Juriyana Megawati Hasibuan Dan Fatahuddin Aziz Siregar

Marriage is a sacred bond which is ideally only held once in a lifetime. Both Islamic law and positive law require an eternal happy marriage. To support this the Koran proclaims marriage as mitsaqan galiza. The marriage is then registered in the state administration. In line with this, the laws and regulations are formulated in such a way as to make divorce more difficult. However, when there are acceptable reasons and due to coercive conditions, divorce can be done through a judicial process. The divorce must then be registered by taking certain procedures. The court delivered the notice and sent a copy of the decision to the marriage registrar to file the divorce properly. The implementation of this divorce record was not effective. The separation of the Religious Courts Institution from the Ministry of Religion has become a factor that causes the registration task not to be carried out. The loss of the obligation to submit a copy of the decision on the judge's ruling caused the recording to be constrained. The unavailability of shipping costs also contributed to the failure to register divorce. Even though there is a threat to the Registrar who neglects to deliver a copy of the verdict, unclear sanctions make this ineffective. As a result of the lack of recording of divorce, the status of husband and wife becomes unclear and opens opportunities for abuse of that status.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 46-59
Abd. Basit Misbachul Fitri

Marriage is a religious order and is a worship, in the context of carrying out worship that is muamalah. Muamalah in Islam is highly recommended to record it in a State document that has legal force as the Decree of the Minister of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia. No. 298, 2003, to match the document data with the facts. Before the registration of marriage in the Office of Religious Affairs, it is necessary to do rafa '(examination of marriage to prospective brides) so that the data received is valid authentic away from lies and even hoak. The purpose of Rafa 'is nothing but an examination for the validation of the terms of marriage harmony in both the State administration and Islamic law. When there is a mismatch between the administrative data of marriage with the original and its personnel, then the marriage can be canceled by the KUA and even make the marriage invalid both according to positive law and Islamic law. Because deemed legal defects.

2011 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 91 ◽  
A. Zuliansyah

The application of Islamic law in the activities of banking/finance  or  other modern economic activities is not a simple job. The study of the banking law, or sharia  finance law to be an interesting study and challenging for the world of law in Indonesia, where the positive law (law) in the country of Indonesia is different from  that applicable to the religious law  (Islam). Enforcement of religious law (Islam)  must go through a process referred to as  the ”positivisasi” Islamic law. In this case, Islamic law accepted by the state  in  positive laws and regulations that apply  nationally. This paper will examine  the law of Law no. 10 of 1998 concerning Amendment to law number 7 of 1992. Likewise, Law number 21 of 2008 has some interesting general provisions to be observed. General provisions referred to (Article 1) is a novelty and will  provide certain implications

2018 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 313-328
Fathul Aminudin Aziz

Fines are sanctions or punishments that are applied in the form of the obligation to pay a sum of money imposed on the denial of a number of agreements previously agreed upon. There is debate over the status of fines in Islamic law. Some argue that fines may not be used, and some argue that they may be used. In the context of fines for delays in payment of taxes, in fiqh law it can be analogous to ta'zir bi al-tamlīk (punishment for ownership). This can be justified if the tax obligations have met the requirements. Whereas according to Islamic teachings, fines can be categorized as acts in order to obey government orders as taught in the hadith, and in order to contribute to the realization of mutual benefit in the life of the state. As for the amount of the fine, the government cannot arbitrarily determine fines that are too large to burden the people. Penalties are applied as a message of reprimand and as a means to cover the lack of the state budget.

2017 ◽  
pp. 15-45
Dezonda R Pattipawae ◽  
Heillen M. Y. Tita

The postponement of a State Administrative Decision which becomes the object of the dispute may be granted, since there is still a continuous factual action to be taken, namely the appointment of a definitive Regional Secretary, the inauguration or handover of the position of the dismissed Regional Secretary to the appointed Secretary of the Region whose contents as statements (declarations) of submission of all duties, powers and duties. Decree of the Governor of Maluku Number: 125.a Year 2014 dated May 20, 2014 concerning the Transfer of Civil Servants, on behalf of Kapressy Charles, SH. MSi, NIP: 19560911 198603 1 009 from Southwest Maluku District in Tiakur to the Government of Povinsi Maluku in Ambon, so Kapressy Charles, SH. Msi, felt his interest was damaged by the decision issued by the Governor of Maluku as the State Administration Officer. Therefore the concerned filed a lawsuit to the State Administrative Court of Ambon with Case No. 23/G/2014/PTUN.ABN, concerned requested to carry out the postponement of the transfer from the Government of the Southwest Maluku District to the Government of Maluku Province in due to the contradiction of the principles general good governance or prevailing laws and regulations.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 496-517
Abdullah Taufik ◽  
Ilham Tohari

