scholarly journals Investasi Cryptocurrency Berdasarkan Peraturan Bappebti No. 5 Tahun 2019

Dewa Ayu Fera Nitha ◽  
I Ketut Westra

Current technological developments have digital money or cryptocurrency which is currently being used as an investment by the world community. Seeing this, the government has now issued CoFTRA Regulation Number 5 of 2019 concerning Technical Provisions for the Implementation of the Physical Asset Market in the Futures Exchange to ensure legal protection for investors and legal certainty in the event of a dispute. This study aims to analyze protection The law against Cryptocurrency Investors is reviewed based on Bappebti Regulation Number 5 of 2019 and analyzes the legal efforts made in the event of a dispute in cryptocurrency investment. The research method in this study uses normative legal research methods with a statutory approach and a conceptual approach. The results of this study show that the Indonesian Government has accommodated the interests of crypto asset trading as well as a guideline and clarity for the public regarding the government's recognition of the presence of bitcoin and virtual currancy, namely through Bappebti Number 5 of 2019 and dispute disputes that occur between cryptocurrency investors and cryptocurrency marketplaces by way of non-litigation and arbitration through the Commodity Futures Trading Arbitration Board (BAKTI). Perkembangan teknologi saat ini telah terdapat uang digital atau cryptocurrency yang saat ini dijadikan sebagai investasi oleh masyrakat dunia. Melihat hal tersebut kini pemerintah telah mengeluarkan Peraturan Bappebti Nomor 5 Tahun 2019 Tentang tentang Ketentuan Tekhnis Penyelenggaraan Pasar Fisik Asset Kripto (Crypto Asset) di Bursa Berjangka untuk memastikan adanya perlindungan hukum bagi para investor dan kepastian hukum apabila terdapat sengketa. Studi ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa perlindungan Hukum terhadap Para Investor Cryptocurrency dikaji berdasarkan Peraturan Bappebti Nomor 5 Tahun 2019 serta menganalisa upaya Hukum yang dilakukan apabila terjadi sengketa dalam investasi cryptocurrency. Metode penelitian dalam studi ini menggunakan metode penelitian hukum normatif dengan pendekatan perundang-undangan dan pendekatan konseptual. Hasil studi ini menunjukkan bahwa Pemerintah Indonesia telah mengakomodir kepentingan perdagangan kripto aset serta sebagai suatu pedoman dan kejelasan bagi masyarakat terkait pengakuan pemerintah terhadap kehadiran bitcoin dan virtual currancy yaitu melalui Bappebti Nomor 5 Tahun 2019 dan perselisihan sengketa yang terjadi antara investor cryptocurrency dengan marketplace cryptocurrency dapat diselesaikan dengan jalan non-litigasi dan abitrase melalui Badan Arbitrase Perdagangan Berjangka Komoditi (BAKTI).

Yuridika ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 33 (1) ◽  
pp. 41
Hari Sugiharto ◽  
Bagus Oktafian Abrianto

The enactment of Law Number 30 of 2014 on Government Administration had given the changes to the authority of the State Administrative Court. There are two mechanism of the case investigation in the State Administrative Court in providing legal protection against a lawsuit or petition filed by the public. The first mechanism is to file a lawsuit directly to the State Administrative Court. The second mechanism is to resolve internal disputes within the government before filing a lawsuit to the Administrative Courts. There are two mechanisms of the case investigation prove that the existence of discrimination for people who seek justice in the case investigation system in the State Administrative Court. This research focus on an issues first the nature of public legal action by the government in government administration and second Ratio legis non-judicial legal protection against public legal acts  by the government. The results which have to be achieved are to provide the prescription of essential truth. There are several problems approach used in this study, such as statute approach, conceptual approach, and case approach.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
pp. 93
Novia Wahyu Wardhani ◽  
Erisandi Arditama ◽  
Wahyudin Noe ◽  
Sabar Narimo

Mystical rituals in a tradition experience conflict in society because of things that are irrational in nature. For example, the grebeg maulid tradition, grebeg sudiro, lawung mahesa ceremony, mbah meyek village clean, sadranan, and slametan. However, the government has not lost the way to maintain this mystical tradition to maintain society's social order. This research is qualitative research with an ethnographic approach that focuses on the traditions that exist in Surakarta, which contain mystical but still growing. This research was conducted from 2019 to 2020. The data collected came from observations made in 5 sub-districts in Surakarta. Second, interviews with mystical actors. Third, documentation obtained from books, journals, and mass media explaining the mystical traditions in Surakarta. The data validity used the triangulation method, member check, time extension, peer debriefing. Data analysis using ethnographic analysis model. The result is that there are six ways to rationalize the mystical tradition, namely connecting the mystical with something rational, using a different name that can be accepted by the public at large, making the tools used in the tradition no longer mystical, and accommodating technological developments. such as the e-wom method to spread tradition.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 57
Bing Yusuf

