scholarly journals Pisa et la lecture: un point de vue de didacticien

2003 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 59-78
Daniel Bain

Indépendamment des intentions des responsables PISA, il est important de se demander quelle est la validité – et donc l’intérêt – d’une telle opération du point de vue de la didactique. Laissant à d’autres le soin de défendre les aspects positifs de cette enquête, nous nous attacherons surtout à mettre en évidence ses limites sur le plan didactique, voire les obstacles que ce type d’investigation risque de susciter par rapport à certains efforts d’innovation actuels dans l’enseignement de la lecture. Nous nous demanderons en conclusion quels sont les effets secondaires de l’enquête et si le jeu en vaut la chandelle. Nos analyses, réflexions et interrogations s’appuieront essentiellement sur nos expériences en didactique du français langue maternelle, en collaboration avec des enseignants du Cycle d’orientation genevois (Secondaire I), ainsi que sur notre participation à deux enquêtes internationales (IEA, International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement, Reading literacy, 1991; TIMSS, Third International Mathematics and Sciences Study, 1995).

The chapter covers the notions of illiteracy, literacy, and their development to the current moment. The authors present the notion of functional literacy specified by the UNESCO experts. A more detailed definition of functional literacy is to be found in the study Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS). It is possible to perceive the reader's literacy based on age or different planes. The chapter contains information about research focused on the age: PIRLS handled by IEA (International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement) and the PISA research organized by The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Both kinds of research focus on the reader's literacy and their authors provide their own definitions that differ based on age. There are various different approaches to increase the attractiveness of reading. The authors introduce at least some of them as an inspiration. One part is dedicated to the development of reader literacy in individuals with dyslexia.

2007 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-23
Mieke van Diepen ◽  
Ludo Verhoeven ◽  
Cor Aarnoutse ◽  
Anna M.T. Bosman

In 2001, the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA) conducted a comparative study of reading literacy (PIRLS 2001). A reading comprehension assessment instrument was developed and translated into the languages of 35 participating countries for this purpose. After field testing of the instrument, the final version of the Reading Literacy Test (RLT) was established. In two studies, the validity of the Dutch version of the RLT was examined. In the first study, comparison of the linguistic characteristics of the Dutch and English versions of the test showed the Dutch passages and items to contain both a greater number of words and longer words than the English passages and items. However, the use of more and longer words did not produce a higher level of complexity with respect to content, sentence structure, text structure, or test items as judged by a panel of bilingual experts. While the Dutch children had to read more and longer words than the English children, moreover, they had no problems finishing the test within the allocated amount of time. In the second study, the possible impact of the changes made after the field testing of the RLT was examined. The omission of passages and the modification or omission of test items were found to have no consequences for the psychometric properties of the Dutch version of the test were examined.

Andrejs Geske ◽  
Antra Ozola

Scientific studies have proved that a family has a high impact on the students’ academic achievement, including their reading literacy. This paper focuses on the parents’ undertaken activities for promoting the development of child’s reading literacy at the preschool age (reading together, singing, discussing the read text with a child, playing together, etc.) to explore the impact of these activities upon the reading literacy achievement of students in Grade 4. The research problem addresses the following questions: whether and to what extent the parents’ undertaken activities for promoting the development of child’s reading literacy at the preschool age have an impact on students’ reading skills at the end of their fourth school year.The analysis is based on the research results from students’ tests, students’ and parents’ questionnaires of the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) 2016, organised by the International Association for Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA). The impact of parents’ activities carried out together with their preschool aged children was studied performing a linear regression analysis along with a frequency and correlation analysis.A higher reading achievement was demonstrated by those fourth graders whose parents were actively involved in reading promotion activities. Although one determining activity could not be stated, reading together and storytelling were found to be significant. Parents’ education correlated positively with the frequency of their undertaken reading promotion activities; thus, the parents’ education was approved to have a multifaceted impact on a child’s reading achievement. 

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 4-20
Rosiane Xypas
De Se ◽  

Dans le cadre de l’enseignement du Français Langue Étrangère à l’université, il nous a paru que l’étude de biographies langagières d’auteurs francophones ayant appris le français à l’âge adulte, constitue un puissant encouragement pour les apprenants de FLE et leur permet de se pencher sur leur propre parcours linguistico-culturel en découvrant comment s’est forgée l’identité langagière d’auteurs bilingues riches d’une double culture, l’une héritée avec leur langue maternelle, l’autre construite avec la langue de leur choix, le français. L’objectif de cet article est de susciter auprès des étudiants de FLE une métaréflexion sur  leur propre parcours langagier entre le portugais et le français, ainsi qu’à prendre conscience que leur propre identité linguistique bilingue se construit jour après jour pendant leurs études et que cette construction continuera, à condition qu’ils le veuillent,  au-delà de l’université. Parmi les auteurs francophones, nous avons choisi de présenter ici Brina Svit, auteur d’expression française d’origine slovène, pour la clarté de sa réflexion métalinguistique dans deux de ses récits : Moreno (2003) et Petit éloge de la rupture (2009). Elle y explique son rapport à la langue française : ce qui l’a conduite à délaisser sa langue maternelle pour écrire en français ? Par quels chemins y est-elle arrivée ? En effet, pour Brina Svit, le choix de langue relève, d’une part, d’une certaine attirance, du goût et du défi pour la langue française, et, d’autre part, d’une rupture avec sa langue maternelle. Enfin, ce choix construit la nouvelle identité de l’auteure enrichie d’une double langue-culture.

