Akulturasi Budaya pada Ornamen Eksterior Masjid Agung Jawa Tengah: Analisis Semiotik

Metahumaniora ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 40
Panji Maulani

ABSTRAKProses penelitian ini dilakukan dengan melakukan penelitian lapangan danpenelitian kepustakaan. Analisis mendalam terkait akulturasi budaya pada arsitektur MasjidAgung Jawa Tengah didapat melalui penggunaan metode deskriptif-analitik dengan langkahlangkahobservatif. Langkah-langkah tersebut disesuaikan dengan sumber terkait, sehinggadata pada objek penelitian dapat dideskripsikan serta dianalisis dengan pendekatan budayadan arsitektur. Penelitian ini menjadi penting untuk dilakukan karena Masjid Agung JawaTengah memiliki ornamen eksterior yang sangat khas, berbeda dengan ornamen masjidraya-masjid raya lain di Indonesia, yang umumnya memiliki ornamen eksterior yang hanyaberakulturasi dengan budaya Timur Tengah. Pada Masjid Agung Jawa Tengah kita dapatmerasakan suasana seperti di masjid Nabawi dan suasana Colloseum di zaman Romawi.Terdapat 6 buah payung hidrolik seperti di masjid Nabawi dan gerbang Al-Qanathir yangmenyerupai Colloseum pada pelataran masjid akibat pembangunan Masjid Agung JawaTengah menggunakan paduan tiga unsur budaya: Jawa, Timur Tengah, dan Romawi.Kata kunci: akulturasi, ornamen, masjid agung, Jawa TengahABTRACTThe research process was conducted by field research and library research. Depthanalysis related to acculturation on the architecture of the Central Java Great Mosque obtainedusing descriptive-analytic method with observational measures. The steps are adapted to thecorresponding source, so that data on the research object can be described and analyzed withcultural and architectural approach. This research becomes important thing to do because ofthe Great Mosque of Central Java has a very distinctive exterior ornament, in contrast to theother great mosques in Indonesia, whose the exterior ornament is generally only acculturatedwith Middle Eastern culture. In Central Java Great Mosque we can feel the atmosphere likeat the Nabawi Mosque and the atmosphere of the Colosseum in Roman times. There are sixpieces of hydraulic umbrella like in Nabawi Mosque and Al-Qanathir gate that resembles theColosseum in the courtyard of the mosque as the result of the construction of the Central JavaGreat Mosque using a combination of three elements of culture: Java, Middle East, and Roman.Keywords: acculturation, ornament, grand mosque, Central Java

Metahumaniora ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 40
Panji Maulani

ABSTRAKProses penelitian ini dilakukan dengan melakukan penelitian lapangan danpenelitian kepustakaan. Analisis mendalam terkait akulturasi budaya pada arsitektur MasjidAgung Jawa Tengah didapat melalui penggunaan metode deskriptif-analitik dengan langkahlangkahobservatif. Langkah-langkah tersebut disesuaikan dengan sumber terkait, sehinggadata pada objek penelitian dapat dideskripsikan serta dianalisis dengan pendekatan budayadan arsitektur. Penelitian ini menjadi penting untuk dilakukan karena Masjid Agung JawaTengah memiliki ornamen eksterior yang sangat khas, berbeda dengan ornamen masjidraya-masjid raya lain di Indonesia, yang umumnya memiliki ornamen eksterior yang hanyaberakulturasi dengan budaya Timur Tengah. Pada Masjid Agung Jawa Tengah kita dapatmerasakan suasana seperti di masjid Nabawi dan suasana Colloseum di zaman Romawi.Terdapat 6 buah payung hidrolik seperti di masjid Nabawi dan gerbang Al-Qanathir yangmenyerupai Colloseum pada pelataran masjid akibat pembangunan Masjid Agung JawaTengah menggunakan paduan tiga unsur budaya: Jawa, Timur Tengah, dan Romawi.Kata kunci: akulturasi, ornamen, masjid agung, Jawa TengahABTRACTThe research process was conducted by field research and library research. Depthanalysis related to acculturation on the architecture of the Central Java Great Mosque obtainedusing descriptive-analytic method with observational measures. The steps are adapted to thecorresponding source, so that data on the research object can be described and analyzed withcultural and architectural approach. This research becomes important thing to do because ofthe Great Mosque of Central Java has a very distinctive exterior ornament, in contrast to theother great mosques in Indonesia, whose the exterior ornament is generally only acculturatedwith Middle Eastern culture. In Central Java Great Mosque we can feel the atmosphere likeat the Nabawi Mosque and the atmosphere of the Colosseum in Roman times. There are sixpieces of hydraulic umbrella like in Nabawi Mosque and Al-Qanathir gate that resembles theColosseum in the courtyard of the mosque as the result of the construction of the Central JavaGreat Mosque using a combination of three elements of culture: Java, Middle East, and Roman.Keywords: acculturation, ornament, grand mosque, Central Java