The development of information and electronic technology every time becomes faster, supported by the great curiosity of humans to make information technology and electronics as daily consumption. Technology penetrated into the business world pampering the community with ease of accessibility through ecommerce systems. People enjoy buying and selling facilities through e-commerce, but most people forget that every thing has a positive and negative side. The majority of people enjoy the convenience and convenience of e-commerce to access and obtain the desired items, but not a few community members have become victims of e-commerce transactions. The government acting as a regulator has issued a lot of laws and regulations, but until now all forms of injustice, fraud, and even crime through ecommerce buying and selling have not been completely blocked. Institutions established specifically to defend disadvantaged consumers also do not yet have adequate specifications to protect disadvantaged consumers through e-commerce buying and selling. The capabilities and facilities possessed by law enforcement officers are still limited, there are still many perpetrators of injustice, fraud and crime in buying and selling e-commerce that are still moving and operating freely. Based on the reality of e-commerce buying and selling formulated a problem regarding how legal protection is actually for consumers in buying and selling e-commerce? What obstacles are faced by consumers to get legal protection in buying and selling e-commerce? How is the legal effort made by consumers who are disadvantaged in buying and selling ecommerce? Using positive law analyzed with reality that occurs in the community it can be concluded that e-commerce buying and selling is arguably a new thing so that it demands for the whole legal system and legal subjects to adapt to technological developments and the progress of civilization

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 382-387
A. A. ayu Diah Uthari Pramesti ◽  
I Ketut Kasta Arya Wijaya ◽  
Desak Gde Arini

Indonesia is a maritime country surrounded by a sea that is rich in natural resources, therefore a unified system is needed to maintain security and also to allocate all energy sources offered by the sea so that it can be managed appropriately. The management of water safety and security in Indonesia is regulated in Law Number 17 of 2008 concerning Shipping. In this research, there are two main problems that will be examined, namely first about the management arrangements for safety and security requirements in Indonesian maritime territory and second What is the authority of the local government in developing the safety and security requirements of shipping in Indonesian maritime territory. This research is a normative legal research, using a statutory approach and a conceptual approach. The result of this research is the management of shipping coaching is carried out by the government. The form of guidance carried out by the government is in the form of supervision, control and regulation. Legal protection for the administration of regional autonomy is in line with the provisions of Law Number 23 o/2014 which involves regional governments and carries out legal protection for various government affairs in the context of community service and natural resource management.

2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 25-48
Sri Walny Rahayu ◽  
Widiya Fitrianda

Lagu-lagu tradisional Aceh merupakan bagian rezim hak cipta dan termasuk dalam ekspresi budaya tradisional masyarakat Aceh, kekayaan dan identitas bangsa. Untuk memajukan lagu-lagu tradisonal sebagai bagian kebudayaan Aceh, diperlukan langkah strategis melalui perlin-dungan, pengembangan, pemanfaatan, pembinaan untuk mewu-judkan masyarakat Aceh yang berdaulat secara politik, berdikari secara ekonomi, dan berkepribadian dalam Kebudayaan. Hal lainnya, lagu-lagu tradisional Aceh merupakan hak milik yang dapat beralih melalui warisan. Dalam praktiknya ahli waris pencipta lagu-lagu Aceh tidak memahami dan belum mendapatkan hak ekonominya  sebagai-mana diatur dalam Pasal 16 ayat (2) Undang-Undang Nomor 28 Tahun 2014 tentang Hak Cipta. Budaya masyarakat komunal berbeda pandang dengan filosofi konsep hak kekayaan Intelektual, bersifat eksklusif monopoli, dan lemahnya implementasi penegakan hukum hak cipta merupakan persoalan yang harus mendapat perhatian pemerintah di Aceh dalam melestarikan budaya tradisonalnya. Tujuan penulisan menjelaskan perlindungan hukum terhadap lagu tradisional Aceh yang merupakan ekspresi budaya tradisional, menjelaskan perlindungan kepada ahli waris pencipta lagu Aceh melalui warisan menurut Undang-Undang Hak Cipta, Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Perdata, dan Hukum Islam menjelaskan kendala pengalihan pencipta hak ekonomi lagu-lagu tradisional Aceh melalui warisan. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder sebagai data utama, atau yang disebut penelitian yuridis normatif yang menguji norma hukum sebagai objek penelitian. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan konseptual dan pendekatan hukum komparatif. Tulisannya disajikan dalam bentuk analisis deskriptif. Aceh Traditional Cultural Expression and Its Inheritance Model Traditional Acehnese songs which are part of the copyright regimes are one part of the expression of traditional Acehnese culture, wealth and national identity. The promotion of Acehnese culture through traditional songs requires a strategic step through protection, development, utilization, and coaching to realize an Acehnese society that is politically sovereign, economically independent, and has a personality in culture. Other things Traditional Aceh songs are property rights that can be transferred through inheritance. In practice the heirs of Acehnese songs creators do not understand and obtain economic rights from the commercial use of Acehnese songs as stipulated in Article 16 paragraph (2) of Law Number 28 of 2014 concerning Copyright. The communal society's culture is different from the philosophy of the concept of intellectual property rights that is exclusively monopoly and the weak implementation of copyright law enforcement is an issue that must be gotten the attention of the government, especially in Aceh to preserve the traditional Acehnese culture which is the expression of its people. The purpose of writing is to explain the legal protection of traditional Acehnese songs which are expressions of Acehnese cultural identity, explain the protection to the heirs of the creators of Aceh songs through inheritance according to the 2014 UUHC, the Civil Code and Islamic Law and explain what constitutes obstacles to the transfer of rights economic creator of traditional Acehnese songs through inheritance. This type of research uses secondary data as the main data, or so-called normative juridical research that tests legal norms as the object of research. The approach used is the conceptual approach and comparative legal approach. This writing is presented in the form of descriptive analysis.

