2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-20
Muhammad Nur Asmawi ◽  
Ulfa Djahadi

This research is a library research. In collecting research data, the researcher uses documentation techniques. And in analyzing the data, the researcher uses content analysis, where this analysis is used to understand the content and meaning of various studies. Sources of data used are primary data and secondary data. The results of this study indicate that the textbook "I Love Arabic 4" grade IV curriculum 2013 Madrasah Ibtidaiyah by Agus Wahyudi has met the eligibility requirements set by BSNP and is considered suitable for use with a percentage of eligibility of 88% or in the very good category. The implication of this research is as a material for improving the quality of books for writers/publishers, and can be used as a supporting book to add insight and understanding of the material.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 89-110
Hiskia C.M. Sapioper ◽  
Marlina Flassy ◽  
Ilham Ilham

The study aims to know and describe the quality of services and arrangements in the land certificates processing at Land Office of Jayapura Regency, Papua Province in Indonesia. This was a qualitative research by using service quality theory. This theory consists of five main dimensions namely, tangible, empathy, reliability, responsiveness, and assurance. The primary data was obtained through observation and interviews, while secondary data was obtained through library research. Data analysis was carried out through reduction and presentation, conclusions, and verification. Therefore, the results showed that service procedures were implemented according to standards, and the officers' competence were considered adequate. However, in terms of facilities and infrastructure, service standards did not meet the required expectations. Finally, the duration of the process indicated that the services provided were not responsive to the community needs.   Kajian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui dan mendeskripsikan kualitas pelayanan dan pengaturan pertanahan dalam pengurusan sertifikat tanah hak milik di Kantor Pertanahan Kabupaten Jayapura, Provinsi Papua. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan menuang teori kualitas pelayanan yang terdiri atas lima dimensi pokok: tangible, empathy, reliability, responsiveness, assurance. Data primer diperoleh melalui pengamatan dan wawancara, data sekunder berasal dari studi kepustakaan. Analisis data dilakukan melalui reduksi data, penyajian data, penarikan kesimpulan dan verifikasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa prosedur pelayanan telah dilaksanakan sesuai standar pelayanan, serta kompetensi petugas juga dinilai telah memadai. Kendati demikian, dari segi sarana dan prasarana belum sepenuhnya sesuai dengan standar pelayanan, lamanya proses penyelesaian pengaduan juga mengindikasikan bahwa pelayanan yang diberikan kurang memuaskan kebutuhan masyarakat selaku pengguna layanan.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 29
Rezeka Ma'rifatul Mahmudah

In the types of words there is a chapter on numerals and their kinayah. It is widely used in Arabic, either in conversation or in Arabic texts. The purpose in this research is to describe the number words and their kinayah, as well as the form of the number word phrase and the position of the number word and its kinayah in the verse of the holy Quran. The type in this research is library research with a content analysis design (adapted from Krippendorf) because it is based on the data sources in this study in the form of documents. The primary data in this study was the holy Quran and the secondary data in this study were taken from books related to the research. And the results of this study, 1. Quantity of number word 37 words in the Quran 2. Quantity of kinayah number in the Quran 4 words 3. Quantity of  position number 17 verse in the Quran 4. Quantity of position kinayah number 6 verse in the Quran.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 198-218
Khaerul Aqbar ◽  
Azwar Iskandar

This research aimed to know the concept of zakat policy of Umar Bin Abdul Aziz in the object of zakat, zakat collection, and its distribution; and the its relevance to zakat implementation in Indonesia. This study employed qualitative method with content analysis, and its approach was juridical, philosophical, and sociological. Research data sources included primary data in the form of results from interviewing zakat experts, and secondary data were books, jounals, and others. Research results show that : (1) Umar Bin Abdul Aziz’s policy in terms of zakat management can be classified into two parts; first, Umar's policy on addition of zakat objects including employee salaries, re-found lost assets, and several types of agricultural and fishery products; second, Umar's policy in terms of zakat, either regulatory reformation, concept of centralized management, or strict and anti-corruption regulations; (2) in the context of zakat in Indonesia, several policies of Umar Bin Abdul Aziz had been stated in Law number 23 year 2011 concerning zakat management which among them is integrated zakat management as an instrument in alleviating poverty in Indonesia; and (3) Umar bin Abdul Aziz's policy in zakat has relevance to a number of zakat practices in Indonesia such as zakat of profession, corporation, property, as well as assets and other developing businesses, and the allocation of zakat funds for educational scholarships and assistance for survivors of natural disasters. This research recommends that maximizing the collection of zakat funds can be done with rules and sanctions that take hold of those who violate zakat management regulation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 63
Ahmad Azizi ◽  
Hunainah Hunainah

