scholarly journals Layanan Bimbingan Belajar dalam Mengurangi Kesulitan Belajar Siswa Kelas IV Sekolah Dasar

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 117-135
N Nelyahardi ◽  
Molia Prizunil

The purpose of this study was to find out the process of tutoring services in reducing learning difficulties of fourth grade students of SDN 13 / I Muara Bulian. The method of this research is descriptive qualitative research with the subject of 1 grade IV teacher. The data in this study were obtained in 3 ways; the first is by conducting observations to find out the process of giving tutoring to students in reducing learning difficulties, the second conducting interviews to find out information about tutoring services, and documentation of observations made during the learning activities taking place. The results of this study are that teachers provide tutoring services to students who have learning difficulties in order to reduce learning difficulties faced by these students. In its implementation the teacher performs several stages, namely the introduction of students who experience learning problems, efforts to help students who experience learning problems and the provision of assistance to alleviate learning problems, namely the provision of tutoring services in accordance with learning difficulties faced by students.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 331-337
Aldi Prasetyo

ABSTRACT One of the important skills in language learning is writing. Writing skills, need to be familiarized with children, such as fairy tale writing skills. One way to teach it is a fun activity, which is by linking writing with children’s habit’s, which is to teach imagine. This study aims to analyze the results of the implementation of the design of learning to write fairy tales through imagination activities. The method used is descriptive qualitative. The subject is the fourth grade students of MI Muhamadiyah Beji with a total of 14 students. The result showed that 92.85% of the 14 student were able to create fairy tales through the imaginations, and 7.15% of students were unable to write them in writing because they did not follow the learning well. This activity is also able to explore children who have the potential to write. Keywords: Indonesian Language, Writing Fairy Tales, Imagination.   ABSTRAK Salah satu ketrampilan penting dalam pembelajaran bahasa ialah menulis. Ketrampilan Menulis, perlu dibiasakan pada anak, seperti ketrampilan menulis dongeng. Salah satu cara mengajarkannya ialah dengan kegiatan yang menyenangkan, yaitu dengan menghubungkan antara menulis dengan kebiasaan anak, yaitu berimajinasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis hasil implementasi desain pembelajaran menulis dongeng melalui kegiatan berimajinasi. Metode yang digunakan ialah kualitatif deskriptif. Adapun subjeknya ialah siswa kelas IV MI Muhamadiayah Beji yang berjumlah 14  siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa 92.85% dari 14 siswa mampu membuat dongeng dengan melalui pancingan-pancingan imajinasi dan 7.15% siswa tidak mampu menuangkannya dalam bentuk tulis dikarenakan tidak mengikuti pembelajaran dengan baik. Kegiatan ini pula mampu menggali anak-anak yang mempunyai potensi menulis. Kata kunci: Bahasa Indonesia, Menulis Dongeng, Imajinasi.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 28
Ni Putu Widiawati

This study was aimed at describing students’ concept knowledge in science. Three elementary schools around cluster II in Banjar subdistrict such as SD Negeri 1 Temukus, SD Negeri 4 Temukus, and SD Negeri 5 Temukus were used as the sites of this study. The subject of this study was fourth grade students and elementary teachers in each school, while the object was students’ concept knowledge in science, the activities conducted to improve their comprehension, and the obstacles faced by students. The data of students’ science concept knowledge were collected through tests and interview. The result of this study showed that 10.81% of students got the average scores from the test, around 45.95% of students got low scores, and around 43.24% of students got high scores. Meanwhile, the result of indicator analysis pointed on the highest category (around 88.92%) from indicator of giving example and the lowest category from indicator of explaining (60.81%). Based on the result of interview, it was known that the activities conducted to improve students’ concept knowledge in science were by doing learning activities which students were interested with such as group discussion, project, observation, and experiment. It was also known that the students faced some obstacles in comprehending the concept such as low motivation of students, inadequate of learning facilities, and less interesting learning methods used. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 331-337
Aldi Prasetyo

