scholarly journals Contemporary Chinese Oil Painting Between Iconography and Iconology: A Case Study from the People’s Republic of China’s 60th Anniversary Exhibition

2014 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-22
Caterina Egenhöfer

Abstract This paper seeks to analyse the iconographic and iconological significance of the 2009 exhibition Art Project concerning Important Historical Issues of the Country (Guójiā zhòngdà lìshǐ tícái měishù chuàngzuò gōngchéng). The exhibition was set up on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the People’s Republic of China and was part of a series of cultural, artistic and literary activities at that time. Created and promoted by the Ministry of Finance, Culture and Propaganda, the exhibition set out the artists’ mission as the presentation of the great history and ‘great national spirit’ (wěidà mínzú jīngshén) of the people of China and ‘the cultivation and spreading of the national spirit’ (péiyǎng hé hóngyáng mínzú jīngshén). This was realised through the media of oil painting, sculpture and traditional Chinese painting, with oil paintings, as the traditional tool of representation, taking up the biggest part of the exhibition. Based on Erwin Panofsky’s arthistorical method of the three-stage model, the text explores and displays the iconographical and iconological meaning of one representative painting: The March of the Volunteers.

2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 129
Urtak Hamiti

Barbaric, savage, horrific-these were terms to define the decision of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) to murder its captured Jordanian pilot by burning him alive inspired a thesaurus of horror and revulsion. The men who did it, the perpetrators were described by the media as mad men, thugs, monsters. To most of the people, the act itself seemed inexplicable and without sense. However, behind the choreographed and videotaped violence lies a calculated horrible cold logic. Although, ISIS is often portrait as a mighty force on the ground in Syria and Iraq, facts state that they control mainly communications between various provinces in both countries, and, as most guerrilla armies, are militarily weak by conventional measure. ISIS has little or almost none defense against the bombing campaign that is facing now, while US has formed a coalition that is confronting them on the ground as well, after President Barack Obama published the “New Security Doctrine” which includes degrading and finally destroying ISIS. ISIS, however, have proven to be very organized in promoting dramatic acts of violence against their enemies and promoting them two achieve two goals: use terror tactics as a psychological weapon against all those facing them and all those that are to face them in combat. Secondly, through usage of social network platforms to promote killings and executions, the aim of ISIS is to encourage recruits from out of Syria and Iraq, and elsewhere, to join them in their cause. Online operations of ISIS fall under a production group called the Al Hayat Media Center. The Center was created to seduce Westerners into joining the ranks of ISIS and also to distribute propaganda through social and media platforms. It is difficult to assess the success of this operation, but solid sources provided by US military and intelligence estimate that at least 300 Americans are fighting in the ranks of ISIS (at least two Americans have been killed fighting for ISIS in Iraq/Syria region) while the number of Europeans is in thousands. The US Response to this psychological kind of warfare came when President Barack Obama established the Center for Strategic Counterterrorism Communications (CSCC) aiming to combat terrorist propaganda. The main strategy of CSCC is not directly to confront ISIS operatives, but rather than that to deal with the people they are trying to recruit. Now, with almost entire international public opinion on their side, it is time for US to more actively respond to ISIS especially in the manner of psychological warfare since it is obvious that operations of “winning hearts and minds” of people in Iraq and Syria are not enough compared to ruthless tactics of ISIS which “winning hearts and minds” by brute force, terror, and vivid violent images. The online propaganda war is a new component to conflicts of 21st century that allows enemies to reach one another’s home fronts directly. ISIS might seem not so strong on the ground but it has captured one fundamental flaw of the media of 21st century-the one that bad news is always good news and that televised violence will always have an audience. ISIS has proclaimed that its goal is to create a caliphate of 21st century but its psychological warfare and propaganda is inspiring individuals throughout the West to commit horrible terrorist crimes. Could this be another mind game set up by ISIS, it remains to be seen. However one thing is for certain, US and its allies must tackle ISIS not only by planes and other military means, but also by a strategy that would eliminate its influence in spreading their propaganda.