The practice of polygamy in Indonesia until now has drawn criticism from some feminists who did not agree. But on the one hand, both Islamic law and positive law permit various conditions. In this case, the Religious Court (PA) becomes the last fence which becomes the determining point for a man to be able to polygamy. For this reason, researchers conducted a study of PA decisions on polygamy, namely Jombang PA Decision No. No. 0899 / Pdt.G / 2018 / PA.Jbg . The focus of the problem is (1) the value of gender justice in the decision and (2) reasoning rechtvinding(legal discovery) judge. The method used in this study is a normative-qualitative legal research method with content analysis techniques from Charles Purse. The results showed that the practice of polygamy licensing in the Religious Courts had actually gone through processes that reflected gender justice. This is reflected in the obligation of the Religious Court to summon the longest wife of the applicant for polygamy to be asked for willingness and information. The results of subsequent studies show that PA Jombang judges used hermeneutic techniques in making legal discovery efforts. Because, they not only focus on aspects of legality, but also consider the contextualization.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 186
Heri Kuswanto

The phenomenon that occurs is related to the taking over of the right to guarantee (execution) of fiduciary security and Rahn Tasjily in the execution of executions carried out by financial institutions that do not comply with applicable laws and regulations. This research uses Normative legal methods, with qualitative descriptive analysis and critical legal studies. The results of the study that the process of taking over the right to guarantee (execution) fiduciary regulated in article 29 (1) of the fiduciary guarantee law. Among the first, execution based on Grosse fiduciary guarantee certificate or executable title (fiat execution) contained in the Fiduciary Guarantee Certificate carried out by the fiduciary recipient. Second, an execution based on the execution of separate executions through public auctions by fiduciary recipients. Third, execution by sale under the hand by the creditor fiduciary himself, and fourth, fiduciary execution by claiming. Based on Islamic law, the process of expropriation of the right to guarantee (execution) Rahn Tasjily, that the procedure for executing Marhun (collateral object), if due. Murtahin must warn Rahin to pay off her debt immediately. If the Rahin still cannot repay its debt, then Marhun is forcibly sold/executed through an auction, according to sharia. Marhun sales proceeds used to pay off debt, maintenance, and storage costs that have not paid and sales costs. The excess proceeds from the sale belong to Rahin, and the shortcomings become Rahin obligations. The execution process carried out by sharia companies must be based on fatwa no. 25/DSN-MUI/III/2002, and fatwa no. 92/ DSN-MUI/IV/2014. Positive law and Islamic law, which become normative references, have not been well understood and applied by the finance parties, causing injustice and legal uncertainty.Keywords: expropriation of rights, fiduciary guarantee, rahn tasjily ABSTRAKFenomena yang terjadi terkait pengambilalihan hak atas jaminan (eksekusi) jaminan fidusia dan rahn tasjily pada pelaksanaan eksekus yang dilakukan oleh lembaga pembiayaan tidak mematuhi aturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode hukum Normatif, dengan analisis deskriptif kualitatif dan studi hukum kritis. Hasil penelitian bahwa, proses pengambilalihan hak atas jaminan (eksekusi) fidusia telah diatur dalam pasal 29 (1) undang-undang jaminan fidusia. Diantaranya pertama, eksekusi berdasarkan grosse sertifikat jaminan fidusia atau titel eksekutorial (secara fiat eksekusi) yang terdapat dalam Sertifikat Jaminan Fidusia yang dilakukan oleh penerima fidusia. Kedua, eksekusi berdasarkan pelaksanaan parate eksekusi melalui pelelangan umum oleh penerima fidusia. Ketiga, eksekusi secara penjualan di bawah tangan oleh kreditor pemberi fidusia sendiri, dan keempat, eksekusi fidusia secara mendaku. Berdasarkan hukum Islam, proses pengambilalihan hak atas jaminan (eksekusi) rahn tasjily, bahwa prosedur pengeksekusisan marhun (objek jaminan), apabila jatuh tempo. Murtahin harus memperingatkan Rahin untuk segera melunasi hutangnya. Apabila rahin tetap tidak dapat melunasi hutangnya, maka marhun dijual paksa/dieksekusi melalui lelang sesuai syariah. Hasil penjualan marhun digunakan untuk melunasi utang, biaya pemeliharaan dan penyimpanan yang belum dibayar serta biaya penjualan. Kelebihan hasil penjualan menjadi milik rahin dan kekurangannya menjadi kewajiban rahin. Adapun proses eksekusi yang dilakukan oleh perusahaan syariah harus berdasarkan fatwa Nomor: 25/DSN-MUI/III/2002, dan fatwa Nomor:92/DSN-MUI/IV/2014. Hukum positif dan hukum Islam yang menjadi rujukan normatif, belum difahami dan diterapkan dengan baik oleh pihak pembiayaan, sehingga menimbulkan ketidakadilan dan ketidakpastian hukum. Kata Kunci : jaminan eksekusi fidusia,pengambilalihan hak, rahn tasjily

