feed processing
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2022 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 175-183
Rina Nuryati ◽  
Faqihuddin Faqihuddin ◽  
Cici Aulia Permata Bunda ◽  
Januar Arifin Ruslan

Tasikmalaya regency has great potential in the development of the livestock sector due to land use which is dominated by agricultural activities as a producer of forage. The current problem is the supply of forage which is influenced by the season. This service program aims to overcome these problems so as to increase the productivity of the livestock business. This service includes several stages, namely counseling, training, monitoring and evaluation and reporting. The time and place of the activity is from 5th June to 15th July 2021 in Setiawaras Village, Tasikmalaya Regency. Extension activities and training on feed processing with M-Bio technology have a positive impact in terms of the quantity and quality of feed. The use of local ingredients and M-Bio produces feed that can be stored for a week with complete nutrient content. In the long term, this activity will increase knowledge, skills and independence of farmers. Results of evaluation show attitude of farmers who are enthusiastic and satisfied with this activity.

2022 ◽  
Matawork Gobena Milkias ◽  
Wondimu Teka Woyamo ◽  
Dessalegn Genzabu Genzabu

Abstract This study was conducted in Kaffa, Bench Maji and Sheka zones with the objective of assessing livestock feed processing and storage mechanisms in South West Ethiopia. Purposive sampling technique was used to select study districts based on livestock population, accessibility and availability of feed resources. A total of 384 households having a minimum one hectare of land and livestock were randomly selected for interview. The mean total number of cattle in the study area was 8.48+6.79 per households. Majority of the respondents could not practice livestock feed processing and storage mechanisms in dry and wet season in the study area. The bases for feed provision for livestock in the study area were production level, work load and availability of feed ingredients. Different plants parts were used for livestock to increase milk yield, to improve growth rate and to treat diseases. Livestock production was lowest in dry season due to lack of feed shortage in the dry season. Due to this conclusion, government office should give training how to process and store feeds for dry season.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 88-93
Mohamad Habibi ◽  
Sherlyna Dedha Astuti ◽  
Rizki Alfiyatun

Tumut village is the highest hamlet located in Jrakah Village, Selo District, Boyolali Regency. Most of the livelihoods of the village Tumut community are farmers and ranchers. Besides having natural resources in the agricultural sector, also has potential in the livestock sector. Most of the hamlet communities own livestock. The livestock sector in village Tumut is not optimized due to the lack of public knowledge about how to raise livestock properly. In the dry season, farmers only rely on the rest of the grass for animal feed without providing adequate nutrition to livestock. Forage feed can be developed to be one way to meet the nutrition and protein of livestock by processing feed fermentation. Rice straw is one of the ingredients that can be used in the fermentation process to improve the quality of animal feed. Through training on feed management by means of fermentation, it can help improve the quality of livestock and be able to overcome community problems. The method used in this training is in the form of socialization and counseling and followed by direct practice regarding feed processing with the fermentation method to residents. The result of the value fermentation method is in the form of animal feed which has higher nutrition and can make it easier for farmers to find feed for livestock. Where the results of the feed produced can also last longer than ordinary grass feed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 99
Nur Santy Asminaya ◽  
Andi Murlina Tasse ◽  
Natsir Sandiah ◽  
Nuraini Nuraini ◽  
Rusli Badaruddin ◽  

ABSTRACT         The supply DOC of super free-range chicken in Southeast Sulawesi until now still comes from outside. This causes the DOC price to be quite high due to the high cost of transportation in the distribution process. In addition, the pandemic period also made the situation more difficult to obtain DOC from outside which had an impact on the lack of supply of super free-range chicken. Therefore, it is necessary to independently procure a source of DOC for free-range chicken. This community service aims to provide a source of information and training in the use of AI technology and the use of feed based on local feed ingredients to the community through the FPT-UHO Village Development Program. This service is carried out in a group of native chicken farmers in Mokoau Village, Kambu sub-district, Kendari City by involving various components such as community leaders, youth and government officials. This activity is carried out by means of online and offline presentations and training. The results obtained in this service are in the form of DOC (according to standards), free-range chickens that have a high body weight, free-range chicken feed based on local feed resources, scientific articles and theses. Based on the results of this activity, it can be concluded that the FPT-UHO village development program is able to improve the ability of farmers to utilize AI technology and feed processing technology based on local feed ingredients. Keywords: DOC; feed; Livestock; Super free-range chicken; Technology   ABSTRAK         Pasokan DOC ayam kampung super di Sulawesi Tenggara hingga saat ini masih berasal dari luar. Hal ini mengakibatkan harga DOC cukup tinggi karena mahalnya biaya transportasi dalam proses ditribusinya. Selain itu masa pandemi juga menjadikan situasi lebih sulit untuk memperoleh DOC dari luar yang berdampak pada kurangnya pasokan daging ayam kampung  super. Oleh karena itu, perlu adanya pengadaan sumber DOC ayam kampung secara mandiri. Pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk memberikan sumber informasi dan pelatihan dalam pemanfaatan teknologi IB dan pemanfaatan pakan berbasis bahan pakan lokal kepada masyarakat melalui Program Bina Desa FPT-UHO. Pengabdian ini dilakukan di kelompok peternak ayam kampung di Kelurahan Mokoau, kecamatan Kambu, Kota Kendari dengan melibatkan berbagai komponen seperti tokoh masyarakat, pemuda dan aparat pemerintah. Kegiatan ini dilakukan dengan cara persentasi dan pelatihan secara daring dan luring. Hasil yang diperoleh dalam pengabdian ini berupa DOC (sesuai dengan standar), ayam kampung yang memiliki bobot badan yang tinggi, pakan ayam kampung berbasis sumber daya pakan lokal, artikel ilmiah dan skripsi. Berdasarkan hasil kegian ini, dapat disimpulkan bahwa program bina desa FPT-UHO mampu meningkatkan kemampuan peternak untuk memanfaatkan teknologi IB dan teknologi pengolahan pakan berbasis bahan pakan lokal. Kata kunci: Ayam kampung super; DOC; Pakan; Teknologi; Ternak

