2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-9
Dewi Sutria

This research was conducted with the aim to find empirical evidence about the impact of the application of the Batu Pijar method in learning mathematics to learning activities and student achievement in learning mathematics. This research was conducted following a class action research procedure with the Kemmis and Taggart design. The subjects of this study were students of class VI C of Elementary School 47 Jambi City in the even semester of the 2018/2019 school year consisted of 30 people. The learning outcomes using the Batu Pijar method show that there was an increase in student learning activities. Positive results on student learning activities in mathematics can be seen from the tendency of increasing student learning activities in each cycle. in the first cycle (with an average of 9.33), at the time before the application of the Batu Pijar method the result was 12.4 in the first cycle and continued to increase to 13.17 in the second cycle, a good classification with an average of 14.67 in the cycle III and also with good classification with an average of 14.6 in the IV cycle.. Likewise student achievement has increased in terms of average and mastery learning. Average learning outcomes increased by 2.51% (from 79.7 to 81.7) and mastery learning increased by 11.11% (from 90% to 100%). Based on these results it can be said that the implementation of the Batu Pijar method in learning mathematics, contributes positively in increasing learning activities and student achievement in mathematics

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Pelista Br Karo Sekali ◽  
Jainab Jainab

This class action research was carried out applying the Jigsaw Type Learning Model on the Globalization Theme of the Asean Free Narcotics Sub-Class VI Elementary School 040462 Kabanjahe in the academic year 2019/2020. The purpose of this study was to determine the implementation of learning, know the completeness of learning outcomes and to find out the improvement of student learning outcomes. The subjects of this research were class VI totaling 31 people and the object of research was the implementation of the Jigsaw Type learning model. The instruments used were observation sheets and essay tests.Based on the results of the Cycle I research, the implementation of learning activities of teachers is 60% enough criteria and the second cycle is 80% good criteria, the activity of the cycle I students is 66 grades enough and the results of the second cycle research results 85 good criteria. Mastery learning students cycle I 68% or 21 people from 30 students in one class. Cycle II completeness of student learning increased to 90% or 28 people and an increase of up to 5% to implement the Jigsaw Type Learning Model Theme of Globalization of the Asean Free Narcotics Community Class VI Elementary School 040462 Kabanjahe in the academic year 2019/2020.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 8
Usmadi Usmadi ◽  
Hayatul Hasanah ◽  
Ergusni Ergusni

This study is motivated by the issues found in observations at school, where the daily teaching activities carried out by teachers show that; teaching and learning activities are classical, the teacher only stands or sits in front of the class, the direct relationship between the teacher and students is rare, and students tend to behave passively, such as coming, listening, reading and writing. To overcome this issues, the researchers conducted a research by applying a three-step type of cooperative learning model interview in learning mathematics in the class. The purpose of this study is to reveal the activities and learning outcomes of students after applying the three-step interview type cooperative learning model. From the results of the study it was found that the learning activities of students during the application of the three step interview cooperative learning model increased at each meeting. Thus it can be concluded that the mathematics learning outcomes of students with learning by applying a three-step interview type cooperative learning model is better than those who do not apply the techniques.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Hery Kresnadi

The purpose of this research, in general, is to describe the improvement of student learning outcomes using powerpoint slide media on learning mixed calculation operations in class IV State Elementary School 18 Sungai Kakap The method used is descriptive method with Class Action Research form. This research was conducted in 3 cycles and got an idea of how the design of learning, the implementation of learning, the characteristics of slide powerpoint media, the technical implementation of learning evaluation and improvement of student learning outcomes. There is an increase in learning outcomes in each cycle, from 37% of students who reach KKM in cycle 1 to 68% in cycle 3.

