scholarly journals Mapeamento dos Recifes de Corais de Maracajaú/RN com o uso de Fotografias Aéreas de Pequeno Formato

2001 ◽  
Vol 28 (2) ◽  
pp. 417 ◽  

The Rio Grande do Norte State has many attractive natural resources. One of them is its large coast, which still contains many native beaches. Due the tropical weather, beaches of the Rio Grande do Norte can be visited by local people and tourist nearly all seasons of the year. The Maracajaú Coral Barrier, located at the shallow platform of Maxaranguape – RN, consists of a region that has turned into a touristic attraction in the last decades. The principal reason for the increasing in the touristic exploration of the region is the favorable conditions of temperature of water, transparence and the shallow depth of the region that surround the Maracajú Coral Barrier. Despite of supporting a large part of the local finances, the disorganized exploration of the touristic activities, specially at the adjacencies of the coral barrier, has produced several damages to the environment. The first step to a prudent exploration of the touristc activities, and other ways of exploration of the coral barrier, is the identification of the protected areas by developing of an appropriate cartographic basis that can be used to aid planning for the exploration of the environment. The development of maps began with the interpretation of small format aerial photographs (scale near of 1:5000), which were used to delimitate the geometry and morphologic features of the coral reef. The acquisition of small format photographs depends of climatic parameters, such as influence of tides, winds and the limpidity of the sky. Respecting these parameters, it is possible to investigate many features. In this work was identified sand waves, submerged and emerged coral reef bodies and submerged channels. Thus, it is necessary to improve the knowledge of the coral barriers of Maracajaú in the way to support more specific researches on this ecosystem, which can establish the potentialities of the area, allowing the exploration with minimized environmental damages.

D., A., L., A. Putri

Tectonic activity in an area could result in various impacts such as changes in elevation, level of slope percentages, river flow patterns and systems, and the formation of geological structures both locally and regionally, which will form a new landscape. The tectonic activity also affects the stratigraphic sequences of the area. Therefore, it is necessary to study morphotectonic or landscape forms that are influenced by active tectonic activities, both those occur recently and in the past. These geological results help provide information of the potential of natural resources in and around Tanjung Bungo area. Morphological data are based on three main aspects including morphogenesis, morphometry, and morphography. The data are collected in two ways, the first is field survey by directly observing and taking field data such as measuring geological structures, rock positions, and outcrop profiles. The second way is to interpret them through Digital Elevation Model (DEM) and aerial photographs by analyzing river flow patterns and lineament analysis. The field measurement data are processed using WinTensor, Dips, and SedLog Software. The supporting data such as Topographic Maps, Morphological Elevation Maps, Slope Maps, Flow Pattern Maps, and Lineament Maps are based on DEM data and are processed using ArcGis Software 10.6.1 and PCI Geomatica. Morphotectonically, the Tanjung Bungo area is at a moderate to high-class level of tectonic activity taken place actively resulted in several joints, faults, and folds. The formation of geological structures has affected the morphological conditions of the area as seen from the development of steep slopes, structural flow patterns such as radial, rectangular, and dendritic, as well as illustrated by rough surface relief in Tanjung Bungo area. This area has the potential for oil and gas resources as indicated by the Telisa Formation, consisting of calcareous silts rich in planktonic and benthonic fossils, which may be source rocks and its contact with the Menggala Formation which is braided river system deposits that could be good reservoirs. Further research needs to be done since current research is only an interpretation of surface data. Current natural resources being exploited in Tanjung Bungo region are coals. The coals have thicknesses of 5-7 cm and are classified as bituminous coals.

1955 ◽  
Vol S6-V (4-6) ◽  
pp. 403-410
Jean Lafuste

Abstract A petrographic study of a Sequanian (Jurassic) coral reef deposit exposed in the cliff at Angoulins near La Rochelle, France. Formation of the reef probably took place on a shallow platform, and was accompanied by deposition of abundant terrigenous material under conditions of extremely variable currents.

