scholarly journals Genetableringen af dansk sociologisk forskning – en skitse af strukturer og genese af dansk sociologisk forskning efter 1990

2013 ◽  
Vol 24 (4) ◽  
pp. 85-118
Kristoffer Kropp

Dansk sociologisk forskning har en bemærkelsesværdig historie. I denne artikel undersøger jeg i et feltanalytisk perspektiv sammenhængen mellem feltet for dansk sociologisk forsknings nuværende struktur og dets historie. Artiklen har to empiriske dele. I første del viser jeg via multipel korrespondanceanalyse tre væsentlige differentieringsprincipper i nutidig dansk sociologisk forskning. For det første mængden af akademisk kapital, for det andet orienteringen af forskning henholdsvis orienteret mod et akademisk publikum over for en orientering mod et ikke-akademisk publikum. Endelig differentieres feltet i en forskel mellem sociologiske insidere over for sociologiske nytilkomne. Endvidere viser jeg, hvordan denne tredelte struktur er homologt struktureret i forhold til stillingtagen angående mål og formål med sociologien, brugen af empiriske materialer og valg af studieobjekt. I artiklens anden del forbinder jeg feltets nuværende strukturering med dansk sociologisk forsknings nyere historie. Igennem en strukturel historie af fire væsentlige danske sociologiske institutioner, viser jeg, hvordan sociologiske forskere overordnet set har fulgt to strategier for etableringen af sociologisk forskning i løbet af 1990erne og 2000erne. De to strategier har bestået i en orientering af sociologisk forskning mod ikke-akademiske interesser og institutioner og forsøg på reetableringen af sociologiens position i det akademiske felt. ENGELSK ABSTRACT: Kristoffer Kropp: Re-Establishment of Danish Sociological Research – A Sketch of Structures and Genesis of Danish Sociological Research after 1990 Sociology in Denmark has a peculiar history. In this article I investigate the relationships between the fields of Danish sociological research’s contemporary structures and it genesis by employing a field analytical perspective. The article has two empirical parts. In the first part I present three important principles of differentiation in contemporary Danish sociology by employing ”multiple correspondence analyses”. The first principle is the amount of academic capital and the second is orientation of research towards either an academic audience or towards non-academic audiences. The third principle concerns the difference between sociological insiders and sociological newcomers. Then I show how those in this three folded structure are homologues, structured in accordance with position-taking towards means and ends for sociological research, use of empirical materials and choice of subjects. In the second part of the article I connect the contemporary structure of the field with the recent history of Danish sociologies. I show how sociological research followed two strategies in establishing sociological research during the 1990s and the 2000s by analysing the structural history of four important sociological institutions. The two strategies were an orientation towards non-academic interest and institutions and attempts to re-establish sociology’s position as an academic field. Key words: Danish sociology, multiple correspondence analysis, Bourdieu, field analysis, history of sociology.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 23-37
Natalie Binczek

Der deutsche Barockdichter Georg Philipp Harsdörffer skizziert eine Theorie der Emblematik, die vor allem dessen Anwendungsvielfalt hervorhebt. Er hebt dabei besonders den Unterschied zwischen buchinterner und buchexterner Verwendung auf, indem er sich nicht nur für die Aufnahme der Embleme in Büchern, sondern auch auf Geschirr und Tapeten ausspricht. Der Beitrag liest Harsdörffers extensive Überlegungen nicht nur als Beiträge zur Theorie und Geschichte der Embleme als ›Sinn-Bilder‹, sondern auch als Beitrag zur Designgeschichte. German Baroque poet Georg Philipp Harsdörffer delineates a theory of emblematics that clearly sets itself apart from other contemporary theories, especially by its versatility. In particular, the author negates the difference between internal and external usage of emblems in books not only by promoting the incorporation of emblems into printed works but also by supporting their depiction on dishes and tapestries. This article strives to read Harsdörffer’s extensive thoughts on the matter of emblems not simply as another work on the theory and history of emblematics but rather as a contribution to design history as well

