logical consequence
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2022 ◽  
Matthijs Kuipers

This book analyses popular imperial culture in the Netherlands around the turn of the twentieth century. Despite the prominent role that the Dutch empire played in many (sometimes unexpected) aspects of civil society, and its significance in mobilising citizens to participate in causes both directly and indirectly related to the overseas colonies, most people seem to have remained indifferent towards imperial affairs. How, then, barring a few jingoist outbursts during the Aceh and Boer Wars, could the empire be simultaneously present and absent in metropolitan life? Drawing upon the works of scholars from fields as diverse as postcolonial studies and Habsburg imperialism, A Metropolitan History of the Dutch Empire argues that indifference was not an anomaly in the face of an all-permeating imperial culture, but rather the logical consequence of an imperial ideology that treated ‘the metropole’ and ‘the colony’ as entirely separate entities. The various groups and individuals who advocated for imperial or anti-imperial causes – such as missionaries, former colonials, Indonesian students, and boy scouts – had little unmediated contact with one another, and maintained their own distinctive modes of expression. They were all, however, part of what this book terms a ‘fragmented empire’, connected by a Dutch imperial ideology that was common to all of them, and whose central tenet – namely, that the colonies had no bearing on the mother country – they never questioned. What we should not do, the author concludes, is assume that the metropolitan invisibility of colonial culture rendered it powerless.

2022 ◽  
Vol 27 (1) ◽  
pp. 59-70
Hamdi Putra Ahmad

The gadget’s software applications nowadays appear to be highly popular and its use has been elevating among gadget users. This kind of technological advance also touched the Qur’anic learning process in Indonesia. On the one hand, not only does the emergence of Qur’anic learning software stimulate children’s interest, but it also provides a lot of features that will make children quickly understand and practice the Qur’anic reciting. On the other hand, this kind of learning method can threat the value of Qur’anic orthodoxy which had been applied among traditional Muslim societies since the emergence of Islam in Indonesia. Some resources have noted that there were some sacred values and courtesies perpetuated by traditional Muslims while teaching Qur’anic reciting. This article will track the historical journey of Qur’anic learnings in Indonesia and discuss how the emergence of Qur’anic Learning software (as the logical consequence of technological improvement) can threat the existence of some ancient orthodoxies toward the Qur’an. 

Agnes Ers ◽  
Kristina Tegler Jerselius

AbstractThe aim of this chapter is to explore the method of peer review as it has been practised within the framework of the Swedish national system for quality assurance of higher education. By highlighting and comparing examples from two reviews, 1997–1998 and 2016–2017, we want to show how the method of peer review has evolved over time and in what way has it been affected by changes made in the system. The study shows that the national system for quality assurance of higher education with peer review as a central method has changed surprisingly little in Sweden during the period studied (1995–2017). Over time, the demands for transparency, predictability and equivalence have increased, which has to some extent undermined the authority of the assessors. At the same time, it is a development which is a logical consequence of—not a break with—the coherent national system for quality assurance of higher education that was put into effect as early as the mid-1990s.

Muhammad Ikram ul Haq ◽  
Dr. Aqeel Ahmed

The concept of nation state presented by the West at its core is the idea of humanism. In which man was given a central position and freed from the concept of God. Denied everything that was not observed. Therefore, man expelled religion in all matters of life. The logical consequence of which was that the head of human unity was scattered. The slogan of nationalism was used to unite man in the struggle for unity. Which eventually manifested itself in the formation of nation-states the western colonial powers ruled the world in the form of the United Nations change the way of life in the Western World and especially in Muslim society. Which has a profound effect on the Islamic system of government. Islam envisioned divine sovereignty in the system of government. Today the Muslim rulers have forgotten it, and the Western system considered its survival in democracy. The article explains what the core concern of the nation state and Islamic Government is and whether it is based on its own ideas in modern times has been considered.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 125
Moh Bashori Alwi Almanduri

