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Published By Lembaga Penelitian Dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (LP2M) Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten

2776-5563, 2406-954x

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 125
N. Atiyah

This research aims (1). To find out how to analyze the integrated iqra method in learning to read and write the Qur'an at SDN Rancailat, Bakung Village, Kec. Cikande Kab. Serang, (2). To find out students' interest in learning to read and write the Qur'an at SDN Rancailat, Bakung Village, Kec. Cikande Kab. Serang, (3). To find out the Implement of the Integrated Iqra Method can increase interest in learning to read and write the Qur'an in students of SD Negeri Rancailat, Bakung Village, Kec. Cikande Kab. Attack, (4). To find out the Integrated Iqra Method can increase interest in learning the Qur'an at SD Negeri Rancailat, Bakung Village, Kec. Cikande Kab. Attack. The research method used is descriptive qualitative method. Sources of data obtained from direct observation and in-depth interviews, documentation, and questionnaires. Subjects determined in this study were principals, PAI teachers, BTQ teachers and 40 students. The data analysis used were: data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The results of this study indicate that the integrated iqra method in learning to read and write the Qur'an at SDN Rancailat in this good category is obtained from the results of the analysis reaching the percentage: 75%. The development of the Integrated Iqra Method can increase interest in learning to read and write the Qur'an in students of SD Negeri Rancailat, Bakung Village, Kec. Cikande Kab. Serang is in the very good category, reaching a lift of 81% seen from the results of respondents' answers always and the results of interviews with writers and teachers that it is true that in learning to read and write the Qur'an at SDN Rancailat, my students are very enthusiastic in learning to read and write the Qur'an. an because I use the integrated iqra method. implementation of the Integrated Iqra Method of learning to read and write the Qur'an at SD Negeri Rancailat, Bakung Village, Kec. Cikande Kab. Serang as a whole based on the results of student answers, teachers in teaching reading and writing the Qur'an at SDN Rancailat can be categorized as good. This is evidenced by the results of their ability to read and write the Qur'an using the Iqra method, they are very enthusiastic in following each stage, both Iqra volumes 1 to 6 plus writing Arabic letters or the Qur'an and memorizing Juz 'Amma/Juz 30.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 42
Al Hudri ◽  
Hunainah Hunainah

This study aims to determine the role of school residents in the formation of the religious character of students in Al Husna Islamic Elementary School and Al Qudwah Elementary School. This study uses a qualitative approach with the type of field research (field research). The research was conducted in two places, namely (1) Al Husna Rangkasbitung Islamic Elementary School and Al Qudwah Integrated Elementary School Kalanganyar. Data were collected by in-depth interviews, observation, and documentation. The results of this study are; (1) religious character is needed and must be possessed by students to face changing times and moral degradation. The formation of religious character can be assessed from the aspect of the spiritual attitude of students. (2) the role of school residents such as principals, teachers and parents is very important in shaping the character of students, educators as second parents in schools are the main motor in shaping the religious character of students. (3) the role of parents cannot be underestimated in an education, students who spend more time at home ideally parents should be able to synergize in the formation of the religious character of students when at home. (4) inhibiting factors for the formation of religious character in Islamic schools, one of which is educational policies that are not in line with the school program. (5) efforts are being made to optimize the formation of religious characters by providing education and training for teachers around character building, appreciation of students and parental liaison books.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 22
Eka Novia Nisa

The purpose of this study is 1) To find out the character education given by the teacher in fostering student personality 2) To find out the teacher's example by instilling moral values ​​in student personality development 3) To find out the supporting and inhibiting factors for providing guidance and guidance morals to students and supporting and inhibiting factors for providing moral guidance and guidance to students and 4) To find out the comparison of how to instill PAI teachers in the personality development of students at MTs al Ghifari Karangtanjung and MTs Al Bina Cadasari Pandeglang. This research method is a qualitative approach. The research time is about 4 months, taking place at MTs al Ghifari Karangtanjung and MTs Al Bina Cadasari Pandeglang. In collecting information from informants, both written and verbal, the researchers collected data by means of observation, in-depth interviews with 14 informants consisting of 2 madrasah principals, 6 teachers and 6 students, as well as documentation, then analyzed and processed using techniques. reduction, presenting data as well as verifying so that it can refer to the research objectives in question. The results of the study, 1) the character education provided by the teacher in fostering the personality of students through learning by familiarizing the attitude and example of the Prophet Muhammad; 2) exemplary teachers by instilling moral values ​​in the personality development of students at MTs al Ghifari Karangtanjung and MTs Al Bina Cadasari Pandeglang through discipline and responsibility both in the process and outside of learning; 3) To find out the supporting and inhibiting factors in providing moral guidance and guidance to students, it is done by preparing conditions that allow the formation of individual and social piety; 4) To find out the comparison of how to instill PAI teachers in the personality development of students at MTs al Ghifari Karangtanjung and MTs Al Bina Cadasari Pandeglang through positive activities to help students facilitate the learning process towards success.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 1
Didi Setiawan

