulan gudang barang jadi di PT. Temprina Media Grafika, sehinggadapat mempermudah proses penyimpanan dan pengeluaran barang dari gudang barang jadi, namuntetap mempertahankan luas gudang yang sudah ada dengan menggunakan metode Shared Storage.Metode Shared Storage adalah suatu penyusunan area-area penyimpanan berdasarkan kondisi luaslantai gudang, kemudian diurutkan dari area yang paling dekat sampai area yang terjauh dan pintukeluar masuk sehingga penempatan barang yang akan segera dikirim diletakkan pada area yangpaling dekat dan begitu seterusnya. Shared storage dianggap sebagai sistem pemindahan barangyang tepat terhadap suatu produk. Pengujian yang dilakukan terhadap desain tata letak awalmenghasilkan 641 m dan pada kondisi usulan penerapan metode shared storage didapat 254 m,maka diketahui terjadi penurunan jarak total material handling dengan selisih sebanyak 387 m atauterdapat penurunan sebesar 60.37 %.

2013 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 81
Nunung Nurhasanah ◽  
Bima Prasetya Simawang

<p><em>Abstrak <strong>-</strong> </em><strong>Perancangan Tata letak fasilitas adalah perencanaan dan integrasi aliran komponen-komponen suatu produk untuk mendapatkan interelasi yang paling efektif dan efisien antar operator, peralatan, dan proses transformasi material dari bagian penerimaan sampai ke bagian pengiriman produk jadi. Penelitian ini bertujuan </strong><strong>untuk </strong><strong>menganalisis dan merancang tata letak fasilitas lantai produksi berdasarkan jarak perpindahan material yang minimum di CV. XYZ</strong><strong>.</strong><strong> Penelitian diawali dengan</strong><strong> me</strong><strong>nentukan produk yang akan dijadikan sebagai objek penelitian.</strong><strong> </strong><strong>Langkah-langkah berikutnya adalah</strong><strong> </strong><strong>menentukan jumlah mesin teoritis dengan <em>Routing Sheet</em>; tentukan jumlah mesin sebenarnya dengan <em>Multi Product Process Chart</em>;<em> </em>menentukan luas lantai produksi, luas gudang bahan baku, dan luas gudang barang jadi; menghitung <em>Material Handling Planning Sheet </em>(MHPS) dengan menggunakan pendekatan <em>Fuzzy Layout Trapezoidal</em>;<em> </em>membuat <em>From To Chart </em>(FTC); dan membuat tabel skala prioritas</strong><strong>. </strong><strong>Perhitungan hasil rancangan yang optimal dengan menggunakan 3 metode, yaitu <em>Relationship Diagramming Method (RDM),</em></strong><strong> </strong><strong><em>Hollier 1 Method</em></strong><strong>, dan <em>Hollier 2 Method<span style="text-decoration: underline;">.</span></em> D</strong><strong>ari ke</strong><strong>tiga</strong><strong> metode tersebut </strong><strong>dipilih</strong><strong> </strong><strong>hasil dari perhitungan total </strong><strong>yang memilliki </strong><strong>jarak <em>rectilinear</em></strong><strong> yang terkecil.</strong><strong> Dari tiga metode yang digunakan didapatkan hasil total jarak terkecil 82.65 meter berdasarkan RDM.</strong></p><p> </p><em>Abstract</em> - <strong>Layout of the facility as the planning and integration of the flow components of a product to get interelation the most effective and efficient among operators, equipment, and process of the transformation of material from the reception through to the delivery of finished products. This research aims to analyze and design the layout of the floor production facilities based on the minimum distance of displacement of material in CV.XYZ. Initialing we determined the product as a research object, then specify the number of machines with the theoretical Routing Sheet, after it was determined the number of actual machine with Multi Product Process Chart, then determine the area of the production floor, spacious warehouses, raw materials and finished goods warehouse area, then calculate the Material Handling Planning Sheet (MHPS) using Fuzzy Trapezoidal Layout approach, then make a From To Chart (FTC), then make the table a priority scale. To calculate the optimal design we need three methods, namely Relationship Diagramming Method, Hollier 1 Method, and the Hollier 2 Method and then results from the third such methods as compared to the results of the calculation of total distance and initial layout selected a rectilinear distance with the smallest result. The results of data processing in this research is total distance most efficient is the total distance smallest among early layout and also layouts proposal obtained by using third method is as much as 826,5 meters. Total distance displacement material between machine is 98.5 meters, using the relationship layout diagramming method.</strong>

Complexity ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 2017 ◽  
pp. 1-12 ◽  
Tamás Kalmár-Nagy ◽  
Giovanni Giardini ◽  
Bendegúz Dezső Bak

The classical Multiple Traveling Salesmen Problem is a well-studied optimization problem. Given a set ofngoals/targets andmagents, the objective is to findmround trips, such that each target is visited only once and by only one agent, and the total distance of these round trips is minimal. In this paper we describe the Multiagent Planning Problem, a variant of the classical Multiple Traveling Salesmen Problem: given a set ofngoals/targets and a team ofmagents,msubtours (simple paths) are sought such that each target is visited only once and by only one agent. We optimize for minimum time rather than minimum total distance; therefore the objective is to find the Team Plan in which the longest subtour is as short as possible (a min–max problem). We propose an easy to implement Genetic Algorithm Inspired Descent (GAID) method which evolves a set of subtours using genetic operators. We benchmarked GAID against other evolutionary algorithms and heuristics. GAID outperformed the Ant Colony Optimization and the Modified Genetic Algorithm. Even though the heuristics specifically developed for Multiple Traveling Salesmen Problem (e.g.,k-split, bisection) outperformed GAID, these methods cannot solve the Multiagent Planning Problem. GAID proved to be much better than an open-source Matlab Multiple Traveling Salesmen Problem solver.

