scholarly journals Cross-Calibration of an α-Source Used for Luminescence Dating by Applying Different Samples and Procedures

2021 ◽  
Vol 48 (1) ◽  
pp. 61-72
György Sipos ◽  
Christoph Schmidt ◽  
Tamás Bartyik ◽  
Dávid Filyó ◽  
Gergő Magyar ◽  

Abstract In terms of fine-grain luminescence dating applications, the efficiency of α-radiation in producing luminescence is an important issue when determining environmental dose rates. Efficiency is usually assessed by measuring the ratio of luminescence intensities induced by known α and β laboratory doses. Consequently, most thermoluminescence (TL)/optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) readers besides the standard 90Sr/90Y β-source can also be equipped with a 241Am α-source. A crucial point is, however, the calibration of these sources. The calibration of β-sources is routinely performed using standard quartz samples previously irradiated by a known γ-dose, though, in the case of α-sources, the procedure is less standardised, partly because there are no calibration materials with a known α-efficiency value. In this study, we aimed to cross-calibrate the built-in α-source of a RISØ TL/OSL DA-20 luminescence reader by testing and comparing five procedures, applying different samples (quartz and polymineral), different protocols multiple aliquot regeneration (MAR) and single aliquot regeneration (SAR) and different calibration sources. Throughout the tests, the performance of the fine-grain RISØ calibration quartz was also assessed. Regardless of the applied procedure, the calculated α-dose rates with one exception gave similar results. On the one hand, the applied polymineral sample due to potential fading, fairly high residuals after bleaching and relatively low infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL) sensitivity proved to be the least optimal choice for cross-calibration. On the other hand, the tested natural fine grain quartz gave almost identical results when using different types of bleaching and different calibration α-sources. The mean dose rate determined for the source was 0.080 ± 0.004 Gy/s. The cross-calibration by using the RISØ fine grain quartz yielded somewhat higher but at the apparent uncertainty of luminescence dating still not significantly different dose rate for the source under calibration. Tests showed that the calibration quartz saturates at a relatively low α-dose, and the shape of α- and β-dose-response curves also depart from each other quite early, suggesting that cross-calibration with this material seems to be reliable only at low doses. For the first time, the a-value of the fine-grain calibration quartz was also determined using the freshly calibrated α-source, and the measurement yielded a 0.054 ± 0.003 value. We propose that after further validation of this result, the RISØ calibration quartz can ease the dose rate assessment of uncalibrated α-sources in the future.

2012 ◽  
Vol 39 (1) ◽  
pp. 40-47 ◽  
Guillaume Guérin ◽  
Norbert Mercier

Abstract The determination of gamma dose rates is of prior importance in the field of luminescence dating methods. In situ measurements are usually performed by the insertion of dosimeters or a portable gamma spectrometer cell in sediments. In this paper, Monte-Carlo simulations using the Geant4 toolkit allow the development of a new technique of insitu gamma dose rate evaluations: a spectrometer cell is placed on the surface of sediments under excavation to acquire successive spectra as sediments are removed by excavations. The principle of this non-invasive technique is outlined and its potential is discussed, especially in the case of environments in which radioelements are heterogeneously distributed. For such cases, a simple method to reconstruct gamma dose rate values with surface measurements using an attenuator is discussed, and an estimation of errors is given for two simple cases. This technique appears to be applicable, but still needs experimental validation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 19 ◽  
Ștefana-M. Groza-Săcaciu ◽  
Cristian Panaiotu ◽  
Alida Timar-Gabor

The loess-paleosol archive from Mircea Vodă (Romania) represents one of the most studied sections in Europe. We are applying here the current state of the art luminescence dating protocols for revisiting the chronology of this section. Analysis were performed on fine (4–11 µm) and coarse (63–90 µm) quartz extracts using the single aliquot regenerative (SAR) optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating protocol. Laboratory generated SAR dose response curves in the high dose range (5 kGy for fine quartz and 2 kGy for coarse quartz) were investigated by employing a test dose of either 17 or 170 Gy. The results confirm the previously reported different saturation characteristics of the two quartz fractions, with no evident dependency of the equivalent dose (De) on the size of the test dose. The OSL SAR ages are discussed and compared to the previously obtained results on quartz and feldspars. The previous reports regarding the chronological discrepancy between the two quartz fractions are confirmed. However, while previous investigations on other sites concluded that this discrepancy appears only above equivalent doses of about 100 Gy, here fine grain quartz ages underestimate coarse quartz ages starting with equivalent doses as low as around 50 Gy.

