scholarly journals Page 68 Copyright © 2018, Edumatica, Print ISSN: 2088-2157, Online ISSN: 2580-0779 Efektivitas Pengembangan Multimedia Pembelajaran Matematika Berbasis Teori Apos pada Materi Statistika dan Peluang

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 68-80
Muhammad Maki ◽  
Jefri Marzal ◽  
Saharudin Saharudin

Multimedia pembelajaran merupakan suatu kombinasi dari berbagai media yang dirancang atau diprogram secara terstruktur dan interaktif untuk menyajikan konsep pembelajaran. Hendaknya dipersiapkan multimedia pembelajaranuntuk membantu memudahkan pembelajaran agar siswadapat memahamikonsepdanmerepresentasikan konsep pembelajaran matematika.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan multimedia pembelajaran matematika berbasis teori APOS (aksi, proses, objek dan skema) dan efektivitasnya terhadap pembelajaran pada materi statistika dan peluang yang valid menurut ahli. Efektivitas pembelajaran diukur denganpeningkatan kemampuan representasi matematis dan multimedia dipersepsikan dengan baik oleh siswa. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian pengembangan yang mengembangkan multimedia pembelajaranmatematika dan instrumen yang digunakan adalah angket penilaianahli materi dan ahli desain pembelajaran, angket tanggapan guru dan siswa, persepsi siswa, dan tes hasil kemampuan representasi matematis siswa. Dari hasil analisis tes kemampuan representasi didapat peningkatan kemampuan representasi matematis siswa pada kategori tinggi, berdasarkan uji gain untuk materi statistika skor yang diperoleh 0,7 dan materi peluang skor uji gain diperoleh 1,3. Dan hasil analisis dari angket persepsi siswa didapat persentase 95% menunjukkan kategori “sangat positif”. Dapat disimpulkan multimedia pembelajaran yang dikembangkan sangat baik dan dapat meningkatkan kemampuan representasi matematis siswa. Sehingga multimedia pembelajaran efektiv digunakan oleh guru dan siswa SMA khususnya pada pembelajaran materi statistika dan peluang.Kata Kunci : Multimedia Pembelajaran, Teori APOS, Efektivitas Multimedia learning is a combination of various media that are designed or programmed in a structured and interactive way to present the concept of learning. Multimedia learning should be prepared to help facilitate learning so students can understand the concept and represent the concept of mathematics learning. The purpose of this study was to develop a multimedia learning mathematics based on APOS theory (actions, processes, objects and schemes) and its effectiveness on learning in statistical materials and valid opportunities according to experts. The effectiveness of learning is measured by increasing the ability of mathematical representations and multimedia are well perceived by students. This type of research is development research that develops multimedia mathematics learning and the instruments used are questionnaires for assessment of material experts and expert learning design, questionnaires of teacher and student responses, student perceptions and test results of studentsmathematical representation abilities. From the results of the analysis of the representation ability test obtained an increase in students mathematical representation ability in the high category, based on the gain test for statistical material the score obtained was 0,7 and the probability material gain test score was 1,3. And the results of the analysis of the student perception questionnaire obtained a percentage of 95% showed the category “very positive”. It can be concluded that multimedia learning that is developed is very good and can improve students mathematical representation abilities. So that effective multimedia learning is used by teachers and high school students, especially in learning statistical materials and opportunities.Keywords: Learning Multimedia, APOS Theory, Effectiveness

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 166
Tsurayya Syarif Zain ◽  
Saifuddin Azwar

Abstract.  This research includes gender as moderator as well as the intelligence and motivation of learning as the covariance of learning achievement. This research design is causal-comparative by comparing mathematics learning achievement between learning with iPad and conventional media. The overall research’s subjects are 128 students. The result shows that there are differences in learning achievement between multimedia learning iPad for Learning and conventional learning media (F=48,698, p<0,05). Students who use iPad media have an average mathematics learning achievement higher than a student in conventional learning media. In this research, the interaction between genders and learning media on mathematics learning achievement proved to be low (F=0,318, p>0,05). Keywords: iPad for Learning; digital learning; mathematics academic achievement

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 72
Nurani Mardhiyatul Gina ◽  
Nia Jusniani ◽  
Hedi Budiman

Students still have difficulty in solving contextual math problems. It is because students are not used to solving problems using diverse mathematical representations. The representation can make it easier for students to solve abstract math problems. This study aims to determine and identify the types of errors and factors made by students in mathematical representation ability test questions. This study's subjects were 20 students of class VIII-H at SMPN 1 Cugenang on the Surface Area of Cube and Cuboid. The method used is qualitative. The process of collecting data is observation, written test, interview. The results showed that the level of students' mathematical representation ability based on indicators: (1) was 41% on the indicator using visual representations to solve problems and make geometrical drawings to clarify problems and facilitate resolution, (2) by 64% on indicators of problem-solving by involving mathematical expressions, (3) 61% of indicators create problem situations based on data or representations given. Furthermore, based on the analysis of students' answers in tests on a matter of mathematical representation ability, students making mistakes that are data errors, using definitions or theorems, and technicalities. Factors causing students to make mistakes are forgetfulness, lack of accuracy, learning difficulties, family environment.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 235
Elsida Aritonang ◽  
Nova Erawati Sidabalok