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 118
Widowati Maria Teresa ◽  
Budi Santoso

With the enactment of Law Number 28, 2014 About Copyright the creation of art in the form of a logo or distinctive sign is used as a brand in the trade of goods/services or used as a symbol of the organization, entity, or legal entities can not be recorded. Logo that cannot be registered as creation may be registered as trademarks and obtain trademarks protection. Associated with the unregistered logo in the List of Works does not reduce the copyrights protection of the logo, because the protection of the logo as Creation appears declaratively. Consequences of the unlisted logo in the List of Works are logo will not get an official passage on Creation. The government needs to tighten substantive and material checks on all works listed in the field of Intellectual Property Rights and the government may take the initiative to carry out dissemination and counselling accessible to the public especially for business practitioner. Keywords : Logo, Legal Protection, Copyrights AbstrakDengan diberlakukannya Undang-undang Nomor 28 Tahun 2014 Tentang Hak Cipta, seni lukis yang berupa logo atau tanda pembeda yang digunakan sebagai merek dalam perdagangan barang/jasa atau digunakan sebagai lambang organisasi, badan usaha, atau badan hukum tidak dapat dicatatkan. Logo yang tidak dapat dicatatkan sebagai Ciptaan dapat didaftarkan sebagai Merek dan mendapatkan perlindungan Merek. Terkait dengan tidak dicatatkannya logo dalam Daftar Ciptaan tidak mengurangi perlindungan Hak Cipta atas logo, karena perlindungan logo sebagai Ciptaan muncul secara deklaratif. Konsekuensi dari tidak dapat dicatatkannya logo dalam Daftar Ciptaan adalah Ciptaan logo tidak akan mendapatkan petikan resmi atas Ciptaan. Pemerintah perlu untuk memperketat pemeriksaan substantif maupun materiil terhadap seluruh karya yang didaftarkan di seluruh bidang Hak Kekayaan Intelektual dan dapat mengambil inisiatif untuk melakukan diseminasi dan penyuluhan yang dapat diakses secara mudah bagi masyarakat pada umumnya dan pelaku bisnis pada khususnya. Kata kunci : Logo, Perlindungan Hukum, Hak Cipta 

1970 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 175-186
Suci Flambonita ◽  
Wahyu Ernaningsih ◽  
Vera Novianti

The fourth paragraph at the opening of the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia states that the Government of the Republic of Indonesia is obliged to protect the entire Indonesian nation, promote the general welfare, and educate the nation's life which is a manifestation of the responsibility of the state which is obliged to create welfare for its people fairly and equitably equally. This constitutional mandate is spelled out in the form of regulations aimed at preventing injustice from the stronger party against the weaker party so that a just and peaceful society can be created. The method used to analyze this problem is through normative and empirical mix and match. The approach used in this study is a statute approach, conceptual approach, and case approach. Legal protection for workers is an obligation for the fulfillment of basic rights inherent and protected by the constitution as regulated in Article 27 paragraph (2) of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. The logical consequence of this mandate is the birth of the State's obligation to accommodate facilities and the widest possible opportunity for the community so that they can get a job as well as make it something worthy of humanity. Thus, the violation of basic rights guaranteed by the constitution is a violation of human rights. Protection of workers is regulated in Articles 67 to 101 of the Manpower Law, including those concerning wages and welfare. However, when faced with the COVID-19 pandemic situation, the company immediately provided a force majeure reason to avoid paying severance pay for workers/laborers affected by layoffs. The problem that occurs, in this case, is the termination of employment carried out by companies using force majeure reasons by companies in Indonesia unilaterally. Keywords: Impact, Employees, Pandemic