1969 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 70-94 ◽  
Edmund Burke

The comparative sociological study of the countries of the Middle Eastern culture area for the nineteenth century can scarcely be said to have begun. But such studies can do much to help us come to a more precise estimate of the functions which particular institutions might fill, and the weight they could be required to bear in different parts of the Middle East during the critical period of the onset of modernization. It is the purpose of this article to begin to make some of the kinds of distinctions which set off different parts of the Middle East one from another, using the case of late nineteenth century Morocco. It is hoped that the analysis which follows will stimulate the same kind of critical examination of the institutions of other segments of the Middle East culture area. Even if it does not accomplish this objective, such an exercise may be useful if in studying the Moroccan modifications of some of these basic institutions, it can shed light on why Morocco was significantly different and therefore perhaps on the nature of these institutions themselves.

Koneksi ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 7
Nada Salsabila ◽  
Diah Ayu Candraningrum

This research examines the representation of Middle Eastern culture local wisdom contained in the film "Aladdin 2019" produced by Walt Disney Pictures. This study aims to examine the cultural symbols of the Middle East. The research method used in this study is a qualitative method with Charles Sanders Peirce's semiotic analysis which divides the sign into three elements namely sign, object and interpretant. Semiotics is the science that discusses or examines the meaning of a sign. The results showed that Middle Eastern cultural symbols in the film "Aladdin 2019" were displayed through 10 scenes selected in the film. Cultural symbols of the Middle East are shown through the habits of the people kissing the right and left cheeks every time they meet relatives, riding camels to travel, livelihoods of people who trade, princess clothes Jasmine and Sultan, building architecture made of bricks and domes as decoration and art that displays traditional Middle Eastern musical instrument namely Gambus. Some interesting facts in the film one of which is the making of the city "Agrabah" as a shooting setting which is a fictitious city in England and property made of authentic jewelry.  Penelitian ini mengkaji mengenai representasi kearifan lokal budaya Timur Tengah yang terdapat dalam Film “Aladdin 2019” Produksi Walt Disney Pictures. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji simbol-simbol budaya Timur Tengah. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif dengan analisis semiotika Charles Sanders Peirce yang membagi tanda menjadi tiga elemen yaitu tanda, objek dan interpretan. Semiotika adalah ilmu yang membahas atau mengkaji mengenai pemaknaan dari sebuah tanda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa simbol-simbol budaya Timur Tengah dalam Film “Aladdin 2019” ditampilkan melalui 10 scene yang dipilih dalam film tersebut. Simbol-simbol Budaya Timur Tengah ditunjukkan melalui kebiasaan masyarakat cium pipi kanan dan kiri setiap bertemu kerabat, menunggangi unta untuk bepergian, mata pencaharian masyarakat yang berdagang, pakaian putri Jasmine dan Sultan, arsitektur bangunan berasal dari batu bata dan kubah sebagai hiasan serta kesenian yang menampilkan alat musik tradisional Timur Tengah yaitu Gambus. Beberapa fakta menarik dalam film tersebut salah satunya adalah pembuatan kota “Agrabah” sebagai latar syuting yang merupakan kota fiktif di Inggris dan properti yang terbuat dari perhiasan asli.

Elizabeth Kassab Sfeir

Organizations must continuously monitor their processes. They should make significant changes to retain talent and improve productivity. One way to recognize the need to achieve change is through improving their organizational culture. This article details the investigation of a phenomenon of organizational culture in the Middle East. Wasta is a Middle Eastern system of preferment operating in many institutions in the region affecting employee engagement, advancement, and influence within an organization. Interviews, observations and social network analysis were employed to investigate the degree to which this phenomenon occurs in four universities in Lebanon and its negative effects on employee relationships. The data was input into NVivo to obtain statistical information to support the hypothesis of wasta's negative role. The research process culminated in the development of the wasta organizational culture model (WOC), highlights the impact of wasta on employee relationships supporting further research and collaborative initiatives to improve HR practices in the Middle East.