2013 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  

Classroom Action Research (CAR) is done in the teaching and learning activities for elementary school students 02 Caringin, sub Caringin Bogor Regency to the targets or subjects were 35 students consisted of 16 male students and 19 female students. The fact that investigators found in the teaching and learning activities, most learners do not actively participate in the activities and looks of confusion in starting to make the task given by the teacher so that the impact on the acquisition of learning outcomes, of 35 learners only 8 people or only 22.86% who achieve mastery learning, while 27 percent of students with 77.14% not reached mastery learning or achieving minimum completeness criteria, while the KKM set is 70. To improve the ability, activity, and learning outcomes of students, researchers strive to implement the improvement of learning by using a model of learning by using learning models Throwing Snowball. In the model of snowball throwing (snowballs being thrown), in addition to using instructional media, teachers also apply various methods in learning activities in order to raise the motivation of learners. Motivation is needed for the effective implementation of activities so that students can be active in it and can achieve the expected learning outcomes. Indicators of success in this research is that if students are able to write a summary of the narrative in the sense of a coherent sentence structure and use the rules of writing according to the rules EYD (Spelling Enhanced). This is evidenced by the ability and activities of students during the learning model and throwing snowball at the end of each cycle the average grade achieved was 70 in other words 70% of all learners achieve minimum completeness criteria limit the number by 70. Classroom Action Research is carried out through two cycles, using pre-cycle as a reference which was held on October 22, 2012 followed by a reflection on the results of pre-cycle only 22.86% of participants achieve mastery, then performed the first act in cycle 1 were held on 5 November 2012 continued with reflections on student learning outcomes Cycle 1 began to increase that is 25 people or 71.43% of the 35 learners achieve mastery and 10 people or 28.47% have not reached mastery criteria, but to maximize the action is done both , reflections on the cycle 2, the results obtained by students has increased significantly by 29 people or 82.86% of the 35 learners achieve mastery and only 6 people or 17.14% of the 35 students who have not reached the limit of completeness and need given more intensive guidance, the average value in cycle 2 is 74, the other student activity from one cycle to the next cycle has increased as well. Thus, the ability to write a summary of the story the Indonesian learning can be enhanced by using learning models snowball throwing and hopefully this model can be applied by educators

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
La Sudi ◽  
H. Jamiludin

ABSTRAK: Tujuan utama penelitian adalah meningkatkan efektivitas mengajar guru, meningkatkan aktivitas belajar siswa dan meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa kelas XII IPS di MAS Al-Munawarah Tomia. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK) yang dilakukan dengan prosedur pelaksanaannya pada beberapa tahap, yaitu: perencanaan, Pelaksanaan Tindakan, observasi dan evaluasi, Serta Refleksi. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan memberikan tes tertulis dalam bentuk uraian pada tiap akhir siklus pembelajaran. Sesudah itu juga dengan dilakukan pengamatan terhadap efektifitas guru dan aktivitas belajar siswa. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis statistik sederhana yaitu analisis deskripsi untuk mencari rata-rata presentase. Teknik analisis ini digunakan untuk mengetahui peningkatan hasil belajar siswa sesudah melakukan kegiatan pembelajaran dengan penerapan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Group Investigation. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa: 1) presentase pelaksanaan aktivitas mengajar guru berdasarka skenario penelitian dilaksanakan atau terlaksana mengalami peningkatan disetiap siklusnya. Dimana presentase yang diperoleh pada pada siklus I sebesar 66,67% dan pada siklus II meningkat mencapai presentase sebesar 93,33%. 2) Aktivitas belajar siswa dengan menggunakan penerapan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Group Investigation sudah menunjukan peningkatan yang signifikan. Presentase yang diperoleh yaitu pada pembelajar siklus I sebesar 40,38% dan pada siklus II presentase sebesar 94,23%. 3) selain itu juga hasil belajar siswa meningkat dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Group Investigation dengan presesntase ketuntasan secara kalsikal telah tercapai85%. Dengan hasil tes pada siklus I presentasenya sebesar 60% dengan rata-rata 74,2. Dan pada siklus II tes mengalami peningkatan menjadi 93,33% dengan nilai rat-rata 80,66 dengan demikian penelitian tindakan kelas ini telah berhasil dilaksanakan karena pada tiap siklusnya mengalami peningkatan. Kata Kunci: Evektivitas, Aktivitas, Hasil Belajar ABSTRACT: The main objective of research is to improve the effectiveness of teaching teachers, increase student learning activities and improve student learning outcomes in class XII IPS at MAS Al-Munawarah Tomia. This research is a class action research (CAR) carried out with the procedure of its implementation at several stages, namely: planning, implementing actions, observing and evaluating, and reflecting. The data collection technique used in this study is to provide a written test in the form of a description at the end of each learning cycle. After that also by observing the effectiveness of teachers and student learning activities. The data analysis technique used is a simple statistical analysis of the description analysis to find the average percentage. This analysis technique is used to determine the increase in student learning outcomes after conducting learning activities with the application of the Group Investigation cooperative learning model. The results of this study indicate that: 1) the percentage of implementation of teacher teaching activities based on research scenarios carried out or implemented has increased in each cycle. Where the percentage obtained in the first cycle was 66.67% and in the second cycle increased it reached a percentage of 93.33%. 2) Student learning activities using the application of the Group Investigation cooperative learning model have shown significant improvements. The percentage obtained is 40.38% for cycle I learners and 94.23% for cycle II. 3) in addition, student learning outcomes have also improved by using the Group Investigation type cooperative learning model with a calcical percentage of completeness reached 85%. With the test results in the first cycle the percentage of 60% with an average of 74.2. And in the second cycle the test has increased to 93.33% with an average value of 80.66 thus this class action research has been successfully carried out because in each cycle has increased. Keywords: Evectivity, Activities, Learning Outcomes 

