scholarly journals Kendala-Kendala BKB (Bina Keluarga Balita) Holistik Integratif di Provinsi Sulawesi Utara

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 65
Urip Tri Wijayanti

The development of early childhood needs to be done holistik integrative. The service activities cover the aspects of care, health and nutrition. All Of whice can be obtained through posyandu; Aspects of education through early childhood (early childhood education) and aspects of parenting through Bina Keluarga Balita (BKB) are carried out and applied in an integrated manner. Training and guidance for integrated integrative BKB cadres has been done. The question is, after the cadres get training and coaching whether they can do integration between early childhood and Posyandu or there are obstacles that they face.For that need to be done research, this research is a qualitative research with BKB cadres, PAUD cadres & Posyandu cadres and families who become members of BKB. The results of this study concluded that the obstacles in the implementation Holistik integrative BKB include: (1). Lack of commitment among relevant sectors and partners, so there are not willing to provide integrative services with BKB. (2) Low quality data that is hindering the development of the group BKB Integrative Holistik in the district / city(3). The low quality of cadres and PLKB, so an understanding of Integrative Holistik BKB still less so (4).The low awareness of parents to be active in the activities of BKB.  Pengembangan anak usia dini perlu dilakukan secara holistik integrative Kegiatan pelayanan yang dilakukan mencakup aspek perawatan, kesehatan dan gizi. Kesemuaya itu bisa didapat melalui posyandu; aspek pendidikan melalui PAUD (pendidikan anak usia dini) dan aspek pengasuhan melalui Bina Keluarga Balita (BKB) yang dilakukan dan diterapkan secara terpadu. Pelatihan dan pembinaan bagi kader-kader BKB Holistik integratif sudah dilakukan,menjadi pertanyaan kita, setelah para kader  mendapatkan pelatihan dan pembinaan apakah  mereka sudah bisa melakukan integrasi antara PAUD dan Posyandu atau ada kendala-kendala yang mereka hadapi.Untuk itu perlu dilakukan penelitian, penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan informan Kader BKB, Kader PAUD & Kader Posyandu serta keluarga yang menjadi anggota BKB.Hasil penelitiannya antara lain (1).Rendahnya Komitmen antar sector terkait dan mitra kerja, sehingga masih ada yang belum mau memberikan pelayanan secara integrative dengan BKB. (2) Rendahnya Kualitas Data BKB sehingga menghambat pengembangan kelompok BKB Holistik Integratif di kabupaten/kota. (3). Rendahnya kualitas kader & PLKB, sehingga pemahaman tentang BKB Holistik integratif masih kurang sekali (4). Rendahnya kesadaran orangtua untuk aktif dalam kegiatan BKB.

Margarita León

The chapter first examines at a conceptual level the links between theories of social investment and childcare expansion. Although ‘the perfect match’ between the two is often taken for granted in the specialized literature as well as in policy papers, it is here argued that a more nuance approach that ‘unpacks’ this relationship is needed. The chapter will then look for elements of variation in early childhood education and care (ECEC) expansion. Despite an increase in spending over the last two decades in many European and Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries, wide variation still exists in the way in which ECEC develops. A trade-off is often observed between coverage and quality of provision. A crucial dividing line that determines, to a large extent, the quality of provision in ECEC is the increasing differentiation between preschool education for children aged 3 and above and childcare for younger children.

2021 ◽  
Carolina Maldonado‐Carreño ◽  
Hirokazu Yoshikawa ◽  
Eduardo Escallón ◽  
Liliana Angélica Ponguta ◽  
Ana María Nieto ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 47-56
Aura Ladya Putri Syafi’i ◽  
Dzinnun Hadi

The purpose of this study was to determine the dynamics of singing and dancing techniques in preventing aggressive behavior in early childhood. This research uses descriptive qualitative research methods. The subjects of the study were students or children who behaved aggressively in PAUD Al-Adiba institutions, Blitar. Data collection was carried out by several methods, namely observation, interviews, and documentation study. The results of the data were analyzed using a grounded theory analysis approach model. The results showed that the aggressive behavior of the children of PAUD Al-Adibal Blitar, among others: beatings, screaming, crying, etc. were caused by factors of parenting, social environment, and genetics. Singing or dancing techniques can be used by teachers in overcoming children's aggressiveness. As much as 80% of early childhood education learning activities are used for singing and dancing for each material. So that singing and dancing can be used as a means of preventing aggressive behavior at PAUD Al-Adiba Blitar from an early age.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 369-380
Erni Munastiwi

