2013 ◽  
Vol 4 (7) ◽  
pp. 10-15
Thiago Costa Santos Carrilho Siqueira

Resumo: Este trabalho coloca em foco o Tribunal do Júri sob um prisma analítico, seu surgimento e atual utilização, apresentando as ideias propostas por Foucault ao longo de sua obra a respeito das instituições jurídicas historicamente estabelecidas pelos governos para relacionar em especial aquela instituição com os conceitos da biopolítica apresentados pelo autor e colocar em pauta a inadequação de seu modelo ao momento histórico atual das sociedades ocidentais. Abstract: This work focus the jury Trial under an analitic prism, its origin and current use, presenting the ideas proposed by Foucault in his work towards the justice institutions established by governments to relate specially that institute to the biopolitics concepts presented by the author and put in the subject the inadequacy of its model to the current historical moment of occidental societies. Keywords: Justice; Foucault; Jury; Legitimation; State Reason; Biopolitics. 

Erin Webster

The Curious Eye explores early modern debates over two related questions: what are the limits of human vision, and to what extent can these limits be overcome by technological enhancement? Today, in our everyday lives we rely on optical technology to provide us with information about visually remote spaces even as we question the efficacy and ethics of such pursuits. But the debates surrounding the subject of technologically mediated vision have their roots in a much older literary tradition in which the ability to see beyond the limits of natural human vision is associated with philosophical and spiritual insight as well as social and political control. The Curious Eye provides insight into the subject of optically mediated vision by returning to the literature of the seventeenth century, the historical moment in which human visual capacity in the West was first extended through the application of optical technologies to the eye. Bringing imaginative literary works by Francis Bacon, John Milton, Margaret Cavendish, and Aphra Behn together with optical and philosophical treatises by Johannes Kepler, René Descartes, Robert Hooke, Robert Boyle, and Isaac Newton, The Curious Eye explores the social and intellectual impact of the new optical technologies of the seventeenth century on its literature. At the same time, it demonstrates that social, political, and literary concerns are not peripheral to the optical science of the period but rather an integral part of it, the legacy of which we continue to experience.

2019 ◽  
Vol 23 (3) ◽  
pp. 372-390
Joseph Jenner

Evolution (Lucile Hadžihalilović, 2016) offers a vision of Donna J. Haraway's feminist intervention where Haraway posits her neologistic chthulucene to signify the interpenetration of species in response to anthropocene discourse which recuperates the patriarchal narrative of homo faber – the human as maker. The risks and tribulations of cross-species “becoming-with”, as Haraway puts it, are dramatized in Evolution. The ambiguously defined, subaqueous species of the film nurture and care for human boys then impregnate them with squid-like creatures that are incubated in the child's mid-section. The film is marked by images that are difficult to anthropomorphise, eliciting corporeal engagements with tentacular sea creatures that are alienating and confronting. Evolution presents images that are in sympathy with Haraway's chthulucene, in which the subject dissolves into the matter of “humus” or “compost” that ontologically bind the human and nonhuman alike. The film signals a reverse evolution in which humans return to the sea, a temporal backwards turn that Haraway similarly advocates in her book. While Evolution plays out Haraway's chthonic vision in which it shows a subject, Nicolas, embedded in a compost community, the film nonetheless situates this subject as bounded and coherent. Evolution does not, ultimately, forego the human but offers a chance to comprehend the human's transformation in the historical moment of the anthropocene.

2021 ◽  
pp. 35-40
Y. Zhukova

The fashion is always limited in time and the new evolutionary round of the fashion industry (FI) development will not be an exception. The independence of FI is a result of changing opportunities and needs of a person as a consumer. The person­consumer is dependence on the gadget. Nowadays, it directly affects the new technologies of the suit and clothes creation. New requirements have influenced the rapid development, the growing value of the Internet, the e­commerce and the new technologies of the clothes creation. They are the 3D, 4D printing, nanotechnologies (NT), smart clothes: the wearable electronics and smart clothing for healthcare, biofabrication (BF), etc. The emergence of the new technologies in the environmentally friendly clothes creation permitted to process the waste and the salvage into new materials. It gave the chance to globally reconsider the relations with the environment and the consumption without killing animals. It was found out that the latest development reflected the epoch, the time and the human needs of the Third Millennium. This research introduced the new term — Independent New Fashion (INF), in order to highlight the independent historical moment of the new round of FI evolutionary development. The further research is crucial in this field. The subject of the paper is the creation, the presentation and the development of the independent fashion and the new clothes. The chronological framework of the paper ranges from 1996 till the present time.