Wijiati '

The background of this research is the lack of students mathematics learning outcomes. This is because passive students in participating in learning, and in group learning activities, group less responsible members of the group, resulting in lower student learning outcomes. This study is a class action that aims to improve learning outcomes mathematics using cooperative learning model NHT. The research was conducted in classes VI SDN 011 Kerumutan Beringin Kecamatan Makmur. Research was conducted during two cycles. The research instrument consists of a sheet of teacher activity observation and student activity and learning outcomes. Based on the results of research and discussion, that the learning outcomes of students has increased after learning activities using cooperative learning model NH. This statement is supported by the results that have been raised previously, namely: (1) the results of the initial test results of learning mathematics students get an average of 54.00 with learning completeness percentage of 48%; (2) in the first cycle of students' mathematics learning outcomes increased with an average value of 64.00 with learning completeness percentage of 84%; and (3) in the second cycle students' mathematics learning outcomes increased with an average value of 67.00 with learning completeness percentage of 92%. This shows that the classical completeness has been reached, in which the research is successful if the completeness achieved 80% of students obtaining a minimum value of 70. Based on the results and discussion, it can be concluded that the application of cooperative learning model NHT can improve mathematics learning outcomes SDN 011 Beringin Makmur Kecamatan Kerumutan.

Yustimar '

The background of this study is the low result of study biology class V students of SD Negeri 029 Rumbai, it is marked by the acquisition value of an average of 52.50. The low yield of this study because students are paying less attention to the teacher learning, passive learning of students in participating. This study is a class action that aims to improve learning outcomes biology, as well as improving the learning activities of teachers and students using direct learning model. Research was conducted during two cycles, where research on SDN 029 Rumbai with esearch subjects are students are students of class V with a total of 25 students. Data collection techniques used in this study was the observation techniques, test engineering and technical documentation. The analysis technique used is descriptive analysis. Based on the results of research and discussion, found that the learning outcomes of students has increased in each cycle is reinforced by the results that have been raised previously, namely: (1) in the first cycle biology mastery learning outcomes of students increased by 68%; (2) in the second cycle biology mastery learning outcomes of students increased by 88%; (3) in the first cycle of learning activities of students gained 84.42%, whereas in the second cycle of 83.62%; (5) in the first cycle of learning activities for teachers to get 82.96%, while the second cycle of activity the teacher's activities gained 84.09%. This indicates that the completeness kasikal has been reached, in which the research is successful if the completeness achieved 80% of students obtaining a minimum value of 65. Based on the results and the discussion can be concluded that the application of the model pembelajarn directly to improve learning outcomes biology class V students of SD Negeri 029 Rumbai, Pekanbaru.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 618
Euis Anegawati

