scholarly journals Effects of feed processing on the apparent ileal digestibility of amino acids in pig diets containing wheat bran or wheat middlings

1996 ◽  
Vol 5 (6) ◽  
pp. 557-565 ◽  
Jarmo Valaja ◽  
Hilkka Siljander-Rasi ◽  
Markku Mäkinen

The effects of feed processing on the apparent ileal digestibility of amino acid and the utilisation of nitrogen (N) in diets containing wheat by-products were studied in five castrated male pigs (live weight 40-109 kg). A T-cannula was surgically fitted into the caecum of the pigs at a live weight of 27 kg using the steered ileo-caecal valve technique. The experiment was conducted with a 6 x 5 cyclic change-over design in which six diets were arranged 2x3 factorially. The corresponding factors were type of wheat by-product in the diets: wheat bran (152 g/kg) or wheat middlings (328 g/kg), and method of feed processing: steam pelleting, expanding or extrusion. The other dietary feed ingredients were barley and soya bean meal. The feed-processing method or dietary wheat by-product had no effect on the apparent ileal digestibility of amino acids and crude protein. The pigs on diets containing wheat middlings tended to retain more N per intake (p

1989 ◽  
Vol 48 (1) ◽  
pp. 157-179 ◽  
S. Green ◽  
T. Kiener

ABSTRACTIn order to determine the relative digestibilities of nitrogen and amino acids in foodstuffs for pigs and poultry, and the effects of manufacturing methods, equal quantities of soya-bean meal, sunflower meals [hulled (sunflower meal 1) and dehulled (sunflower meal 2)], meat meals [made with (meat meal 1), and without (meat meal 2), blood added at 250 g/kg meat tissue (wet weights)] and rapeseed meals [seeds heated at 80°C (rapeseed meal 1) or 100°C (rapeseed meal 2)] were mixed with protein-free ingredients. The diets were given to five growing pigs with ileo-rectal anastomoses, and, by crop-intubation, to 12 caecectomized and 12 intact cocks. Excreta were collected over 48-h periods. Endogenous excretion was estimated by giving protein-free diets.In the order, soya-bean meal, sunflower meals 1, and 2, meat meals 1, and 2, rapeseed meals 1, and 2, true digestibilities were: with pigs, of nitrogen, 0·81, 0·80, 0·79, 0·64, 0·79, 0·73, 0·70 (s.e.d. 0·030), of lysine, 0·84, 0·83, 0·84, 0·65, 0·84, 0·76, 0·72 (s.e.d. 0·032); with caecectomized birds, of nitrogen, 0·92, 0·91, 0·91, 0·66, 0·78, 0·74, 0·75 (s.e.d. 0·018), of lysine 0·92, 0·91, 0·93, 0·62, 0·79, 0·70, 0·70 (s.e.d. 0·020); with intact birds, values were similar to those with caecectomized birds for soya-bean, and the sunflower meals, but lesser for meat meals 1 and 2; the solubilities of nitrogen in pepsin were 0·96, 0·92, 0·93, 0·80, 0·89, 0·87, 0·87.Two hundred and eighty pigs (initial live weights 10 kg) were used to compare growth response to free lysine with that to lysine in soya-bean meal and sunflower meal 2. Lysine availabilities, assessed by analyses of regressions of live-weight gain against lysine intake were 0·82 (s.e. 0·12) for soya-bean meal, and 0·82 (s.e. 0·18) for sunflower meal 2.Amino acid digestibilities of the sunflower meals were similar to those of soya-bean meal, and were not influenced by dehulling; values for the rapeseed meals were lower, and unaffected by differences in heating severity; values for the meat meal were reduced by blood addition. Values differed between pigs and poultry, but there was consistency in the extent to which each species discriminated between some foodstuffs. The pepsin test was insensitive. The large standard errors associated with availability values prevented meaningful comparisons with digestibility values.