2003 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 446-454 ◽  
Heinrich Mintrop

Using the representative database of the Second International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA) Civic Education Study, this article takes a look at civic education through the lens of expert scholars, teachers, and students. The data reveals that, as some of the experts reported, political interest is not pervasive among students and classrooms are not places where a culture of debate, controversy, and critical thinking flourishes for students. But things have changed if civic education was primarily an imparting of facts about national history and the workings of the political system. As for teachers, now the discourse of rights and the social movements associated with it top the list of curricular concerns. Large majorities of teachers share with national scholars a conceptualization of civic education as critical thinking and value education, repudiating knowledge transformation as ideal, and they recognize the wide gulf that exists between these ideals and reality. As for many students, political disinterest notwithstanding, forms of participation born out of social movements and community organizing are the preferred channels of political activity. And yet, it seems the experts have a point: the field is not where it should be.

1979 ◽  
Vol 49 (4) ◽  
pp. 477-503 ◽  
Jeremy Finn ◽  
Loretta Dulberg ◽  
Janet Reis

Throughout the world, schools perpetuate the sexual inequalities of their cultural and economic environments. Jeremy Finn, Loretta Dulberg, and Janet Reis review crossnational studies of educational attainment, such as those sponsored by the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement and the United Nations Economic and Social Council, and conclude that, regardless of the type of educational system or extent of opportunity, women are universally disadvantaged educationally.

1996 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 37-42 ◽  
Jillian Rodd

The study used a form of the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA) Preprimary Project which was adapted for the Australian context to investigate the patterns of usage and factors behind parental choices of early childhood services for four-year-old children in the year prior to formal education. Data were obtained from interviews with 175 parents, usually the mother, regarding where, with whom and how their children spent their day and week. The findings revealed that many children in Victoria spent time in a number of services each day. A substantial number also participated in extra-curricular activities and recreational activities. Data collected concerning parental selection of particular services revealed the complex early care and education arrangements that parents were required to make to meet the educational and social needs of their children as well as the work related needs which influenced parental choice.

2012 ◽  
Vol 1 (5) ◽  
pp. 67-79
Mahmoud Reza Gashmardi
De Se ◽  

La traduction est le générateur des relations culturelles entre les pays. L’acte traductif est un facteur qui joue un rôle prépondérant dans la présentation de l’Autre culturel. La fonction idéologique de la culture détermine que le Même est prioritaire et l’Autre secondaire ; si le regard change, l’Autre devient le Même. Dans le passé, on imaginait que la constitution de soi se faisait largement par l’effacement de l’Autre, mais aujourd’hui, on s’accorde sur l’idée que la constitution de soi se fait aussi par la mise en évidence de l’Autre. Malgré la fonction idéologique de la culture qui polarise la culture de l’Autre et celle du Même, l’échange culturel est la monnaie courante du jour entre les cultures de l’Autre et du Même. De cet angle, la traduction peut être définie comme la vie aux frontières de l’interculturel, comme la contemplation des merveilles de l’Autre ; et le traducteur s’efforce de les traduire, de se les approprier, et en même temps, de rester différent et de préserver sa propre identité. Dans l’acte traductif, le traducteur traduit non-seulement la langue-culture de l’Autre, mais il présente aussi l’Autre à ses lecteurs. Dans l’initiative traductive, la traduction crée des relations interculturelles et constitue la culture du Même. L’acte traductif et l’Autre culturel ont joué un rôle éminent dans la francophonie latente en Iran (Gashmardi et SalimiKouchi). Le traducteur ne transmet pas uniquement un texte de langue source à la langue cible, mais il le reconstruit dans sa langue maternelle. Dans cet article, nous cherchons à démontrer comment l’inauguration de l’école polytechnique de Dar ol-Fonun en 1851 et la traduction ont contribué à créer une francophonie latente en Iran. Le premier peut être considéré comme une relance, dirons-nous, officielle de la francophonie en Iran ; et le second comme l’initiative traductive interculturelle qui a présenté l’Autre culturel et qui a préparé l’avènement de la francophonie culturelle latente en Iran.  

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