government administration
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2022 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 1069-1089
Burhanudin Yusuf Hanafi ◽  
Wiwin Priana

The most successful agricultural sub-sectors in Lamongan and Tuban districts are the subjects of this study. In Lamongan and Tuban districts, agriculture is the most significant industry. Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries, as well as energy and gas procurement, clean water, waste management, construction, and wholesale and retail trade, have the potential to become basic industries in Lamongan Regency. Automotive repair, information technology (ICT), military cooperation and manufacturing are some of the other sectors in the area. Lamongan Regency has a population of 200,000 people. Agriculture, forestry and fisheries account for an average of 2.9 percent of basic sector production. Agriculture is one of the fastest growing businesses in the United States, according to shift share data. are in the second or third best quadrant. There are several industries in Tuban Regency that can become the backbone of the economy. These industries include food production and forestry as well as fisheries and mining. Tuban Regency can also be at the forefront in the fields of technology, defense, government administration, and social security. Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries make up the majority of the output of the fundamental sector. By shifting share, agriculture is one of America's fastest growing businesses. They are in the upper quartile, which indicates that they are very good.  Keywords: Location Quotient Analysis, Shift Share, Klassen Typology

2021 ◽  
pp. 77-93
Agnieszka Łukaszczuk

The subject of this study is the issue of modern human resource management in the civil service in government administration offices. The basis of government administration human resources management are public service motivation (PSM) supported by the Human Resource Management Strategy in the Civil Service until 2020. The aim of the study was to investigate how the Strategy supports the development of government administration staff based on the methodology of human resource management. The methods of motivation of administration staff are training courses, individual professional development programs, and the remuneration and promotion system. These activities support the institutional efficiency of the state by improving the quality of services in government administration offices and the competences of civil service corps members. The strategy also finds its justification in the implementation of the systemic assumptions of the Civil Service, according to which the civil service corps acts to ensure professional, reliable, impartial and politically neutral performance of the state’s tasks (Article 153).

2021 ◽  
Vol 202 (4) ◽  
pp. 664-679
Waldemar Kitler

Such bodies as the Council of Ministers, the Prime Minister and ministers in charge of departments of government administration, in order to exercise competencies in the field of defence, should have the ability to perform administrative functions to satisfy missions, goals and tasks in this matter assigned to them by the legislator. Their authority and duties in the defence field are closely related to their authority and duties in other areas of national security, so there is a need to arrange the organisational units set up for this purpose in such a way that their scope of action includes matters corresponding to the authority’s competence in the field of national security and defence, taken as a whole. Given the rank of the Council of Ministers and the Prime Minister in Poland, and their competencies in the area of national security, urgent changes are required to adapt the organisational units of the Chancellery of the Prime Minister (KPRM), and above all the Government Centre for Security (RCB). The RCB needs to be transformed so that it is able to fulfil the role of a national security and defence headquarters under the Council of Ministers and the Prime Minister. It would be an analytical-planning-coordination office, ensuring staff coordination of coherent, uninterrupted and continuous state activities in the field of state security and defence. Innovation in this respect would be accompanied by minor changes in the jurisdiction and structure of the organisational units comprising the KPRM. Following this, given the existing needs identified in the previous articles in this series, it seems necessary to make changes in ministries to implement a unified model of a national security organisational unit (e.g. Department for Security and Defence Affairs). In principle, these units should have similar missions and composition in all ministries, but some reasonable exceptions would occur in the Ministry of National Defence and the Ministry of the Interior and Administration. In others, there are and should be separate departments specific to those ministries (e.g. combating economic crime, international security policy, nature conservation, air protection and others).