2007 ◽  
Vol 49 (4) ◽  
pp. 783-814 ◽  
Chang-Tai Hung

“In my entire life I did not produce a single painting that was uppermost in mind to create,” the celebrated painter Dong Xiwen (1914–1973) reportedly lamented on his deathbed. Dong may not have produced the dream piece that he would truly cherish, but he did create, albeit unwillingly, a deeply controversial work of art in his 1953 oil painting The Founding Ceremony of the Nation (Kaiguo dadian) (Figures 1 and 2), for it epitomizes the tension between art and politics in the People's Republic of China (PRC). In this famous piece, Dong portrays Chairman Mao Zedong (1893–1976) in Tiananmen Square on 1 October 1949, with his senior associates in attendance—Liu Shaoqi (1898–1969), Zhu De (1886–1976), Zhou Enlai (1898–1976), Gao Gang (1905–1954), Lin Boqu (1886–1960), and others. They are surrounded by huge lanterns, a Chinese symbol of prosperity, and a sea of red banners that declare the founding of a new nation. When first unveiled in 1953, the painting was widely hailed as one of the greatest oil paintings ever produced by a native artist. In just three months more than half-a-million reproductions of the painting were sold. But the fate of this work soon took an ominous turn, and the artist was requested to make three major revisions during his lifetime. In 1954 Dong was instructed to excise Gao Gang from the scene when Gao was purged by the Party for allegedly plotting to seize power and create an “independent kingdom” in Manchuria. During the Cultural Revolution in the mid-1960s Liu Shaoqi was accused of advocating a “bourgeois reactionary line” and subsequently was purged, and Dong was ordered in 1967 to redo his painting again and erased Liu from the inauguration scene. Then, in 1972, also during the Cultural Revolution, the radicals, commonly labeled the “Gang of Four,” ordered a third revision, namely, that Lin Boqu be eliminated from the painting for allegedly opposing the marriage of Mao and Jiang Qing (1914–1991) during the Yan'an days. By this time Dong was dying of cancer and was too ill to pick up the brush, so his student Jin Shangyi (b. 1934), and another artist, Zhao Yu (1926–1980), were assigned the task. These two artists, afraid of doing further damage to the original piece, eventually produced a replica of the painting, with the ailing Dong brought from the hospital for consultation on his embattled work. Though Dong died the following year, the ill-fated story of The Founding Ceremony of the Nation did not end: in 1979, with the demise of the Gang of Four and the Party's official rehabilitation of Liu Shaoqi, the images of Liu, Gao Gang, and Lin Boqu were restored in the painting. Because Jin Shangyi was on a foreign tour, Yan Zhenduo (b. 1940), a graduate of the Department of Oil Painting at the Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA), was called upon to help reinstall the three leaders.

2021 ◽  
Vol 03 (03) ◽  
pp. 186-197
Nahid Hamza Mohamad Salih AL-ZAIN

Al-Baqt is a covenant that lasted for six centuries between Muslims and Nubia, who were known for the strength of defense, and the intensity of resistance to the campaigns of Muslims, Greeks and Romans. This covenant came different in its clauses from the previous covenants, strong in its drafting, terminator for war, inclusive of the old and the young, from Aswan to the land of Alwa, which included that the people of Nubia remain safe, do not set up a war for them and do not send them an invasion as long as they abide by the conditions stipulated by the covenant. This study contains three topics, the first topic deals with the prohibition of slavery and the emancipation of slaves, the second topic deals with the legal aspects of the Al-Baqt Agreement, and the third topic deals with the media aspects of Al-Baqt Agreement, then comes the results and recommendations that concluded the importance of preserving covenants and principles, and highlighting the role of dialogue and agreements in stopping Wars and conflicts, and achieving peace and stability.

Yuanpeng Huang ◽  
Galina Alekseeva

The article is devoted to the creative works of artists who have created pictures of life of the people living along the Yellow (Huang He) River in all nine regions of China. The Huang He River, as the main artery of the country, has long been the subject of study by historians, writers and painters. However, contemporary artists who dedicated their works to the river have not been researched. This work examines the collective image of the Huang He River in the works of Chinese artists from the 1980s to the present day in order to get acquainted with its peculiarities. The methodological basis for the study of contemporary art is the historical and cultural and socio-cultural approaches. The methods of historical-comparative and sociological analysis of art, biographical and iconographic analysis, semiotics and hermeneutics methods are used. For the first time the features of oil painting in different regions along the Huang He River are presented: the geomorphological characteristics, national characters and folk customs in the river basin, and the cultural protection function of painting. The names of a number of Chinese artists have been introduced into Russian art history, and the panorama of the development of painting in the works of Chinese masters painting on the Huang He River has been shown. The works of these artists are correlated with the traditional art and religious ideas of the people living along the Huang He River: the role of created paintings in preserving the cultural code of the inhabitants through the portrayal of national costume, folk and religious holidays is traced. The results can serve as a basis for historical and comparative studies of the artworks of Chinese masters and become the basis for courses on the history of Chinese art.