1993 ◽  
Vol 70 (1) ◽  
pp. 289-311 ◽  
P. P. Ketaren ◽  
E. S. Batterham ◽  
E. Belinda Dettmann ◽  
D. J. Farrell

Two experiments were conducted (1) to determine the effects of phytase (EC on the digestibility and availability of P in soya-bean meal for growing pigs and (2) to compare growth v. digestibility variables for assessing the availability of P. In the first experiment the effect of phytase on P availability was assessed in a growth assay using a slope–ratio design of treatments. Two different levels of either monosodium phosphate (MSP) or soya-bean meal were added to a basal sugar–soya-bean-meal diet (2·5 g P/kg) to give two levels of P (g/kg): 3·25 and 4·0 for each source. An additional five diets were supplemented with phytase. The ten diets were offered ad lib. for 35 d to female pigs initially weighing 20 kg live weight. In addition, the relative effectiveness of different variables for assessing P availability were compared: bone bending moment, ash in various bones, and ash and P in the empty body. The addition of phytase increased growth rate (g/d) (741 v. 835; P < 0·05), lowered the food conversion ratio (2·37 v. 2·16; P < 0·01), and increased protein deposition (g/d) (108 v. 123; P < 0·05), protein retention (kg/kg) (0·33 v. 0·36; P < 0·05), energy retention (MJ gross energy/MJ digestible energy) (0·36 v. 0·38; P < 0·05) and the availability of P in soya-bean meal from 0·11 to 0·69 when bone bending moment was the criterion of availability. All other criteria for assessing availability were unsuitable. In the second experiment the availability of (P) in soya-bean meal was assessed in a digestibility experiment with grower pigs using diets 1–5 as for Expt 1 arranged in a slope–ratio design of treatments. In addition, the effects of phytase supplementation on the apparent digestibility of P, dry matter, crude protein (N × 6·25) and energy were determined. The diets were offered at three times maintenance energy requirements to male pigs initially weighing approximately 30 kg live weight and total collection of faeces was conducted over a 10 d period. The availability of P in the soya-bean meal was 0·66 using digestible P intake as the criterion of response. The apparent digestibility of P in soya-bean meal was 0·42. Phytase supplementation increased the apparent digestibility of soya-bean meal P to 0·69 (P < 0·01) but had no effect on the faecal digestibility of dry matter or crude protein. Overall these experiments indicate that (1) estimates of P digestibility and availability were unlikely to be interchangeable and (2) phytase was effective in releasing much of the bound P in soya-bean meal.

1992 ◽  
Vol 54 (2) ◽  
pp. 281-287 ◽  
F. Gatel ◽  
G. Buron ◽  
J. Fékéte

AbstractTwo experiments were carried out with weaned piglets from 8 to 25 kg live weight in order to determine the dietary amino acid content necessary for maximum growth. Six diets based on wheat, soya-bean meal, soya-bean oil and free amino acids were compared in each experiment. Essential amino acids were in the same relative proportion for all diets: (methionine + cystine)/lysine = 0·60 to 0·65; threonine/lysine = 0·65; tryptophan/lysine = 0·19. The range of amino acid content was 9·53 to 12·52 g lysine per kg in the first experiment and 11·34 to 15·94 g lysine per kg in the second experiment. The number of piglets used per diet was 136 (20 pens) and 106 (16 pens) in respectively the first and the second experiment. The relationship between either dietary lysine content or daily lysine intake and growth rate was quadratic and significant. Dietary lysine content and daily lysine intake which enable maximum growth were calculated according to this model. Dietary lysine contents were 15·5 and 14·9 g/kg for the first 3 weeks (8 to 17 kg) and for the overall post-weaning period (8 to 25 kg) respectively. Daily lysine intakes were 10·6 and 13·3 g/day respectively for the same two periods. Reasons for these values being higher than those currently cited are discussed.