2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 17-25
Yola Bagus Priliyanto ◽  
Sumiati Sumiati

PT Temprina Media Grafika merupakan bagian dari Jawapos Group yang bergerak di bidang jasa percetakan dan packaging. Produk-Produk percetakan seperti buku, majalah, Koran, al-quran dan packaging, merupakan hasil utama PT. Temprina Media Grafika yang di produksi dengan dukungan mesin-mesin dan tenaga ahli dalam bidang grafika. Permasalahan yang dihadapi PT Temprina Media Grafika adalah tata letak gudang yang ada belum sesuai tempatnya. Pola penyimpanan dan penyusunan dilakukan secara acak bergantung pada posisi gudang yang kosong sedangkan tempat tersebut sebenarnya bukan tempat penyimpanan barang, sehingga mengakibatkan terjadinya aktivitas tambahan dan pengangkutan produk dengan jarak yang lebih jauh. Dalam penelitian diusulkan suatu metode, dimana metode ini dapat membuat perancangan tata letak gudang yang lebih efektif terhadap pemindahan produk di gudang, mendapatkan rancangan tata letak gudang produk yang efektif, memindahkan jarak transportasi pada gudang, dan menghemat pemindahan dan pengaturan produk. Metode yang tepat untuk menyelasaikan masalah tersebut adalah menggunakan metode Dedicated Storage. Hasil dari penelitian ini, kondisi jarak perjalanan pemindahan bahan awal didapatkan jarak perjalanan sebesar 7.929,63 m dan pada kondisi usulan penerapan dedicated storage didapat jarak perjalanan sebesar 6.572,85 m. Sehingga terjadi penurunan jarak total material handling dengan selisih sebanyak 1.356,78   m.

Said Shakerin

Water fountains have been used for thousands of years for utilitarian and aesthetic purposes. The design of a fountain provides an excellent opportunity as a multidisciplinary project for engineering and art students. In this paper, detailed design of an indoor fountain with a special effect feature is presented. Comprising of nine individual jets, the fountain produces letters of the alphabet, simple shapes, and symbols with water jets. A microcontroller is programmed to create and sequence through interesting arrangements of water displays. With a total material cost of $550, this design, or variations of it, can be adopted for various implementations in fluids and design courses. Suggestions for student design projects are also made.

2020 ◽  
Vol 38 (10A) ◽  
pp. 1430-1440
Nrjis Bassem ◽  
Luma A. Al-Kindi

Workshop and factory design is one of the most important problems facing companies to enhance their performance and productivity. Facility layout issue is a fundamental fragment of accommodations planning which have a target of organize all manufacturing entities to be located as a facility having the objective to improve manufacturing processes for an organization. The aim of this paper is to study, evaluate and then creating an improved water filter workshop adopting Muther’s (SLP) Systematic Layout Planning Procedure for increasing production and utilizing spaces. The case study in this paper is a practical one for the existing layout in Al-Faris Company in the water filter workshop. The excited layout is studied and manufacturing processes are explored with flow investigation. Activity relationship graph is molded to develop a novel layout alternative. Analyzing by using SLP technique showed that the results for the proposed layout got 341score; while the current layout got only 281 score based on the manufacturing and facility relations. The results show that, the proposed layout is much better than the existing layout of the workshop as significant reduction in the space of material handling and workflow drive and lead to increase the unit production.

2016 ◽  
Vol 9 (5) ◽  
pp. 1035 ◽  
Francesco Facchini ◽  
Giovanni Mummolo ◽  
Giorgio Mossa ◽  
Salvatore Digiesi ◽  
Francesco Boenzi ◽  

Purpose: The aim of this study is to identify the best Material Handling Equipment (MHE) to minimize the carbon footprint of inbound logistic activities, based on the type of the warehouse (layout, facilities and order-picking strategy) as well as the weight of the loads to be handled.Design/methodology/approach: A model to select the best environmental MHE for inbound logistic activities has been developed. Environmental performance of the MHE has been evaluated in terms of carbon Footprint (CF). The model is tested with a tool adopting a VBA macro as well as a simulation software allowing the evaluation of energy and time required by the forklift in each phase of the material handling cycle: picking, sorting and storing of the items.Findings: Nowadays, it is not possible to identify ‘a priori’ a particular engine equipped forklift performing better than others under an environmental perspective. Consistently, the application of the developed model allows to identify the best MHE tailored to each case analyzed.  Originality/value: This work gives a contribution to the disagreement between environmental performances of forklifts equipped with different engines. The developed model can be considered a valid support for decision makers to identify the best MHE minimizing the carbon footprint of inbound logistic activities.

1972 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 27-38
J. Hers

In South Africa the modern outlook towards time may be said to have started in 1948. Both the two major observatories, The Royal Observatory in Cape Town and the Union Observatory (now known as the Republic Observatory) in Johannesburg had, of course, been involved in the astronomical determination of time almost from their inception, and the Johannesburg Observatory has been responsible for the official time of South Africa since 1908. However the pendulum clocks then in use could not be relied on to provide an accuracy better than about 1/10 second, which was of the same order as that of the astronomical observations. It is doubtful if much use was made of even this limited accuracy outside the two observatories, and although there may – occasionally have been a demand for more accurate time, it was certainly not voiced.

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