1998 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 190-221 ◽  
Heather Holden ◽  
Ellsworth LeDrew

According to the 1993 colloquium on the ‘Global status of coral reefs', our understanding of the global role of coral reefs is inadequate. To increase our understanding, an accurate large-scale mapping and monitoring programme is necessary. Historically, coastal zones have been mapped using traditional surveying tools such as topographic maps, nautical charts, existing aerial photographs and direct observations. Although less expensive than digital imagery, exclusive use of these traditional tools may not be practical for monitoring large or remote coral reef ecosystems accurately. Researchers are attempting to develop an adequate coral reef mapping system based on digital remote sensing, but are impeded by issues such as effects of the intervening water column and spectral distinction of bottom types. The two variables discussed, which will contribute to our understanding of the global role of coral reefs, are: 1) remote sensing of submerged coral reefs in general; and 2) remote sensing of coral bleaching in particular. A summary of radiative transfer theory is presented and case studies of attempts at mapping remotely the geographic extent and health of submerged ecosystems, as well as a discussion of the remote estimation of water depth and quality. Problems in the translation and delivery of information to the end user are presented, and possible solutions suggested.

2021 ◽  
Vol 926 (1) ◽  
pp. 012099
W Adi ◽  
I Akhrianti ◽  
M Hudatwi

Abstract Bangka Island is the largest tin producer in Indonesia and since the granting of tin mining freedom in 2000, unconventional tin mining (TI) is increasingly prevalent. The existence of mining activities will directly or indirectly damage the environment both on land and at sea. Especially the high biodiversity of coral reef ecosystem. The purpose of this research was to analyze a map of the distribution of coral reef based on Sentinel 2A satellite imagery data. Analyze the extent of the coral reefs in shallow waters of Putri Island, and analyze of the condition coral reefs (percentage cover, mortality index and genus diversity) with using collaboration betwen the coral diving data and remote sensing data. Studies of changes in coral reef ecosystems have been ongoing since several decades ago. The combination of satellite imagery and aerial photographs is capable of making long-term and continuous observations on mapping and change detection. Remote sensing technology has several advantages overconventional sampling to monitor a large area in time almost simultaneously and continuously including the difficult to explore areas. This research was conducted with visual interpretation by using standard true color composite band (483) and false color composite band (843) of Sentinel 2A and also using lyzenga transformation. Estimation of coral reefs area based on result is 475,96 ha (2016) and decreased to 475 ha (2021). The condition of coral reefs at the research location is a good condition.

Check List ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 1656 ◽  
Mateus Germano Souza Lira ◽  
Roney Emanuel Costa de Paiva ◽  
Telton Pedro Anselmo Ramos ◽  
Sergio M. Q. Lima

This study records the first occurrence of Kryptolebias hermaphroditus Costa, 2011 in canals or perennial salty water pools in two mangroves of the Rio Grande do Norte state, in the estuaries of Ceará-Mirim River and Curimataú River. Due to its hermaphroditism and self-fertilization, a unique feature among vertebrates, this species is very important for many biological areas. Kryptolebias hermaphroditus depends on favorable conditions for their development, therefore, human impacts such as shrimp farming and removal of native vegetation from mangroves may affect populations of this species in northeastern Brazil.

2006 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 27-45
Farma Mangunsong

Kepulauan Seribu has rich natural resources in the form of coral reef coral fish, and other ocean Now which interact with each other. Resident of Kepulauan Seribu has a high dependency on these natural resources. The existence of coral reef has a strong impact on fisheries since the number offish and other biota will be high when the coral reef is in good condition. Nelayan tangkap konsumsi is one of the job types which strongly affected by the existence of coral reef Fishermen get economic benefits in the form of job and income source. Not only fishermen, all the residents also get benefits in the form of protein source, income source, and also job field from the existence of coral reef Nevertheless, based on the research done by the experts, the condition of the coral reef in Kepulauan Seribu tends to get worse because of human and natural factors. The purpose of this study is to reveal the Kepulauan Seribu residence perception of the coral reef condition and factors affect this perception. Rased on regression results, place of residency, age, education, length of stay, major sauce of household income, and condition of coral reef at the nearest island have significant relationships with the people's perception.  