This research examines the management of extracurricular education early childhood. It is backed by that implementation of extracurricular activities on early childhood education face varieties of constraints in management. Therefore, extracurricular activities, early childhood education is supposed to be managed thoughtfully. The management of extracurricular activities are good and true will effect positively to the quality of early childhood education. The qualitative research methodology is library research. Method of data collection by collecting reference books the subject matter and book supporters. Data analysis techniques are content analysis. Results of the study show that the extracurricular management, early childhood education is implemented through the following four stages: (1) plan a needs analysis, types, background, goals, budget, materials, assessment tools, schedule, facilities and infrastructure, output criteria instructors, (2) organize the Division of duties, authority and responsibilities of the personnel of extracurricular activities, (3) carry out extracurricular activities appropriate planning and organizing, and (4) evaluate extracurricular activities.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-20
Lailatul Aisi Alhq ◽  
Hapidin Hapidin ◽  
Karnadi Karnadi

INDEPENDENCE OF CHILDREN AGED 5-6 YEARS AT INSTITUTION OF EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION IN THE DAYAK KANAYANT CULTURE. This study aims to get an overview of empirical data information on the Independence of Children 5-6 Years in Early Childhood Education Institutions in the Dayak Kanayant Culture in Nanga Kelampai Village, Tumbang Titi District, Ketapang Regency, West Kalimantan Province. This research is a qualitative research with ethnographic research. Data analysis is Spradley. The data of this study were obtained from observations, interviews and documentation. The findings of the study indicate that the independence of children aged 5-6 years in early childhood education institutions in Kanayant Dayak tribal culture is shaped by the roles and attitudes of parents and teachers and the role of the environment. The conclusion of the research shows that independent children are not formed by themselves. Parents need to equip children from an early age to be able to do their own activities without having to rely on parents.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 182
Anwar Sa'dullah ◽  
Triyo Supriyatno

The dynamics of the development of educational institutions in Indonesia cannot be stopped, let alone limit the rapid development of institutions. Not a few institutions have closed down due to the lack of interest in the community to send their children to school. The problem basically concerns the quality of the institution, especially human resources who play a role as the subject or manager of the institution. For quality institutions, it is certain that they will not be displaced by global developments and the demands of the community for quality education. The research method of this article is qualitative research with a descriptive analysis approach. This type of research is a case study with a multi-case design considering the choice of two research institutions even though one shelter, namely early childhood education and primary school Anak Saleh Malang City. The results showed that early childhood education has four strategies in improving the quality of human resources, including: training, professional development, career development, and performance appraisal. One of the four strategies has the theme of developing human resources through workshops on the responsibilities of employees in schools and families. Meanwhile, the Saleh Children Primary School has three strategies for developing human resources, namely: monitoring, evaluation and follow-up. Among the three strategies, one of the activity designs is the awarding of employees through employee and teacher months including the involvement of parents in follow-up programs. Keywords: Quality, Human Resources, SDGs, Saleh Children

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (10) ◽  
pp. 264
Patricia Maria Uchôa SIMÕES ◽  
Mariana Uchôa Simões BARBOSA