This study aims to 1)  determine the reasons for the formation of religious students and daily behavior at MTs Daar El Qolam Gintung. 2) find out the daily behavior of students at MTs Daar El Qolam Gintung. 3)  find out the efforts of the Aqidah Akhlak teacher in forming Religiosity and Daily Behavior at MTs Daar El Qolam Gintung. This type of research is descriptive with a qualitative approach. Meanwhile, the research sources are the leaders, Islamic boarding schools, the head of the care section, the head of the worship department, the principal, the teacher / teacher and the students. The data collection technique is done through interviews and observation and documentation. The data analysis technique was carried out using data collection, data reduction, data presentation and data conclusion. The findings in this study are the role of aqidah akhlak teacher in shaping the daily behavior of students at MTs Daar El Qolam 1 Gintung, 1) as a guide, aqidah akhlak teacher to motivate and give advice to students to always do good. 2) acting as an educator, namely teaching according to norms and rules. 3) as an evaluator, aqidah akhlak teacher always admonishes and gives advice to students who violate the rules, give sanctions to students who violate the rules. It is hoped that this research will be useful for the Daar el-Qolam Islamic boarding school in particular and also benefit other educational institutions so that it can be implemented properly and correctly.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 63
Sahabuz Zaeni Nur

The purpose of this study is to describe the implementation of online learning in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic using Classroom and Zoom at MAN 1 Kab. Tangerang and its supporting, inhibiting, and solution factors. This study uses a qualitative approach to understand the phenomena experienced by the research subjects holistically which are described in words and language in a special natural context and by utilizing various scientific methods. The research was conducted from January to d. April 2021. Data were obtained through interviews with informants who were considered to know the problems studied, which were 17 people, consisting of: 1 madrasah principal, 4 PAI subject matter teachers, 9 students, and 3 parents/guardians of students. Data were collected through observation, interview, and documentation techniques. The results of data analysis were carried out through data reduction activities, data display, and data verification. The results showed that: First, the online learning plan carried out by the teacher went through five stages, namely: 1) recognizing students and initial competencies, 2) setting learning goals/competencies to be achieved, 3) determining the learning platform used, 4) determining the material , methods, media, and learning resources, and 5) compiling online lesson plans. Second, the implementation of online learning through three steps, namely: 1) carrying out learning according to the lesson schedule, 2) ensuring the presence of students in learning, and 3) carrying out online learning based on the online lesson plans made. Third, the assessment of learning outcomes carried out by teachers refers to the technical guidelines issued by the Decree of the Director General of Education No. 2791/2020 concerning Assessment of Learning Outcomes, namely: 1) referring to the emergency technical guidelines from the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia, 2) covering aspects of attitudes, knowledge, and skills, 3) designed to encourage meaningful learning activities and do not measure the completeness of overall curriculum achievements, 4) varies between students according to their respective conditions, 5) proportional / not excessive, and 6) scoring is done. Fourth, online learning can take place because of the support of several factors, namely 1) environmental conditions, 2) available internet network, 3) available internet quota, 4) motivation to master technology, 5) curiosity about online learning applications, and 6) family support. While the inhibiting factors are: 1) some students do not have a free internet network, 2) inadequate devices, 3) lack of mastery of learning applications, 4) lack of motivation, and 5) lack of parental support.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 106
Ahmad Muflihuddin

The purpose in this study is: (1) To describe the strategy of Islamic education teachers in improving the quality of student learning in Class XI Fiqh subjects at Madrasah Aliyah Nurul Hidayah Lebak Jaha (2) To describe the role the strategy of Islamic education teachers in improving the quality of student learning in Class XI Fiqh subjects at Madrasah Aliyah Nurul Hidayah Lebak Jaha (3) To know the strategies and roles of Islamic education teacher simultaneously to increases the quality of student learning in fiqh class XI Madrasah Aliyah Nurul Hidayah Lebak Jaha. The research approach used in this study is a qualitative by using the type of field research, to find out objectively the effectiveness of fiqh subject with the strategies and roles of Islamic education teachers in improving the quality of student learning. Data collection techniques used were interview, observation and documentation.The results of his research are: (1) The learning planning strategy of Islamic religious education teachers at Madrasah Aliyah Nurul Hidayah Lebak Jaha is well implemented; it includes the preparation of learning tools by creating syllabus and lesson plans based on curriculum content, in the learning process using expository strategies, and supported by the use of additional strategies, such as the strategy Inquiry Learn. (2) The teacher's role in increasing the quality of student learning in fiqh courses is to give assignments, punishments, praise, advise, and grades, all of which are carried out according to the learning evidence implementation plan of students with good character. (3) The teacher's strategies and roles have been successful in enhancing the quality of student learning, particularly in terms of how the teacher generates good competition in learning fiqh subjects. The way the teacher analyzes the learning process, including how the teacher creates a learning implementation strategy, leads learning to suit the plan, and how the instructor evaluates the learning process.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 85
Linda Yuliana ◽  
Muhajir Muhajir ◽  
Apud Apud