2007 ◽  
Vol 30 (2) ◽  
pp. 92-103
Daniele Silva Batista ◽  
Claudia Gutterres Vilela ◽  
Eduardo A. M Koutsoukos

Taphonomy focuses on the post-mortem processes of transport and preservation of biotic remains in the sedimentary record, and as such it has important applications for paleoenvironmental reconstructions. The aim of this work is to verify the degree of dissolution, abrasion, bioerosion and fragmentation in foraminiferal tests recovered from bottom sediments of the Parrachos de Maracajaú, Rio Grande do Norte, and to estimate the influence of these taphonomic processes in the distributon and preservation of the assemblages. Fifty-one species of benthic foraminifera have been found in the studied site. The taxonomic composition is typical of a coral reef environment. Amphistegina lessoni, Sorites marginalis, Quinqueloculina lamarckiana, Q. agglutinans, Peneroplis carinatus and Archaias angulatus are abundant in all the studied localities. The energy of the environment was interpreted as high. The species have been grouped into two groups, and the statistical data show that all four taphonomic processes (dissolution, abrasion, bioerosion and fragmentation) have influenced the distribution and preservation patterns of the foraminifera.

1998 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 67

The analysis of LANDSAT-MSS images and aerial photographs show a capture of headwaters of Camaquã river by Jacui river, at about 54ºW longitude and 31º latitude. This capture occurred 15 km northwest of Lavras do Sul. The area of capture has dimensions of about 30 km2. Elbows of capture and barbed tributaries of the Jacui river provide this evidence and indicate that the Camaquã river was shortened about 6 km. This capture probably has occurred in the Neogene, when erosion is belived to have started in peripheric depression of Rio Grande do Sul. Field work is needed to identify deposits that should provide more clues to the nature and timing of this capture.

Gaetano Arena

The paper intends to examine a specific area of research concerning the pollution of large rivers – the Tiber above all but not exclusively – and the resulting contamination of water and air as well as the depletion of fish fauna and related food risks. The data on the damage to fluvial (but also lake and marine) habitats are not presented by the intellectuals of the Flavian-Trajan and Antonine ages (Pliny the Elder, Pliny the Younger, Galen) in an ‘environmentalist’ perspective stricto sensu, but each time presented in terms of moral condemnation, or of political propaganda aimed at seeking consensus or even in terms of risk to health and/or possible economic damage. In spite of this, from a legal point of view, appears undeniable a concern of the State to introduce measures aimed at limiting environmental damages as well as protecting and conserving natural resources, although certainly not systematic, but dictated by completely pragmatic needs and by occasional or emergency circumstances.

2020 ◽  
Vol 27 (4) ◽  
pp. 319-334
Eliana Andréa Severo ◽  
Marcia Marisa Santanna Perin ◽  
Julio Cesar Ferro De Guimarães ◽  
Elaine Taufer

PurposeEnvironmental problems and natural resources scarcity are changing contemporary organizations management. The current society quest sustainable companies, mostly concern with the consumption and efficient management of natural resources; those innovative and sustainable companies have the capacity to create innovations and beneficial outcomes for the environment and society. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the relevance of sustainable innovation on products and services innovation, in companies in the northern region of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil).Design/methodology/approachIn the research, the authors applied a descriptive and quantitative method, through exploratory factor analysis (EFA), with the use of varimax rotation and multiple linear regression. The final sample of the survey consists of 107 respondents.FindingsThe results indicate that sustainable innovation (SI) has an influence on products and services innovations in the organizations, moreover the process innovations can provide reduced energy consumption and waste emissions, indicating the awareness regarding the environmental issues.Research limitations/implicationsIt is emphasized that environmental issues must be linked to investments in environmental education projects in organizations, thus enabling a systemic and effective vision on this issue.Practical implicationsThis research presents managerial and academic contributions, as it has developed a scale to measure the importance of SI on products and services innovation.Originality/valueThe study developed a measurement model, with observable variables based on the specialized literature. The measurement model consists of the constructs of product/service innovation and SI, which were statistically validated through the tests of normality, reliability and EFA.

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