2021 ◽  
pp. 919
A. Analianasari ◽  
Dayang Berliana ◽  
Meinilwita Yulia ◽  
Eko Win Kenali

Coffee husk waste has not been used optimally from the by-product of coffee bean processing production (green bean) and there is no integrated farming system between agriculture and animal husbandry. The purpose of the PPPUD service is to utilize coffee skin waste as animal feed, (2) to design healthy goat cages to optimize livestock manure waste. The implementation method is the extension and demonstration method with the stages of initial implementation, implementation of activities, and final implementation. The result of the activity is the transfer of innovation in animal feed processing training by utilizing coffee skin waste and other fiber materials, as well as the concept of a goat drum with a waste disposal site that can be used for processing waste into compost so as to increase income.Limbah kulit kopi belum dimanfaatkan secara optimal dari hasil samping produksi pengolahan biji kopi (green bean) dan belum adanya sistim pertanian terpadu antara pertanian dan peternakan. Tujuan dari pengabdian PPPUD memanfaatkan limbah kulit kopi menjadi pakan ternak, (2) mendesain kandang kambing sehat untuk mengotpimalkan limbah kotoran ternak. Metode pelakasanaan dengan metode penyuluhan dan demontrasi cara dengan tahapan pelaksanaan awal, Pelaksanaan keiatan, dan Pelaksanaan akhir. Hasil deari kegiatan adalah transferinovasi pelatihan pengolahan pakan ternak dengan memanfaatkan limbah kulit kopi dan bahan serat lainnya, serta konsep kendang kambing dengan tempat pembuangan limbah dapat dimanfaatkan untuk pengolahan limbah menjadi pupuk kompos sehingga meningkatkan pendapatan.

Daimon Syukri ◽  
Emil Salim ◽  
Nika Rahma Yanti ◽  
Aninda Tifani Puari

Background:  The absence of a corn processing machine is one of the problems experienced by Aur Serumpun farmer groups at Nagari Simpang.  Methodology: The team of community services from Andalas University handed over a corn grinder that can be used to process dry corn into animal feed. The corn milling machine delivered is an electric machine with a small capacity that can be used for small-scale production. Conclusion: Members of the farming group have expressed their gratitude for the procedure of transferring the grinder. The existence of this tool benefits the community significantly because it allows them to make their own feed and sell it to other villages at a lesser cost.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
Aprajita Singh ◽  
Sajjad Karimi ◽  
Aleksandar Vidakovic ◽  
Johan Dicksved ◽  
Markus Langeland ◽  

Changes in gut microbial composition over time in rainbow trout fed differentially processed diets supplemented with the filamentous fungi Neurospora intermedia were investigated in a 30-day feeding trial. Fish were fed a reference diet, non-preconditioned diet (NPD), or preconditioned (heat-treated) diet (PD), with the same inclusion level of N. intermedia in diets NPD and PD. Gut microbiota were analyzed on day 0, 10, 20, and 30. Gut microbial composition was similar for all diets on day 0, but was significantly different at day 10 and day 20. On day 30, the gut again contained similar communities irrespective of diet. The overall gut microbiota for each diet changed over time. Abundance of Peptostreptococcus and Streptococcus was higher in the initial days of feeding in fish fed on commercial diet, while a significant increase in lactic acid bacteria (Lactococcus lactis) was observed on day 30. Feed processing (preconditioning) did not contribute largely in shaping the gut microbiome. These results indicate that dietary manipulation and duration of feeding should be considered when evaluating gut microbial composition in cultured fish. A minimum 30-day feeding trial is suggested for gut microbiome, host and diet interaction studies.

