scholarly journals Pengembangan Aplikasi Sistem Penilaian Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan pada Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Brawijaya Berbasis Web

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (5) ◽  
pp. 957
Rizky Tri Sulistyo ◽  
Faizatul Amalia ◽  
Tri Afirianto

<p class="Judul2">Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL) merupakan mata kuliah bidang pedagogi yang wajib ditempuh oleh semua mahasiswa Strata 1 (S1) Program Studi (PRODI) Pendidikan Teknologi Informasi (PTI) Jurusan Sistem Informasi (SI) Fakultas Ilmu Komputer (FILKOM) Universitas Brawijaya (UB) untuk menerapkan tenaga pendidik profesional di bidang Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIK). Tujuan dari penilaian PPL merupakan untuk memperoleh informasi akurat tentang tingkat pencapaian kemampuan atau kompetensi mahasiswa dalam melaksanakan hak dan kewajiban dalam PPL. Namun, selama proses pelaksanaan PPL semua aktivitas masih dilakukan luring. Hal ini memiliki dampak adanya batasan ruang dan waktu untuk para penilai,  pengarsipan dokumen penilaian kurang termonitor, dan manipulasi penilaian oleh mahasiswa. Sehingga perlu mengoptimalkan pengelolaan dalam sistem penilaian PPL dengan solusi aplikasi sistem penilaian PPL berbasis web yang dapat diakses dari peramban apapun. Pengembangan aplikasi sistem penilaian PPL diciptakan berbasis website. Model Waterfall merupakan metode pengembangan aplikasi yang telah digunakan. Pengujian aplikasi sistem penilaian PPL dilaksanakan melalui pengujian <em>white-box</em> (pengujian unit dan integrasi), pengujian <em>black-box</em> (pengujian  validasi), dan pengujian <em>compatibility </em>dengan <em>sortsite</em>. Berdasarkan dari pengujian pada sestiap kasus uji di aplikasi sistem penilaian menandakan bahwa 100% valid dan dapat dijalankan diberbagai peramban, yaitu (1) IE; (2) Edge; (3) Firefox; (4) Safari; (5) Opera; (6) Chrome; (7) iOS; (8) Android.</p><p class="Judul2"> </p><p class="Judul2"><em><strong>Abstract</strong></em></p><p class="Abstract"><em>Field Experience Practice (FEP) is a pedagogy course that must be taken by all students of study program  Information Technology Education (ITE) Department of Information Systems Faculty of Computer Science at Brawijaya University to apply professional educators in the field of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). The purpose of FEP assessment is to obtain accurate information about the level of achievement of students' ability or competence in carrying out rights and obligations in FEP. However, during the FEP implementation process all activities are still carried out offline. This has the effect of limiting space and time for assessors, archiving of undermonitored assessment documents, and manipulation of assessments by students. So it is necessary to optimize the management in the FEP assessment system with a web-based FEP assessment system application solution that can be accessed from any browser. The development of FEP assessment system application was created based on the website. Waterfall model is an application development method that has been used. FEP assessment system application testing is conducted through white-box testing (unit testing and integration), black-box testing (validation testing), and compatibility testing with sortites. Based on testing on a single test case in the application the assessment system indicates that it is 100% valid and can be run in various browsers, namely (1) IE; (2) Edge; (3) Firefox; (4) Safari; (5) Opera; (6) Chrome; (7) iOS; (8) Android.</em></p><p class="Judul2"><em><strong><br /></strong></em></p>