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-26
Devita Wulandari ◽  
Soni Fajar Surya Gumilang ◽  
Rahmat Mulyana

Abstract: To increase the Electronic-Based Government System (SPBE) maturity level and comply with Presidential Regulation no. 95 of 2018, the Sukabumi Regency Government needs to standardize the SPBE design to be implemented appropriately integrated with utilizing technological advances optimally. One of the frameworks used to design the SPBE architecture is using the Enterprise Architecture (EA). EA aims to meet the gap between the needs of stakeholders and the availability of government administration services. The journal's focus on the design of this SPBE EA is on the SPBE Service Domain in the Electronic-Based Government Administration Service. The design is carried out using a combination of references to the SPBE Presidential Regulation and the National SPBE Master Plan Attachment and one of the main components of the EA framework, namely TOGAF ADM. This design produces an output in the form of an Electronic-Based Government Administration Service Catalog. It is expected to be used as a reference in developing technology in the Regency Government Sukabumi both from practical contributions and academic contributions. Keywords: Enterprise Architecture; Service Architecture; SPBE; TOGAF ADM  Abstrak: Dalam rangka meningkatkan tingkat kematangan Sistem Pemerintah Berbasis Elektronik (SPBE) dan mematuhi Peraturan Presiden No. 95 Tahun 2018, Pemerintah Kabupaten Sukabumi perlu melakukan standarisasi terhadap perancangan SPBE agar dapat terimplementasi dan terintegrasi dengan baik dalam memanfaatkan kemajuan teknologi secara optimal. Salah satu kerangka kerja yang bisa digunakan untuk merancang Arsitektur SPBE yaitu menggunakan Enterprise Architecture (EA). EA bertujuan untuk memenuhi kesenjangan antara kebutuhan pemangku kepentingan dengan ketersediaan layanan administrasi pemerintahan. Fokus jurnal pada perancangan EA SPBE ini yaitu pada Domain Layanan SPBE di bagian Layanan Administrasi Pemerintahan Berbasis Elektronik. Perancangan yang dilakukan memanfaatkan kombinasi antara referensi pada Perpres SPBE dan Lampiran Rencana Induk SPBE Nasional serta salah satu komponen utama framework EA yaitu TOGAF ADM. Perancangan ini menghasilkan keluaran berupa Katalog Layanan Administrasi Pemerintahan Berbasis Elektronik dan diharapkan dapat dijadikan sebagai acuan dalam melakukan pengembangan teknologi di Pemkab. Sukabumi baik dari kontribusi praktis maupun kontribusi akademik.    Kata kunci: Arsitektur Layanan; Enterprise Architecture; SPBE; TOGAF ADM

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 65-70
M Syukur ◽  
Mohammad Rizal Mamala ◽  
Nuraisyah Nuraisyah

This research is to find out how the Camat Supervision in Government Administration at the Soyo Jaya District Office, North Morowali Regency. The types of data used are primary data and secondary data. Data collection techniques, carried out through observation, interviews, and documentation. Informant withdrawal technique using purposive. The number of informants in this study amounted to 5 people. The theory used is the theory of Siagian, which consists of 2 (two) aspects, namely: direct supervision and indirect supervision. Based on the results of the research conducted, that the Soyo Jaya Camat in organizing activities carried out by his employees (subordinates), has not been able to work effectively and efficiently and the supervision process carried out by the Soyo Jaya Camat is inconsistent and not carried out properly, it has an impact on performance. the organization as a whole is primarily concerned with the discipline of the state civil apparatus (ASN). The data found by researchers in the field lead to indications that the implementation of supervision is not going well, it can be seen from the emergence of several problem phenomena, namely the Camat is less regular in checking employee attendance through attendance, so that it has an impact on the organization of activities and has an impact on employee flexibility. in committing fraud against filling absenteeism by entrusting attendance attendance. In addition, the lack of directives and explanations by the Camat to employees regarding the rules and guidelines in every work implementation given to employees, so that compliance with the implementation of work is often ignored by employees which has an impact on work results that are less than optimal. Thus, from the two aspects of supervision above, there are still several things that need to be addressed, so that the supervision provided can be maximized.