Putri Hening ◽  
Gozali Harda Kumara

The world has now entered the digital era. Rapid technological developments spur the transformation from the manual era to the digital era. A series of trends in this era are present such as high-level usage of the internet, the birth of social networks, the development of various applications, and fast amount of information dissemination. This trend has brought a series of changes to various sector including the public sector. The presence of digital tools in this era has changed the way Indonesian government in providing public services. This era has also changed the community's approach to interact with the government through online platforms. The transformation into the digital era also influences the process of drafting public policies, from the agenda settings, policy formulation, implementation, until evaluation. Privacy and data security issues are also present in this era. This paper analyzes how the digital era has transformed the public sector in Indonesia and the obstacles and challenges faced by the Indonesian government. This paper will also provide recommendations to overcome these obstacles and challenges. This research is conducted by using qualitative and quantitative method. In analyzing data, researcher do three simultaneously activities based on Miles and Huberman model.  

Basirah Mustarin

AbstractRoad construction projects for public use, usually involve many locations of land owned by communities with ownership rights. The construction of public facilities made by the government prior to construction must carry out the stages of land acquisition as contained in Law No. 2 of 2012 concerning land acquisition for development in the public interest. The research method used is normative research by using the statutory approach and concept analysis approach. The results showed that the city government provided compensation for the location of land that would be affected by the construction of public facilities. The mechanism of land acquisition or land acquisition in the city is carried out by providing compensation to the value of the land price that will be released in an appropriate and fair manner based on article 9 paragraph (2) of Law Number 2 of 2012. Land issues so far are very relevant to be studied together and considered in depth in relation to policies in the field of land because at the level of policy implementation that has been shown so far has neglected the structural aspects of land tenure, which in turn caused various disputes. Keywords: Compensation, Land Acquisition, Property Rights, Public Interest.AbstrakProyek pembuatan jalan untuk kepentingan umum, biasanya melibatkan banyak lokasi tanah yang dimiliki oleh masyarakat yang berstatus hak milik.  Pembuatan sarana umum yang dibuat oleh pemerintah tersebut sebelum dibangun harus melakukan tahapan pembebasan lahan sebagaimana yang termuat dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 2 tahun 2012 tentang pengadaan tanah bagi pembangunan untuk kepentingan umum. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian normatif dengan melakukan pendekatan peraturan perundang-undangan (Statute Approach) dan pendekatan analisis konsep (Conceptual Approach). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemerintah kota memberikan ganti kerugian atas lokasi tanah yang akan terkena pembuatan sarana umum tersebut.  Mekanisme pembebasan tanah atau pengadaan tanah di kota dilakukan dengan memberikan ganti kerugian terhadap nilai harga tanah yang akan dibebaskan secara sesuai dan adil berdasarkan pasal 9 ayat (2) Undang-Undang Nomor 2 Tahun 2012. Persoalan tanah selama ini sangat relevan dan dipertimbangkan secara mendalam dalam kaitannya dengan kebijakan dibidang pertanahan karena ditingkat implementasi kebijakan yang diperlihatkan selama ini telah mengabaikan aspek struktural penguasaan tanah yang pada akhirnya menimbulkan berbagai macam sengketa.Kata Kunci : Ganti Kerugian, Hak Milik, Kepentingan Umum, Pembebasan Tanah.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 232
Retno Hadiningtyas

Transportation as a means of supporting economic development and community development and industrial growth needs to get the main attention when conditions enter the New Normal Era because Indonesia is still experiencing a high level of spread where the mode of transportation used by many people can be a medium of spreading the COVID-19 virus. The purpose of this research is to provide legal protection to passengers by the carrier as an effort to care about the safety, comfort, safety of passengers as users of transportation services that the carrier must protect by adjusting existing regulations and in its implementation required supervision from the Government and the public. This research is normative legal research that uses a legislative approach and is sourced from primary legal materials. The data was collected by studying libraries sourced from primary, secondary, and non-legal legal materials. The research results prove that the legal protection of passengers by the carrier can run well if the passengers consciously adhere to the Health Protocol and comply with government rules as a form of effort to maintain all transportation elements with all activities. So these efforts have an impact on preventing the spread of the COVID-19 virus that is increasing in Indonesia.

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