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 45
Tridays Repelita

Bahasa Indonesia merupakan bahasa nasional yang digunakan di Negara Republik Indonesia (NKRI). Pada perkembangannya, dengan semakin pesatnya arus globalisasi, modernisasi, ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, Bahasa Indonesia harus dapat menjadi sebuah instrumen dalam melakukan komunikasi utama di Indonesia. Penelitian ini lebih relevan menggunakan metode penelitian pustaka, alasan dikarenakan persoalan penelitian ini hanya bisa dijawab lewat penelitian pustaka dan sebaliknya tidak mungkin mengharapkan datanya dari riset lapangan. Untuk menjaga eksistensi bahasa Indonesia, telah diadakan 10 kali kongres bahasa Indonesia yang bertujuan untuk memelihara dan menjaga eksistensi bahasa Indonesia di dalam perkembangan globalisasi dan modernisasi. Kongres bahasa Indonesia yang 1 dilaksanakan di Kota Solo, Jawa Tengah, pada tanggal 25-28 Juni Tahun 1938, Kongres bahasa Indonesia II dilaksanakan di Kota Medan, Sumatra Utara, pada 28 Oktober-1 November 1954, Kongres bahasa Indonesia III dilaksanakan di Ibukota Jakarta, pada 28 Oktober-2 November 1978, Kongres bahasa Indonesia IV diselenggarakan di Jakarta, dari 21-26 November 1983, Kongres bahasa Indonesia yang V dilaksanakan di Jakarta, pada 28 Oktober-3 November 1988, Kongres bahasa Indonesia yang VI dilaksanakan di Jakarta, yakni pada 28 Oktober-2 November 1993, Kongres bahasa Indonesia VII dilaksanakan di Hotel Indonesia, Jakarta, yakni pada 26-30 Oktober 1998, Kongres bahasa Indonesia VIII diselenggarakan di Jakarta, yakni pada 14-17 Oktober 2003, Kongres bahasa Indonesia IX dilaksanakan di Jakarta, yakni pada 28 Oktober -1 November 2008, Kongres bahasa Indonesia yang X dilaksanakan di Jakarta, yakni pada 28-31 Oktober 2013.Abstract Indonesian is the national language used in the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI). In its development, with the rapid flow of globalization, modernization, science, technology, Indonesian Language must be able to become an instrument in making key communications in Indonesia. This research is more relevant using the library research method, the reason being that this research problem can only be answered through library research and conversely it is impossible to expect the data from field research. To maintain the existence of the Indonesian language, 10 Indonesian congresses have been held which aim to maintain and maintain the existence of Indonesian in the development of globalization and modernization. The 1st Indonesian Language Congress was held in Solo City, Central Java, on June 25-28, 1938, the Indonesian Language Congress II was held in Medan City, North Sumatra, on October 28-November 1, 1954, the Indonesian Language Congress III was held in the capital city Jakarta, on 28 October-2 November 1978, the IV Indonesian Language Congress was held in Jakarta, from 21-26 November 1983, the V-Indonesian Congress was held in Jakarta, on 28 October-3 November 1988, the VI Indonesian Language Congress was held in Jakarta , namely on October 28-November 2, 1993, the VII Indonesian Language Congress was held at Hotel Indonesia, Jakarta, namely on 26-30 October 1998, the VIII Indonesian Language Congress was held in Jakarta, namely on 14-17 October 2003, the IX Indonesian Congress was held in Jakarta, namely on 28 October -1 November 2008, the Indonesian Language Congress X was held in Jakarta, namely on 28-31 October 2013.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 30-41
Tulus Siambaton ◽  
Yosua Lorenzo Tarigan

This study aims to determine the implementation of legal protection for consumers due to misleading print media advertising against misleading advertisements in print media viewed from Law No. 8 of 1999 on Consumer Protection because, in fact there are still consumers who do not know how the legal protection is due to such misleading advertising. The method used in the writing of this research is the method of library research that collects data by doing library material or secondary data that includes legislation, books, mass media, and other reading related to the writing of this research and field research methods , which is a research process by collecting data related to obtained directly from the field. In this study the collection of data in the form of interviews obtained at the place of pre-determined interviews. From the results of research obtain the form of legal protection that can be done by consumers due to misleading print media advertising is in the form of the Institution Consumer Protection Society (LPKSM) which has the task of one is to assist consumers in fighting for rights, which is based on the The Consumer Protection of Law in protecting consumers other than those officially established by the government, in Chapter IX Article 44 and the accountability of the respective business actors are those responsible for providing compensation for damage, pollution and / or consumer loss resulting from the consumption of goods and / or services produced or traded under Article 7, Article 19 paragraph (1) and Article 20 UUPK (The Consumer Protection of Law).

