The effect of macro- and micronutrient fertilizers and their combinations on the yield and quality of white lupine seeds in the south-west of the Central Chernozem region

В.Н. Наумкин ◽  
А.С. Блинник ◽  
О.Ю. Артёмова ◽  
А.Н. Демидова ◽  
М.И. Лукашевич ◽  

В статье представлены результаты исследований влияния новых форм микроудобрений при их раздельном применении и в сочетании с макроудобрениями на продуктивность и качество семян кормового люпина в условиях юго-западной части ЦЧР, где эта культура возделывается сравнительно недавно. Исследования проводились в 2018–2019 годах в коллекционном питомнике кафедры растениеводства, селекции и овощеводства Белгородского ГАУ в соответствии с общепринятыми методиками проведения опытов с зерновыми бобовыми культурами. В питании растений люпина белого важное место отводится макро- и микроудобрениям, которые способны активизировать метаболические процессы растений и обеспечить высокую продуктивность посева. В связи с этим возникла необходимость изучения их влияния на урожайность и качество семян люпина белого в засушливых условиях региона. Объектом исследований был люпин белый сорт Дега, предшественник — яровая пшеница. Почва опытного участка — чернозём типичный среднемощный тяжелосуглинистого гранулометрического состава. Метеорологические условия вегетационных периодов люпина характеризовались повышенным температурным режимом и недостаточным увлажнением по сравнению со среднемноголетними показателями. Исследования показали, что лучшими являются варианты, в которых применялись листовые подкормки растений в фазу бутонизации, сочетающие микроудобрение «Аквамикс-ТВ» с разными формами макроудобрений: сернокислым калием и монофосфатом калия как в комплексе с обработкой семян микроудобрением «Аквамикс-Т», так и отдельно. В этих вариантах в среднем за годы исследований получена наибольшая урожайность семян в опыте — 3,60, 3,61 и 3,72 т/га, рентабельность — более 140%, условно чистый доход — более 32 000 руб./га, что значительно превышает варианты с предпосевной обработкой семян и раздельным применением удобрений при листовой подкормке. Все варианты обработок изучаемыми макро- и микроудобрениями способствовали увеличению содержания белка в семенах: прибавка по сравнению с контролем варьировалась от 3,42 до 5,88%. This article reports on the effect of new micronutrient fertilizers applied separately or in combination with macronutrient fertilizers on the productivity and quality of lupine seeds. Forage lupine grows in the south-west of the Central Chernozem region. The investigation took place in the nursery of the department of Crop Science, Plant Breeding and Vegetable Production of the Belgorod State Agrarian University in 2018–2019. The experiment was conducted in accordance with standard methods. Macronutrient and micronutrient fertilizers are able to activate plant metabolism increasing crop productivity. Therefore, there effect on seed yield and quality of white lupine is of particular interest specifically under drought. Lupine “Dega” was planted after spring wheat. Soil was typical chernozem with high clay content. Weather conditions were dry compared to annual average parameters. Topdressing by the micronutrient fertilizers “Akvamiks-TV” either with potassium sulfate or potassium monophosphate at budding time had the highest effectiveness regardless of seed treatment with “Akvamiks-T”. These variants showed the highest seed productivity — 3.60, 3.61 and 3.72 t ha-1, payback — over 140%, net income — over 32 000 RUB ha-1, significantly exceeding the variants with seed treatment, topdressing and separate fertilization. Macronutrient and micronutrient fertilizers increased protein content in seeds by 3.42–5.88%.

HortScience ◽  
1998 ◽  
Vol 33 (3) ◽  
pp. 545d-545
D.I. Leskovar ◽  
J.C. Ward ◽  
R.W. Sprague ◽  
A. Meiri

Water pumping restrictions of high-quality irrigation water from underground aquifers is affecting vegetable production in Southwest Texas. There is a need to develop efficient deficit-irrigation strategies to minimize irrigation inputs and maintain crop profitability. Our objective was to determine how growth, yield, and quality of cantaloupe (Cucumis melo L. cv. `Caravelle') are affected by irrigation systems with varying input levels, including drip depth position and polyethylene mulch. Stand establishment systems used were containerized transplants and direct seeding. Field experiments were conducted on a Uvalde silty clay loam soil. Marketable yields increased in the order of pre-irrigation followed by: dry-land conditions, furrow/no-mulch, furrow/mulch, drip-surface (0 cm depth)/mulch, drip-subsurface (10-cm depth)/mulch, and drip-subsurface (30 cm depth)/mulch. Pooled across all drip depth treatments, plants on drip had higher water use efficiency than plants on furrow/no-mulch or furrow/mulch systems. Transplants with drip-surface produced 75% higher total and fruit size No. 9 yields than drip-subsurface (10- or 30-cm depth) during the first harvest, but total yields were unaffected by drip tape position. About similar trends were measured in a subsequent study except for a significant irrigation system (stand establishment interaction for yield. Total yields were highest for transplants on drip-subsurface (10-cm depth) and direct seeded plants on drip-subsurface (10 and 30 cm depth) with mulch.

