The Holy Quran with English Translation and Commentary

1950 ◽  
Vol 70 (2) ◽  
pp. 119
Franz Rosenthal ◽  
Sadr Anjuman Ahmadiyya

This paper argued for a fresh understanding of Pickthall’s The Meaning of the Glorious Koran: An Explanatory Translation (1930) in light of Bourdieu’s sociological work. The main objective of this study was to develop an initial sociological model for understanding the production of Pickthall’s English translation of the meaning of the Holy Quran. By hypothesizing a field which could be called ‘the field of English translations of the meaning of the Holy Quran’, the researchers aspired to understand the dynamics of this field and its structure through delineating the socio-cultural and socio-political forces. After conducting an analysis at the macro level, the researchers analyzed the paratextual elements of the translation, the data of which represent the starting point for Bourdieusian insights into the production of Pickthall’s translation. The findings revealed that Pickthall’s capitalization is evident in the paratextual zone to secure his position within the field in question. The study concluded that Pickthall’s is a social activity, situated in a social space, and carried out by translating agents, both individuals and organizations, who are in a ceaseless struggle over accumulating capital at stake in the field.

2019 ◽  
Vol 48 (3) ◽  
pp. 243-256
Mohammed H. Al Aqad ◽  
Ahmad Arifin Bin Sapar ◽  
Mohamad Bin Hussin ◽  
Ros Aiza Mohd Mokhtar ◽  
Abd Hakim Mohad

ICR Journal ◽  
2012 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 755-756
Osman Bakar

Love in the Holy Quran authored by HRH Prince Ghazi bin Muhammad bin Talal of Jordan is an English translation of the sixth edition of his second PhD dissertation (in Arabic) submitted to al-Azhar University, Cairo. His first doctorate was from Cambridge University. It is a beautiful book on a beautiful subject, namely the subject of love in all its dimensions and manifestations, both divine and human, as treated in the Qur’an, the hadiths, and the classical works of eminent representatives of many generations of Muslim scholars, particularly prominent exegetes of the Qur’an.  

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 36
Mojtaba Aghajani ◽  
Goldis Seyedi Jalali

Over the past few years, the Persian and English translations of Quran have been studied from different standpointsThroughout the centuries, Muslim and non-Muslim translators have been very concerned to convey the meaning ofthe Quran into languages other than Arabic. The holy Quran is a divine book and its translation into other languagesmust be done meticulously. In this regard, Persian and English translation of one of the surahs of this magnificentbook was selected to be compared. the present study has gone through the investigation of the Persian translation ofone of the surahs of this holy book “Yasin” by Dr. Elahi Ghomshei (1361) and its English translation by threefamous translators Yusuf Ali (2000), Pickthall (1930) and Sarwar (2011) to see discrepancies. Also, this study triesto find out the unit of translation and classify different kinds of Vinay and Darbelnet’s procedures used by theEnglish translators.

2018 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
Noor Ezailina Badarudin ◽  
Yazlin Yazid ◽  
Siti Aishah Binti Md Halim ◽  
Hasbullah Mohammad

Islam provides a comprehensive way of life where the revelations bestowed by Allah from the Quran and Hadith cover all aspects that leads to a well-balanced life. This study compiles all the Quranic verses related to visual functions which may serve as a reference for Muslims as well as non-Muslim primary eye care practitioners during their patients’ treatment and consultation. A website named “Search Truth” on used as a tool to identify the Quranic verses related to visual function by typing in the keywords “eye/eyes”, “see”, “light”, “sight” and “vision” in the search boxes provided in the website. The program embedded in the website then listed the Quranic verses based on their English translation containing the respective keywords. The listed Quranic verses and their translations were verified manually using the Holy Quran Tafseer. The frequency of Quranic verses for each chosen keyword was determined. There were 34 Quranic verses related to visual function and could be explained scientifically. The frequency of Quranic verses related to visual function under the classification of “eye/eyes”, “light”, “see”, “sight” and “vision” were 15, 8, 3, 7 and 1 respectively. The fundamentals of visual functions may be explained scientifically based on the Quranic verses.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 73-86
Rizki Algifari ◽  
Riski Lestiono