Genealogy ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 101
Hugh Campbell ◽  
William Kainana Cuthers

The British invasion of the Māori region of the Waikato in 1863 was one of the most pivotal moments in the colonisation of Aotearoa New Zealand. It has been the subject of multiple authoritative histories and sits at the centre of historical discussions of sovereignty, colonial politics and the dire consequences of colonisation. This article approaches this complex historical moment through the personal histories of a Māori/Pākehā homestead located at the political and geographic epicentre of the invasion. This mixed whanau/family provides the opportunity to explore a more kinship-based ontology of the invisible lines of influence that influenced particular actions before and during the invasion. It does so by mobilising two genealogical approaches, one by author Hugh Campbell which explores the British/Pākehā individuals involved in this family and uses formal documentation and wider historical writing to explain key dynamics—but also to expose a particular limitation of reliance on Western ontologies and formal documentation alone to explain histories of colonisation. In parallel to this approach, the other author—William Kainana Cuthers—uses both formal/Western and a Māori/Pasifika relational ontology of enquiry, and in doing so, allows both authors to open up a set of key insights into this pivotal moment in the history of Aotearoa New Zealand and into the micro-dynamics of colonisation.

Sergey N. Smolnikov ◽  

The article considers the place of social justice in modern law. Various aspects are noted: its relationship with the social state, legal state, civilizational particularities, historical features. The question of the significance of choice between the legality and legitimacy of power as a factor in the establishment of social justice is considered. The article raises the issue of the subject-object essence of social justice. It provides a comparison of two approaches to social justice in modern Russia — liberal and conservative, and notes the contradictory nature of both. Attention is drawn to the role of elites, the intelligentsia and the people in the embodiment of the liberal project. The author reveals the historical and civilizational prerequisites for the conservative project domination, its being in demand on the part of both the authorities and significant segments of the population, and its correspondence to the historical moment. The similarity of the conservative response to the challenges facing the society in the United States, Japan, Britain and Russia is substantiated. A sociological comparison of positions on the issues of law as social justice in the West and in Russia is given. There is an increasing divergence in understanding social justice both in the countries of the West (destruction of the social contract, welfare state) and between the West and the rest of the world. The theme of justice is increasingly playing a role in causing mutual claims rather than in stabilizing and maintaining international and civil peace. The paper considers attempts to create domestic models of a just society. Social justice is regarded as a projective concept and presupposes the existence of models of the expected and ideal future of society. The world trend towards change in the ideas of the subject of law and of the paradigm shift from liberalism to transhumanism is noted. It is argued that it is impossible to identify law with social justice.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 406-421
Brian Phillips

Abstract Beginning with Simone Weil’s writing on the subject of attention, this article reflects on the place of attention in contemporary human rights practice—specifically in relation to the challenges posed by the multiple patterns of migration that have so defined our era. Through the lens of Jenny Erpenbeck’s remarkable novel, Go, Went, Gone, the article explores what attentiveness may mean today with regard to research and advocacy concerning migration issues. The article also asks how we secure and maintain the interest of the general public in the so-called global migration ‘crisis’ at a historical moment characterized by mass distraction?

2021 ◽  
Евгения Иванова ◽  
Велчо Крыстев

The Gypsy/Roma ethnic group has lived in the Balkans for centuries. Gypsies/ Roma turn out to be bearers of a traditional cultural heritage that has long been forgotten by those around them. In our presentation, we look at how authentic knowledge of the Gypsy/Roma community can be the subject of public presentation in museums through the techniques of visual anthropology. Our thesis is that for those studying the Gypsy/Roma ethnic group, which has no writing and written history, visual anthropology is of particular importance as a primary source of knowledge, as a testimony of time. The photos, images, video recording preserve, show and transmit the material culture, traditions and way of life of the different Gypsies/Roma groups, which, together with the common, have very specific group and regional differences. We also ask the question – the historical knowledge about the community created up to which historical moment is authentic, as the culture of the Gypsies/Roma is not static in time, but is influenced by modern forms, typical for today’s global world.

