Muh Wahyudin Anugrah ◽  
Hamsir Hamsir ◽  
Muhammad Anis

AbstrakPenelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan Untuk mengetahui ketentuan Hukum Islam dan peraturan perundang-undangan terkait sistem penyelesaian sengketa ekonomi syariah dan untuk mengetahui implementasi sistem penyelesaian sengketa ekonomi syariah dalam putusan hakim pengadilan Agama makassar dalam perkara Nomor (2279/Pd.G/2015/PA Mks). Jenis penelitian yang akan digunakan adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif lapangan (field research). dengan pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan : Pendekatan kasus (case approach), Pendekatan Perundang-undangan (Statute approach). Adapun sumber sumber data penelitian ini adalah data sekunder yang disebut bahan hukum. Yaitu berupa inventarisasi berkas Putusan Pengadilan Agama Makassar No.2279/Pdt.G/2015/PA.Mks, peraturan perundang-undangan, buku-buku, literatur, jurnal dan dokumen yang berkaitan dengan pokok masalah. . Selanjutnya metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah : wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Sedangkan teknik pengelolaan dan analisis data yang dilakukan adalah dengan mendasarkan Peraturan Perundang-Undangan hingga dapat menjawab permasalahan dari penelitian ini. Semua bahan hukum yang diperoleh disusun secara sistematis, diolah dan diteliti serta dievaluasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Ketentuan Hukum dalam Penyelesaian sengketa ekonomi syariah di atur dalam Undang-undang Peradilan Agama dan Undang-undang Nomor 30 Tahun 1999 Tentang Arbitrase dan Alternatif penyelesaian sengketa yang bersifat opsional atau pilihan yaitu melalui jalur pengadilan (litigasi) dan di luar pengadilan (non litigasi). Paradigma litigasi meyakini bahwa hukum harus ditegakkan untuk mengakhiri konflik yang terjadi. Di samping itu juga di gunakan paradigma non-litigasi yaitu paradigma yang ber asas atau berakar pada konsensus, musyawarah atau penyelesaian damai antar para pihak, Implementasi sengketa Ekonomi Syari`ah Dalam Putusan Hakim Pengadilan Agama Makassar Dalam Kasus Nomor 2279/Pdt.G/2015/PA Mks Telah terimplementasi sesuai ketentuan hukum yang ada akan tetapi menurut hemat penulis belum memenuhi aspek keadilan yang wajib hukumnya melekat pada suatu putusan.Kata Kunci: Ekonomi Syariah, Pengadilan Agama, Penyelesaian Sengketa, Tinjauan Hukum. AbstractThis research was conducted with the aim of knowing the provisions of Islamic Law and laws and regulations regarding the syariah economic dispute settlement system and to find out the implementation of the sharia economic dispute resolution system in the decision of the Makassar Religious Court judge in case Number (2279 / Pd.G / 2015 / PA Mks ). This type of research will be used is descriptive qualitative field research (field research). with the research approach used: the case approach (case approach), the statutory approach (statute approach). The data source of this research is secondary data which is called legal material. Namely in the form of an inventory of the files of the Makassar Religious Court Decision No.2279 / Pdt.G / 2015 / PA.Mks, laws and regulations, books, literature, journals and documents related to the subject matter. . Furthermore, the data collection methods used are: interviews, observation, and documentation. Meanwhile, the data management and analysis techniques are based on the Prevailing Laws so that they can answer the problems of this research. All legal materials obtained are systematically compiled, processed and researched and evaluated. The results of this study indicate that the legal provisions in the settlement of sharia economic disputes are regulated in the Religious Courts Law and Law Number 30 of 1999 concerning Arbitration and Alternative dispute resolution that are optional or optional, namely through court (litigation) and outside the court. (non litigation). The litigation paradigm believes that the law must be enforced to end conflicts that occur. In addition, a non-litigation paradigm is also used, namely a paradigm that is based on or is rooted in consensus, deliberation or peaceful settlement between the parties, Implementation of Shari`ah Economic disputes in the Judge of the Makassar Religious Court in Case Number 2279 / Pdt.G / 2015 / PA Mks Has been implemented in accordance with existing legal provisions however, according to the author's opinion, it has not fulfilled the aspect of justice which is obligatory according to a decision.Keywords: Legal Review, Dispute Resolution, Sharia Economics, Religious Courts.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 43
Nita Triana