Simon Kirchin

This chapter introduces the distinction between thin and thick concepts and then performs a number of functions. First, two major accounts of thick concepts—separationism and nonseparationism—are introduced and, in doing so, a novel account of evaluation is indicated. Second, each chapter is outlined as is the general methodology, followed, third, by a brief history of the discussion of thick concepts, referencing Philippa Foot, Hilary Putnam, Gilbert Ryle, and Bernard Williams among others. Fourth, a number of relevant contrasts are introduced, such as the fact–value distinction and the difference between concepts, properties, and terms. Lastly, some interesting and relevant questions are raised that, unfortunately, have to be left aside.

2002 ◽  
Vol 62 (1) ◽  
pp. 268-269
Larry Neal

Economic historians usually have to explain to their economist colleagues the difference between economic history, which focuses on facts, and history of economic thought, which focuses on ideas. Our colleagues in finance departments, typically fascinated by episodes in financial history treated by economic historians, are bound to be disappointed in the lack of attention given to the development of ideas in finance by historians of economic thought. Geoffrey Poitras, a professor of finance at Simon Fraser University, makes a valiant effort to remedy these oversights in his collection of vignettes that highlight the sophistication of financial instruments and analysts of financial markets well before the time of Adam Smith. Starting in 1478 with the publication of the Treviso Arithmetic, a typical textbook of commercial arithmetic for Italian merchants, and ending with brief snippets from the Wealth of Nations, Poitras treats the reader to a fascinating potpourri of excerpts from various manuals, brief biographies of pioneers in financial analysis, and historical discursions on foreign-exchange and stock markets.

2021 ◽  
pp. 016224392110323
Kristina Popova

The article addresses the production of reproducibility as a topic that has become acutely relevant in the recent discussions on the replication crisis in science. It brings the ethnomethodological stance on reproducibility into the discussions, claiming that reproducibility is necessarily produced locally, on the shop floor, with methodological guidelines serving as references to already established practices rather than their origins. The article refers to this argument empirically, analyzing how a group of novice neuroscientists performs a series of measurements in a transcranial magnetic stimulation experiment. Based on ethnography and video analysis, the article traces a history of the local measurement procedure invented by the researchers in order to overcome the experimental uncertainty. The article aims to demonstrate (1) how reproducibility of the local procedure is achieved in the shop floor work of the practitioners and (2) how the procedure becomes normalized and questioned as incorrect in the course of experimental practice. It concludes that the difference between guidelines and practical actions is not problematic per se; what may be problematic is that researchers can be engaged in different working projects described by the same instruction.

2021 ◽  
pp. 175048132110177
Shushan Azatyan ◽  
Zeinab Mohammad Ebrahimi ◽  
Yadollah Mansouri

The Velvet Revolution of Armenia, which took place in 2018, was an important event in the history of Armenia and changed the government peacefully by means of large demonstrations, rallies and marches. This historic event was covered by Armenian news media. Our goal here was to do a Discourse-Historical Analysis of the Armenian Velvet Revolution as covered by two Armenian websites: governmental website and non-governmental website. In our analysis we identified how the lexicon related to the Armenian Velvet Revolution was negotiated and legitimized by these media, and which discursive strategies were applied. We concluded that ‘Armenpress’ paid more attention to the government’s speeches, discussions, meetings and tried to impose the opinion of the government upon the people. In contrast, ‘168’ tried to present itself as an independent website with a neutral attitude toward the Velvet Revolution but, in reality, as we can conclude from the negative opinions about the Velvet Revolution in the coverage of ‘168’, it also represented the government’s interests. There was also a discursive struggle over the exact meaning of ‘revolution’ and the sense of ‘velvet’ in politics and the academic field that was to some extent introduced by these media.

