2017 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
Widodo Hari Prabowo ◽  
Muhammad Viki Lutfiana ◽  
Rosid Rosid ◽  
Muhammad Burhanuddin Ubaidillah

ABSTRAK Energi yang berasal dari biomassa misalnya limbah baglog, yang selama ini dibuang atau tidak dimanfaatkan, merupakan limbah yang dapat dikonfersi menjadi sumber energi alternatif pengganti bahan bakar fosil. Limbah baglog  jamur dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan bakar dengan cara, mengubah limbah tersebut menjadi biobriket. Tujuan penelitian dilakukan untuk pengkajian laju pembakaran, nilai kalor, kadar abu, kadar air, kadar zat yang menguap, kadar karbon dan drop test pada biobriket. Metode yang digunakan dalam pembuatan menggunakan perbandingan A (1:1:1) dengan komposisi tepung kanji 250 gram limbah baglog 250 gram dan air 250 ml, perbandingan B (1:2:2) dengan komposisi tepung kanji 250 gram limbah baglog 500 gram dan air 500 ml, perbandingan C (1:3:3) dengan komposisi tepung kanji 250 gram  limbah baglog 1000 gram dan air 1000 ml. Pembutan yang pertama dengan penghancuran limbah baglog dan pengeringan, pencampuran tepung, limbah baglog dan air, pengepresan biobriket kemudian dikeringkan. Hasil penelitian memperoleh nilai kalor, kadar air, kadar karbon dan kadar zat yang menguap terdapat pada biobriket sampel A (1:1:1) sebesar 4065,69 kal/g, 5%, 15,4%, dan 71,4 %  untuk kadar abu terbaik terdapat pada sampel B (1:2:2) sebesar 4,8%. Kata kunci: Limbah baglog, biobriket, bahan bakar fosil, jamur tiram  ABSTRACT Energy derived from biomass such as baglog waste that has been disposed or not utilized, is a waste that can be converted into alternative energy sources of fossil fuel. Wastes baglog mushrooms are used as fuel by the way, turning the waste into bio briquette. The aim of this research is to test the combustion rate, calorific value, ash content, moisture content, volatile substance content, carbon content and drop test on bio briquett. The method used in the preparation uses A (1: 1: 1) comparison with starchy flour composition 250 grams of baglog 250 grams and 250 ml water, B ratio (1: 2: 2) with  starchy flour composition 250 grams baglog 500 grams and water 500 ml, C ratio (1: 3: 3) with starch flour composition 250 grams of baglog waste 1000 grams and water 1000 ml. Making the first with the destruction of baglog waste and drying, mixing flour, baglog waste and water, briquette pressing then dried. The results of the research were obtained values of caloric, water content, carbon content and the content of volatile substances in A (1: 1: 1) biobriket of 4065.69 cal / g, 5%, 15.4%, and 71.4% The best ash content was found in sample B (1: 2: 2) of 4.8%. The results obtained of calorific value, moisture content, carbon content and volatile substances were found in A (1: 1: 1) sample biobriket of 4065, 69 cal / g, 5%, 15.4%, and 71.4% for the best ash content were found in sample B (1: 2: 2) of 4.8%. Keywords : Baglog waste, bio briquette, fossil fuel, oyster mushroom

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 43 ◽  
Lilih Sulistyaningkarti ◽  
Budi Utami