1983 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 155-166 ◽  
Wm. Hogland ◽  
R. Berndtsson

The paper deals with the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of urban discharge. Ratios for urban discharge and recipient flow during different time intervals are presented and discussed. The quality of the urban discharge is illustrated through pollutographs.

O.M. Ivanova ◽  
S.A. Erofeev ◽  
S.V. Vetrova ◽  
M.R. Makarov ◽  

Currently, sunflower is the main oil crop in the Tambov region. The most important task of modern agricultural production is the use of technologies that increase the yield and quality of field crops. Data on seed and oil yield of sunflower are very important when choosing different types of mineral fertilizers. In this regard, the purpose of our research was to study the effect of various doses, methods and terms of application of macro- and microfertilizers on yield, crop quality and oil yield of sunflower in a link of the 6-year crop rotation: fallow – winter wheat – corn (for grain) – barley – sunflower – spring wheat. The research was conducted at the Tambov Research Institute of Agriculture – a branch of the I.V. Michurin Federal Research Center, which is located in the Tambov region. On typical black soil, application of both traditional mineral fertilizers (N16P16K16) for plowing, and liquid mineral fertilizers (Megamix) during pre-sowing treatment and for plants treatment during vegetative period contributes to obtaining an additional seed and oil yields. For 2014–2020, the highest seed and oil yields were obtained in variant (5) with N30P30K30 for plowing + seed treatment with Megamix (2.0 l/t) and amounted to 2.84 t/ha and 1324 kg/ha, respectively. The fat content varied depending on the variant of the experiment. The maximum indicator of 53.6% was in the variant with the application of N30P30K30. But due to the lower seed yield, the oil yield amounted to 1.21 t/ha. All variants for seed and oil yields were superior to the control one (without fertilizers).

2011 ◽  
pp. 54-57
N.V. Kotsareva ◽  
G.D. Levko

Results of the study on seed productivity of Garden Nasturtium varieties grown in south-west of central-cher-nozem region are presented in the article. It was shown the variety reaction on condition of cultivation.

2020 ◽  
pp. 142-147
Наталья Васильевна Алейникова ◽  
Павел Александрович Диденко ◽  
Владимир Николаевич Шапоренко ◽  
Владимир Владимирович Андреев ◽  
Светлана Валентиновна Левченко

В статье приводятся результаты исследований 2018-2019 гг., проведенных в почвенно-климатических условиях Юго-западной зоны виноградарства Крыма, по оценке влияния отечественных микроудобрений на рост, хозяйственные и увологические показатели столового винограда сорта Мускат янтарный. Экспериментально доказано, что использование изучаемых систем минерального питания микроудобрениями Органомикс и Форрис при внекорневых обработках виноградной лозы позволило существенно увеличить урожайность в среднем на 9,4 % (1,7 т/га), массу грозди - на 9,5 % (13,1 г), объем прироста куста - на 8,3 % (261,9 см3), снизить «горошение ягод» в грозди на 8,6 % в сравнении с контролем. The article presents the results of studies of 2018-2019, conducted in the soil and climatic conditions of the South-Western zone of viticulture of Crimea, on the assessment of the influence of domestic micro-fertilizers on the growth, economic and uvological indicators of table grape variety ‘Muscat Yantarnyi’. It was experimentally proven that the use of the studied mineral nutrition systems with Organomix and Forris micro-fertilizers for foliar treatments of the vine allowed to increase significantly the yield by an average of 9.4% (1.7 t / ha), the weight of the bunch - by 9.5% (13.1 g), the volume of bush growth - by 8.3% (261.9 cm), to reduce the millerandage of the bunch by 8.6% in comparison with the control.

V. А. Fedotov ◽  
N. V. Podlesnykh ◽  
А. L. Lukin ◽  
L. М. Vlasova

In the conditions of the Central Russian Black Earth Region, it is quite possible to cultivate hard winter wheat for the needs of the cereal and macaroni industry. Winter-hardy varieties Zolotko, Donchanka and etc. are suitable. Presowing cultivation with Albit, Siberian fertility, Agat 25K, Micromax, etc. affects significantly on their yield. The combination of presowing seed treatment with foliar application of vegetative plants with the same and other products (Afbif, Reksalin, ABC and etc.) turned out to be particularly effective.  Synergism has been revealed in the combination of seed treatment with Albit, Rexolin ABC and Vitazim with spraying of plants with Albit solution, Abibif, Siberian Fertility, Fertigrain Foliar and other products. Winter durum wheat have not yet allowed to cultivation in Central Chernozem Region although, as our researches have shown many varieties (Zolotko, Donchanka, Amazonka, Kurant, Alyy parus, Aksinit, Terra ant other) can be suitable for cultivation in Voronezh region forest-steppe [1, 3, 4, 8], they are 10…15 centners per hectare more yield than spring durum wheat cultivated here. The deficit of durum wheat cereal in Central Chernozem Region, which is necessary for pasta industry is very large, it can be avoided by introducing and improving the cultivation technology of winter varieties of this crop. Staff members of the crop production, fodder production and agrotechnologies department of Voronezh SAU have identified (since 1996) and substantiated the cultivation possibility of domestic relatively winter resistance winter durum wheat in Central Chernozem Region (Amazonka, Donchanka, Zolotko, Kurant and other).

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