2021 ◽  
Vol 29 (4) ◽  
pp. 320-326
Katarzyna Midor ◽  
Aleksandra Kuzior ◽  
Grażyna Płaza ◽  
Michał Molenda ◽  
Dariusz Krawczyk

Abstract A city based on the sustainable development priorities, friendly to its residents, combines human activity, technology challenges, and environmental requirements. The implementation of the idea of smart city should be discussed with regard to specific areas of activity. In order to identify the way of perceiving the activity conducted under this concept, a survey was carried out among employees of the City Office in Zabrze. The cognitive, competence and informational scope was verified. It was found that the overwhelming majority of officials (79%) are convinced that smart city principles are being implemented. The survey participants also provided specific examples of smart-city initiatives undertaken in the city, and a significant part of the respondents (64%) assigned their professional tasks to them. Moreover, three out of four surveyed officials in Zabrze declared that they know the tools supporting the smart urban development. The results presented in the article constitute pilot studies aimed at understanding the extent to which the Smart City idea is known by local government administration employees. In addition, these results serve as a tool for the authorities of Zabrze to disseminate knowledge about smart city among employees of the city hall.

SEEU Review ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 87-103
Florentina Hajdari-Hajra ◽  
Artan Binaku

Abstract This paper aims to assess selected municipalities’ performance of citizen-centric investment planning, governance and transparency, financial management, and support for youth programming in Kosovo. In completing this assessment, the Municipal Performance Management System of the Ministry of Local Government Administration (MLGA) in Kosovo was utilized. Selected municipalities are based on the Municipal Performance Report of 2019. Eight from Albanian majority municipalities in the top ranking, and two municipalities with higher scores from minority municipalities. The paper aims to highlight three critical local government issues in ten selected municipalities: 1) The way of governing municipalities assessed according to the applicable legislation and 2) The provision of services in terms of quantity and quality, when possible and 3) Youth-oriented capacity building for municipal staff for better youth services (Ministry of Local Government Administration, 2019). The paper will produce findings on capacity building needs and support needed on youth and citizen-centric investment and capacity building needs. A non-exhaustive list of needed capacities is produced, while the findings from the evaluation will be used to develop a capacity-building manual for municipal staff on youth-oriented municipal services.

PLoS ONE ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (12) ◽  
pp. e0260647
Aldona Podgórniak-Krzykacz

This paper aims to identify the organisational culture profiles of Polish municipalities and examine the influence of the professional, social and political experience and place-based leadership style of mayors on municipalities’ organisational culture profiles. The Organisational Culture Assessment Instrument was selected due to its suitability in assessing the organisation’s underlying culture. In the study, 917 mayors of municipalities in Poland, completing an on-line questionnaire. It was found that most of the Polish municipalities’ organisational culture is characterised by a clan type which is reflected in how employees are managed, how the organisation is held together, and how the organisation’s strategy is defined. The leadership style and the organisation’s success are hierarchy-focused, while the dominant characteristic is market type. The ANOVA and UNIANOVA analysis results suggest that the type of organisational culture depends on the type of municipality. The clan culture is dominant in rural municipalities. In urban municipalities, market culture and adhocracy are stronger than in rural municipalities, while clan culture is weaker. There is also an association between the dominant type of organisational culture and the mayors’ work experience in local administration and their membership in an NGO. The length of the mayor’s seniority in local government administration differentiates the importance of hierarchy culture, while his experience in the NGO sector strengthens the clan characteristics of the organisational culture of the office he heads. These findings provide important implications for the initiation and implementation of cultural change in local government administration and cooperation projects and local experiments. A cultural change is difficult to implement, and a change of mayor is not enough to initiate it. It requires planning and management. Cultural change may contribute to the increase of municipalities’ activity in cooperation’s projects and experiments. There is a need for more research on this topic to determine to what extent the organisational culture supports local cooperation projects.

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