<p>This article critically examines why the dualism of the Islamic model occurs in Southeast Asia. This article uses a historical approach with the literature method to identify how is the map of the distribution of majority and minority Islam in Southeast Asia, what causes the dualism of the Islamic model in Southeast Asia, and how the minority model occurs in the minority Islamic countries. The results show that Islamic syncretism in the archipelago is a logical consequence of the complicated process of struggling religious reflection. His entity also received many challenges from local Indigenous. The majority of Islam is largely determined by the success of harmonizing Islam with political, social and cultural conditions. On the other hand, poor harmonization with the rulers, military invasion, and colonialism cause Muslim minorities. Islamic minority models can be classified into three parts: First, Separatists, such as the Moro Philippines Muslim Separatist movement. Second, accommodating Pattani Muslims in Thailand and Singapore. Third, Genocide happened to Rohingya Muslims in Burma and Khmer Muslims in Cambodia. Furthermore, research on each minority model can be carried out further to enrich the treasures of Islamic studies in Southeast Asia.</p><p><em>Artikel ini menelaah secara kritis mengapa terjadi dualisme model Islam di Asia Tenggara. Artikel ini menggunakan pendekatan historis dengan metode kepustakaan akan mengidentifikasi: Bagaimana peta persebaran Islam mayoritas dan minoritas di Asia Tenggara, apa yang menyebabkan dualisme model Islam di Asia Tenggara, dan bagaimana model keminoritasan yang terjadi pada negara-negara Islam minoritas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Sinkretisme Islam di Nusantara merupakan konsekuensi logis dari proses pergulatan refleksi keagamaan yang rumit. Entitasnya pun banyak mendapatkan tantangan dari Indigeneous lokal. Islam mayoritas sangat ditentukan oleh keberhasilan harmonisasi Islam dengan kondisi politik, sosial, dan budaya. Sebaliknya harmonisasi yang kurang baik dengan penguasa, invasi militer, dan kolonialisme menjadi faktor penyebab minoritas Islam. Model-model minoritas Islam dapat diklasifikasikan menjadi tiga </em><em>bagian: Pertama, Separatis, seperti gerakan Separatis Muslim Moro Philipina. Kedua, Akomodatif, muslim Pattani di Thailand dan Singapura. Ketiga, Genosida, terjadi kepada muslim Rohingya di Burma dan Muslim Khmer di Kamboja. Selanjutnya penelitian terhadap masing-masing model minoritas bisa dilakukan untuk semakin memperkaya khazanah studi Islam di Asia Tenggara.</em></p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Osian Orjumi Moru

This article aims to systematically and contextually explain the events of human trafficking that occurred in the Genesis 37: 12-23 story. This article was written using a qualitative method with a hermeneutic approach and literature study. Through these methods and practices, the writing of this article presents a series of written information data about the causes, forms and effects of the trafficking incident that occurred in the story of the character Yusuf in Genesis 37: 12-23. Theoretically, the human trafficking incident that happened in the character of Yusuf in Genesis 37: 12-23 is a form of crime against humanity in the form of slavery which involves the exploitation of economic and social factors. As a result, as the main character in this incident, Yusuf experienced various acts of physical and mental violence as a logical consequence of the trafficking incident he shared. These acts of physical and psychological violence have a broad impact on the journey of life and the growth of Yusuf's human dimension. The record of the sale of the figure of Yusuf in the Elohis traditional text ended with the recovery of the victim's trauma through a restitution approach and spiritual maturity. Both methods are essential contributions to the contextualization of Yusuf's story for the problem of human trafficking today.ABSTRAKArtikel ini dibuat dengan tujuan untuk menjelaskan secara sistematis dan kontekstual tentang peristiwa perdagangan manusia yang terjadi dalam kisah Kejadian 37: 12-23. Artikel ini ditulis menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan hermeneutik dan studi kepustakaan. Melalui metode dan pendekatan tersebut, penulisan artikel ini menyajikan serangkaian data informasi tertulis tentang sebab, bentuk dan akibat dari peristiwa perdagangan manusia yang terjadi pada kisah tokoh Yusuf dalam Kejadian 37: 12-23. Secara teoritis, peristiwa perdagangan manusia yang menimpa tokoh Yusuf dalam Kejadian 37:12 -23 merupakan bentuk kejahatan kemanusiaan berupa perbudakan yang melibatkan eksploitasi faktor ekonomi dan faktor sosial. Akibatnya, Yusuf sebagai tokoh utama dalam kejadian ini mengalami berbagai tindakan kekerasan fisik dan mental sebagai konsekuensi logis dari peristiwa perdagangan manusia yang dialaminya. Tindakan kekerasan fisik dan mental tersebut memiliki daya dampak luas bagi perjalanan hidup dan pertumbuhan sisi kemanusiaan Yusuf. Catatan kisah perdagangan tokoh Yusuf dalam teks tradisi Elohis, diakhiri dengan adanya pemulihan trauma korban yang dilakukan melalui pendekatan restitusi dan pematangan spiritual. Kedua Pendekatan tersebut menjadi sumbangan penting terhadap pemaknaan kontekstualisasi kisah Yusuf bagi persoalan perdagangan manusia pada masa kini.