The purpose of this study is to identify the values ​​of character education contained in the Al-Quran surah Al-Mu'minun verses 1-9, by examining the Al-Azhar interpretation. This research is qualitative, while the method used is library research, with primary data sources from Al-Azhar interpretation, and secondary data sources for books that discuss the subject matter indirectly. Data collection techniques, validity and data analysis were used, namely documentation, theory triangulation and content analysis. The results of the author's analysis of Q.S. Al-Mu'minun verses 1-9, by examining Al-Azhar's Tafsir, that Allah SWT has determined a very large fortune for believers who have 7 (seven) good qualities, namely: being faithful, devoted to praying , turning away from things that are not useful, cleaning oneself by paying zakat, maintaining genitals, maintaining mandates and promises, and maintaining prayer. The results of the study can be concluded that there are 7 (seven) values ​​of character education that need to be taught to students from an early age, namely (1) having faith, containing honest characters found in verse 1; (2) khusyu 'in praying, contains a character of confidence, found in verse 2; (3) turning away from things that are useless, containing the character of being critical can be found in verse 3; (4) clean oneself by paying zakat, containing the caring character found in verse 4; (5) taking care of the genitals, containing the strict character found in verses 5-7; (6) maintaining the mandate and promises, containing the character of being responsible in verse 8; (7) maintaining prayer, containing the character of discipline found in verse 9.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 258
Umul Khair

The research and discussion of the problems as outlined in this scientific work is done with the aim of knowing which legal provisions apply to the creditors holding the Mortgage Rights in the case of the decree of declaration of bankruptcy, considering there are two different legal provisions, namely Bankruptcy Law Number 37 of 2004 and Insurance Rights Act No. 4 of 1996. This research is a Yuridi Normative research. Data obtained through literature research. The purpose of library research is to obtain secondary data. Primary data obtained through library research, then the data were analyzed qualitatively. From the result of the research, it is known that the Commercial Court judge in determining the decision of bankruptcy statement based its decision on the provisions of Law No. 34 of 2004, and the judges use legal principle of lex posteriori derogate legi priori to determine which legal provisions should be applied. Thus, both the bankrupt debtor and the creditor are subject to the provisions of bankruptcy, so that the holder of the mortg who has the position of the preferred creditor can only exercise his / her right of execution of the burden of the mortgage for a period of two months after a ninety-day suspension period since the bankruptcy decision was pronounced.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
M. Alaika Nasrulloh

So many aspects of life are explained by al-hadith, including the aspects of Islamic economics. among them are about baraka or blessing of property, which are the characteristics of the Islamic economy. This type of research is a research library research, with primary data sources are hadiths that are in the al-Bukhari saheeh book and supported by secondary data sources that come from books or literature relevant to the study theme. Data collection techniques using documentation, while the analytical method using descriptive analysis of takhrij hadith which originates from the analysis of the quality of matan and the traditions of the hadith. By searching for the keyword lafadz يبارك (yubarak - blessed), the hadith found related to economic barriers are: Hadith al-Bukhari index number 5960, 2910, 1338, 1379, 2545. After analyzing the sanad and matan, it is known that the Hadith with the theme of wealth blessing with index 5960 in the book of Saheeh al-Bukhari is the quality of saheeh, maqbul and ma'mul bih; The blessing of property should be a top priority in the economic behavior of Muslims, this is a characteristic of the Islamic economy that cannot be ignored; Some ways to get blessings in property are with a strong belief that only Allah can provide sufficiency (not much wealth), obtain property with good business, lawful and not from begging.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 71-83
Bilfahmi Putra

This problem is motivated by the very striking difference between al-Zamakhsyariy with other mufassir in interpreting (mentakwil) verses of the Qur'an. The subject matter is: how can the implementation of takwil that conducted by al-Zamakhsyariy in the Tafsir al-Kasysyaf, limited by one restrictions; how the results of the form takwil. This study aims: to found the form of takwil that clear. This research is library research, primary data source is al-Kasysyaf, and secondary data source is books, journals scientific and documents related with these discussion, the methods used in this study is qualitative method and content analysis. While the results of penakwilan process conducted al-Zamakhsyariy is; Al-Zamakhsyariy mentawkilkan the verses mutasyabih, and the verses or pronunciations that are contrary to the understanding of the Mu'tazilah, mentawkilkan the verses not mutasyabih.