This study aimed to (1) make charcoal briquettes from corncobs organic waste; (2) determine the right type of adhesive to make a corncobs charcoal briquette to produce good quality briquettes; (3) determine the appropriate percentage of adhesive to produce corncobs briquettes to produce good quality briquettes; and (4) know the best characteristics of corncobs charcoal briquettes which include moisture content, volatile content, ash content, carbon content and caloric value. The sample used was corncob obtained from a corn farmer in Pasekan Village, Wonogiri regency. This research used experimental method in laboratory with several stages, namely: (1) preparation of materials; (2) carbonization; (3) crushing and sifting of charcoal (4) mixing charcoal with adhesive and water; (5) briquetting; (6) briquette drying; And (7) analysis of briquette quality. This adhesive types used in this research were tapioca flour and wheat flour and the percentage of adhesive material were 5%, 10% and 15% from total weight of charcoal powder. The result of the research were: (1) charcoal briquettes as alternative energy source can be made from biomass waste (corncobs organic waste); (2) charcoal briquettes from organic corncobs wastes using tapioca flour adhesives have better quality than using wheat flour adhesives; (3) the both charcoal briquettes using 5% of tapioca flour adhesive and 5% wheat flour adhesives have better quality than 10% and 15% in terms of moisture content, volatile content, ash content, carbon content and calorific value; and (4) the best characteristics obtained are for the charcoal briquettes using 5% of tapioca flour adhesive, which have water content of 3,665%; volatile matter amounting of 11.005%; ash content of 4.825%; fixed carbon content of 80.515%; and high heat value of 5661,071%.

Ibrahim Hasan ◽  
Abdul Ghofur

Briquette is one of the alternative energy sources as a satisfactory substitute for fossil fuels in which the availability decreases every single day. The main materials of briquettes can be biomass. Biomass is an organic material produced by photosynthetic process, the materials may be product, remnant or waste. One of the potentially great biomass to be used as the main ingredient of briquettes is corncob. This study aims to (1) know the characteristics of corncob briquettes with adhesive jackfruit seed flour including moisture content, ash content, volatile matter and calorific value, (2) know the characteristics of the best corncob briquettes based on SNI standard. Corn cobs were converted first to charcoal with carbonization process, and then the charcoal was mixed with adhesive derived from jackfruit seed flour. In this study, variations of corncob to jackfruit seeds ratios were 90%: 10%, 85%: 15% and 80%: 20%, respectively. Then a mixture of charcoal and flour was molded with a molding pressure variation of 100 kg/cm2 and 120 kg/cm2. The parameters of briquette characteristics based on SNI 01-6235-2000 are moisture content, ash content, volatile matter and calorific value. The results show that the best characteristic briquettes is briquettes with sample code of B1 with charcoal to jackfruit flour ratio of 90% to 10% and printing pressure of 120 kg/cm2. The briquettes have water content characteristics of 7,0073%, ash content of 6,8876%, volatile matter of 17,8983% and calorific value of 6241,8137 cal/gram. But overall, the briquettes have not met the SNI 01-6235-2000 standards because the level of volatile matter in the briquettes exceed the maximum limit that has been determined i.e. 15%.

2015 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 46-52
Erwin Junary ◽  
Julham Prasetya Pane ◽  
Netti Herlina

The availability of the petroleum fuels that deprived from fossil is depleted with the increase of human population. The challenge for this fuel shortage crisis can certainly be anticipated with the manufacture of fuels deprived from renewable biomass. The study of this research is to create a biocharcoal deprived from sugar palm (Arenga pinnata) with the optimum carbonization time and temperature in order to obtain a biocharcoal with the highest calorific value. Biocharcoal is a charcoal created from biomass. The study of the determination of the optimum conditions for the manufacture of biocharcoal from sugar palm (Arenga pinnata) has a temperature variable of 300, 350, 400, 450 and 500 0C and time variable of 60, 90 and 120 minutes. Sugar palm was first cut into a small pieces and dried up under the sun and then put into a furnace to carbonate it according to the predetermined variables. The product from furnace was then put inside a desicator to cool it off for 30 minutes and then analyze it with moisture content test, ash content test, volatile matter content test, carbon content test and calorific value test. The best result was obtained at the temperature of 350 0C and 120 minutes of carbonization with the calorific value of 8611,2581 cal/gr, moisture content of %, ash content of %, volatile matter content of % and carbon content of %. Based of the calorific value obtained, the result shows that sugar palm (Arenga pinnata) biocharcoal could be utilize as an renewable alternative source fuels