This paper examines the dispute resolution of Sharia Banking. The method is a non-doctrinal legal research using qualitative research  and Socio Legal approach. Sharia banking cannot be separated from the problems between the banking and the Customer. This problem is calledproblematic financing. The resolution  of problematic financing of sharia banks in litigation is now the absolute authority of the Religious Courts. The downside of litigation settlement usually takes a long time, the need for proof, the cost is quite expensive and the result is winningor lost. Therefore, the settlement of sharia banking is very rarely resolved through litigation. Alternative Dispute Resolution is a choice of dispute settlement chosen by Sharia Banking. The first stage isto carry out negotiation between all parties, namely Banking (lender) and The Customer (Debtor) in the form of warning and guidance. If it does not succeed, there will bedebt restructuration. The second step is mediation, in the form of consultation with third party as a mediator.  The mediation determines the rescue process of debt by Banks when a debtor is still unable to return his debt, executed by the bank. According to Marc Galanter these various dispute resolutionsis called justice in many rooms. In Islamic Law it is known as Sulh (peace). However, to a large extent this non-litigation settlement is more satisfactory to both parties in resolving the dispute because it senses fairness and a win-win solution.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 43
Nita Triana

This paper examines the dispute resolution of Sharia Banking. The method is a non-doctrinal legal research using qualitative research  and Socio Legal approach. Sharia banking cannot be separated from the problems between the banking and the Customer. This problem is calledproblematic financing. The resolution  of problematic financing of sharia banks in litigation is now the absolute authority of the Religious Courts. The downside of litigation settlement usually takes a long time, the need for proof, the cost is quite expensive and the result is winningor lost. Therefore, the settlement of sharia banking is very rarely resolved through litigation. Alternative Dispute Resolution is a choice of dispute settlement chosen by Sharia Banking. The first stage isto carry out negotiation between all parties, namely Banking (lender) and The Customer (Debtor) in the form of warning and guidance. If it does not succeed, there will bedebt restructuration. The second step is mediation, in the form of consultation with third party as a mediator.  The mediation determines the rescue process of debt by Banks when a debtor is still unable to return his debt, executed by the bank. According to Marc Galanter these various dispute resolutionsis called justice in many rooms. In Islamic Law it is known as Sulh (peace). However, to a large extent this non-litigation settlement is more satisfactory to both parties in resolving the dispute because it senses fairness and a win-win solution.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-15
Eko Priadi ◽  
Mhd Erwin Munthe

The growth of Sharia Economic accelerating in the last three decades is also affecting the increase of potential disputes on sharia economic field. For the purposes of fast, effective and efficient dispute settlement, the disputing parties tend to prefer non-litigation dispute settlement through alternative dispute resolutions (ADR), one of which is through the National Sharia Arbitration Board. The results of this study showed that the authority of the National Sharia Arbitration Board on sharia economic dispute settlement is determined by whether or not the arbitration agreement, either before a dispute arises (Pactum Compromittendo) or after the dispute arises (Acta Compromise). Thereby, the legitimacy of the authority of the National Sharia Arbitration Board on Syariah economic dispute settlement, based on the principle of Pacta Sunt Servanda and Consensual Principles contained in the Civil Code. Further, registration and execution of the National Sharia Arbitration Board verdict should be carried out by the Religious Courts, including the cancellation of the legal action on the verdict. It is based on two factors: (1) the basic legality of absolute competence of the Religious Courts in the Islamic economic dispute resolution as set out in Article 49 of Regulation No. 3/2006 on the Religious Courts; and (2) the basic relevance of the substance of Islamic law which is implemented by the National Sharia Arbitration Board.