1991 ◽  
Vol 52 (1) ◽  
pp. 67-74 ◽  
R. W. J. Steen

ABSTRACTThree randomized-block experiments involving 87 British Friesian, 18 Simmental × Friesian and 18 Hereford × Friesian, artificially reared calves (mean initial live weight 47 kg and age 9 days), were carried out to examine the effects of the quantity of milk substitute consumed on the lifetime performance of beef cattle. The three treatments were (1) 400 g milk powder per head daily, weaned at 42 days of age (2) ad libitum intake of milk powder, weaned at 42 days and (3) ad libitum intake of milk powder, weaned at 60 days. All calves were individually penned and fed until after weaning; those on treatment 1 were bucket fed twice daily, while those on treatments 2 and 3 sucked the milk from 25·1 containers through artificial teats. They were offered a pelleted, barley/soya-bean meal concentrate (197 g crude protein per kg dry matter (DM)) ad libitum from purchase until intake reached a maximum of 2·7 kg per head daily, and well preserved grass silage ad libitum from 6 weeks of age. Three commercial, skimmed milk-based, acidified milk substitutes (242 and 187 g crude protein and oil per kg respectively) were used. Intakes of milk substitute, concentrate DM and silage DM per calf to 12 weeks of age for treatments 1 to 3 respectively were as follows: 13·0, 39·7 and 54·8 (s.e. 1·67) kg; 88, 73 and 58 (s.e. 1·5) kg and 9·4, 10·6 and 11·2 (s.e. 0·23) kg. Live-weight gains to 12 weeks of age and carcass weights adjusted to 19 months of age were 0·71, 0·82 and 0·84 (s.e. 0·026) kg/day and 335, 340 and 341 (s.e. 3·8) kg. It is concluded that increasing the input of milk substitute above 400 g per head daily until 6 weeks of age produced only a small and uneconomic increase in the lifetime performance of beef cattle.

1994 ◽  
Vol 71 (4) ◽  
pp. 531-541 ◽  
E. S. Batterham ◽  
L. M. Andersen

Two experiments were conducted to determine the utilization of ileal digestible isoleucine by growing pigs. In the first, the apparent ileal digestibility of amino acids in cottonseed meal, lupin-seed meal and soya-bean meal was determined in pigs fitted with‘T‘-shaped cannulas. In the second, three isoleucine-deficient diets were formulated to 0.23 g ileal digestible isoleucine/MJ digestible energy (DE) with the three protein concentrates contributing the only source of isoleucine in sucrose-based diets. An additional three diets were formulated with supplements of isoleucine to confirm that isoleucine was limiting in the first three diets. The growth performance and retention of isoleucine by pigs given the six diets over the 20–45 kg growth phase were then determined. The apparent ileal digestibility of isoleucine in the three protein concentrates (proportion of total) was: cottonseed meal 0.68, lupin-seed meal 0.86, soya-bean meal 0.86. There were no significant differences (P > 0.05) in growth rates (g/d) and crude protein deposition rates (g/d) of the pigs given the three diets formulated to 0.23 g ileal digestible isoleucine/MJ DE: cottonseed meal 590, 84; lupin-seed meal 613, 87; soya-bean meal 594, 91 (SEM 13.0, 2.9) respectively. The response of pigs to the addition of isoleucine confirmed that isoleucine was limiting in these diets. The proportion of ileal digestible isoleucine retained by pigs given the cottonseed meal (0.65) was slightly lower than that retained by pigs given soya-bean meal (0.73; P < 0.05). These results indicate that values for the ileal digestibility of isoleucine in protein concentrates more closely reflect the proportion of isoleucine that can be utilized by the pig than occurs for other amino acids such as lysine, threonine and methionine.

C. Castrillo ◽  
J. Balcells ◽  
J.A. Guada ◽  
M. Fondevilla

There is evidence that in growing lambs, net nitrogen requirements are affected by breed, sex, weight and level of feeding but little is known about the effect of dietary concentration. The purpose of the present experiment was to examine the effect of feeding straw diluted diets on nitrogen retention in Rasa Aragonesa lambs from weaning to slaughter.Eight male lambs, 40-45 days old and 12.3 ± 0.47 kg live weight, were allocated to one of two pelleted diets containing 6 (C) or 23 (D) percent of barley straw and barley, soya bean meal and fish meal to give a crude protein content of 193 (C) and 186 (D) g/ kg dry matter. Both diets were fed ad libitum and nitrogen balances were carried out at 14, 21 and 29 kg live weight. For diet C at the last weight only the balance of two lambs was recorded.The results are shown in table 1. Although the digestible organic matter (DOM) content was higher (P ≤ 0.005) for diet C (690 g/kg DM) than for diet D (606 g/kg DM), DOM intake was not significantly affected by dietary dilution. Nitrogen retention was higher at the lowest live weight for both diets and decreased at each live weight with dietary dilution (P ≤ 0.005). No significant period x diet interaction was found.