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 57
Syarifhidayahtullah Syarif ◽  
Rochim Bakti Cahyono ◽  
Muslikhin Hidayat

A B S T R A C TThe conversion of cocoa shell waste into char briquettes has been carried out through various methods. However, the product characteristics do not meet the SNI briquettes requirements. Therefore, it is necessary to improve process engineering by mixing cocoa peel waste with red fruit pulp to get char briquettes in order to improve quality of briquette products. This research was carried out through pyrolysis process with temperthwatures up to 500 oC and held for 4 hours. The research objective was to produce char briquettes from cacao pod shell waste with the addition of red fruit pulp and its characteristic test. The study was designed with 2 variables, namely independent variables in the form of char raw material powder that passed 50 mesh sieve, weight ratio of cocoa shell char powder and red fruit pulp char powder (100:0, 70:30, 50:50, 30:70, and 0%:100%), pressure (100 kg/cm2), 10% starch adhesive from raw materials, and briquette diameter of 40 mm. Whereas the dependent variables are the moisture content (%), volatile content (%), ash content (%), fixed carbon content (%), and calorific value (cal/g). The results showed that the process of pyrolysis of char briquettes waste cocoa shell with red fruit pulp can increase its calorific value. The best characteristics of briquette were obtained from mixed briquettes (composition of 30%:70%) with moisture content of 5.63%, volatile content of 18.65%, ash content of 9.45%, fixed carbon content of 66.27%, and calorific value of 6422 cal/g.A B S T R A KPemanfaatan limbah kulit buah kakao menjadi briket arang telah banyak dilakukan melalui berbagai metode tetapi belum memenuhi persyaratan SNI briket arang. Oleh karena itu, perlu diupayakan untuk mendapatkan briket arang yang memenuhi persyaratan SNI. Salah satunya dengan cara mencampurkan limbah kulit kakao dengan ampas buah merah karena ampas buah merah memiliki nilai kalor yang cukup tinggi. Penelitian ini dilakukan melalui proses pirolisis dengan suhu sampai dengan 500 oC  dan ditahan selama 4 jam. Tujuan penelitian untuk memproduksi briket arang dari limbah kulit buah kakao dengan penambahan ampas buah merah serta uji karakteristiknya. Penelitian dirancang dengan 2 variabel, yaitu variabel bebas (independent variable) berupa ukuran serbuk bahan baku arang yang lolos saringan  50 mesh, rasio massa campuran serbuk arang kulit kakao dengan serbuk arang ampas buah merah (100:0, 70:30, 50:50, 30:70, dan 0%:100%), tekanan pengempaan (100 kg/cm2), perekat kanji 10% dari bahan baku, dan diameter briket 40 mm. Variabel terikat (dependent variable) yang diukur yaitu kadar air (%), kadar zat mudah menguap (%), kadar abu (%), kadar karbon terikat (%), dan nilai kalor (kal/g). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, dengan melalui proses pirolisis briket arang limbah kulit kakao dengan ampas buah merah dapat meningkatkan nilai kalor-nya. Karakteristik briket terbaik diperoleh dari briket komposisi campuran (30%:70%) dengan kadar air 5,63 %, kadar zat mudah menguap 18,65 %, kadar abu 9,45 %, kadar karbon terikat 66,27 %, dan nilai kalor 6422 kal/g.

Rapheal Ige ◽  
Elinge Ogala ◽  
Cosmos Moki ◽  
Abdulrahman Habeeb

The selection or choice of agro-waste briquettes for domestic and industrial cottage applications depends on the fuel properties. In this study, the briquette was produced by carbonizing the rice stalk followed by crushing and sieving, the binder was prepared by dissolving the starch in hot water, then mixed with the sieved carbonized rice stalk and then the briquette was produced using the briquetting machine. Proximate analyses, viability, characteristics and combustion were determined to know the average composition of their constituents. From the results obtained it was observed that ash content, moisture content, after glow and ignition propagation decrease as the binder ratio increase while fixed carbon content, volatile matter, calorific value, density and compressive strength increase. The results of this work indicate that briquettes produced using high concentration of the binder would make good biomass fuels. However, it has a high moisture content of 25.00%, high ash content of 23.00%, moderate volatile matter of 44.80%, low fixed carbon content of 32.20%, moderate calorific value of 13.86 MJ/Kg and high density of 0.643g/cm3. The results obtained for all the parameters showed that rice stalks briquettes produced with high concentration of the binder (starch) had a better performance based on their combustion profile.