Core Curriculum is part of an integrated curriculum. Some of the characteristics learned from this curriculum are: This curriculum is planned on an ongoing basis, and will always be related, and is planned continuously. The core curriculum is structured in order to understand the direction of national education by taking into account the stages of student development and quality with regulations, national development desires, implementation and arts according to the type and level of each educational unit.This study was to determine the role of PAI's core and hidden curriculum in the formation of students' personalities, a case study at SMA Insan Kamil Tartila and SMA Al-Asmaniyah Tangerang district. This research method is a qualitative research with a case study approach with comparative analysis. The data collection techniques using interviews, observation and documentation. It can be concluded that the implementation of the core and hidden curriculum at SMA Insan Kamil Tartila and SMA Al-Asmaniyah both play a role in fulfilling all aspects seen from the value of strong faith, the value of worship with self-awareness carrying out obligations and leaving what is prohibited, moral values ​​with a commendable attitude. and carry out community service, and intellectual values ​​such as deepening literacy culture and skill values ​​such as liking to make Islamic short films, being proficient in leading tahlilan and memorizing corpses, all of which are to prepare students for the future so that they can achieve educational goals in accordance with the purpose of living useful in the world. and hereafter.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 121
Saepul Bahri

The goal desired by the authors in this study is to provide non-medical solutions in the form of mental therapy for educational institutions and humans involved in education so that they feel calm, patient, and have confidence in themselves, namely avoiding the Covid 19 pandemic. The methodology used is library research, namely by collecting literature in the form of works in the form of books, journals, papers, from 2 Sufi figures Said Nursi and Imam Al-Ghazali. The method used is qualitative with a comparative study of the thoughts of the two figures (Said Nursi and Imam Al-Ghazali) then a synthesis is carried out to find differences, similarities and common ground between the two Sufi figures. The methods, properties and steps offered by Said Nursi and Imam Al-Ghazali are able to break the chain of spreading the Covid-19 pandemic if done properly and correctly. Said Nursi and Imam Al-Ghazali gave their spiritual knowledge about the purification of the soul so that life is more directed, meaningful and dignified. Of course, humans have problems by nature, but stupid humans are those who let their problems pile up, and see problems as burdens and suffering. The concepts of Al-Lathaif al-Asyr and Tazkiyah al-Nafs provide understanding and knowledge to humans about the true nature of humans.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 103
Syaiful Anwar

This study aims to 1) determine the multicultural values planting model in Daar El Qolam Islamic Boarding School. 2) knowing the implementation of multicultural values found in Daar El Qolam Islamic Boarding School. 3) knowing the impact of planting and implementing multicultural values on the personality of students in the El Qolam Daar Islamic Boarding School. This type of research is descriptive with a qualitative approach. While the sources of research are leaders, Islamic boarding schools, head of care, head of worship, principals, teachers / teachers and students. Data collection techniques are done through interviews and observation and documentation. Data analysis techniques were performed using data collection, data reduction, data presentation and data inference. The findings in this study are the values of multicultural education found in Islamic Boarding Schools da el-Qolam are exemplary methods and methods of habituation. The impact of the cultivation of multicultural education is the growth of mutual tolerance, respect and acceptance of others, mutual cooperation is not hostile and not mutual there are conflicts due to differences in culture, ethnicity, language, customs. Hopefully this research is useful for Daar el-Qolam Islamic boarding school in particular and also beneficial for other educational institutions so that multicultural education can be implemented properly and correctly.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 83
Anis Fasilah ◽  
Naf’an Tarihoran ◽  
Asep Saefurohman

This study aims to determinne (1)The effect of the use of Edmodo on learning outcomes of Islamic Education . (2)The effect of the ability of teachers in designing teaching materials on the learning outcomes of islamic education. (3)The effect of the use of Edmodo and the ability of teachers to design teaching materials on learning outcomes of Islamic Education. This research used the factorial-experimental method with quantitative approach and used the multiple linear regression analysis technique. Technique that was used on the sampling prosess is purposive sampling on 98 students respondent. This research has shown the Edmodo use in SMAN  and MAN Cilegon city on average 57,65 can be categorized as sufficient. While the teachers ability in designing teaching materials in SMAN and MAN Cilegon city on average 58,13 can be categorized as sufficient. For the student learning outcomes  in SMAN  and MAN Cilegon city has been seen for the posttest result on the average 89,95 and can be the great category. The results of this study indicate that there is a significant effect between the Edmodo use and Islamic teachers ability in designing teaching materials to students learning outcomes with the ‘t’ test of significance level 0,019<0,05. Then H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted simultaneously and the ‘f’ test of significance 0,000<0,05. And there is considerable influence between the Edmodo use and teachers ability in designing teaching materials to students learning outcomes with an adjusted R value squared of 0.540 or 54%.

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