2018 ◽  
pp. 291-307
Антон Олександрович Сичевський

The article analyzes the implementation mechanism and organizational system of anti-religious agitation and propaganda in Soviet Ukraine. The author recorded a conflict between the republican and all-union centers for religious cults regarding the implementation of religious policies and atheization of the population. It is analyzed how the change in the state leadership of the USSR in 1954 led to a radical reassessment of the ideological struggle with religion as a relic of class formations in the minds of people.It was established that in the 1960s cinematographic works were actively involved in anti-religious propaganda. The actual number of regional commissioners to the Council for Religious Affairs also increased, committees for assistance were set up in all cities and districts of the regions, public councils for the coordination of anti-religious work were organized under the regional committees of the Communist Party of Ukraine. It was found out that within the framework of the atheistic education of society, the Soviet leadership introduced the concept of Soviet «non-religious» holidays and rituals, honoring the leaders of communist labor. The structural formalization of organizations responsible for the introduction of the new Soviet rituals in the 1970s is analyzed.The article describes the employment of the media resource and state publishing houses that published millions of copies of atheistic periodicals and literature for the sake of «eradicating the religious consciousness of the masses» by the party leadership. The reduction of state influence on the affairs of believers since the mid-1960s and the harsh criticism of the liberal course in relation to religion at the All-Union Conference of Commissioners for Religious Affairs in 1972 are analyzed. It is proved that, despite the «Perestroika», the idea of religion as a reactionary ideology and the need to transform the society of mass atheism into a society of general atheism prevailed in atheistic education.The author found out that in the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine a discussion on the importance of rethinking the strategy of religious policy to establish a dialogue with churches and guaranteeing believers the possibility of religious freedom began only in 1990.

2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 129
Urtak Hamiti

Barbaric, savage, horrific-these were terms to define the decision of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) to murder its captured Jordanian pilot by burning him alive inspired a thesaurus of horror and revulsion. The men who did it, the perpetrators were described by the media as mad men, thugs, monsters. To most of the people, the act itself seemed inexplicable and without sense. However, behind the choreographed and videotaped violence lies a calculated horrible cold logic. Although, ISIS is often portrait as a mighty force on the ground in Syria and Iraq, facts state that they control mainly communications between various provinces in both countries, and, as most guerrilla armies, are militarily weak by conventional measure. ISIS has little or almost none defense against the bombing campaign that is facing now, while US has formed a coalition that is confronting them on the ground as well, after President Barack Obama published the “New Security Doctrine” which includes degrading and finally destroying ISIS. ISIS, however, have proven to be very organized in promoting dramatic acts of violence against their enemies and promoting them two achieve two goals: use terror tactics as a psychological weapon against all those facing them and all those that are to face them in combat. Secondly, through usage of social network platforms to promote killings and executions, the aim of ISIS is to encourage recruits from out of Syria and Iraq, and elsewhere, to join them in their cause. Online operations of ISIS fall under a production group called the Al Hayat Media Center. The Center was created to seduce Westerners into joining the ranks of ISIS and also to distribute propaganda through social and media platforms. It is difficult to assess the success of this operation, but solid sources provided by US military and intelligence estimate that at least 300 Americans are fighting in the ranks of ISIS (at least two Americans have been killed fighting for ISIS in Iraq/Syria region) while the number of Europeans is in thousands. The US Response to this psychological kind of warfare came when President Barack Obama established the Center for Strategic Counterterrorism Communications (CSCC) aiming to combat terrorist propaganda. The main strategy of CSCC is not directly to confront ISIS operatives, but rather than that to deal with the people they are trying to recruit. Now, with almost entire international public opinion on their side, it is time for US to more actively respond to ISIS especially in the manner of psychological warfare since it is obvious that operations of “winning hearts and minds” of people in Iraq and Syria are not enough compared to ruthless tactics of ISIS which “winning hearts and minds” by brute force, terror, and vivid violent images. The online propaganda war is a new component to conflicts of 21st century that allows enemies to reach one another’s home fronts directly. ISIS might seem not so strong on the ground but it has captured one fundamental flaw of the media of 21st century-the one that bad news is always good news and that televised violence will always have an audience. ISIS has proclaimed that its goal is to create a caliphate of 21st century but its psychological warfare and propaganda is inspiring individuals throughout the West to commit horrible terrorist crimes. Could this be another mind game set up by ISIS, it remains to be seen. However one thing is for certain, US and its allies must tackle ISIS not only by planes and other military means, but also by a strategy that would eliminate its influence in spreading their propaganda.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (S2) ◽  
pp. 1-15
Guangyu Yang