2014 ◽  
Vol 99 (4) ◽  
pp. 728-736 ◽  
A. Aguilera ◽  
T. C. Reis de Souza ◽  
G. Mariscal-Landín ◽  
K. Escobar ◽  
S. Montaño ◽  

1980 ◽  
Vol 31 (3) ◽  
pp. 299-305
Jean M. Bass ◽  
G. Fishwick ◽  
J. J. Parkins

ABSTRACTFifty-one ewes with single lambs and 87 ewes suckling twin lambs (mean ewe live weight, 67 kg) were given a basal diet of 1·0kg hay and 1·0kg whole oats, providing approximately 16·7MJ metabolizable energy and lOOg digestible crude protein per day. Three supplements (A, B and C), providing an additional 45 g digestible crude protein, were compared. Supplement A consisted of 40 g of a fully-soluble liquid product (LS) containing urea, (equivalent to 1090g crude protein per kg), minerals and vitamins; B was 16g urea with solid minerals and vitamins; and C was 125g soya bean meal given in substitution for the same amount of whole oats plus solid minerals and vitamins. The growth rate to 6 weeks for single lambs (11 kg) was unaffected by treatment. For twin lambs the growth rates were 7·5kg (LS), 7·1kg (crystalline urea), 7·8kg (soya) and 6·4k g (unsupplemented) (s.e. of mean = 0·31 kg). Ewes with twin lambs given crystalline urea or LS lost more live weight (approximately 1·04kg) than those given soya (6·6kg) over the first 6 weeks of lactation. The maintenance of normal concentrations of calcium and phosphorus in the blood of ewes suggested that the low total intakes of approximately 4·1 g calcium and 4·7 g phosphorus by the ewes were not inadequate.

1969 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 557-560
D. J. A. Cole ◽  
J. R. Luscombe

SUMMARYThree treatments involving isocaloric diets with the same levels of lysine and methionine but different crude protein levels were imposed on pigs from 50 to 200 lb live weight. Significant treatment differences were obtained only during the period from 50 to 120 lb live weight when pigs on the 17% protein diet (barley+soya bean meal+white fish meal) had the fastest growth rates and best food conversion efficiencies and pigs on the 11% protein diet (barley only) were the poorest. Pigs fed barley alone also had the fattest carcasses.

2020 ◽  
Vol 98 (8) ◽  
Maryane S F Oliveira ◽  
John K Htoo ◽  
Hans H Stein

Abstract An experiment was conducted to test the hypothesis that values for standardized ileal digestibility (SID) of amino acids (AA) in corn, wheat, and wheat middlings obtained using the direct procedure are not different from values obtained using the difference procedure. Sixteen ileal-cannulated barrows (initial BW: 69.5 ± 5.0 kg) were allotted to a replicated 8 × 4 Youden Square design with 8 diets and 4 periods. Each period consisted of 5 d of adaptation to the diet and 2 d of collection of ileal digesta. Four diets were based on soybean meal (SBM), corn, wheat, or wheat middlings as the only AA-containing ingredients. Three additional diets were based on a mixture of SBM and corn, SBM and wheat, or SBM and wheat middlings, and an N-free diet was also used. The apparent ileal digestibility (AID) and the SID of crude protein (CP) and AA for the 4 diets containing SBM, corn, wheat, or wheat middlings as the sole source of AA were calculated using the direct procedure. The AID and SID of CP and AA for the 3 mixed diets containing SBM and corn, wheat, or wheat middlings were also calculated and the contribution of digestible AA from SBM was subtracted from the AID or SID values for the diets. The AID or SID of AA in corn, wheat, and wheat middlings were subsequently calculated by difference. Results indicated that the AID values for a few AA were lower (P &lt; 0.05) if the direct procedure was used instead of the difference procedure, regardless of ingredient. The AID of Trp was greater in corn and wheat middlings, and the SID of Trp in corn and wheat middlings tended to be greater, if the direct procedure rather than the difference procedure was used, but that was not the case for wheat (interaction, P &lt; 0.05 and P &lt; 0.10, respectively). However, for all other indispensable AA, and for most of the dispensable AA, the SID of AA in corn, wheat, and wheat middlings was not different between the difference procedure and the direct procedure. Therefore, values for SID of AA in cereal grains and fiber-rich ingredients may be determined using either the direct or the difference procedure.

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