Petrus Dwi Ananto Pamungkas

[Id] Ujian merupakan salah satu tahapan yang biasa digunakan untuk mengevaluasi kemampuan seseorang dalam melakukan serangkaian kegiatan. Dalam serangkaian kegiatan pembelajaran di Sekolah Tinggi Tarakanita juga perlu suatu tahapan dalam mengukur kemampuan seorang mahasiswa. Tahapan ujian tersebut dilakukan dua kali dalam satu semester, yaitu ujian tengah semester dan ujian akhir semester. Dengan jumlah sekitar 900 mahasiswa, setiap ujian berlangsung maka Sekolah Tinggi Tarakanita harus menyiapkan sekitar 64.800 sampai 108.000 lembar kertas atau sekitar 130 sampai 216 rim kertas ukuran F4 (folio) yang hanya digunakan saat ujian berlangsung. Setelah kegiatan ujian selesai maka lembaran soal ujian tidak digunakan dan akan ditumpuk dalam gudang. Selain mendukung program pemerintah dalam kampanye o Green/em> ternyata soal ujian berbasis Computer Based Test (CBT) juga mampu menghemat biaya sampai 80% untuk setiap kali kegiatan ujian berlangsung. Melalui integrasi Learning Management System (LMS) yang dibangun di Sekolah Tinggi Tarakanita maka soal ujian berbasis Computer Based Test (CBT) ini dapat dilaksanakan dengan baik. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian eksperimen maka dirancang sebuah aplikasi soal ujian berbasis Computer Based Test (CBT). Sedangkan metode pengembangan aplikasi yang digunakan adalah waterfall model dengan black box testing sebagai metode yang dipilih untuk pengujian aplikasi. Adapun hasil ujicoba aplikasi menunjukkan bahwa soal ujian berbasis Computer Based Test (CBT) dapat dilaksanakan dengan baik melalui dukungan sarana dan prasarana yang sudah tersedia. Bahkan hasil ujian pun dapat langsung diketahui beserta lokasi benar dan salah ada di nomor mana saja. Oleh karena itu, aplikasi ini juga dapat digunakan sebagai latihan dalam persiapan menghadapi ujian. [En] The test is one of the stages used to evaluate a person's ability to perform a series of activities. In a series of learning activities at Sekolah Tinggi Tarakanita also need a step in measuring ability of a student. Stages of the exam is done twice in one semester, the midterm exam and the final exam of the semester. With about 900 students, each exam is ongoing so Tarakanita High School must prepare around 64,800 to 108,000 sheets of paper or about 130 to 216 reams of F4 size (folio) paper that is only used during the test. After the exam is over, the exam sheet is not used and will be stacked in the warehouse. In addition to supporting government programs in the campaign "Go Green" was a matter of test based Computer Based Test (CBT) is also able to save costs up to 80% for each time the examination takes place. Through the integration of Learning Management System (LMS) built at Tarakanita High School, this Computer Based Test (CBT) based test can be implemented well. By using the experimental research method then designed an application test questions based on Computer Based Test (CBT). While the application development method used is waterfall model with black box testing as the method chosen for testing the application. The results of the application test show that the question of Computer Based Test (CBT) based test can be done well through the support of facilities and infrastructure that are already available. Even the test results can be directly known along with the correct location and wrong in any number. Therefore, this application can also be used as an exercise in preparation for exams.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (5) ◽  
pp. 467
Admaja Dwi Herlambang ◽  
Aditya Rachmadi ◽  
Kartika Utami ◽  
Rahmana Ilmi Hakim ◽  
Nurur Rohmah

<p class="Abstrak">Bagian Informasi Kepegawaian dan Komunikasi merupakan sebuah divisi yang ada pada Kantor Regional II Badan Kepegawaian Negara Surabaya. Layanan pengaduan publik oleh Bagian Informasi Kepegawaian dan Komunikasi melalui website memerlukan fitur pengelolaan. Penelitian pengembangan ini menggunakan metode V-Model. Proses pengujian yang dilakukan meliputi <em>unit testing</em>, <em>integration testing</em>, <em>system testing</em>, dan <em>acceptance testing</em>. <em>Unit testing</em> dilakukan dengan basis <em>path testing</em> dan menghasilkan <em>4 independent path</em> dari perhitungan <em>cyclomatic complexity</em> pada kasus uji unit addPIC. <em>Integration testing</em> pada kasus uji fungsi addPIC dari <em>class controller</em> admController dengan fungsi insertPIC dari <em>class</em> <em>model</em> admModel menunjukkan hasil valid. <em>System testing</em> dilakukan terhadap 28 fungsi pada sistem, yang menunjukkan hasil valid. <em>Acceptance testing</em> dilakukan terhadap <em>stakeholder</em> atau <em>user</em> menggunakan <em>black box</em> testing menunjukkan hasil bahwa <em>stakeholder</em> menerima fungsi dalam sistem yang dibuat dan telah sesuai dengan kebutuhan fungsional pada dokumen elisitasi kebutuhan sistem.</p><p class="Abstrak"> </p><p class="Abstrak"><em><strong>Abstract</strong></em></p><p class="Abstract"><em>Staff Information and Communication Division is one of division in State Staffing Agency Regional Office II Surabaya. Public complaint service handled by Staff Information and Communication Division through website require management features. This development research used V-Model method. The testing process includes unit testing, integration testing, system testing, and acceptance testing. Unit testing used the base path testing that produces 4 independent paths from the calculation of cyclomatic complexity in the addPIC unit test case. Integration testing in the test case of the addPIC function from controller class admController with the insertPIC function from model class admModel shows valid results. System testing performed on the 28 system functions show a valid result. Acceptance testing conducted against stakeholders or users using black box testing indicates that the stakeholders have received the system functions and had been in accordance with the functional requirements that exist in the document elicitation system requirements.</em></p><p class="Abstrak"><em><strong><br /></strong></em></p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 135-144
Dian Nurdiana