When speaking of semiosis of the visual art it is worth noting that it can be considered also in the aspect of semantics, which studies relation of sign elements to the world. Semantic side of an image is related to theory of art content, meaning of creation, spirituality, in particular, the symbol theory. Together with forming the idea of painting as a source of literature data and accordingly understanding of a painting in traditional literature paradigm as source of learning the outside world. The authors of the article demonstrate solidarity of oil painting in the stylistic understanding of the integrity of the image perception through the method of knowledge. In particular, the connection between figurativeness and semeiotics, which arises in the process of painting learning on the basis of literature researching and forming of artistic taste. In the article, it is shown that development of figurativeness in art should be based on art methods, in which literature is defined. Authors clarify that this is the main difference between Chinese painting and similar cultural forms. Practical application of research may be: to form educational programs and develop in integral image of artistic development. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
Xiangying Mo

With the development progress of modern technology and the continuous improvement of culture, each of us has become more tolerant of artistic expressions. Nowadays, the ways of expression in painting have become more diverse, different ways of expression in painting will converge with each other. Everyone is familiar with oil painting. It is a form of painting that originated in the West. In the process of growing up in our country for more than 100 years, the creation of oil paintings in university art education also has very significant characteristics. This has also determined a correct direction for the formation of the artistic style of the students in the future and laid a very good foundation. So how do we combine the creative image of Western oil paintings and guide students correctly in oil painting creation is very important. Based on my many years of teaching creation experience, I’d like to introduce the preliminary explorations in the following aspects of teaching, hoping to provide very good guidance for the majority of teachers and friends. We all know that the creation of works of art is a very high goal of art study, all the purpose is to make works of art and paintings with ideas come out. Then, this article will start with the enthusiasm of Western oil painting and traditional Chinese painting, it will conduct certain research and exploration of western oil painting creation image entering college art teaching.

2020 ◽  
Xiaoya Wang ◽  
Zhongping Zhang ◽  
Fengchun Shu ◽  
Guangli Wang ◽  
Kewei Xi

<p>Chinese space geodetic networks were established in 1990s. The first SLR station in china was setup by Shanghai Astronomical Observatory (SHAO) in 1975 and now there are 7 SLR stations on operation in china. The observation accuracy has been improved from 1m to 8mm and the observation range has been extended from 1000km to 3600km for artificial satellites, 385000km for Lunar Range. The orbit determination accuracy has also been enhanced from several hectometer to 1-2 cm. And the products of SLR Terrestrial Reference Frame (TRF) and EOP is similar with that of other ILRS ACs and CCs. Currently 4 VLBI stations, including Seshan25, Kunming, Urumqi and Tianma65, participate in the IVS observing program. The total number of observing days was increased significantly in the past years. Shanghai VLBI correlator has been operational for the IVS data correlation since 2015. In addition to regular geodesy, we are also actively involved in the UT1 measurements and densification of the ICRF. We obtained first fringes between the two VGOS antennas at Shanghai in July 2019. A few more VGOS antennas will be built by collaborating with our partners in China or abroad. SHAO has provided the VLBI products such as POS+EOP to IVS. The first GPS station in China was setup in 1992 by JPL under the agreement between CAS and NASA, and now there are over 2000 GNSS stations running by CAS, China Earthquake Administration, Chinese Academy of Surveying & Mapping, China Meteorological Administration, Ministry of Education of the people’s Republic of China, Company and their subdivisions. From the ownership of Chinese GNSS network, we could see the comprehensive applications such as regional TRF densification, EOP measurement, meteorological service, earthquake displacement, ionospheric modelling, crustal movement monitoring, PNT and so on. The first DORIS station was set up in Wuhan in 2003 and now there are 2 DORIS sites in China. Chinese space geodetic networks and their application will be further developed in future.</p>

DeKaVe ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Akbar Annasher

Broadly speaking, this paper discusses the phenomenon of murals that are now spread in Yogyakarta Special Region, especially the city of Yogyakarta. Mural painting is an art with a media wall that has the elements of communication, so the mural is also referred to as the art of visual communication. Media is a media wall closest to the community, because the distance between the media with the audience is not limited by anything, direct and open, so the mural is often used as media to convey ideas, the idea of ??community, also called the media the voice of the people. Location of mural art in situations of public spatial proved inviting the owners of capital to use such means, in this case is the mural. Manufacturers of various products began racing the race to put on this wall media, as time goes by without realizing the essence of the actual mural art was forced to turn to the commercial essence, the only benefit some parties only, the power of public spaces gradually occupied by the owners of capital, they hopes that the community can view the contents of messages and can obtain information for the products offered. it brings motivation and cognitive and affective simultaneously in the community.Keywords: Mural, Public Space, and Society.

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