Al-'Adl ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 44
Rosdalina Bukido ◽  
Fitriani Lundeto ◽  
Yasin Yasin

Relaas call is one of the most important instruments in court proceedings. Without a call, the presence of the parties in the Court has no legal basis. Relaas Summons in the Civil Procedure Code is categorized as authentic deeds. Relaas did not convey to the parties in the litigation. The Respondent did not know about the trial schedule and the claim him, which resulted in the Respondent or Defendant losing the right to answer or defend himself against the plaintiffs' demands or the applicants. This study examines the Relaas summons' effectiveness through the Kelurahan in divorce cases at the Bitung Religious Court. Through field research with a qualitative descriptive approach using data mining techniques, observation, interviews, and documentation. The results prove that the Relaas concept in Islamic Law is contained in KHI Article 131, Articles 138 s.d. Article 140. Likewise, the Relaas image in positive Law is included in the Herzien Indlandsch Reglement or abbreviated as HIR and Rechtsreglement Voor de Buitengewesten, which are Civil Procedural Laws for areas outside Java and Madura. or abbreviated as RBg. The implementation of Relaas summons through the kelurahan was not effective in four cases, namely Case Number 55 / Pdt.G / 2018 / PA Bitg, Case Number 91 / Pdt.G / 2019 / PA Bitg, Case Number 0061 / Pdt.G / 2017 / PA Bitg and Case Number 0150 / Pdt.G / 2017 / PA. However, official and proper elements have subsequently been fulfilled.

Juriyana Megawati Hasibuan Dan Fatahuddin Aziz Siregar

Marriage is a sacred bond which is ideally only held once in a lifetime. Both Islamic law and positive law require an eternal happy marriage. To support this the Koran proclaims marriage as mitsaqan galiza. The marriage is then registered in the state administration. In line with this, the laws and regulations are formulated in such a way as to make divorce more difficult. However, when there are acceptable reasons and due to coercive conditions, divorce can be done through a judicial process. The divorce must then be registered by taking certain procedures. The court delivered the notice and sent a copy of the decision to the marriage registrar to file the divorce properly. The implementation of this divorce record was not effective. The separation of the Religious Courts Institution from the Ministry of Religion has become a factor that causes the registration task not to be carried out. The loss of the obligation to submit a copy of the decision on the judge's ruling caused the recording to be constrained. The unavailability of shipping costs also contributed to the failure to register divorce. Even though there is a threat to the Registrar who neglects to deliver a copy of the verdict, unclear sanctions make this ineffective. As a result of the lack of recording of divorce, the status of husband and wife becomes unclear and opens opportunities for abuse of that status.

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-11
Ade Jamarudin ◽  
Ofa Ch Pudin

Ijarah is a contract on the transfer of goods or services with rewards instead. Ijarah based transactions with the displacement benefit (rights to), not transfer of ownership (property rights), there ijara financing translates as buying and selling services (wages hired), that take advantage of human power, there is also a translate lease, which take advantage of goods. Application ijarah growing financial institutions in the current Shari'ah is happening on the leasing company (financial institution based on Islamic teachings, as well as Islamic banking is one of the products in Islamic finance. Application ijarah emerging financial institutions shari'ah 'ah at the moment that is happening on the leasing company (financial institution based on Islamic teachings, as well as Islamic banking is one of the Islamic financing products). This research is a library research (library research) and field research (field research), and is descriptive, analytic and comparative. Data sources used in this study are sourced from primary and secondary data. Ijarah transactions are based on the transfer of benefits (use rights), not the transfer of ownership (ownership rights), some translate ijarah financing as the sale and purchase of services (wage wages), i.e., taking the benefits of human labor

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 83
Rahmi Ramadhani ◽  
Elsy Renie

This study examines the tradition of returning multiple dowries due to cancellation of proposal from the perspective of Islamic law in Belawan II Village, Medan City. From these problems, questions arise about how the proposal process is in Belawan II Village, how is the practice of returning multiple dowries due to the cancellation of the proposal and what is the view of Islamic law on the tradition of returning multiple dowries due to the cancellation of the proposal. The type of research that the author uses is a type of field research (field research), to obtain data from the problems studied using qualitative methods. The results of the research that the authors found that the tradition of returning a double dowry due to the cancellation of the proposal in the Belawan II Village, Medan City was carried out by returning the gift at the time of the proposal, namely the gift was in the form of half of the delivery money whose purpose was to be used as a dowry at the time of the marriage contract. Half of the delivery money, which is called the dowry, is returned twice (double) by the woman to the man at the time the proposal has been made. The dowry is returned twice (double) if the cancellation of the proposal is made by the woman. Another sanction is that if the dowry is not returned double (double) at the time of the cancellation of the proposal, neither the man nor the woman may request/accept a proposal from another person, of course this is done by way of deliberation from both parties. The review of Islamic law on the tradition of returning a double dowry due to the cancellation of this proposal is included in the 'urf group.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-55
Abdur Rakib