2021 ◽  
Grzegorz Poręba ◽  
Agnieszka Szymak ◽  
Piotr Moska ◽  
Konrad Tudyka ◽  
Grzegorz Adamiec

<div> <p>This study assesses how internal dose rate in quartz grains impacts luminescence dating.  In 2018, the Gliwice Luminescence Laboratory implemented innovative μDose system which combines advantages of alpha and beta counting measurement techniques with additional radioactive identification capabilities. The device allows measurements of small samples and results verification with an independent high-resolution gamma spectrometry method. </p> </div><div> <p>All measurements of internal dose rate were made on  pure quartz grains after standard chemical pretreatment. Grains with diameters between 125 and 200 μm were selected for measurements. This material was dried and grounded to approx. 20 μm using a planetary ball mill prior to measurements on the μDose systems.  </p> </div><div> <p>Internal dose rate reported here is particularly important because of low (about 0.8-0.9 Gy/ka) or very low (0.4-0.6 Gy/ka) external dose rates. Internal dose rate in quartz grains in our measurements is a significant fraction of the total dose rate, often exceeding 10%. Ignoring this correction would make luminescence ages in our study artificially older.</p> <p><span xml:lang="EN-US" data-contrast="auto"><span>Presented results were obtained with support of Polish National Science Centre, contract number 2018/30/E/ST10/00616</span></span><span> </span></p> </div>

2019 ◽  
Vol 26 (7-8) ◽  
pp. 459-474
Saeed Mahmoudkhani ◽  
Hodjat Soleymani Meymand

The performance of the cantilever beam autoparametric vibration absorber with a lumped mass attached at an arbitrary point on the beam span is investigated. The absorber would have a distinct feature that in addition to the two-to-one internal resonance, the one-to-three and one-to-five internal resonances would also occur between flexural modes of the beam by tuning the mass and position of the lumped mass. Special attention is paid on studying the effect of these resonances on increasing the effectiveness and extending the range of excitation amplitudes at which the autoparametric vibration absorber remains effective. The problem is formulated based on the third-order nonlinear Euler–Bernoulli beam theory, where the assumed-mode method is used for deriving the discretized equations of motion. The numerical continuation method is then applied to obtain the frequency response curves and detect the bifurcation points. The harmonic balance method is also employed for detecting the type of internal resonances between flexural modes by inspecting the frequency response curves corresponding to different harmonics of the response. Parametric studies on the performance of the absorber are conducted by varying the position and mass of the lumped mass, while the frequency ratio of the primary system to the first mode of the beam is kept equal to two. Results indicated that the one-to-five internal resonance is especially responsible for the considerable enhancement of the performance.

2021 ◽  
pp. 152660282110074
Quirina M. B. de Ruiter ◽  
Frans L. Moll ◽  
Constantijn E. V. B. Hazenberg ◽  
Joost A. van Herwaarden

Introduction: While the operator radiation dose rates are correlated to patient radiation dose rates, discrepancies may exist in the effect size of each individual radiation dose predictors. An operator dose rate prediction model was developed, compared with the patient dose rate prediction model, and converted to an instant operator risk chart. Materials and Methods: The radiation dose rates (DRoperator for the operator and DRpatient for the patient) from 12,865 abdomen X-ray acquisitions were selected from 50 unique patients undergoing standard or complex endovascular aortic repair (EVAR) in the hybrid operating room with a fixed C-arm. The radiation dose rates were analyzed using a log-linear multivariable mixed model (with the patient as the random effect) and incorporated varying (patient and C-arm) radiation dose predictors combined with the vascular access site. The operator dose rate models were used to predict the expected radiation exposure duration until an operator may be at risk to reach the 20 mSv year dose limit. The dose rate prediction models were translated into an instant operator radiation risk chart. Results: In the multivariate patient and operator fluoroscopy dose rate models, lower DRoperator than DRpatient effect size was found for radiation protocol (2.06 for patient vs 1.4 for operator changing from low to medium protocol) and C-arm angulation. Comparable effect sizes for both DRoperator and DRpatient were found for body mass index (1.25 for patient and 1.27 for the operator) and irradiated field. A higher effect size for the DRoperator than DRpatient was found for C-arm rotation (1.24 for the patient vs 1.69 for the operator) and exchanging from femoral access site to brachial access (1.05 for patient vs 2.5 for the operator). Operators may reach their yearly 20 mSv year dose limit after 941 minutes from the femoral access vs 358 minutes of digital subtraction angiography radiation from the brachial access. Conclusion: The operator dose rates were correlated to patient dose rate; however, C-arm angulation and changing from femoral to brachial vascular access site may disproportionally increase the operator radiation risk compared with the patient radiation risk. An instant risk chart may improve operator dose awareness during EVAR.

Minerals ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 39
Mariana Lemos ◽  
Teresa Valente ◽  
Paula Marinho Reis ◽  
Rita Fonseca ◽  
Itamar Delbem ◽  