2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (1A) ◽  
pp. 101
Deysi ., Kaseke ◽  
Carolina B.D. Pakasi ◽  
Charles R. Ngangi

This study aims to (1) identify the level of untidiness of setllement area in Sindulang Satu Urban Village based on identification of slum conditions (physical), other considerations and legality of land at the site, (2) analyze the pattern of handling the slums and choose the appropriate pattern to be applied to the region. Region slums in the city of Manado North Sulawesi selected as the study area. Limitation of the study area is determined on a region-located strategically Sindulang One area that affects the tourism sector as well as residential typology which is a blend of rolling hills and waterfront settlements (DAS Tondano) and the beach (Boulevard Phase II). The research was conducted for 2 (two) months from the month of January 2017 to February 2017. Methods of data collection is done by the method of field research (Field Research Methods) as well as with library research methods (Library Research Methode). The data used in this research is the primary data collected and processed its own form of existing data found in the object of research is the identification of space utilization, status of ownership of land and buildings, state of the infrastructure and facilities of existing settlements. In addition, also used secondary data is data obtained from other parties or data that are processed or published by various government agencies (Kotaku. 2016). The variables used in this study is the data on the observation of research sites, including the identification of the condition of untidiness / physical, identification of other considerations and identification of the legality of the land, as follows: (1) The condition of the building, (2) The condition of roads, with criteria ie the coverage of the environment and the quality of the road surface environment, (3) the condition of water supply, (4) the condition of drainage environment, (5) Condition wastewater management, (6) Conditions waste management, (7) the condition of fire protection, (8) another consideration, (9) The legality of land. The analysis was performed with regard to the object of analysis and interpretation of the data description of the physical condition, other considerations and the legality of land obtained in the field / location of research and literature review, then associated with a pattern appropriate treatment to be applied to an area of research. The analysis was performed using analysis techniques Formula Rate location based on the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing No. 02 / PRT / M / 2016 on Improving the Quality of the Slum Housing and Slum (Anon. 2016). Then the pattern of treatment in improving the quality of slum area carried out in accordance with Law No. 1 of 2011 Article 97 (Anonymous, 2011), through (1) The restoration; (2) Rejuvenation; or (3) Resettlement. Handling practices followed by management to maintain the quality of housing and settlements. The research showed that (1) the area of Sindulang One Urban Village is one area of slums in the city of Manado with typologies / characteristics of settlements in the hills, plains and the waters edge (DAS Tondano and the waterfront) is based on the identification of the condition of untidiness, other considerations and the legality of land categorized as slum heavy that its existence is affecting the level of the city of Manado in general untidiness, therefore, this area can be prioritized to be one of the priority areas in the handling of the slums. The pattern of treatment that can be done to do that is the rejuvenation of the city with alternative land sharing to maximize the feasibility of the location to the fulfillment of environmental facilities and public facilities on land that is legal, and the land consolidation which is a pattern of development that is based on the wisdom of setting land ownership to improve the quality of life and maintenance resources natural as well as maximizing the strategic location of the region.

1970 ◽  
Vol 2 (02) ◽  
pp. 254-267
Khaerul Anwar

The world of education, especially in Indonesia, is still faced with various problems. This situation is very visible, began to shift the educational orientation of the students who tend to make education only as a "road of formality" to get work in the future, to the problems of curriculum, learning methods, teachers, and others. This is inseparable from the era of globalization and modernization that is developing rapidly. In solving this problem, it is necessary to present philosophical ideas, among which are the thoughts of the Ikhwanus Shafa. This research is included in library research (Library Research). The sources of research data include primary data and secondary data. Ikhwanus Shafa is a secret society engaged in science. This group adheres to a religious-rational school. The thought of Ikwanus Shafa, who holds that educational goals must be related to religious values, has been implemented at Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University in Yogyakarta with the concepts of integration and interconnection. In addition, the Ikhwanus Shafa's educational methods inspire many educators by teaching from the concrete to the abstract by providing contextual examples with everyday life. In terms of the characteristics that must be possessed by students and teachers, can be found in Islamic boarding schools by accustoming the traits of exemplary and exemplary in everyday life.