Yunasri Usman ◽  
Siti Wajizah ◽  
A Allaily

ABSTRAKPengabdian ini bertujuan memperkenalkan cara pengolahan pakan komplit dengan teknologi fermentasi kepada peternak sapi dan kerbau. Pengabdian ini dilakukan kepada masyarakat peternak yang berada di Desa Keude Panga, Kabupaten Aceh Jaya, Provinsi Aceh. Pengabdian ini dilakukan oleh 3 orang dosen, 25 orang peserta [G1] dan dihadiri juga oleh beberapa perwakilan dari pejabat dinas terkait. Kegiatan dilakukan dengan metode ceramah, diskusi (selama 1 hari) dan praktek pembuatan pakan komplit yang difermentasi selama 21 hari. Pengolahan yang diperkenalkan berupa teknologi fermentasi dengan menggunakan bahan-bahan berupa rumput gajah, daun lamtoro (petai cina), bungkil kelapa, ampas tahu, dedak kasar, urea, molasses, garam, dan Effective Microorganism (EM 4) yang kemudian disusun sesuai formula menjadi pakan komplit. Bahan yang digunakan merupakan bahan baku lokal yang ada di  Aceh dan yang tersedia di Laboratorium Ilmu Nutrisi dan Teknologi Pakan, Jurusan Peternakan Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Syiah Kuala Darussalam Banda Aceh. Hasil kegiatan pengabdian memberikan dampak positif kepada peternak berupa pengetahuan dan keterampilan tentang pengolahan pakan dengan teknologi fermentasi menggunakan bahan pakan lokal. Kesimpulannya peternak dapat memanfaatkan limbah pertanian dan industri yang ada di sekitarnya, sehingga potensi nutrisi limbah dapat dipertahankan dan bahkan ditingkatkan dengan teknologi fermentasi. Kata Kunci: complete feed, Desa Keude Panga, fermentasi, pengabdian, teknologi ABSTRACTThe community service activity aimed to introduce complete feed processing methods with fermentation technology to cattle and buffalo farmers. This activity was targeted to farmers’ community  in Keude Panga Village, Aceh Jaya Regency, Aceh Province. This community service was attended by 3 lecturers, 25 participants, and several representatives from related service officials. The activity was carried out using the lecture method, discussion (for 1 day) and hand on training of complete fermented feed preparation for 21 days. The processing introduced was in the form of fermentation technology using materials such as elephant grass, lamtoro (chinese petai) leaves, coconut cake, tofu dregs, coarse bran, urea, molasses, salt, and Effective Microorganisms (EM 4) which were then formulated into a complete feed. Ingredients used were locally available in Aceh and \ and available at the Laboratory of Nutrition Science and Feed Technology, Department of Animal Husbandry, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Darussalam Banda Aceh. As a result, farmers gain knowledge and skills about feed processing with fermentation technology using local feed ingredients. In conclusion, farmers can take advantage of agricultural and industrial wastes in the vicinity, whose nutritional potential can be maintained and improved by fermentation technology. Key Word: Complete feed, Keude Panga Village, Fermentation, Service, Technology [G1]Peserta yang dimaksud disinia apakah peternak yang berdomisili di Desa keude panga? Sebaiknya langsung disebutkan target sasarannya

2021 ◽  
Jacob Matovu ◽  
Ahmet Alçiçek

The fate of transgenic DNA (tDNA) and protein from feed derived from Genetically Modified organisms (GMOs) in animals has been a major issue since their commercialization in 1996. Several studies have investigated the risks of horizontal gene transfer (HGT) of tDNA and protein to bacteria or animal cells/tissues, but some of the reported data are controversial. Previous reports showed that tDNA fragments or proteins derived from GM plants could not be detected in tissues, fluids, or edible products from livestock. Other researchers have shown that there is a possibility of small fragments entering animal tissues, fluids and organs. This motivated us to update our knowledge about these concerns. Therefore, this review aimed to evaluate the probable transfer and accumulation of tDNA/proteins from transgenic feeds in animal samples (ruminant and non-ruminant) by evaluating the available experimental studies published scientifically. This study found that the tDNA/protein is not completely degraded during feed processing and digestion in Gastro-Intestinal Tract (GIT). In large ruminants (cattle), tDNA fragments/proteins were detected in GIT digesta, rumen fluid, and faeces. In small ruminants (goats), traces of tDNA/proteins were detected in GIT digesta, blood, milk, liver, kidney, heart and muscle. In pigs, they were detected in blood, spleen, liver, kidney, and GIT digesta. In poultry, traces were detected in blood, liver and GIT digesta but not in meat and eggs. Notwithstanding some studies that have shown transfer of tDNA/protein fragments in animal samples, we cannot rely on these few studies to give general evidence for transfer into tissues/fluids and organs of farm animals. However, this study clearly shows that transfer is possible. Therefore, intensive and authentic research should be conducted on GM plants before they are approved for commercial use, investigating issues such as the fate of tDNA or proteins and the effects of feeding GM feed to livestock.

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