One of the important skills in language learning is writing. Writing skills, need to be familiarized with children, such as fairy tale writing skills. One way to teach it is a fun activity, which is by linking writing with children’s habit’s, which is to teach imagine. This study aims to analyze the results of the implementation of the design of learning to write fairy tales through imagination activities. The method used is descriptive qualitative. The subject is the fourth grade students of MI Muhamadiyah Beji with a total of 14 students. The result showed that 92.85% of the 14 student were able to create fairy tales through the imaginations, and 7.15% of students were unable to write them in writing because they did not follow the learning well. This activity is also able to explore children who have the potential to write.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 138-147
Ashiong Parhehean Munthe ◽  
Henny Pradiastuti Naibaho

Peer tutoring is a learning process that involves students who have high abilities to provide assistance and tutoring to students with lower abilities. There are benefits and constraints faced during the implementation of peer tutoring. This study aims to describe the benefits and constraints of the implementation of peer tutoring in fourth grade through the use of stacked short-division material. The research method used is descriptive qualitative research. The data obtained will be processed and described extensively and increasingly detailed, so that the reader will be able to comprehend the data descriptions. This research was conducted at Lentera Harapan Mamit School, Papua. The benefits of its implementation are students can express their learning difficulties directly to the tutor, students style understand the learning materials more easily because it uses the same language among fellow students. Peer tutoring also gives opportunities for students to grow together. The constraints faced are the difficulty in determining a more qualified tutor and in managing the time well because of many steps that must be applied. Preferably, while implementing peer tutoring, there should be a consideration on the selection of tutors by looking at the result of the student exercise periodically and using a timer to remind each step of the way.

Nazom Murio ◽  
Roseli Theis

Geometri adalah bagian matematika yang sangat dekat dari siswa, karena hampir semua objek visual yang ada di sekitar siswa adalah objek geometri, tetapi tidak semua siswa menyukai pembelajaran yang menyertakan gambar, sehingga memungkinkan siswa mengalami kesulitan dalam belajar geometri. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menggambarkan kesulitan belajar siswa berdasarkan karakteristik Lerner dalam menyelesaikan pertanyaan geometri. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa dengan kepribadian wali yang mengalami kesulitan belajar di kelas IX A SMP N 30 Muaro Jambi. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penulis sendiri, lembar tes klasifikasi kepribadian, lembar tes kesulitan belajar, dan pedoman wawancara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan siswa dengan kepribadian wali yang mengalami kesulitan belajar, 100% mengalami kelainan persepsi visual, di mana siswa mengalami kesulitan dalam menentukan seperti apa bangun datar pada masalah tersebut. 60% mengalami kesulitan mengenali dan memahami simbol, di mana siswa melihat simbol "//" sebagai simbol untuk kesesuaian. Serta 40% mengalami kesulitan dalam bahasa dan membaca, di mana siswa kesulitan dalam memahami pertanyaan yang diberikan.   Geometry is a very close mathematical part of the student, because almost all visual objects that exist around the students are objects of geometry, but not all students like learning that includes images, thus allowing students to have difficulty in learning geometry. The purpose of this research is to describe students' learning difficulties based on Lerner's characteristic in solving the geometry question. This type of research is descriptive qualitative research. Research subjects were students with guardian personality who had difficulty studying in class IX A SMP N 30 Muaro Jambi. Instruments used in this study are the authors themselves, personality classification test sheets, learning difficulties test sheets, and interview guidelines. The results showed students with guardian personality who experienced learning difficulties, 100% experienced visual perception abnormalities, where students have difficulty in determining what kind of flat wake on the matter. 60% have difficulty recognizing and understanding symbols, where students see the symbol "//" as a symbol for conformity. As well as 40% have difficulty in language and reading, where students difficulty in understanding the given question.

2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 14
Garnawati Siregar

Problems in the Classroom Action Research (PTK) is the low learning outcomes IPA A fourth grade students of SDN 015 Sungai Salak Kecamatan Tempuling. This study addressed the problem by applying direct instrucsion models. The problem of this research is "Is the direct application of the model intruction IPA can improve learning outcomes in grade IV A SDN 015 Sungai Salak Kecamatan Tempuling ?. The purpose of this study is to improve science learning outcomes in class IV A SDN 015 Sungai Salak Kecamatan Tempuling by way of direct intruction models. Direct intruction A model of fourth grade students of SDN 015 Sungai Salak, Kecamatan Tempuling can improve learning outcomes significantly. At first the student learning outcomes pre-cyclye is 36.00 categorized as very unfavorable; in the first cycle was 61.00 with category; and the results of the second cycle is 81.50 with very good category. Mastery learning individually and classical increases; pre-cyclye 4 students and 20.00 (not finished); in the first cycle is 12 students and 60.00% (not finished) and the second cycle is 19 students or 95% (complete). Based on observations of fourth grade students of SDN 015 A Sungai Salak Kecamatan Tempuling, activity in the first cycle an average of 72% or better and the second cycle of activity is 82% or better at all. Students seem to understand the direct intruction models and they can understand the subject matter properly and appropriately. Based on the research results with direct instructional improvement intruction models managed to fix the problem of low student learning outcomes SDN 015 class IV A Sungai Salak Kecamatan of Tempuling. 