Translation shift is a part that is not far from what is referred to the notion of translation and constitutes a process in translating which aims to find the equivalent meaning between SL and TL. It is caused by the rules that every language has. Translation shifts are divided into 2 types that are category shift and level shift. Furthermore, category shifts fall into 4 categories which are structure shift, unit shift, class shift, and intra system shift. This current study aimed 1) to investigate the types of translation shift which are found in the English and Indonesian translation versions of the Holy Quran of Surah Az-Zalzalah and 2) to discover the most dominant shift appearing in the English and Indonesian translation versions of the Holy Quran of Surah Az-Zalzalah. To answer the quest, the design used in this study was qualitative. This study has affirmed that, except structure shift, there are 3 types of shifts belonging to the category shift found namely: class shift, unit shift, and intra-system shift. To wrap up, this study has revealed that not all category shifts and level shift are found in the Indonesian-English translation version of surah Az-Zalzalah. Pergeseran bentuk (translation shift) merupakan bagian tidak terpisahkan dari proses penerjemahan dan bertujuan untuk menemukan bentuk yang paling sesuai untuk memadankan makna dari bahasa sumber ke bahasa sasaran. Fenomena pergeseran ini disebabkan adanya perbedaan tata bahasa. Translation shift dibagi menjadi dua tipe, yaitu pergeseran kategori (category shift) dan pergeseran tingkat (level shift). Lebih lanjut, pergeseran kategori dibagi menjadi 4, yaitu pergeseran struktur (structure shift), pergeseran unit (unit shift), pergeseran kelas kata (class shift), dan pergeseran intrasistem (intra system shift). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk 1) menemukan bentuk-bentuk translation shift  dalam versi dwibahasa (Bahasa Inggris dan Bahasa Indonesia) Al-Quran Surat Az-Zalzalah, serta 2) menemukan pergeseran yang paling dominan dalam proses penerjemahan versi dwibahasa Al-Quran Surat Az-Zalzalah. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian kualitatif. Temuan penelitian ini adalah 3 bentuk pergeseran kategori yaitu: class shift, unit shift, dan intra system shift. Tidak ditemukan adanya pergeseran kategori berjenis pergeseran struktur. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah bahwa tidak semua bentuk translation shift ditemukan dalam versi dwibahasa Al-Quran Surat Az-Zalzalah.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 15
Puji Sumarsono

English translation of the Holy Quran has been utilized as an authentic material to teach and learn English (Sumarsono, 2016). A skill which is directly related to this issue is reading through a genre based-approach by exploring narrative texts in the Holy Quran (Sumarsono, 2017). Considering that these previous researches have developed teaching methodology and also teaching materials, it is crucial to understand the students’ voices concerning the use of this methodology and materials. The importance of this study is to provide feedback and improve the use of this methodology and materials. This study applied qualitative as it intended to understand and describe the phenomenon deeply. An instrument which was applied was an interview and the interviewees were the students who were joining a class using this methodology and teaching materials. The students have positive views on the use of English Translation of the Holy Quran as an authentic material resource to teach reading. This methodology has two crucial roles in the development of knowledge and faith.

2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 101
Andi Putra Ishak

Ahmadiyah Qadiyan interpretation controversy has caused tremendous reaction from Muslims around the world, not only in his native land claimed as the Ahmadis non-Muslim minority, even in the Islamic world is considered heretical groups in and out of Islam. This fallacy stems from religious interpretations that do not comply with the disciplines of Islam, giving rise to different views in terms of religious principles. However, Ahmadiyah still claiming to be performer true religion of Islam, because in principle they still cling to the Qur'an and other Islamic scientific sources such as tradition, the views of prophet Muhammad companions and his followers. In addition they also have their own interpretation book is "THE HOLY QURAN ARABIC TEXT WITH ENGLISH TRANSLATION & SHORT COMMENTARY". Bayiruddin Mahmud Ahmad, the Ahmadiyya Caliph as the author of the commentary has made this interpretation tends to isyari patterns that seem to justify the prophetic claims of Ghulam Ahmad, by because it is necessary Overview of disciplines commentators to see the extent of the validity of the interpretation.