Abstract: The Information Systems Study Program is one of the study programs at the Open University. The duties and responsibilities of the study program are managing academic and non-academic services. Management of incoming and outgoing mail is one of the tasks that must be carried out so that the service process is maximized. But the management is still manually so that problems occur such as difficulty in finding incoming or outgoing mail because it is still stored in folders, can only be accessed by one person because it is still stored on a computer and it is difficult to classify incoming mail. Therefore there must be a web-based incoming and outgoing mail management application. The purpose of this research is to implement a web-based incoming and outgoing mail application in the Information Systems Study Program. The model used for its development uses the waterfall model, while the testing model uses a black box. The results of this study are knowing the usability of implementing incoming and outgoing letters in the Information Systems Study Program.                  Keywords: Black Boxes; Outgoing Letters; Incoming Letters; Waterfalls; Web Applications.  Abstrak: Program Studi Sistem Informasi merupakan salah satu program studi yang ada di Universitas Terbuka. Tugas dan tanggung jawab program studi adalah mengelola layanan akademik maupun non akademik. Pengelolaan surat masuk dan surat keluar merupakan salah satu tugas yang harus dijalankan agar proses layanan menjadi maksimal. Namun pengelolaannya masih secara manual sehingga terjadi permasalahan seperti sulitnya mencari surat yang masuk atau surat yang keluar karena masih di simpan dalam folder-folder, hanya bisa di akses oleh satu orang karena masih disimpan dalam sebuah komputer dan sulit mengklasifikasikan surat yang masuk. Oleh sebab itu harus ada sebuah aplikasi pengelolaan surat masuk dan surat keluar berbasis web. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengimplementasikan aplikasi surat masuk dan surat keluar berbasis web di Program Studi Sistem Informasi. Model yang digunakan untuk pengembangannya menggunakan model watelfall, sedangkan model pengujiannya menggunakan black box. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui usability dari implementasi surat masuk dan surat keluar di Program Studi Sistem Informasi Kata kunci: Aplikasi Web; Black Box; Surat Keluar; Surat Masuk; Waterfall.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 45-53
Andri Suryadi ◽  
Unggul Utan Sufandi ◽  
Dian Nurdiana

The development of technology is an inseparable part of human life. Through its development,  technology furthermore produces various reliable tools to assist people in many ways. The technological applications can be in the forms of Google products such as  Google Classroom, Google Form, and Google meet, and also other applications such as Zoom Cloud Meeting, Microsoft Teams  intended to solve various kinds of problems including education field. These technological advancements are popularly used and are indeed very helpful in learning, but sometimes it can’t be hindered that technological applications are not always in accordance with the needs. For example, the practicum learning process in the Information Systems Study Program, Faculty of Science and Technology, Open University, which has no practical application yet. This is because the existing applications are not in accordance with the learning process at the Open University. So, the solution that must be done is to develop an online practicum application (Praton) in the Information Systems Study Program, Faculty of Science and Technology of the Open University. The process of developing a practicum application also cannot be done immediately, so at least there must be an application development design first. Application development design must go through several stages using a software development model. One of the models that can be used is the waterfall model with an object-based approach or commonly referred to as UML (Unified Modeling Language). The results of this software development design are in the form of a software design document and will be sent to a programmer to establish the application. With this application design, programmers will know more about the specifications of online practicum applications that suit the needs of learning process.