This research basically is to find the position of ‘urf as one of the theories that can provide legal changes in an authoritative-inclusive way to fiqh in the word khalwat in the definitive aspects of syar'iyyah in relation to culture of riding with fiancees in the Madura area. As an external consideration in cultural studies, ‘urf is one of the continuous theories with the discussion of adat to determine law in an authoritative-inclusive manner. In this study using a type of field research (field research) because it involves empirical data that views law as a set of behaviors, actions, and reality. In addition, also library research (library research) to obtain data about a norm while reviewing theories with a qualitative approach because it cannot be obtained by mathematical or numerical statistical procedures, so that it can contain about people's lives (culture), history, ethics, social movements , or family system. From the process of analyzing the meaning of khalwat using the theory of ma'na al-haml with the consideration of 'urf in which there are several elements of maslahat, this study concludes that' urf can change the position of Islamic law by combining consideration of several conditions through the process of changing meaning used in redefining the word khalwat. So as to enable culture to be engaged during the engagement period as happened in the Sumenep and Madura communities in general as a consideration of ‘valid urf. Keywords: Relationship in Engagement, ‘Urf, and Madura.

2019 ◽  
Ali Geno Berutu

his Research proves that the implementation of Aceh Qanun No. 12, 13 and 14 Year 2003 on Khama r, M a i s i r , and Khalwat in Subulussalam is not completely worked well, because in addition to legal issues qanuns, most have efforts political consolidation of the central government and local government. This thesis supports and strengthens the conclusion Michail Buehrel in this article entitled “The Rise of Sharia by Laws in Indonesia District an Indication For Changing Patterns of Power Accumulation and Political Corruption ” (2008) who found the formulization of Islamic Law in the region is political consolidation instrument for exploring the local government, especially financially in building. Buehler did not even find a conservative movement in the imposition of Islamic Law in the area. This research also support M.B Hooker’s opinion in his work entitled Indonesian Syariah : Defining a National School of Islamic Law, (2008)which states that in legislative process of Islamic law in aceh. There are many obstacles and barriers , because the Sharia Law to be applied must necessarily correspond with the system national law, while the central government to add more breadth of autonomy for Aceh in the part of Islamic Law to legislate in the part of law qanuns jina>na>t . This thesis does not agree with the conclusion of Harold Crouch in his work The Recent Resurgence of Political Islam in Indonesia, “ Islam In Southeast Asi a: Analysing Recent Development” , ed. Anthony L. Smith, (Singapore: ISEAS, 2002) as saying that the barrage history of failure of Islamic parties in order to implement Islamic Law-making opportunities for the application of Islamic Law in Indonesia did not exist. Crouch’s opinion just say that the application of Islamic Law to be in the sense of establishing an Islamic State. Data obtained from field research (field research) with qualitative methods and approach the socio - legal - historical . The primary data of the document and the results wawancara and field observations. Primary data in the form of documents are: Law No. 44 In 1999, Law No. 18 of 2001, Law No. 11 In 2006, Qanun 5 In 2000, Qanun No. 12, 13, 14, 2003, Qanun 7 In 2013, Qanun 6 In 2014 and Qanun 8 Year 2014. The primary data in the form of interviews and observations sourced from: Office of Islamic Law (DSI), the Wilayatul Hisbah (WH), the Court Syar'iyah (MS), the Police, the Mufti Consultative Assembly (MPU), the Aceh Tradition Council (MAA). Secondary data in the form of: 1) the books on Islamic law, sociology and anthropology of law, the historical development of Islam in Indonesia; 2) journals and other scholarly works that examine the rules of Islamic law, the application of Islamic law, social and Community; 3) as well as other sources such relevant, scientific papers, websites, newspapers, magazines and others