2014 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Luthfiyah Trini Hastuti ◽  
Burhanudin Harahap ◽  
Solikhah ,

<p align="center"><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong></p><p><em>Mudaraba is a cooperative institution agreed by jurists in lieu of debts or borrowing in the banking feared contain elements of usury. In a period of more than ten years, it was financing is not optimal as expected by the scientists of Islamic law. Research for this first year aims; (1) Inventory overview of Islamic banking desire to give of financing; (2) review the description of Islamic banking desire to give of financing; (3) Develop forms of legal protection that is ideal to be used as a model in reducing the level of risk faced by the Islamic banking in providing of financing; (4) Develop a model agreement ideal for Islamic banking in order to improve the provision of financing to customers. This study is an empirical research related to the identification and effectiveness of the law. The data used are primary data and secondary data. The primary data obtained through interviews and focus group discussions. Secondary data were obtained through library research related to the problem under study. Analyses were performed using content analysis (content analysis), which examines the contents of mudaraba cooperation. The results showed that; (1) In principle, Islamic banking has committed to provide financing is optimal; (2) the desire to provide optimal financing constraints facing many complex factors, ranging from the issue of the system to issue public unprepared to accept it; that society is pragmatic and less understand the real nature of mudaraba; (3) Islamic banks need to receive adequate legal protection for accounts receivable financing is not given in the form of a dishonest act of the customer; (4) model is ideal agreement of financing by Islamic banking is; (A) the customer in the form of the company because it is easy to mlakukan supervision; (B) similar business field.</em></p><p><strong><em>Keywords: </em></strong><em>mudaraba, agreement, cooperation, legal protection</em></p><p align="center"><strong>Abstrak</strong></p><p><em>Mudharabah </em>adalah pranata kerjasama yang disepakati oleh para ahli hukum Islam sebagai pengganti utang piutang atau pinjam meminjam dalam perbankan yang dikhawatirkan mengandung unsur riba. Dalam kurun waktu lebih dari sepuluh tahun ternyata pembiayaan <em>mudharabah </em>tidak optimal sebagaimana yang diharapkan oleh para ilmuwan hukum Islam. Penelitian ini bertujuan; (1) Menginventarisasi gambaran keinginan perbankan syariah dalam memberikan pembiayaan <em>mudharabah</em>; (2) mengkaji gambaran keinginan perbankan syariah dalam memberikan pembiayaan <em>mudharabah; </em>(3) Menyusun bentuk-bentuk perlindungan hukum yang ideal untuk dijadikan model  dalam mengurangi tingkat resiko yang dihadapi perbankan syariah dalam memberikan pembiayaan <em>mudharabah</em>; (4) Menyusun model perjanjian yang ideal bagi perbankan syariah agar dapat meningkatkan pemberian pembiayaan <em>mudharabah </em>kepada nasabah.Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian empiris yang berkait dengan identifikasi dan efektivitas hukum. Data yang dipergunakan adalah data primer yang diperoleh dengan wawancara dan <em>focus group discussion </em>dan data sekunder yang diperoleh melalui studi kepustakaan yang berkait dengan persoalan yang dikaji lalu dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis isi (<em>conten</em><em>t analysis</em>), yaitu mengkaji isi kerjasama <em>mudharabah</em>. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa; (1) Pada prinsipnya perbankan syariah mempunyai mempunyai komitmen untuk memberikan pembiayaan <em>mudharabah </em>secara optimal; (2) keinginan untuk memberikan pembiayaan secara optimal menghadapi kendala berbagai faktor yang kompleks, mulai dari persoalan sistem sampai persoalan ketidaksiapan masyarakat untuk menerimanya; yaitu masyarakat bersifat pragmatis dan kurang memahami hakekat yang sebenarnya tentang <em>mudharaba</em>h; (3) Perbankan syariah perlu mendapat perlindungan hukum secara memadai karena pembiayaan <em>mudharabah </em>tidak berbentuk piutang yang diberikan dari perbuatan yang tidak jujur dari nasabah; (4) Model perjanjian ideal pembiayaan <em>mudharabah </em>oleh perbankan syariah adalah; (a) nasabah berbentuk perusahaan karena mudah untuk mlakukan pengawasan; (b) bidang usaha yang sejenis;</p><p><strong>Kata kunci: </strong><em>mudharabah</em>, perjanjian, kerjasama, perlindungan hukum.</p>

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