scholarly journals Role of Human Resources Function in Successful Organizational Transformations for Efficiency Improvement

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 273
Abdulla Saleh Al-Shaiba ◽  
Muammer Koç

Organizational efficiency is generally defined as a measure of relation between the input resources and output generated within a system. Organizational efficiency in public and private sector enterprises and communities plays a key role in ensuring value creation, and thereby, ensuring economic and social sustainability of societies with effective and minimal use of resources, reduced waste and small ecological footprint. Transforming an organization is all about changing a laggard organization to an agile and responsive entity, which foresees changes, willing and adaptive to changes proactively rather, being reactive to changes, which are forced by the operating environments. A proactive organization with visionary leadership foreseeing the challenges establishes mitigation plans to overcome or reduce the impact triggered by operational challenges, while a reactive organization will be impacted by the operational challenges before it initiates changes based on the impact assessment. Transformation of an organization reduces operational costs by eliminating duplications and non-value adding processes (Robbins, 2012). The paradigm of sustainable transformation of organizations has three main components which are interactively functioning: leadership and management, human resources, and organizational culture. Sustainability is defined as ‘responsibility of an organization in sustained generation of economic, environmental and social benefits’ (Gardelliano, 2005). Organization management often gets caught in the contradiction between sustainability and profitability. The shareholders / stakeholders would want short term profitability of an organization while societies around the world are increasingly demanding corporations to be environmentally and socially responsible in its operations with utmost importance being given to their human and natural resources and communities that they operate in. Sustainability also depends on Innovation and Knowledge Development. In a knowledge economy, key engine of growth is knowledge. An economy in which knowledge is acquired, created, disseminated and applied to enhance economic development is known a knowledge economy (Building Knowledge Economy, WBI, 2011). An effective ecosystem which nurtures innovation is based on outputs generated from knowledge centers like universities, research centers, schools, consultancy agencies and other organizations engaged in similar endeavors. The knowledge generated in such centers is applied though right tools to enhance the wellbeing of humans and sustainability of organizations. This paper focuses on the impact of human resource function on the organizational transformation for efficiency improvement.

2021 ◽  
pp. 231971452110531
Poonam Rautela ◽  
Madhulika P. Sarkar ◽  
Rekha Goel

This article aims to identify the major factors which prove as motivation and influence for a bank while deciding what, when, how and whom to outsource. A survey questionnaire was developed and responses were collected from 434 bank employees from two major groups of public sector banks and private sector banks in India. Exploratory factor analysis has been used to find out the latent factors for outsourcing decisions. Results of the study find Strategic competitive advantage, better customer service, better use of resources, capitalization on technological advancements, and cost-effectiveness as the major motivating factors for outsourcing the IT/IS, HR, marketing services, financial and other services. The present research article will be of great help for banks to measure the impact of outsourcing on the profitability, productivity, liquidity, and market share of the banks.

Ana Rita Damas Oliveira ◽  
Paulo Alexandre Guedes Lopes Henriques ◽  
Teresa Cristina Clímaco Monteiro de Oliveira

Much has been written about the link between HR and performance, however consensus has yet not been found concerning the understanding on how that relationship comes together. Empirically, no direct impact has been found and research has only suggested an indirect impact. Consequently, the Strategic HRM field is particularly interested on the understanding of the mediating variables that impact the organization performance. Besides the integrated and business strategy alignment of the HR function, it should be considered that it is the people (HR) of the organization and not their practices that determine the company´s competitive advantage. (Messersmith & Guthrie, 2010) argue that it is the impact of those practices that represent “the true resource and enable a sustainable advantage over industry rivals”. The objetive of this research proposal is to study the impact of strategic human resources practices on the organization performance through a case study methodology, supported by longitudinal data. Namely, the project aims to achieve a deeper understanding of the variables that affect the process stream during strategy implementation. How the HR practices impact on people? And why human resources are the most valuable asset? These core premises are in line with the most recent economic concerns about people productivity, employment policies and labor flexibility.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 54-58 ◽  
Inez Gavrila Wahyudi ◽  
Johan Setiawan ◽  
Wella Wella