2021 ◽  
Vol 74 (3) ◽  
pp. 193-236
Przemysław Żurawski vel Grajewski

Josep Borrell’s visit to Moscow was a substantial political failure of the EU’s diplomacy still it was not an accident neither a surprise. The EU’ policy towards Russia has been based on illusions and the European wishful thinking since the very beginning of the mutual relations that started in 1991-1993. The Borrell’s visit to Moscow rather showed the nature of the Russian attitude towards the EU than produced it. Russia prefers to act within the “great powers concerto” i.e. to deal with both - the leading EU member states (Germany, France) and the non-EU great powers (UK, USA) and not with the EU institutions and representatives who are not respected neither treated seriously in Moscow. There is a deep division within the EU between the Eastern flank member states whose perception of Russian threat is strong and well founded and the western and southern countries the political interests and priorities are focused on other problems. Russian capacity to corrupt the numerous prominent members of the European political class makes the EU policy vis a vis Russia even less coherent and realistic. The article shows the history of the EU-Russia relations in the last 30 years and proves the fiasco of the Borrell’s visit to Moscow was not just an accident still a logical consequence of the ill based EU policy towards Russia.

Proglas ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 30 (2) ◽  
Yarmila Daskalova ◽  

The Irish poet William Butler Yeats was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1923 by the Royal Swedish Academy “for his always inspired poetry, which in a highly artistic form gives expression to the spirit of a whole nation”1. The article focuses specifically on three poems from Yeats’s “modernist” period which he included in the cycle New Poems (1938): “The Gyres”, “Lapis Lazuli” and “Imitated from the Japanese”. These later writings emerge as a logical consequence of his previous engagement with philosophy and occultism, mythology and history, art and reality. Yeats’s strenuous efforts to forge mythopoeic stereotypes seem to transcend mere personal versions of myth in an attempt to discover deeper levels of meaning, and to complete the self-image he developed throughout his life. In his later works he managed to make meaningful pronouncements on key moral and philosophical issues relating to the human condition.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (4(38)) ◽  
pp. 3-10
Alvi Ahmedgirievich Dakho

In the article, in order to introduce it into scientific circulation, the «Acceptance sheet», compiled by Dakho Dzhankhotov in August 1925, is presented. The date of this document belongs to the period of complex and repressive events not only in the North Caucasus and, in particular, on the territory of the Chechen Autonomous Region, but also in many regions of Soviet Russia. In those years, here and there revolts and hotbeds of anti-Bolshevik uprisings arose, which, in many cases, were a logical consequence or a response to the harsh forceful methods of collecting taxes in kind, military pressure and other actions that had a direct impact on the life and social well-being of even the most peaceful strata. population of the country. Although all these events have been fairly well researched, nevertheless, to this day there are many issues that require a more thorough study, and therefore every historical document, any reliable sources and information are of no small importance.

wisdom ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 212-222

In the twentieth century, the debate over the possibilities and limits of logic in law became particularly acute with the emergence of judicial realism, a philosophical and legal trend that denied the deductive nature of judicial decision-making. This compromised the theory of the judicial syllogism, assuming that a judicial decision could be deduced as a logical consequence from the premises - norms and facts, and generally provoked a sceptical attitude towards logic in law. The subject of the article is the deductive model of the justification of judicial decisions proposed by the outstanding legal philosopher Eugenio Bulygin. The aim of the article is to show Bulygin’s contribution to the improvement of the deductive model of judicial reasoning. The main innovations Bulygin brought to the deductive model of judicial reasoning are: 1) justifying, based on logical analysis and open texture of language theory, the analytical character of the court interpretative sentences; 2) distinguishing the individual and the generic subsumptions, etc. At the same time, the authors conclude that Bulygin’s improved deductive theory is not free from criticism, as the Argentine jurist does not succeed in complete eliminating doubts about the logical deducibility of at least some categories of decisions from general rules.

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