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (01) ◽  
pp. 47-54
Sarwo Edy Sarwo ◽  

This research is motivated by the presence of Islamic Microfinance Institutions in the form of BMT, namely BMT Fajar in the community, especially the people of Cileungsi-Bogor, is expected to bring changes in various aspects of people's lives. In the case of the people of Cileungsi Village, Bogor Regency, where the community is not familiar with Sharia Microfinance Institutions such as BMTs well. Until finally people prefer to make loans to Mobile Banks or so-called loan sharks with interest that are not small as business financing capital, it is the habit of borrowing capital to loan sharks that is the problem and attracts the author's interest to do research. This study aims to determine the background of BMT Fajar in providing mudharabah financing, to know the mudharabah financing procedure, and to determine the role of mudharabah financing in BMT Fajar. The methodology used in this study used a qualitative approach, namely field research and library research. Field research is data collection techniques using observation, interview and documentation methods with Branch Heads, BMT Fajar Cileungsi-Bogor UMKM entrepreneurs, and their business customers. So as to get accurate data on the research process, and library research data, namely by means of data analysis using inductive, deductive and comparative. Through interviews and observations, it can be seen that based on the results of the research it can be concluded that the role of BMT Fajar's Cileungsi branch in improving micro-businesses is by BMT Fajar to provide financing products that are not difficult in terms of capital, which do not apply the usury system in the operational system, but are replaced with a profit sharing system. between BMT and members in accordance with Islamic Sharia. One of them is through Mudharabah financing. Because they saw many Little Pengusa who had gone out of business. Whereas Small and Medium Enterprises have the potential for development in facing the Economic Crisis.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 102-120
Indiana Ngenget ◽  
Netik Indarwati

This research aimed to analyze the influence of Middle Eastern tourists on local community in Cisarua Bogor in the perspective of Identity Politics and Communitarian Citizenship. This research usedqualitative with a descriptive explanatory research type. Data collection techniques used were observation, in-depth interviews, and library research. The results of this research showed that Middle Eastern tourists positively encouraged tourism activities and economic development of local community but there was an emergence of social, political, and cultural problems such as identity crisis. Local community in Cisarua as part of Indonesia is faced with the presence of a minority group namely Arab tourists who visit this region at certain times and demand a recognition of their identity. So that the localcommunity in Cisarua is faced with multicultural life because they touch and interact with values that are different from what they have. Empirically, from a political perspective, Middle Eastern tourists have encouraged the formation of identity politics and the issue of communitarian citizenship while local values are increasingly eroded. The problem of communitarian citizenship is reflected in the phenomenon of Arabic villages through the rise of Arabic writing in business, the dominance of Arabic culture, Arabic food, and so on. The thick Middle Eastern culture in tourist areas becomes a problem when dealing with local culture and nationalism as a challenge for a sovereign nation. The novelty of this research is the influence of Middle Eastern tourists in the perspective of Political Science on identity politics and communitarian citizenship.

2022 ◽  
pp. 1297-1313
Elizabeth Kassab Sfeir

Organizations must continuously monitor their processes. They should make significant changes to retain talent and improve productivity. One way to recognize the need to achieve change is through improving their organizational culture. This article details the investigation of a phenomenon of organizational culture in the Middle East. Wasta is a Middle Eastern system of preferment operating in many institutions in the region affecting employee engagement, advancement, and influence within an organization. Interviews, observations and social network analysis were employed to investigate the degree to which this phenomenon occurs in four universities in Lebanon and its negative effects on employee relationships. The data was input into NVivo to obtain statistical information to support the hypothesis of wasta's negative role. The research process culminated in the development of the wasta organizational culture model (WOC), highlights the impact of wasta on employee relationships supporting further research and collaborative initiatives to improve HR practices in the Middle East.

Academia Open ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5 ◽  
Luthfi Ans ◽  
Budi Haryanto

Ma’had Umar Bin Al-Khattab Surabaya is an educational institution that concentrates on providing Arabic language education and islamic studies with an institutional style based on Middle Eastern Culture. This study aims to describe and analyze the development of the Arabic language curriculum and the achievement of Arabic curriculum development at MUBK Surabaya in maintaining Middle Eastern culture based educational institutions.This research uses a naturalistic qualitative approach with the type of field research and case study research design. The subjects in this study were Mudir, Deputy Mudir, Lecturers of Ma’had, alumni and students of MUBK Surabaya. data was collected by observation, interview, and documentation. Data analiysis techniques using data analysis techniques of Miles and Huberman, namely data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions.The results of this research showed that the development of the Arabic language curriculum at MUBK Surabaya was carried out because of many background aspect including: stakeholder demands and students need. The principles of curriculum development are relevance, flexibility, continuity, as well as effectiveness and efficiency. The foundation of curriculum development used is religious, capability, psychological, and sosio-cultural. Middle Eastern culture at MUBK Surabaya includes 3 aspects, namely: first, the value system and nature of Middle Eastern people thought. Second, the pattern of life, attitudes, and Islamic habits of the Middle East. Third: patterns of student-teacher relationships in Middle Eastern cultures. The acvievement of curricilum development at MUBK Surabaya is by designing several courses to support the implementation of the 3 aspects of Middle Eastern culture. Keywords : Arabic Language Curriculum Development; Educational Institutions; Middle East Culture.

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