The background of this study is the low learning outcomes PAI grade IV SD Negeri 010Banjar Panjang Kecamatan Kerumutan. Of the 28 students only 12 students who achieve thespecified KKM school that is equal to 65. Redahnya PAI learning outcomes is caused by: (a)instructional methods used by teachers always lectures, discussion and provision of duty; (b)teachers in presenting the material failed to give concrete examples and close to student life;(c) teachers are assigning students working on the problems that exist in textbooks used bystudents; and (d) teachers rarely express purpose of learning and less motivated students.This research is a class action, the study was conducted in two cycles by implementing alearning strategy modeling the way. Based on the results of the study, data showed that thelearning outcomes PAI increased in each cycle. This is evidenced by: (a) activity experiencedteachers peningkata on each cycle, the first cycle of meeting I obtained a score of 3 (60.00%),in the first cycle of meetings II obtained a score of 3 (60.00%), the second cycle of meetings Iobtained a score of 4 (80.00%), and the second cycle II meeting obtained a score of 5(100%); and (b) PAI learning outcomes of students also increased, in the first cycle theaverage student learning outcomes at 71, is increased in the second cycle with an average of77.3. Additionally mastery learning students also increased in the first cycle students whocompleted a total of 20 students (71.00%), in the second cycle by the number of 24 students(85.00%).

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 134
Zambri '

This research was motivated by the low result of learning science class V students of SDNegeri 011 Bukit Kapur. This study aims to improve learning outcomes science class Vstudents of SD Negeri 011 Bukit Kapur by using the method of discussion. Subjects in thisstudy were students of class V SD Negeri 011 Bukit Kapur, totaling 35 students. This researchis a class act, carried out by two cycles. Parameter research is student learning outcomesconsisting of absorption, mastery learning, student learning activities and teaching activitiesof teachers. The results showed that in the first cycle the average value of daily tests is69.71% (Enough) and the second cycle of the average value of daily tests was 78% (Good).Mastery learning increased in the first cycle was 82.86% and the second cycle is 94.28%.Activities of students in the learning process increased from 73.98% (Enough) in the firstcycle to 73.09% (Enough) in the second cycle. Activities teachers in the learning process is92.5% (Very Good) in the first cycle and 96% (Very Good) in the second cycle. From theseresults it can be concluded that the discussion method can improve learning outcomes scienceclass V students of SD Negeri 011 Bukit Kapur.

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 127
Nur Rokhimah Hanik ◽  
Sri Harsono ◽  
Anwari Adi Nugroho

                                                       ABSTRACT Implementation of learning at the university level is expected to be conducted interactively and motivate students to participate actively in learning activities. But the reality in learning, still found learning problems about the low learning activities and student learning outcomes. While as an educator, lecturers should be able to know the problems in the learning process or lectures as an effort to improve the quality of learning. Solution to overcome the problem is by giving learning with Contextual Teaching and Learning approach (CTL) through observation method applied in Basic Ecology subject.The purpose of this research is to improve student achievement in Basic Ecology subject through learning with CTL approach and observation method. Expectations from the results of this study is as an information or input that the strategy and learning model with the method of observation can overcome the lack of activity and low student learning outcomes caused by the dominance of female students and the diversity of high school students so that the classroom climate is often noisy and reduced concentration at the time of learning. This research is experimental research, with one class of experiment of Biology student of FKIP Univet Bantara Sukoharjo second semester of class of 2016/2017 taking Basic Ecology subject. The data were collected using observation and test sheets. Technique of data analysis using T test analysis. From the analysis with T test Paired sample for two groups of dependent or pairs on pretest and postes data obtained Asymp results. Sig (2 -tailled) below 0.05 is 0.00 then Ho is rejected. This means that there are significant differences in learning outcomes before (pretest) and after CTL learning with the method of Observation (postes) in Basic Ecology subject especially on the subject matter of Population and Bird Diversity. Thus, it can be concluded that learning CTL with Observation method can improve student achievement in Basic Ecology subject especially material Population or bird diversity. Keywords: CTL approach, Observation method, Basic Ecology course, Learning  Achievement 

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