For more than 30 years, sulfide gold ores were treated in metallurgic plants located in Nova Lima, Minas Gerais, Brazil, and accumulated in the Cocoruto tailings dam. Both flotation and leaching tailings from a deactivated circuit, as well as roasted and leaching tailings from an ongoing plant, were studied for their acid mine drainage potential and elements’ mobility. Detailed characterization of both tailings types indicates the presence of fine-grain size material hosting substantial amounts of sulfides that exhibit distinct geochemical and mineralogical characteristics. The samples from the ongoing plant show high grades of Fe in the form of oxides, cyanide, and sulfates. Differently, samples from the old circuit shave higher average concentrations of Al (0.88%), Ca (2.4%), Mg (0.96%), and Mn (0.17%), present as silicates and carbonates. These samples also show relics of preserved sulfides, such as pyrite and pyrrhotite. Concentrations of Zn, Cu, Au, and As are higher in the tailings of the ongoing circuit, while Cr and Hg stand out in the tailings of the deactivated circuit. Although the obtained results show that the sulfide wastes do not tend to generate acid mine drainage, leaching tests indicate the possibility of mobilization of toxic elements, namely As and Mn in the old circuit, and Sb, As, Fe, Ni, and Se in the tailings of the plant that still works. This work highlights the need for proper management and control of tailing dams even in alkaline drainage environments such as the one of the Cocoruto dam. Furthermore, strong knowledge of the tailings’ dynamics in terms of geochemistry and mineralogy would be pivotal to support long-term decisions on wastes management and disposal.

2009 ◽  
Vol 21 (5) ◽  
pp. 483-499 ◽  
Glenn W. Berger ◽  
Sara Ante ◽  
Eugene W. Domack

AbstractSediment trap arrays were deployed in Brialmont Cove and Andvord Bay, eastern Gerlache Strait, from December 2001–March 2003. The recovered sediments (representing instantaneous deposition from the viewpoint of luminescence dating) encompass all the annual and local glaciomarine depositional processes. Magnetic susceptibility profiles were used to infer seasonality in the trap cores, and thus to select subsamples for luminescence measurements. Multi-aliquot infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL) apparent ages were used to assess the effectiveness of ‘clock zeroing’ (by daylight) of light sensitive luminescence within fine silt polymineral samples from each trap depth. IRSL apparent ages for 24 samples indicate that the largest age-depth differences occur with the autumn season samples at both trap sites, suggesting a previously unrecognized and regional (within the Gerlache Strait) change in depositional controls in the autumn compared to other seasons. The apparent ages also indicate some differences between the fjords, and a more complex oceanographic regime at Andvord Bay than at Brialmont Cove. Dry-mass sediment fluxes varied from 0.4 to 0.7 g cm-2 yr-1, with the largest flux at Brialmont Cove (∼0.7 g cm-2 yr-1) occurring in the bottom trap, whereas at Andvord Bay, the largest flux (∼0.6 g cm-2 yr-1) occurred in the middle trap (∼45 m above seafloor).

2021 ◽  
Elena K. Zaharieva ◽  
Megumi Sasatani ◽  
Kenji Kamiya

We present time and dose dependencies for the formation of 53BP1 and γH2AX DNA damage repair foci after chronic radiation exposure at dose rates of 140, 250 and 450 mGy/day from 3 to 96 h, in human and mouse repair proficient and ATM or DNA-PK deficient repair compromised cell models. We describe the time/dose-response curves using a mathematical equation which contains a linear component for the induction of DNA damage repair foci after irradiation, and an exponential component for their resolution. We show that under conditions of chronic irradiation at low and medium dose rates, the processes of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) induction and repair establish an equilibrium, which in repair proficient cells manifests as a plateau-shaped dose-response where the plateau is reached within the first 24 h postirradiation, and its height is proportionate to the radiation dose rate. In contrast, in repair compromised cells, where the rate of repair may be exceeded by the DSB induction rate, DNA damage accumulates with time of exposure and total absorbed dose. In addition, we discuss the biological meaning of the observed dependencies by presenting the frequency of micronuclei formation under the same irradiation conditions as a marker of radiation-induced genomic instability. We believe that the data and analysis presented here shed light on the kinetics of DNA repair under chronic radiation and are useful for future studies in the low-to-medium dose rate range.

Metabolites ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (7) ◽  
pp. 270
Heng-Hong Li ◽  
Yun-Tien Lin ◽  
Evagelia C. Laiakis ◽  
Maryam Goudarzi ◽  
Waylon Weber ◽  

Our laboratory and others have use radiation metabolomics to assess responses in order to develop biomarkers reflecting exposure and level of injury. To expand the types of exposure and compare to previously published results, metabolomic analysis has been carried out using serum samples from mice exposed to 137Cs internal emitters. Animals were injected intraperitoneally with 137CsCl solutions of varying radioactivity, and the absorbed doses were calculated. To determine the dose rate effect, serum samples were collected at 2, 3, 5, 7, and 14 days after injection. Based on the time for each group receiving the cumulative dose of 4 Gy, the dose rate for each group was determined. The dose rates analyzed were 0.16 Gy/day (low), 0.69 Gy/day (medium), and 1.25 Gy/day (high). The results indicated that at a cumulative dose of 4 Gy, the low dose rate group had the least number of statistically significantly differential spectral features. Some identified metabolites showed common changes for different dose rates. For example, significantly altered levels of oleamide and sphingosine 1-phosphate were seen in all three groups. On the other hand, the intensity of three amino acids, Isoleucine, Phenylalanine and Arginine, significantly decreased only in the medium dose rate group. These findings have the potential to be used in assessing the exposure and the biological effects of internal emitters.

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