scholarly journals The Labor Market, Employability and Entrepreneurship in the Romanian Public Sector

Nicu Gavriluță

The issue of employability and the development of entrepreneurship presents a real challenge, given that today’s labor market is highly dynamic. Projections made for the next twenty years indicate important changes. The present study capitalizes on a research carried out in the Romanian academic environment, within three universities. The sample included students and employers from the public sphere. Our research reveals that the services available in three Romanian universities are developing in two main directions: one concerns working with students and developing their skills to become attractive on the labor market. Another direction is one that mediates between the academic world and the business environment. The results obtained through our research capture the policies and services of higher education in order to better train students and increase their employment opportunities. The options and expectations of students regarding the insertion on the labor market are contrasted to those of employers. This is the only way we can think of functional and flexible models for educating future employees in order to be able to face the new challenges of the labor market.

Marta Postigo Asenjo

RESUMENEl sistema patriarcal no afecta exclusivamente al poder político y judicial, sino que afecta a la estructura interna de la sociedad, la identidad y las formas de vida de los individuos que en ella viven. Para comprender mejor como condiciona el sistema patriarcal las formas de vida y la visión que tienen los individuos de la realidad social, hemos de analizar el modo en que se extiende al orden institucional y lo determina mediante "tipificaciones" de hechos y de personas y mediante roles concretos, esteoreotipaciones sexiuales que obstaculizan el acceso a la esfera pública de la mujer, así como su reinserción en el mercado laboral, en suma, todo aquello que afecta al conocimiento común que comparten los miembros de una comunidad. El cambio hacia una mayor igualdad y una real democracia paritaria y compartida no es posible sin una paulatina educación y concienciación de la sociedad en su conjunto.PALABRAS CLAVEPATRIARCADO-TIPIFICACIÓN SOCIAL-IGUALDAD DE GÉNEROABSTRACTPatriarchalism is not only present in politics and the judicial system. It also affects the internal structure of society, above all the life and identitý of individuals. To understand better how it conditions their ways of life and the vision the individuals have of social reality, we should study how patriarchalism r3eaches the system of institutions and how this becomes determined by "typifications" of facts and people, and by certain roles or sexual stereotypes that hinder the access of women both to the public sphere and to tha labor market. It sum, everything that concerns the common knowledge that the members of a community share. The move towards more equality and towards a more egalitarian democracy heavily depends on the spread of civic education to the entire society.KEYWORDSPATRIARCHALISM-SOCIAL TYPIFICATION-GENDER EQUALITY

2014 ◽  
Vol 2 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 1-20
Nur Yasemin Ural

The question of the death of a Muslim in France engenders a discussion on the forms and limits of secularisation in the public sphere. Contrary to other public institutions like schools, hospitals and prisons, the particularity of mortuary spaces lies in their nearly uncontested religious character, also recognised by the French state. Despite the fact that repatriation remains to be the dominant practice among French Muslims, the descending generations, who overtly declare their identities as Muslim and European at the same time, seek to obtain their place within the European public sphere. Yet accommodating deceased bodies of Muslims within the so-called secular cemeteries represents a real challenge in terms of space, recognition of religious identities and application of Islamic funerary rites. The regulations imposed by the French authorities seem to pose serious problems to Muslims, who desire to be buried in accordance with the requirements of their religion. In this respect the cemetery becomes a realm of spatio-temporal struggle, where subjectivities are formed via negotiations between the subjects—dead or alive—and state apparatuses. This article aims to reflect on the power struggles in the development of the mortuary space from a historical perspective. It will then attempt to shed light on the legal possibility of the construction of the only French Muslim cemetery inaugurated in Strasbourg in 2012.

Elizabeth Tilley

Periodicals such as the Englishwoman’s Domestic Magazine were created in England but were often read in diverse locations within the British Empire and beyond. Indeed, as Elizabeth Tilley notes in this chapter, women in Ireland often had no choice but to read magazines and newspapers produced in the metropole. Consequently, she notes, it is ‘difficult to establish the cultural influence of Irish-produced periodicals, including those aimed at women, before the 1870s’ (69). The emergence of periodicals such as the Emerald; The Irish Ladies’ Journal (1870–1) demonstrated that there was a sufficient local market to support Irish periodicals for women. The journal not only incorporated fashion, recipes, and domestic advice but also information about women’s educational and employment opportunities. Still, it was ‘not until well into the twentieth century that women claimed a larger share of the public sphere and its cultural products’ (83).