RESUMONo Brasil, a história da educação institucionalizada dos bebês inicia-se com instituições voltadas para o atendimento das populações mais pobres das cidades e está relacionada à industrialização e urbanização. Essa origem explica, em parte, a escassa oferta de Educação Infantil para as populações rurais, até hoje. O estudo debate a trajetória das creches das zonas rurais, analisa alguns dos indicadores educacionais e dados da implantação do Proinfância nessas áreas. As conclusões apontam para os avanços na legislação e a melhoria dos indicadores educacionais nas primeiras décadas desse século, também apresenta o Proinfância como uma alternativa para as zonas rurais, com a oferta de apoio aos municípios na construção de políticas de inclusão dos bebês em creche com maior qualidade de atendimento. Faz-se necessário a afirmação desses bebês como sujeitos de direitos, da sua educação como condição de cidadania e da especificidade da creche nas zonas rurais como direito à diferença.Bebês. Creche. Educação Infantil do Campo. Babies in daycare centers in rural BrazilABSTRACT In Brazil, the history of institutionalized baby education begins with institutions aimed at serving the poorest populations in cities and is related to industrialization and urbanization. This origin explains, in part, the scarce offer of Early Childhood Education for rural populations, even today. The study debates the trajectory of daycare centers in rural areas, analyzes some of the educational indicators and data on the implementation of Proinfância in these areas. The conclusions point to advances in legislation and the improvement of educational indicators in the first decades of this century, it also presents Proinfância as an alternative for rural areas, with the offer of support to municipalities in the construction of policies for the inclusion of babies in daycare centers with higher quality of care. It is necessary to affirm these babies as subjects of rights, their education as a condition of citizenship and the specificity of daycare in rural areas as the right to difference.Babies. Nursery. Rural Early Childhood Education. Bebés en guarderías en zonas rurales de BrasilRESUMEN En Brasil, la historia de la educación institucionalizada de bebes comienza con instituciones destinadas a servir a las poblaciones más pobres de las ciudades y está relacionada con la industrialización y la urbanización. Este origen explica, en parte, la escasa oferta de educación de la primera infancia para las poblaciones rurales, incluso hoy en día. El estudio debate la trayectoria de las guarderías en áreas rurales, analiza algunos de los indicadores educacionales y los datos sobre la implementación de “Proinfância” en estas áreas. Las conclusiones apuntan a avances en la legislación y la mejora de los indicadores educacionales en las primeras décadas de este siglo, también presenta a “Proinfância” como una alternativa para las zonas rurales, ofreciendo apoyo a los municipios en la construcción de políticas para la inclusión de bebés en guarderías con mejor calidad de cuidado. Es necesario afirmar que estos bebés son sujetos de derechos, su educación debe ser entendida como condición de ciudadanía y la especificidad de la guardería en las zonas rurales como un derecho a la diferencia.Bebés. Guardería. Educación de la primera infancia rural. Bambini in asili nele aree rurali del BrasileSINTESEIn Brasile, la storia dell'educazione al bambino istituzionalizzata inizia con istituzioni progettate per servire le popolazioni più povere delle città ed è legata all'industrializzazione e all'urbanizzazione. Questa origine spiega, in parte, l'offerta limitata di educazione della prima infanzia per le popolazioni rurali, anche oggi. Lo studio discute la traiettoria degli asili nelle aree rurali, analizza alcuni degli indicatori e dati educativi sull'attuazione di "Proinfância" in queste aree. Le conclusioni indicano i progressi della legislazione e il miglioramento degli indicatori educativi nei primi decenni di questo secolo, inoltre presenta "Proinfância" come alternativa alle aree rurali, offrendo supporto ai comuni nella costruzione di politiche per l'inclusione dei bambini negli asili nido con una migliore qualità delle cure. È necessario affermare che questi bambini sono soggetti di diritti, la loro educazione deve essere intesa come una condizione di cittadinanza e la specificità dell'assistenza all'infanzia nelle aree rurali come un diritto alla differenza.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Kathryn Chapman ◽  
Margarita Pivovarova ◽  

With many states increasingly adopting Quality Rating and Improvement Systems (QRIS) to rate their early childhood education (ECE) and child care programs, researchers question the use of these systems. Specifically, they are trying to understand the value of information provided by QRIS ratings and the implications QRIS ratings have on the quality of and access to ECE and child care programs for families. In this study, we attempt to understand the value of QRIS ratings when they are provided for families at the household level. To do so we take a close look at the relationship between availability of programs rated by the Quality Improvement and Rating System (QIRS) in Arizona and demographics of the communities they serve, and compare the utilization of the programs in communities with varying demographic compositions. While we find that more high-quality ECE and child care programs are available for children that are Hispanic, Black, and eligible for free and reduced-price lunch, we also find that families underutilized those programs. We argue that this underutilization might be due to a variety of barriers that the families are experiencing and believe that efforts should be directed to work with families and assist them in understanding their enrollment options.

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