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 98
Fitri Purnamasari, Diding Rahmat Dan Gios Adhyaksa

AbstractThe author conducted this research with the background of the implementation of Mediation in Kuningan Religious Court in Kuningan. The purposes of writing this paper are to know how the Implementation on Divorce Settlement in Kuningan Religious Court and to know the factors that affect the success of mediation in the Kuningan Religious Court. The method used in this research is with empirical juridical approach using primary data and secondary data and data collection techniques are interviews, observation and literature study. The results of this research are the mediation arrangements set out in the Supreme Court Regulation (PERMA ) Number 1 Year 2016 about Mediation Procedures in Courts and more specifically stipulated in the Decree of the Chief Justice Number 108 / KMA / AK / VI / 2016 on Mediation Governance at the Court. Mediation is the means of dispute resolution through the negotiation process to obtain agreement of the Parties with the assistance of the Mediator. Mediator is a Judge or any other party who has a Mediator Certificate as a neutral party assisting Parties in the negotiation process to see possible dispute resolution without resorting to the disconnection or enforcement of a settlement. Its implementation has been regulated in Law Number 1 Year 1974 about concerning Marriage, Compilation of Islamic Law, and Supreme Court RegulationNumber 1 of 2016 concerning Mediation Procedure in Court. The conclusion of this thesis writing is Mediation which should be one of the alternative process of dispute settlement which can give greater access to justice to the parties in finding satisfactory dispute settlement and to fulfill the sense of justice, and become one of the effective instrument to overcome the problem of case buildup especially for the case Divorce, in the end has not been effectively implemented.Keywords: Mediation, Divorce, Marriage.�AbstrakPenulis melakukan penelitian ini dengan latar belakang yaitu bagaimana pelaksanaan Mediasi pada Pengadilan Agama Kuningan. Tujuan penulisan ini untuk mengetahui bagaimana Pelaksanaan pada Penyelesaian Perceraian di Pengadilan Agama Kuningan dan untuk mengetahui bagaimana faktor-faktor yang memepengaruhi keberhasilan mediasi di Pengadilan Agama Kuningan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan pendekatan yuridis empiris dengan menggunakan data primer dan data sekunder serta alat pengumpulan data yang digunakan melalui wawancara, observasi dan studi pustaka. Hasil penelitian ini adalah pengaturan mediasi diatur dalam Peraturan Mahkamah Agung (PERMA) Nomor 1 Tahun 2016 tentang Prosedur Mediasi di Pengadilan dan lebih spesifik diatur dalam Keputusan Ketua Mahkamah Agung Nomor : 108/KMA/AK/VI/2016 tentang Tata Kelola Mediasi di Pengadilan. Mediasi adalah cara penyelesaian sengketa melalui proses perundingan untuk memperoleh kesepakatan Para Pihak dengan dibantu oleh Mediator. Mediator adalah Hakim atau pihak lain yang memiliki Sertifikat Mediator sebagai pihak netral yang membantu Para Pihak dalam proses perundingan guna mencari berbagai kemungkinan penyelesaian sengketa tanpa menggunakan cara memutus atau memaksakan sebuah penyelesaian. Pelaksanaannya telah di atur dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 1974 tentang Perkwinan, Kompilasi Hukum Islam, dan Peraturan Mahkamah Agung Nomor 1 Tahun 2016 tentang Prosedur Mediasi di Pengadilan. Kesimpulan dari penulisan skripsi ini adalah Mediasi yang seharusnya menjadi salah satu alternatif proses penyelesaian sengketa yang dapat memberikan akses keadilan yang lebbesar kepada para pihak dalam menemukan penyelesaian sengketa yang memuaskan dan mmemenuhi rasa keadilan, serta menjadi salah satu instrumen efektif mengatasi masalah penumpukan perkara khususnya untuk perkara perceraian, pada akhirnya belum efektif dilaksanakan.Kata Kunci : Mediasi, Perceraian, Perdata

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