Estrella Gualda

AbstractA careful look at the international development of Sociology highlights the centrality that the study of social problems and the approach to possible solutions to them have had in the history of this discipline, not infrequently for the sake of better social integration, stability, development, social change or even modernity. Recent approaches suggest shifting this focus of attention, arguing about the deficit in sociological research and practice concerning theor etical frameworks that pay attention to the positive aspects. This text reflects on the contributions that altruism, solidarity, and collective responsibility can have to improve the quality of life in contemporary societies and face humanitarian emergencies with a certain degree of success. For instance, the so-called refugee crisis or the current COVID-19 pandemic poses significant challenges for societies. This article also explores briefly new roles of data science in connection with responsibility and altruism. The text invites us to revisit sociology, thinking about the lights more than the shadows.

2021 ◽  
pp. 197140092110006
Warren Chang ◽  
Ajla Kadribegic ◽  
Kate Denham ◽  
Matthew Kulzer ◽  
Tyson Tragon ◽  

Purpose A common complication of lumbar puncture (LP) is postural headaches. Epidural blood patches are recommended if patients fail conservative management. Owing to a perceived increase in the number of post-lumbar puncture headaches (PLPHs) requiring epidural blood patches at a regional hospital in our network, the decision was made to switch from 20 to 22 gauge needles for routine diagnostic LPs. Materials and methods Patients presenting for LP and myelography at one network regional hospital were included in the study. The patients were contacted by nursing staff 3 days post-procedure; those patients who still had postural headaches after conservative management and received epidural blood patches were considered positive cases. In total, 292 patients were included; 134 underwent LP with 20-gauge needles (53 male, 81 female, average age 57.7) and 158 underwent LP with 22-gauge needles (79 male, 79 female, average age 54.6). Results Of 134 patients undergoing LP with 20-gauge needles, 15 (11%) had PLPH requiring epidural blood patch (11 female, 3 male, average age 38). Of 158 patients undergoing LP with 22-gauge needles, only 5 (3%) required epidural blood patches (all female, average age 43). The difference was statistically significant ( p < 0.01). Risk factors for PLPH included female gender, younger age, lower body mass index, history of prior PLPH and history of headaches. Conclusion Switching from 20-gauge to 22-gauge needles significantly decreased the incidence of PLPH requiring epidural blood patch. Narrower gauge or non-cutting needles should be considered in patients with risk factors for PLPH, allowing for CSF requirements.

2020 ◽  
Vol 26 (Supplement_1) ◽  
pp. S48-S48
Hartman Brunt ◽  
Mason Adams ◽  
Michael Barker ◽  
Diana Hamer ◽  
J C Chapman

Abstract Purpose Crohn’s disease (CD) is an inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) caused by an abnormal immune response to intestinal microbes in a genetically susceptible host. The objective of this cohort analysis is to compare demographic characteristics, cost difference, and treatment modalities between patients who were discharged from the Emergency Department (ED) and those who were admitted to the hospital. Methods This study is a retrospective chart review of adult patients diagnosed with CD who were discharged from the ED and those who were admitted to the hospital between January 1, 2014 and January 1, 2017. We compared demographic and clinical characteristics as well as total charges incurred by these patients. A chi square test of independence and a Mann Whitney U-Test were used to compare categorical variables. Linear and logistic regression analyses were utilized to identify predictors of hospitalization and total charges. Results Of a total 195 patients, 97 were discharged from the ED and 98 were admitted to the hospital (Table 1). Patients who presented with fever, nausea/vomiting, or abdominal pain or who had a history of a fistula or stenosis were more likely to be hospitalized, as were patients who presented on steroids, 5-ASA compounds, or narcotics (Table 2). A logistic regression adjusted for these factors showed patients presenting with abdominal pain (OR=0.239, 95% CI 0.07 – 0.77) are less likely, while patients presenting with fever (OR=7.0, 95% CI 1.9 – 24.5) and history of stenosis (OR=17.8, 95% CI 5.7 – 55.9) are more likely to have a hospital admission. An increase in age and white blood cell count was associated with an increase in likelihood of admission (OR=1.04, 95% CI 1.01 – 1.07 and OR=1.2, 95% CI 1.1 – 1.4), while an increase in HGB was associated with a decrease in likelihood of admission (OR=0.682, 95% CI 0.55 – 0.83). Patients on 5-ASA compounds had the strongest association with hospital admission (OR=4.5, 95% CI 1.03 – 20.4). A linear regression analysis predicting total charges of hospitalization identified an increase of $37,500 (95% CI 6,600 – 68,489) for obese patients and of $29,000 (95% CI 20 – 57,000) for patients on narcotics prior to hospitalization. Notably, blacks were on average 6 years younger than whites (μ=36.2, st.d.=13.2 v μ=42.7, st.d.=18.2, p=0.031, respectively). No other differences in presentation or outcomes of CD were identified between these races. Conclusion This study describes the difference between CD patients who were admitted to the hospital compared to those who were discharged from the ED. The impact that 5-ASA compound, steroid, and narcotic use prior to presentation has on hospital admission and charges highlights the need for consistent outpatient care to manage the symptoms and disease progression in patients with CD in Baton Rouge. The difference in age at presentation between blacks and whites should also be considered in future research.

