The Social Anthropology of Radcliffe-Brown

RAIN ◽  
1978 ◽  
pp. 14
Adam Kuper
Laurie Maguire

This book explores blank space in early modern printed books; it addresses physical blank space (from missing words to vacant pages) as well as the concept of the blank. It is a book about typographical marks, readerly response, and editorial treatment. It is a story of the journey from incunabula to Google books, told through the signifiers of blank space: empty brackets, dashes, the et cetera, the asterisk. It is about the semiotics of print and about the social anthropology of reading. The book explores blank space as an extension of Elizabethan rhetoric with readers learning to interpret the mise-en-page as part of a text’s persuasive tactics. It looks at blanks as creators of both anxiety and of opportunity, showing how readers respond to what is not there and how writers come to anticipate that response. Each chapter focuses on one typographical form of what is not there on the page: physical gaps (Chapter 1), the &c (Chapter 2) and the asterisk (Chapter 3). The Epilogue uncovers the rich metaphoric life of these textual phenomena and the ways in which Elizabethan printers experimented with typographical features as they considered how to turn plays into print.

2016 ◽  
Vol 17 (41) ◽  
Jose Luis Abalos Junior

Este relato é fruto de reflexões que tive na graduação em Ciências Sociais e no Mestrado Acadêmico em Antropologia Social (PPGAS/UFRGS) nos quais me deparei inúmeras vezes com a reflexão da questão das políticas que envolvem a temática ambiental. Entendendo estas experiências como significativas para o desenvolvimento dos estudos ambientais dentro de perspectivas antropológicas, faço uma síntese sobre os principais conceitos a serem tratados em propostas como a de um currículo de estudo. Entre estes conceitos se inserem o de responsabilidade social e ambiental entrando no debate da conferência da ONU sobre “o futuro que queremos”. Riscos ambientais e contaminação também são categorias de importante discursão num programa desse tipo. O debate sobre políticas e democracia traz a tona a análise de políticas ambientais como a de Belo Monte. A contextualização de novos tipos de cidadania, como a ecológica, desperta atenção para novos conceitos como o de sustentabilidade e desenvolvimento sustentável. Esse modelo de trânsitos na política instiga novos debates como o de Conflitos e Justiça Ambientais. Assim como a política em transito adentra a discursão sobre o que são populações tradicionais. A Educação Ambiental aparece nesse sentido como uma dimensão político-pedagógica importante para o desenvolvimento de novos sujeitos capazes de pensar a “política do eu” e as “políticas da natureza”. Por fim, faço uma breve reflexão sobre a produção de uma antropologia vitalista em Tim Ingold relacionando com o rompimento de uma disciplinaridade, empreitada importante ao dialogarmos sobre políticas ambientais.Palavras-Chaves: Ambientalismo. Natureza. Currículo.Environmental Policies : A chance of curriculumAbstract This report is the result of reflections from the period of my undergraduated studies on Social Sciences to masters on Social Anthropology (PPGAS/UFRGS) during which I deal many times with the issue about policies that involve environmental issues. Understanding these experiences as significant for the development of environmental studies within anthropological perspectives, I make a synthesis of the main concepts would be treated in proposals such as a study curriculum. These concepts include the social and environmental responsibility add in the UN conference debate about "the future we want". Environmental risks and contamination are also important categories to discussion in this kind of program. Debate on policies and democracy brings out the analysis of environmental policies such as Belo Monte. Contextualization of new types of citizenship, such as ecological citizenship, arouses attention to new concepts such as sustainability and sustainable development. This model of transits in politics instigates new debates as Conflicts and Environmental Justice. Likewise, the policies in transit enter the discussion about what are traditional populations. In this sense, environmental education appears as an important political and pedagogical dimension to the development of new subjects able to think the “policy of self” and the "policy of nature”. Finally, I make a brief reflection on the production of a vitalist anthropology at Tim Ingold connected to a break of a disciplinary, important approach to dialogue on environmental policies.Keywords: Environmentalism. Nature. Curriculum. 