IIUC Studies ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 15 ◽  
pp. 33-46
Kalim Ullah

Human beings are deeply related to land. Human beings take birth on land, live on land, die on land and mixes with land ultimately. As stated in the holy Quran: ‘We (Allah) created you (human beings) from the soil, we shall make you return to the soil and We shall call you back again from the soil’ (20:55). Human life is surrounded by soil i.e. land. So, land is a highly completed issue of human life involving economic, social, political, cultural and often religious systems. Land administration is thus a critical element and often a pre-condition for peaceful society and sustainable development. In administrating land, Khatian or record of rights plays a vital role to determine the rights and interests of the respective parties as supportive evidence. In this article, discussion is mainly made on the fact that Khatian or record of rights is not a document of title solely but it may be an evidence of title as well as possession. IIUC Studies Vol.15(0) December 2018: 33-46

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-27
Siti Aisyah Hasanudin ◽  
Asep Yudha Wirajaya

This article aims to describe the correlations among intertextuality, hypogram, and transformation in the existing Saga of the Prophet Lot (hereinafter abbreviated as HNL) with the Story of the Prophet Lot (hereinafter abbreviated KNL) in the Holy Quran and also its correlations to the LGBT phenomenon in Indonesia.The problems in this article, that is (1) What is the intertextual relationship between HNL and KNL in the Holy Quran?, (2) How are the similarities and differences of HNL and KNL in the Holy Quran?, (3) What are the background creation of HNL? This article wants to prove that the ancient manuscript entitled HNL is a hypogram and transformation of the KNL contained in the Holy Quran.The method used in this article is content analysis because the authors intend to interpret the events contained in the HNL and then trace the Intertekstualnya relationship with the KNL found in the Holy Quran.In this article the similarities and differences in the two objects that will be examined are explained properly.This HNL script has similarities with KNL in the Holy Quran such as Prophet Lot was instructed by Allah SWT to preach his people such as about leaving their indecent behaviors; the arrival of the Angels at Prophet Lot’s home, Prophet Lot was expelled by his people, and punishment for the Sodomites. The differences only lie in the beginning of the story and at the end of the story of Prophet Lot.  Artikel ini bertujuan memaparkan hubungan intertekstual, hipogram, dan transformasi pada naskah Hikayat Nabi Lot (yang selanjutnya disingkat HNL) dengan Kisah Nabi Lot (yang selanjutnya disingkat KNL) dalam Alquran dan juga kaitannya dengan fenomena LGBT di Indonesia. Permasalahan dalam artikel ini, yaitu (1) Bagaimana hubungan intertekstual antara HNL dengan KNL dalam Alquran?, (2) Bagaimana persamaan dan perbedaan HNL dan KNL dalam Alquran?, (3) Apa yang menjadi latar belakang penciptaan HNL? Artikel ini membuktikan bahwa naskah kuno yang berjudul HNL merupakan hipogram dan transformasi dari KNL yang terdapat dalam Alquran. Metode yang digunakan dalam artikel ini adalah analisis konten karena penulis bermaksud menafsirkan peristiwa yang terdapat dalam HNL dan kemudian menelusuri hubungan intertekstualnya dengan KNL yang terdapat dalam Alquran. Artikel ini menjelaskan tentang persamaan dan perbedaan pada kedua objek yang akan di kaji. Naskah HNL memiliki persamaan dengan KNL dalam Alquran. Nabi Lot diperintahkan Allah SWT untuk berdakwah kepada kaumnya agar mau meninggalkan perilaku menyimpang, kedatangan para Malaikat ke rumah Nabi Lot, Nabi Lot diusir oleh kaumnya, dan hukuman bagi kaum Sodom. Adapun perbedaannya hanya terletak pada awal kisah dan akhir cerita Nabi Lot as. w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="

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