Viktor Handrianus Pranatawijaya

The menu provided at restaurant can only be seen from a menu book that is shown by the waiter who shows the menu names in the form of text along with the price. This menu book model is felt to be less effective and less attractive. With a restaurant menu application with technology augmented reality, customers will find detailed information about the menu in restaurant displayed in the form of interesting 3D objects. The research method used for software development is Waterfall Model. Application development in this study uses the Unity3D, Vuporia, game engine and Blender3D. The resulting application can be used on Android Smartphones with a minimum operating system of 5.1 (Lollipop). In this case the method used is marker based tracking which is a tracking method using markers or images. From the results of black-box testing, the functional test results show that the application has run as expected, and the results of this application questionnaire get the very good category because it is at a percentage of 87% of the seven statements with likert method and has no problems when run.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Eddy Noviana ◽  
Otang Kurniaman ◽  
Muhammad Nailul Huda

This research is research of application development of final project of student based on website at Prodi PGSD FKIPUniversitas Riau by using waterfall model. The formulation of the problem in this research are: (1) how the design ofdeveloping the final project application of student based on the website of Prodi PGSD FKIP Universitas Riau? and (2)whether the program designed to assist the final project guidance on Prodi PGSD FKIP University of Riau ?. The purpose ofthis research is (1) to design a system that can assist the process of guidance of final assignment of students to Prodi PGSDFKIP Universitas Riau and (2) to know the response about the use of application of final student task based on the website ofProdi PGSD FKIP Universitas Riau. This research is a development research with waterfall model. Development stage isdone in four stages, namely: (1) stage study of literature; (2) needs analysis phase; (3) application design; and (4)application testing phase and conclusion. The result of the research stated that the application of the final assignment of thestudents based on the website of PGSD Study Program of FKIP Universitas Riau is valid with four references, namely: (1)correctness aspect (truth); (2) reliability (reliability) aspect; (3) integrity; and (4) usability (usage). Based on the results ofeffectiveness test on the students obtained data that the application of the final project-based student guidance websiteincluded in the category of very effective average percentage is 84.89% with very effective category. It is marked by theacquisition: 1) the correctness (truth) of 84.93% with very effective category; 2) reliability (reliability) of 86.37% with veryeffective category; 3) integrity (integration) equal to 86,08% with very effective category; and 4) usability (usage) of 82.17%with very effective category. The average percentage is 84.89% with very effective category. So it can be concluded that theapplication development of final student task based on the website Prodi PGSD FKIP University of Riau has been declaredeffective and has been widely used.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 7-16
Rahmat Robi Waliyansyah ◽  
Edi Dwi Supratiyan ◽  
Aris Tri Jaka Harjanta

Toko Romeo Jok adalah toko mebel yang menjual berbagai jenis mebel dan menyediakan jasa servis segala jenis mebel yang berada di Kabupaten Pati. Toko Romeo Jok masih menggunakan pendataan data pesanan dan servis secara manual maka terjadi masalah kurang terorganisirnya data pesanan dan servis, dan data mudah untuk hilang. Sehingga diperlukan sebuah sistem pengelolaan data yang dapat menyimpan dan menyajikan data pesanan dan servis secara akurat, efektif, dan efisien. Pembangunan sistem pengelolaan data pesanan dan servis berbasis web ini bisa digunakan Toko Romeo Jok untuk mengelola data pesanan dan servis secara cepat, mudah, dan akurat. Pada tahap perancangan sistem ini memgunakan metode pengembangan Rapid Application Development (RAD), yaitu metode yang menyediakan pengembangan yang cepat dan mendapatkan hasil yang bagus . Sistem pengelolaan data pesanan dan servis jok berbasis web ini di buat menggunakan bahasa pemograman PHP dan mengunakan software xampp dan text editor seperti sublime text, pembuatan desain sistem menggunkan, basis data nya menggunakan MySQL. Berdasarkan Hasil UAT dari aspek penilaian antar muka mendapat persentase 82% dari aspek penilaian kemudahan pengoperasional mendapatkan presentase 84% dan dari aspek kemanfaatan isi sistem ini mendapat persentase 83%. Sistem ini terbukti layak digunakan karena pada hasil pengujian white box dan black box keduanya mendapat hasil persentase 100%.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 45
I Made Satya Vyasa ◽  
I Gede Arta Wibawa

This study aims to build an application to introduce the Sumerta 1 public elementary school building. This research uses AR (Augmented Reality) technology, which with this technology makes it possible to display an object in virtual form in a real world view. The method used in this application is marker-based which identifies the pattern of a marker, in the application development itself the model used is the waterfall model. In the process of building this application, using the Vuforia software development kit (SDK) and Unity as the engine.

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