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (4) ◽  
pp. 624-635
José María Vera ◽  
José María Herranz de la Casa

Summary International non-governmental organisations have, for some time, been operating as diplomacy actors in the national and international public spheres. There has been an increase in their influence in the local areas of intervention of their programmes and in broader spaces where polices about the environment, inequality and other issues are decided. However, their influence has been threatened by the emergence of social movements and a flexible style of individualised activism that promotes their demands, as well as by questions around their independence and legitimacy that some of their actions generate cyclically. COVID-19 has brought into the public sphere some old challenges that international non-governmental organisations (INGO s) have been working on for years: health vulnerability, economic precarity and social emergency. This essay analyses this context, in which new challenges are appearing for INGO s concerning how they can influence the public sphere and policy-making, with the collaboration of new allies and partners.

Ana Raquel Torres Menezes

Brazil is the main receiver of Syrian nationals seeking for asylum in Latin America. In spite of the distance from Syria comparatively to European countries, Brazil is often chosen as a destiny country due to two main reasons: the humanitarian visa granted to people affected by the instability in Syria, that demands less requirements than a regular visa, and the possibility of acquiring a working permit even before the refuge status is granted. However, Syrian refugees/refuge seekers face challenges in accessing labor market due to language barriers, difficulties in proving previous professional qualifications and the discrimination against refugees of arab origin. The public sphere is by law responsible for promoting integration policies for refugees, and has covered issues such as juridical assistance for this population, but doesn’t have clear actions in integrating refugees in the labor market. The organized civil society realizes a valorous work in this sense, with many initiatives to assist refugees inserting in the labor market, such as language courses, resume creating and raising of awareness to companies about the hiring of refugees. Since these institutions don’t count on enough financial support from the public sphere, they vastly rely on volunteer workforce, which despite being very helpful, many times is not specialized in dealing with refuge issues. By performing a qualitative review of literature in the subject, extracted from books, articles, journal articles, doctorate thesis, bachelor thesis and newspaper databases both in Portuguese and in English, this research intends to figure out  how the civil society organizations are assisting Syrian refugees to integrate in the labor market in Brazil, filling the gap left by the public power, and often suffering from overburdening.

Agustín GARNICA CRUZ ◽  

Laburpena: Zerbitzu publikoaren alorrean prestakuntzak erronka berriak aurkezten ditu testuinguru instituzional eta teknologiko berri batean. Prestakuntza eta trebakuntzak zerbitzu publikoan funtzio publikoaren erreforma eta modernizazioari buruzko eztabaidaren objektu hobetsia bezala finkatu da. Garapen eraginkorra lortzeko zailtasunak izan arren, Langile Publikoaren Oinarrizko Estatutuak gaur egungo trebakuntza-politika esparru publikoan berritzeko jarraitzen du: eredu estrategiko baten sorrera, irekia, zeharkakoa, eraldatzailea, egokitzen dena eta malgua, lankidetzarako prest, teknologikoki aurreratua eta partekatua, erakundeen arteko elkarlana eta baliabide erabilgarriak elkarberdintzea bultzatzen duena. Resumen: La formación en el ámbito de la función pública presenta nuevos retos en un nuevo contexto institucional y tecnológico. La formación y capacitación en el servicio público se ha consolidado como objeto preferente del debate sobre la reforma y modernización de la función pública. A pesar de las dificultades en su efectivo desarrollo, el Estatuto Básico del Empleado Público continúa constituyendo una oportunidad para la renovación de la actual política de formación en el ámbito público: la configuración de un modelo estratégico, abierto, transversal, transformador, adaptativo y flexible, colaborativo, tecnológicamente avanzado y compartido, que propugna la colaboración institucional y la mutualización de los recursos disponibles. Abstract: Training in the field of public service presents new challenges in a new institutional and technological context. The training and capacitation in the public service has been consolidated as a preferential subject of the debate on the reform and modernization of the public service. The Basic Statute of the Public Employee continues to constitute an opportunity for the renewal of the current training policy in the public sphere, despite the difficulties in its effective development: the configuration of a strategic, open, transversal, transformative, adaptive and flexible, collaborative, technologically advanced and shared framework, that promotes institutional collaboration and mutualization of the available resources.

Laila Makboul

This chapter examines the phenomenon of female intellectual preachers (dāʿiyāt muthaqqafāt) in Saudi Arabia, their engagement in the new media and by extension their participation in the public sphere. Having their public participation conditioned on preserving strict physical gender segregation, this chapter argues that the new media have facilitated the engagement and presence of the dāʿiyāt muthaqqafāt in the wider public on an unprecedented level. However, new challenges in terms of transgressions of constructed gender norms and exposure to increased public criticism and political vulnerability have also followed their presence in the new media. Consequently, this chapter contends that although the new media has been utilized to permeate the public sphere and, in many ways, has revolutionized their public participation, it has also altered the engagement of dāʿiyāt muthaqqafāt in profound ways and ultimately exposed them to greater social and political vulnerability.

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