2017 ◽  
Vol 77 (305) ◽  
pp. 74
Roberto Ervino Zwetsch

Síntese: O Autor é leitor interessado na teologia de Lutero, não um especialista. Aborda no presente texto um tema que o acompanha desde muito e a partir de sua inserção na vida da igreja cristã e no contexto da América Latina, considerando suas alegrias e tristezas, a opressão dos povos e o menosprezo pela vida das pessoas mais débeis e vulneráveis, além do uso irresponsável do meio ambiente por parte de nossas sociedades. Vivemos tempos cruéis, nos quais o sistema mundial se torna cada vez mais violento, especialmente contra povos indígenas, quilombolas, pobres da cidade e do campo, mulheres, crianças, pessoas com deficiência e idosas, além daquelas que vivem fora dos padrões impostos pelas maiorias. Que teologia ou mensagem pode colaborar para o renascimento da esperança entre nós? Haverá na teologia da Reforma Protestante do século 16 e, particularmente, na teologia de Lutero algo que nos sirva de inspiração para nossa caminhada atual? Que contribuição nossas igrejas podem oferecer neste momento histórico? O texto intenta resgatar, a partir de uma perspectiva protestante crítica, algo da radicalidade daquele movimento que celebra 500 anos em 2017. O olhar aqui proposto se coloca a partir da periferia do sistema dominante, a partir da gente invisível que, paradoxalmente, guarda em sua vida de lutas e sonhos algo da chama da fé por debaixo das cinzas do tempo.Palavras-chave: Teologia de Lutero. Teologia latino-americana. América Latina. Realidade eclesial e social. Desafios.Abstract: The author is a reader interested in the Theology of Luther, not an expert on the subject. In the present article, he deals with a theme that has been accompanying him for a long time, in fact since his insertion in the life of the Christian Church and in the Latin American context. He has considered its moments of joy and of sadness, the oppression of its peoples and the contempt for the life of the most fragile and vulnerable besides the irresponsible use of the environment by our societies. We are going through cruel times, in which the world system gets increasingly violent, especially against indigenous peoples, quilombos, the urban and rural poor, women, children, the old and the disabled, besides those who live outside the standards imposed by the majorities. Which theology or message can help towards the rebirth of hope among us? Will there be in the theology of the Protestant Reform of the 16th century and, particularly in the Lutheran theology, something that may serve as inspiration for our present journey? Which contributions can our churches offer in this historical moment? The article intends to rescue, from a critical Protestant perspective, something of the radicalism of that movement that celebrates its 500th anniversary in 2017. The view we propose here is that of the periphery of the ruling system, of those invisible people who, paradoxically, maintain in their lives of struggles and dreams a bit of that flame of faith under the ashes of time.Keywords: Lutheran theology. Latin-American theology. Latin America. Ecclesial and social reality. Challenges.

2015 ◽  
Vol 25 (44) ◽  
pp. 301-311
Edivaldo Fernandes Ramos

ResumoToda teoria tem a sua contribuição que pode responder ou não às necessidades interpretativas de um dado momento histórico, mas que sempre provoca a discussão e a reflexão sobre o tema, o que a torna importante. É pensando nesta questão que o objetivo do presente texto é discutir o conceito de cidade a partir da literatura sobre o tema, analisando os principais aspectos a serem considerados na sua interpretação.  Buscar-se-á aqui realizar uma discussão teórica sobre a cidade, tentando relacionar as contribuições das principais correntes de pensamento sobre a temática e os pontos de divergência e convergência entre eles.Palavras chave: Cidade, Teoria, Urbano.AbstractEvery theory has its contribution that can respond or not interpretative needs of a given historical moment, but that always provokes discussion and reflection on the theme, which makes it important. Is thinking about this question that the goal of this paper is to discuss the concept of city from the literature on the subject, analyzing the main aspects to be considered in its interpretation.Get yourself here carry a theoretical discussion about the city, trying to relate the contributions of the main currents of thought on the subject and the points of divergence and convergence between them. Keywords: City, Theory, Urban.

1969 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Fernanda Silveira Boito

On the basis of a perspective that brings together the notion of adaptation and a discursive-deconstructionist approach to translation, this article is aimed to discuss “Marat/Sebastião – Pictures of Garbage” as an adaptation and examine the implications of such a perspective to the artwork. It also seeks to investigate what the shifts that can be observed on the work as an adaptation can reveal about the work itself. The analysis problematizes the effects on the meaning of the work caused by the choices of the subject who adapts it, and offers a discussion on what the shifts between the original artwork and its adaptation can reveal about the historical moment when the adaptation was produced, which allows us to understand translation as a socially-engaged instrument.

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