This research was made with purpose to measure the capability of human resource and work management in PT. X using COBIT 5.0. In the assessment process, researcher applied 1 domain (align, plan, and organize) with 2 processed, Manage Human Resource APO 07) and Manage Service Agreement (APO 09). Data collection was obtained from the distribution of questionnaires to IT division (there were 127 items of the question and 10 respondents). The result of this research figured out that APO 07 stopped in level 2 with score 82.50 in level 3 and APO 09 ended in level 3 with score 84.10 in level 4. In conclusion, there were still few problems that made human resources in PT X unable to reach level 5. PT.X ought to do audit regularly in deep and holistically.   Keywords— Align Plan and Organize, Capabilities Level, COBIT 5.0, Manage Human Resources, Manage Service Agreement REFERENCES [1] Sumarsono, Sonny. 2003. Ekonomi Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia. Jakarta: LPFE-UI. [2] Gondodiyoto, Sanyoto. 2003. Audit Sistem Informasi (Pendekatan COBIT). Bekasi : Mitra Wacana Media. [3] ISACA. 2013. COBIT 5 A Business Framework for the Governance and Management of Enterprise IT. USA : Enterprise GRC Solution Inc. [4] ISACA 2013. COBIT 5 for Information Security. USA : Enterprise GRC Solution Inc. [5] Arbie, E. 2000. Pengantar Sistem Informasi Manajemen, Edisi ke-7. Jakarta : Bina Alumni Indonesia. [6] Arikunto, Suharsimi. 2006. Metodelogi Penelitian. Yogyakarta : Bina Aksara. [7] Arikunto, Suharsimi. 2010. Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktik. Jakarta : Rineka Cipta. [8] Davis, Chris, Mike Schiller, & Kevin Wheeler. 2011. IT Auditing Using Controls to Protect Information Assets, 2nd Edition. English : Mc Graw Hill. [9] Follet, Mary Parker. 1999. Visionary Leadership and Strategic Management. MCB University Press. Women in Management Review Volume 14. Number 7.Gondodiyoto, Sanyoto. 2003. Audit Sistem Informasi (Pendekatan COBIT). Bekasi : Mitra Wacana Media. [10] Hasibuan,M. 2003. Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia. Jakarta: PT. Bumi Aksara. [11] Hasibuan,M. 2003. Organisasi dan Motivasi. Jakarta: PT. Bumi Aksara. [12] Herzberg, Frederick. 2006. Perilaku Organisasi Edisi 10. Yogyakarta: Andy. [13] Jogiyanto. 2005. Sistem Teknologi Informasi. Yogyakarta : Andi Offset. [14] ISACA. 2012. COBIT 5 Enabling Processes. USA : Enterprise GRC Solution Inc. [15] ISACA. 2003. Audit and Control of Information System. USA : Enterprise GRC Solution Inc. [16] Kusumah, Wijaya dan Dwitagama Dedi. 2011. Mengenal Penelitian Tindakan Kelas. Jakarta : PT Indeks. [17] Littlejohn, Stephen W. 1999. Theories of Human Communication, 6th Ed. Belmont CA : Wadsworth Publishing. [18] Muhyuzir T.D. 2001. Analisa Perancangan Sistem Pengolahan Data, Cetakan kedua. Jakarta : PT Elex Media Komputindo. [19] O’Brien, James A. 2010. Management Information System (11th Edition). New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall. [20] O’Brien, James A. 2005. Pengantar Sistem Informasi: Perspektif Bisnis dan Manjerial (12th Edition). Jakarta: Salemba.

2020 ◽  
pp. 27-37
E. М. Hayrapetyan ◽  
N. N. Pokrovskaia ◽  
A. B. Chernykh

Fundamental sociological theories of migration study reveal the motives for an individual’s and households’ making decision to migrate, as well as the social factors and consequences of the unfolding of migration processes. Structural changes taking place in society caused by both the innovative nature of economic growth as a whole and the digitalization and expansion of information and telecommunications technologies imply the perception of the phenomenon of migration not only as a territorial movement of the population in space for a long period. Digitalization and development of remote forms of work, in particular, reduces the need for physical concentration of human resources, which allows people to choose the most comfortable places to live. Special attention is paid to the Diaspora, which is one of the important tools for solving communication difficulties. The sociological analysis of migration processes in Armenia illustrates the application of the main concepts, in particular, networked migration and reliance on the Diaspora.

2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (3) ◽  
pp. 19-24

Taking practical responsible decisions in the field of social and industrial management in the context of rapid development of digital technologies in the era of the knowledge economy is impossible without reliance on expertise. A kind of organization of activities for the production of ‘predictions’ is required, when not only an accurate assessment of the impact of certain factors and their possible interactions with each other is given, but also as a result of creative construction of scenarios for the development of processes and events, an understanding comes which factors need to be taken into account. At the same time, the expertise constantly faces criticism, calling the conclusions of experts arbitrary, unreliable and subjective. Often, expertise is confused with monitoring, evaluation, diagnosis, inspection or counseling. The authors of the article carried out a structural analysis of the content of the expertise processes in the project management vector in the digitalization era and came to the conclusion that the effectiveness of the expertise is significantly increased in case of clear regulation of this type of activity, providing the necessary status.

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