Fatahuddin Aziz Siregar

The South Tapanuli community adopts a patrilineal kinship system so that women do not get inheritance, even if there is acquisition of property, women receive it not in their capacity as heirs but in the form of holong ni ate as confirmed in the Supreme Court Jurisprudence number 506K / Sip / 1968 dated January 22, 1969 However, on the other hand the Tapsel community underwent a process of Islamization that was quite deep, so that the customary law of South Tapanuli was also influenced by positive law including Jurisprudence which gave heir to girls later issued by the Supreme Court number 528K / Sip / 1972 dated 17 January 1973. This rule makes the practice of distributing the assets of Tapsel's community inheritance also shifts no longer according to the full provisions of adat law.This paper focuses on answering the factors that cause the shift in Batak customary inheritance in Tapsel, how the form of Batak adat inheritance shifts in Tapsel, and how the role of Islamic law in the shifting Batak customary inheritance in Tapsel. To answer this, use descriptive-analytical field research using data collection techniques in the form of observations and interviews with traditional leaders, religious leaders, judges and the community who carry out the distribution of inheritance.From this search, the authors found that the practice of inheritance in Tapsel society has shifted from adat inheritance caused by two factors, namely, First, the factor of Islamic law because Tapsel people have understood Islam well and run it in various fields of life including in the distribution of inheritance. Given that there are dozens of Islamic education institutions in Tapsel according to the author has given a pretty good understanding of Islamic law. So in general it can be said, that this change is a consequence of the Islamization process experienced by the Tapsel people. Second, is the factor of higher power or positive law because until now the community still believes that only the Religious Courts as a place to solve the problem of inheritance to obtain legal certainty.The shift to adat inheritance occurs in several patterns. The first pattern is a total change from customary form to division according to faraid, this pattern occurs in areas that are fairly Islamic, namely the Mandailing Natal region, although of course there are some people who divide in a way that is not consistent in carrying out Islamic law. The second pattern is to carry out adat law, namely in communities that are relatively strict with adat, namely in the Padang Lawas and Sipirok regions, in this area many cases seem to have carried out faraid formally but the substance still reflects the spirit of adat law. The third pattern, namely the way of division which is a combination of Islamic law and customary law, which is a fairly moderate community in the Angkola region.Islamic law has contributed by shifting the implementation of customary law to Islamic law. People who according to customary law do not receive inheritance become heirs who receive a certain portion. At first the mother did not count as an heir, then given a part 1/3 or 1/6. Istdri initially did not get any portion of the inheritance then received 1/4 or 1/8. Girls initially only have the status of olong ate, then receive a relatively large portion, which is 1/2 or 2/3.

2015 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 94-103
Sanawiah Sanawiah

The purpose of this study was to find out what sirri marriage laws according to Islamic Law and Positive Law, to find harmony and marriage requirements and to find out how the role of Religious Court of Palangka Raya in socialization confirmation marriage. The method used in this research is the method of legal normative. As for the type of research used in this study is inventory regulations that related to confirmation of marriage legalized marriage sirri according to Positive Law and Religious Law. Law wedding sirri results according to Islamic Law and Positive Law, sirri marriage according to Islamic Law illegitimate because it does not have a guardian of marriage, while marriage sirri in the view of the majority of Indonesian society is marriage not recorded but the terms and illegitimate pillars have been met in accordance with Islamic Law. Meanwhile, according to the law of the wedding positive sirri is as where according to Marriage Law in Indonesia if a legal marriage in syar'i then legitimate also according to law "marriage is not recorded" is legal according to the laws and regulations because according to Islamic Marriage Law applicable in Indonesia is based on Article 2 (1) of Law No. 1 of 1974 in conjunction with Article 4 Compilation of Islamic Law (as ius constitutun) in conjunction with Article 3 bill-HM-PA-Bperkw 2007 (as ius constituendum).

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 507-531
Misbahul Zaman

Verification in the Religion Court is important because the court upholds law and justice based on no other evidence, including in civil cases, such as divorce. One of the proofs is a witness testimony. The majority of Islamic law experts like Imam Malik, Imam al-Shafi'i or Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal agreed that a witness must be a Muslim, so that in a case witnessed by someone who is not Muslim, his testimony is deemed invalid. This article wants to see a case of establishing non-Muslim witnesses in a divorce case in the Sidoarjo Religious Court by using descriptive analysis, which is systematically describing the facts and characteristics of the object studied by the later analysis and using the istihsan theory. Based on the analysis, the Sidoarjo Religious Court in Case No. 1889/Pdt.G/2017/PA.Sda. has received the status of a non-Muslim witness because it has fulfilled formal requirements in a civil procedure law. In line with istihsan theory, non-Muslim testimony is permissible because of the development of the present era and its greater difficulties so that it can be accepted in religious courts. If it is forced that witnesses to be Muslim, then justice seekers will be harmed and have difficulties.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 53-60
Muksalmina Muksalmina

Marriage is the necessity of every human being in fulfilling the needs of his life as a social creature. Because the issue of marriage is an important affair to maintain the benefit of the whole community, then the State has the right to regulate this business in the form of clear rules with the aim to provide protection of law and order in the life of society. This study examines the legal aspects of marriage that occur in the community i.e. the marriage of Sirri. The marriage is lawful or not in the view of Islamic law and the positive law that often becomes a polemic in society causes a negative impact on the parties involved both husband, wife and child. The results of this research, can be concluded that the marriage of Sirri is valid either by Islamic law or positive law, but in the view of the Islamic law of marriage is unlawful.

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