Based on the list of Mathematics grade X grade students from T.P 2015/2016 to T.P 2017/2018, there can be seen many significant and positive changes with an increase in students' mastery learning from 40.87% to 48.72% to 80.85%. In addition to increased learning completeness, the average student learning outcomes in mathematics also increased. There is a change in the involvement of students to discuss and cooperate with fellow friends in terms of solving problems given by the teacher. Changes in the activity of students to take part in learning mathematics. The seriousness of students in participating in learning has also increased. The activeness of students in answering oral questions has also increased. This is indicated by the increasing number of students who give correct answers. the activeness of students in completing homework is increasing. This is indicated by the increasing frequency of students completing homework on time. The activeness of students to appear in front of the class solving problems on the board also increased. Students begin to believe in themselves and have the ability to solve the problems given. Based on observation, the teacher has a problem where the students are very familiar with the conventional way, the teacher explains in front of the class while students listen, Building a conducive classroom atmosphere by involving students to be more active sometimes inviting a commotion in the classroom where students initially play more than learn. Building a sense of responsibility to students also becomes difficult because students' demands actually become reversed because the teacher explains a little subject matter and students are directed to further develop material insights through discussion activities and so on. The application of the 2013 curriculum also requires students to understand the implementation of the value of the knowledge acquired so that a variety of practical activities are needed as a tangible form of the implementation of students' mathematical knowledge

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 19
Asep Yusuf ◽  
Ruslan Mubarok

The problem of this research is how to apply realistic mathematics to the wide discussion and the circumference of flat shapes. The aim is to identify the difficulties of junior high school students in completing story questions in broad and rounded discussion. This research method is classroom action research. Subjects of the study included students of class IX-B at SMPN 1 Campaka Mulya. The instrument tested was a test sheet containing 5 questions in the form of a description. The study was conducted in three cycles, in each cycle consisting of several stages, namely planning, implementing actions, observing, and reflecting. From the results of the study obtained information related to improving student learning outcomes. This is known from the average value and percentage of mastery learning in each cycle that is increasing. In cycle I the average value is 53.8 with completeness of learning 3.7% and included in the category of inadequate, the average value of cycle II is 75.2 with mastery learning 40.7% and included in the category enough, and the average value the average cycle III is 82.8 with mastery learning reaching 92.5% or included in the Good category. After the implementation of the action, it appears that students become more happy and enthusiastic in learning mathematics by using a realistic approach to the broad discussion and the circumference of flat shapes.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 184-193
Elsida Aritonang

Based on the list of Mathematics grade X grade students from T.P 2015/2016 to T.P 2017/2018, there can be seen many significant and positive changes with an increase in students' mastery learning from 40.87% to 48.72% to 80.85%. In addition to increased learning completeness, the average student learning outcomes in mathematics also increased. There is a change in the involvement of students to discuss and cooperate with fellow friends in terms of solving problems given by the teacher. Changes in the activity of students to take part in learning mathematics. The seriousness of students in participating in learning has also increased. The activeness of students in answering oral questions has also increased. This is indicated by the increasing number of students who give correct answers. the activeness of students in completing homework is increasing. This is indicated by the increasing frequency of students completing homework on time. The activeness of students to appear in front of the class solving problems on the board also increased. Students begin to believe in themselves and have the ability to solve the problems given. Based on observation, the teacher has a problem where the students are very familiar with the conventional way, the teacher explains in front of the class while students listen, Building a conducive classroom atmosphere by involving students to be more active sometimes inviting a commotion in the classroom where students initially play more than learn. Building a sense of responsibility to students also becomes difficult because students' demands actually become reversed because the teacher explains a little subject matter and students are directed to further develop material insights through discussion activities and so on. The application of the 2013 curriculum also requires students to understand the implementation of the value of the knowledge acquired so that a variety of practical activities are needed as a tangible form of the implementation of students' mathematical knowledge

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 171-180
Taufiqulloh Dahlan ◽  
Darhim Darhim ◽  
Dadang Juandi ◽  
Nia Gardenia ◽  
Thesa Kandaga

This study aimed to examine students 'attitudes or perceptions of mathematics learning, attitudes towards the Application of PQ4R (Preview, Question, Read, Reflection, Recite, Review) Learning Strategies, and problem posing mathematical problems. Data were analyzed using a qualitative descriptive data analysis, and quantitative analysis was carried out using the Likert scale. The population in this study were Year 11 students in the city of Bandung, and the sample was one of Year 11 Social classroom as the experimental class, selected by purposive sampling. The sample was given treatment using PQ4R learning. The results showed that students taking PQ4R learning had significant attitudes towards mathematics. This can be seen from the high interest and motivation. Student responses to PQ4R learning and questions were also very good. This provides good information about students' attitudes towards learning mathematics in high school so that they can apply good and correct mathematics. Learning mathematics requires an analysis of students' attitudes to feel happy and motivated in learning mathematics on an ongoing basis.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-7
Cut Man Farisyah