2022 ◽  
Vol 2022 ◽  
pp. 1-13
Assefa Tesfaye ◽  
Fentahun Workie ◽  
Venkatesh S. Kumar

Biomass energy accounts for more than 92 percent of overall energy consumption in Ethiopia. As a result, Ethiopia is one of the world’s most biomass-dependent countries. The high reliance on wood fuels and agricultural residues for fuel harms society’s social, economic, and environmental well-being. This study aims to create and test the quality of fuel briquettes made from the coffee husk. Also built and produced are a carboniser/charcoal kiln, a manually operated molder system, and a briquette stove for burning the manufactured briquette. The carboniser converts 15 kg of raw coffee husk into 6 kg of carbonised char in 25 minutes, and the manually operated briquette molder can press 30 kg per hour. The efficiency of converting raw coffee husk into carbonised char content was 40.12%. In the geological survey of Ethiopia, the geochemical laboratory directorate received triplicate samples of the fuel briquette charcoal for analysis. Moisture content, fixed carbon content, ash content, sulfur content, and calorific value were determined using a bomb calorimeter and a ceramic lining furnace. Physical properties of fuel briquettes ranged from 10.03% moisture content, 970 kg/m3 density, 81% fixed carbon, 5.15% ash content, 0% sulfur, and 30.54 Kcal/kg higher heating value, according to laboratory results. The results of the study revealed that the coffee husk fuel briquettes produced have more positive characteristics. Fuel briquettes were cost-effective and environmentally friendly and reduced deforestation compared to firewood. This study clearly shows that briquettes made from coffee husk could be used as an alternative energy source when this kind of waste is well managed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 33-39
Muhamad Rizky Adipratama ◽  
Reza Setiawan ◽  
Najmudin Fauji

Biomass energy is one that can be used as an alternative energy as a substitute for fossil fuels and can also be useful for reducing environmental pollution due to increasing waste or waste. The manufacture of briquettes from chicken feather waste, wood shavings and rice husk waste aims to help deal with the problem of waste and use it as an alternative fuel. The making of briquettes is carried out by the process of drying the ingredients, charcoal, milling, sieving, kneading, printing, drying, proximate testing and measuring emissions on the briquettes. In this study, the composition of a mixture of chicken feathers (30%, 40%, 50%), wood shavings and rice husk (35%, 30%, 25%) was treated as well as particle sizes of 30 mesh and 60 mesh. The results of this study indicate that the lowest moisture content is in sample B2 of 4.5%. The lowest levels of volatile matters were in sample A1 of 37.4%. The lowest ash content was found in sample B3 at 10.8%. The highest fixed carbon was found in sample A3 at 45.1%. The highest calorific value (Gross Calorific Value) is found in the B3 sample of 5594 Kcal / Kg. And it has the highest CO, CO2, and HC emissions produced from the briquettes, namely 0.24%, 0.8%, 46 ppm. The properties of briquettes that have met SNI standards are moisture content, calorific value (except for sample A1), and the resulting emissions. And those that have not met SNI standards are the levels of volatile matter, ash content and fixed carbon. The resulting briquette can be used because the calorific value obtained is quiet high, which is above the specified standard of ≥ 5000 Kcal/Kg.