2013 ◽  
Vol 28 (3) ◽  
pp. 802-814 ◽  
Timothy W. Armistead

Abstract The paper briefly reviews measures that have been proposed since the 1880s to assess accuracy and skill in categorical weather forecasting. The majority of the measures consist of a single expression, for example, a proportion, the difference between two proportions, a ratio, or a coefficient. Two exemplar single-expression measures for 2 × 2 categorical arrays that chronologically bracket the 130-yr history of this effort—Doolittle's inference ratio i and Stephenson's odds ratio skill score (ORSS)—are reviewed in detail. Doolittle's i is appropriately calculated using conditional probabilities, and the ORSS is a valid measure of association, but both measures are limited in ways that variously mirror all single-expression measures for categorical forecasting. The limitations that variously affect such measures include their inability to assess the separate accuracy rates of different forecast–event categories in a matrix, their sensitivity to the interdependence of forecasts in a 2 × 2 matrix, and the inapplicability of many of them to the general k × k (k ≥ 2) problem. The paper demonstrates that Wagner's unbiased hit rate, developed for use in categorical judgment studies with any k × k (k ≥ 2) array, avoids these limitations while extending the dual-measure Bayesian approach proposed by Murphy and Winkler in 1987.

2021 ◽  
Vol 28 (04) ◽  
pp. 568-571
Saira Bano ◽  
Sumaya Khan ◽  
Mahnoor Waqar ◽  
Moniba Iqbal ◽  
Hamza Waqar Bhatti ◽  

Objective: To determine the difference in mean corneal curvatures before and after pterygium excision. Study Design: Quasi-experimental study. Setting: Department of Ophthalmology, Holy Family Hospital, Rawalpindi. Period: 1st January 2015 to 1st July 2015. Material & Methods: 68 patients aged between 18 to 65 years were included in the study. Patients with history of ocular trauma, ocular surgery, glaucoma, anti-glaucoma treatment, allergy to steroids, pseudo pterygium, recurrent pterygium and presence of corneal abnormalities such as, scarring that might affect the astigmatic value were excluded. All patients underwent comprehensive ophthalmic examination by slit lamp and best corrected visual acuity and keratometric values were noted. Pterygium excision was done by a single surgeon. BCVA and keratometric readings were taken again after 2 weeks of pterygium excision. Results: Mean age was 37.60 ± 11.11 years. Out of these 68 patients, 44 (64.71%) were male and 24 (35.29%) were females. Mean pre-operative corneal curvature was 2.99 ± 0.69D and post-operative corneal curvature was 1.70 ± 0.40D with P-value of <0.0001 which is statistically significant. Conclusion: This study concluded that pterygium excision brings significant change in corneal curvature in patients of pterygium induced astigmatism.

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