2015 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 21
Zerri Rahman Hakim

The objectives of this research were to determine: 1) Students’ learning activities in social studies after using Question Student Have (QSH) in Cooperative Learning Model, 2) Students’ learning outcomes in social studies after using Question Student Have (QSH) in Cooperative Learning Model. The method used in this research is Classroom Action Research (CAR) with Stephen Kemmis and Mc. Taggart Model which consists of four stages, namely planning, implementation, observation and reflection. This study was conducted by the researcher in two cycles. Instruments used in this research are observational sheet, interview, and test in the last cycle. From the analysis of the data, the researcher found that there is an improvement in students’ learning outcomes. On the basic value, there was only 43,33% students who achieve the learning mastery. In the first cycle, the students who achieve the learning mastery were increased, it was about 30% from the basic value, it reached 73,33%. On the second cycle, the student who achieve the learning mastery were increased about 26,70% from the first cycle, become 100%. The same thing also happened to the students' learning activities. In the first cycle, students’ learning activities is 71,42% and on the second cycle, students’ learning activities were incrased about 21,43% from the first cycle, become 92,85%. Based on the analysis of data of this study it can be concluded that the use of Question Student Have (QSH) in Cooperative Learning Model can improve students’ learning outcomes and learning activities fourth grade students of SDN Saga V in social studies.Keywords: social studies learning outcomes, cooperative learning QSH type.

2018 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 67-76
Disyacitta Neolia Firdana ◽  
Trimurtini Trimurtini

This research aimed to determine the properness and effectiveness of the big book media on learning equivalent fractions of fourth grade students. The method of research is Research and Development  (R&D). This study was conducted in fourth grade of SDN Karanganyar 02 Kota Semarang. Data sources from media validation, material validation, learning outcomes, and teacher and students responses on developed media. Pre-experimental research design with one group pretest-posttest design. Big book developed consist of equivalent fractions material, students learning activities sheets with rectangle and circle shape pictures, and questions about equivalent fractions. Big book was developed based on students and teacher needs. This big book fulfill the media validity of 3,75 with very good criteria and scored 3 by material experts with good criteria. In large-scale trial, the result of students posttest have learning outcomes completness 82,14%. The result of N-gain calculation with result 0,55 indicates the criterion “medium”. The t-test result 9,6320 > 2,0484 which means the average of posttest outcomes is better than the average of pretest outcomes. Based on that data, this study has produced big book media which proper and effective as a media of learning equivalent fractions of fourth grade elementary school.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 68-77
Nashruddin Nashruddin ◽  
Fiptar Abdi Alam

Covid-19 pandemic condition demands the learning activities to be conducted online. The current study aims to investigate the types of humor inserted by the teacher in the EFL online teaching-learning activities, and students� responses toward the teacher�s humor. The participants of this descriptive qualitative research are an EFL teacher and 29 students of the 2nd grade at SMA Muhammadiyah Barru. To collect data about the types of humor used by the teacher, the researchers directly observe the online learning activities conducted by the teacher and his students. For gaining the deepest data about students� responses toward the teacher�s humor, the researchers randomly interview 10 from those 29 students. The researchers found that in the online teaching-learning activities, the teacher inserted humorous words that based on the theory were classified into pun fan, joke, innuendo, malapropism, and absurdity. Besides that, the researchers also found new types of humor used by the teacher, which were then named as local humor and plesetan humor. From the interview result, it is found students� responses towards the teacher�s humor indicate that humor maintains students� focus in learning activities, stimulates students to solve problems quickly, and keeps students� self-confidence in online learning.

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