Иван Александрович Гринько

Проблема определения социальных функций различных институтов является одной из важнейших для понимания их роли и пути дальнейшего развития. Данная дискуссия отнюдь не носит чисто теоретический характер, наоборот, вопрос о социальном функционале музея является одним из ключевых для их дальнейшего развития. Некоторые исследователи честно признают, что непонимание социальных функций ведет к резкому снижению эффективности работы музеев. В статье анализируются функции музея как социокультурного института на основе такого историко-антропологического источника как анекдот. Эта проблематика, несмотря на свою принципиальную важность, редко анализировалось в антропологическом ключе. Кроме того, взаимосвязь музея и смеховой культуры практически не пользуется вниманием исследователей, хотя данная тема явно имеет большой потенциал. В качестве основного источника для работы был взят массив современных российских анекдотов, к которому для компаративного анализа привлекался массив советских анекдотов. В общей сложности исследовалось более 500 текстов. По итогам исследования можно сделать вывод, что социальные функции музея не ограничиваются традиционными для музеологии вариантами: сохранение наследия, образование и коммуникация. Музей в фольклорных текстах обладает гораздо более широким кругом социальных функций от инструмента символического потребления и валоризации объектов искусства, до пространства эротической игры. Анализ анекдотов, связанных с музеем, показывает, что, несмотря на не самую высокую популярность этого института, в массовой культуре и сознании, в смеховой культуре четко фиксируются его ключевые функции и проблемы. Это еще раз подтверждает важность анализа фольклорных текстов для оценки роли музея в сообществах любого уровня. Данный материал может быть использован для решения самых различных задач музейного менеджмента от оценки эффективности социокультурной деятельности музея до проведения маркетинговых кампаний. The determination of social functions of institute is one of the most difficult issues in social anthropology. This discussion isn’t absolutely theoretical; on the contrary, the issue of the social functionality of the museum is one of the key issues for their further development. Some researchers honestly admit that a lack of understanding of social functions leads to a sharp decline in the effectiveness of museums. The article analyzes the functions of the museum as a sociocultural institution on the basis of such a historical and anthropological source as anecdote. This issue, despite its fundamental importance, has rarely been analyzed in an anthropological vein. In addition, the interconnection between the museum and the culture of laughter has received little attention from researchers, although this topic clearly has great potential. For this research we used block of contemporary Russian anecdotes and the anecdotes of the soviet period (1917–1991) for comparative analysis. Totally more than 500 texts were analyzed. The analysis of the anecdotes associated with the museum shows that, despite the low popularity of this institution, in mass culture and consciousness, in the culture of laughter, its key functions and problems are clearly recorded. This once again confirms the importance of analyzing folklore texts for assessing the role of the museum in communities of any level. This material can be used to solve a variety of problems of museum management, from assessing the effectiveness of the socio-cultural activities of the museum to marketing campaigns.

In trying to show you the character of social anthropology as an academic discipline, I might try to sketch some substantive and perhaps intriguing findings in the field, or the history of its development, or some of its major intellectual problems today. I have chosen the last of these alternatives, because by showing the general problems we are grappling with I hope to reveal to you, in part no doubt inadvertently, the ways that anthropologists think, and also how our difficulties in part arise from the character of the social reality itself, which we confront and try to understand. The fundamental questions which social anthropology asks are about the forms, the nature, and the extent of order in human social life, as it can be observed in the different parts of the world. There is no need to prejudge the extent of this order; as members of one society we know how unpredictable social life can be. But concretely, human life varies greatly around the world, and it seems possible to characterize its forms to some extent. We seek means systematically to discover, record and understand these forms.

2021 ◽  
Jaan Valsiner

Jaan Valsiner shows how human beings create cognitive and affective orders through constructions of meaning that allow them to move safely in highly complex situations and environments. He sees the human being as an “animal symbolicum” with performative needs and driven by the desire to communicate. He shows how processes of interpretation, understanding and ordering are structured and how a combination of approaches from social anthropology, semiotics, cultural psychology and psychoanalysis can contribute to a more appropriate representation of these processes and their functions. The Hans Kilian Award for the Research and Promotion of Metacultural Humanisation honours excellent achievements in interdisciplinary research and teaching in the social and cultural sciences. In addition to the keynote speech by cultural psychologist Jaan Valsiner in English, there is a foreword by Heinz-Rudi Spiegel, chairman of the board of trustees for the Hans Kilian Award, and a laudatio by Pradeep Chakkarath, co-director of the Hans Kilian and Lotte Köhler Centre for Social and Cultural Psychology and Historical Anthropology.

Evangelos Chrysos

It seems that a serious approach to the status of foreigners and the Byzantines'attitude towards them should now begin with a proper definition drawn from other disciplines, such as sociology and social anthropology. this chapter tries to estimate the political and legal dimensions of Romanness (Romanitas) in the meaning of citizenship vs. the status of the non-Roman in his relationship towards the empire. But since Romanitas is not only a political and legal but in particular a social and cultural reality, and since the levels are not always clearly distinguished, the discussion also refers to what form is the social and cultural identity of Roman vs. foreigner.

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