Learning mathematics is not only aimed at developing mathematical cognitive abilities, but also for developing affective domains. One important aspect in the affective domain that is very influential and determines success in learning mathematics is the positive view of students on mathematics or in mathematics learning called mathematical disposition. A student who has a high disposition will be more persistent and resilient in facing mathematical problems that are more challenging and will be more responsible for their own learning and always develop good habits in mathematics. The problem posing approach which in the learning process requires students to ask questions and make their solutions is expected to be able to change students 'views of mathematics to be more positive, while also improving students' mathematical abilities. This study aims to examine the differences in the levels of mathematical disposition of junior high school students before and after learning through the problem posing approach. The type of research is experimental research with the design of one group pre-test post-test design. The population in this study were all VII grade students of Bandar Baru 1 Junior High School, with research samples of class VII2 students selected through random sampling techniques. The instrument used to obtain the research data was a mathematical disposition scale questionnaire sheet. The statistical test used to analyze data on differences in mathematical disposition of junior high school students before and after learning through the problem posing approach is paired t-test. The results showed that there were significant differences in the level of mathematical disposition of junior high school students before and after learning through the problem posing approach. This means that students' mathematical dispositions get better after they get a problem posing learning approach. Keywords: Mathematical Disposition, Problem Posing Approach

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 503-514
Abdul Hakim Ma’ruf ◽  
Mohamad Syafii ◽  
Arie Purwa Kusuma

AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengaruh penerapan model pembelajaran Mind Mapping berbasis HOTS terhadap hasil belajar matematika dan motivasi belajar matematika siswa. Jenis Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan quasi eksperiment. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah semua siswa sekolah menengah atas kelas XI di Jakarta Timur, pada Tahun Akademik 2018/2019. Adapun populasi terjangkau diambil berdasarkan nilai UNBK pada tahun ajaran 2017/2018 dan didapatkan SMAN 105 Jakarta sebagai kategori tinggi, MAN 2 Jakarta sebagai kategori sedang dan SMA BUDHI WARMAN 2 Jakarta sebagai kategori rendah. Analisis data menggunakan uji-t dengan taraf signifikansi . Hasil pada penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut: 1) Ada pengaruh motivasi belajar siswa pada pembelajaran matematika model Mind Mapping berbasisl HOTS pada hasil belajar matematika siswa. 2) Terdapat perbedaan motivasi belajar matematika siswa dengan model pembelajaran Mind Mapping berbasis HOTS dan model pembelajaran Mind Mapping tanpa bantuan soal HOTS. 3) Terdapat perbedaan hasil belajar matematika siswa dengan model pembelajaran Mind Mapping berbasis HOTS dan model pembelajaran Mind Mapping tanpa bantuan soal HOTS.Kata Kunci: Mind Mapping, HOTS, Hasil belajar, Motivasi.  The Effect of Using Mind Mapping Learning Model in Solving HOTS Based Questions on Motivation and Student Mathematics Learning OutcomesAbstractThe purpose of this study is to find out the influence of the application of based on HOTS Mind Mapping learning models on mathematics learning outcomes and students' learning mathematics motivation. This research is quantitative research with a quasi-experimental approach. The population in this study were all high school students of class XI in East Jakarta, in the Academic Year 2018/2019. The affordable population is taken based on the UNBK value in the 2017/2018 school year and obtained SMAN 105 Jakarta as a high category, MAN 2 Jakarta as a medium category and SMA BUDHI WARMAN 2 Jakarta as a low category. Data analysis used a t-test with a significance level of 0.05. The results of this study are as follows: 1) There is an influence on students' learning mathematics motivation based on HOTS Mind Mapping models on student mathematics learning outcomes. 2) There is a difference in students' motivation to learn mathematics based on HOTS Mind Mapping learning models and Mind Mapping learning models without the help of HOTS questions. 3) There are differences in students' mathematics learning outcomes based on HOTS Mind Mapping learning models and Mind Mapping learning models without the help of HOTS questions.Keywords: Mind Mapping, HOTS, Learning Outcomes, Motivation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 109-116
Zairisma Zairisma ◽  
Vina Apriliani ◽  
Johan Yunus

The ability of mathematical representation is one of the abilities that must be possessed by students in learning mathematics. In fact, students 'mathematical representation ability is still relatively low, so we need a learning model that can improve students' mathematical representation abilities, namely Model Eliciting Activities (MEA) with STAD type. The purpose of this study is to compare the mathematical representation ability of students taught using MEA with STAD type and those taught with conventional learning. The approach to be used is a quantitative approach with a quasi-experimental research method and using a control group pretest-posttest design. The population in this study were all VII grade students. Sampling was done using simple random sampling, which consisted of two classes, class VII1 as the experimental class and class VII2 as the control class. Data collection is used by using a mathematical representation ability test sheet. The data analysis technique used is independent t-test. Based on these analysis it can be concluded that the mathematical representation ability of students taught using MEA with STAD type is better than conventional learning.

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