2020 ◽  
pp. 292-292
Nugroho Pambudi ◽  
Panji Ardiyansyah ◽  
Riina Syivarulli ◽  
Muhammad Biddinika ◽  
Mochamad Syamsiro ◽  

Hydrothermal carbonization (HTC) is a thermochemical process used in converting biomass into a coal-like substance known as hydrochar. This is usually carried out at high temperature with water below the saturation pressure for a certain period known as holding time. The biomass used was soybean dregs, which is the residue obtained from processing soy sauce with low economic value. The aim of this study therefore was to determine the calorific value of the hydrochar produced from soybean dregs at hydrothermal carbonization temperatures of 160?C, 190?C, and 220?C and at holding times of 30 and 60 minutes, also at a temperature of 190?C with the biomass and water ratio at 1:4 and 1:5. The results showed that the highest calorific value was produced a temperature of 220?C and a holding time of 60 minutes, which was 3,866 Kcal/Kg, the highest carbon content was 26.49%, the lowest moisture content was at 1.77%, the lowest volatile content was at 62.98%, while the lowest ash content was8.64%. Considering biomass to water ratio with the holding time, the highest calorific value was at 3,546 Kcal/Kg, the highest carbon content was 20.32%, the lowest moisture content at 1.71%, the lowest volatile content was 68.58%, while the lowest ash content was at 8.37%. The highest calorific value of the hydrochar produced was similar to the calorific value standard of lignite coal which is around 3,511-4,611 Kcal/Kg according to the American Standard Testing and Mineral (ASTM).

2021 ◽  
Vol 328 ◽  
pp. 09002
Mohamad Mirwa ◽  
Muhammad Abdus Salam Jawwad

Fuel or energy sources scarcity is currently a problem in Indonesia. Pine waste and peanut shells are wastes that have potential to be processed into alternative energy as briquettes, using molasses as adhesive. Briquette was made by destroying the material into small pieces that have been carbonized and sieved with a variation of 20 and 30 mesh size, added with molasses, and then molded with a hydraulic press. Briquettes are dried using an oven at 105 °C for 10 hours to remove moisture content. The pine to peanut shell ratio used are of 0:1, 1:0, 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 2:1, 2:3, 3:1 and 3:2. The analysis includes analysis of calorific value, moisture content, ash content and compressive strength. The result shows the pine waste to peanut shells ratio of 1:0 has the highest calorific value for 20 mesh is 4674.50 Cal/g and for 30 mesh is 4585.10 Cal/g. The lowest water content for 20 mesh is 1.76% and for 30 mesh is 1.85%. The lowest ash content for 20 mesh is 0.58% and for 30 mesh is 0.59%. And the highest compressive strength for 20 mesh is 35.20 kg/cm2 and for 30 mesh is 28.90 kg/cm2.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 412
Diana Ulfa ◽  
Lusyiani Lusyiani ◽  
Gusti A.R. Thamrin

The purposes of this study were: 1) To analyze the characteristics of rice husk waste biopellets such as moisture content, density, ash content, flight substance content, calorific value and bound carbon content, 2) To identify the factors that influence the production of biopellets from rice husk waste. This study used a completely randomized design model with 2 (two) factors, namely variations in mesh size and variations of adhesive with 3 (three) replications. Making biopellet samples and testing the characteristics of rice husk biopellets were carried out at the Forest Products Technology Laboratory, Faculty of Forestry, Lambung Mangkurat University, Banjarbaru. The size of the powder and the amount of added adhesive as well as the interaction between the two did not have a significant effect on the value of moisture content, density, ash content, flight substance content and bonded carbon content, but had a very significant effect on heating value. The average value of moisture content ranged from 13.0771 - 14.5932%, the average density value ranged from 0.7698 g/cm3- 0.9548 g/cm3, the average value of the resulting ash content ranged from 16.5233% - 19.9633%, the average value of flying substances ranged from 57.3533% - 63.6067%, the average value of bound carbon was 6.3462% - 8.7668%, and the average heating value ranged from 2781.3800 cal/g - 3378.4600 cal/g. The factors that affect the quality of the biopelet are the process of pretreating the raw material, refining the size and mixing the adhesive.

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