scholarly journals A possível contribuição da teologia da Reforma para a América Latina: Aproximações críticas

2017 ◽  
Vol 77 (305) ◽  
pp. 74
Roberto Ervino Zwetsch

Síntese: O Autor é leitor interessado na teologia de Lutero, não um especialista. Aborda no presente texto um tema que o acompanha desde muito e a partir de sua inserção na vida da igreja cristã e no contexto da América Latina, considerando suas alegrias e tristezas, a opressão dos povos e o menosprezo pela vida das pessoas mais débeis e vulneráveis, além do uso irresponsável do meio ambiente por parte de nossas sociedades. Vivemos tempos cruéis, nos quais o sistema mundial se torna cada vez mais violento, especialmente contra povos indígenas, quilombolas, pobres da cidade e do campo, mulheres, crianças, pessoas com deficiência e idosas, além daquelas que vivem fora dos padrões impostos pelas maiorias. Que teologia ou mensagem pode colaborar para o renascimento da esperança entre nós? Haverá na teologia da Reforma Protestante do século 16 e, particularmente, na teologia de Lutero algo que nos sirva de inspiração para nossa caminhada atual? Que contribuição nossas igrejas podem oferecer neste momento histórico? O texto intenta resgatar, a partir de uma perspectiva protestante crítica, algo da radicalidade daquele movimento que celebra 500 anos em 2017. O olhar aqui proposto se coloca a partir da periferia do sistema dominante, a partir da gente invisível que, paradoxalmente, guarda em sua vida de lutas e sonhos algo da chama da fé por debaixo das cinzas do tempo.Palavras-chave: Teologia de Lutero. Teologia latino-americana. América Latina. Realidade eclesial e social. Desafios.Abstract: The author is a reader interested in the Theology of Luther, not an expert on the subject. In the present article, he deals with a theme that has been accompanying him for a long time, in fact since his insertion in the life of the Christian Church and in the Latin American context. He has considered its moments of joy and of sadness, the oppression of its peoples and the contempt for the life of the most fragile and vulnerable besides the irresponsible use of the environment by our societies. We are going through cruel times, in which the world system gets increasingly violent, especially against indigenous peoples, quilombos, the urban and rural poor, women, children, the old and the disabled, besides those who live outside the standards imposed by the majorities. Which theology or message can help towards the rebirth of hope among us? Will there be in the theology of the Protestant Reform of the 16th century and, particularly in the Lutheran theology, something that may serve as inspiration for our present journey? Which contributions can our churches offer in this historical moment? The article intends to rescue, from a critical Protestant perspective, something of the radicalism of that movement that celebrates its 500th anniversary in 2017. The view we propose here is that of the periphery of the ruling system, of those invisible people who, paradoxically, maintain in their lives of struggles and dreams a bit of that flame of faith under the ashes of time.Keywords: Lutheran theology. Latin-American theology. Latin America. Ecclesial and social reality. Challenges.

2010 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 395 ◽  
Inaiá María Moreira de Calvalho ◽  
Gilberto Corso Pereira

En este artículo se analiza la evolución reciente de la segregación socioespacial y la de la conformación urbana en la ciudad de Salvador, a la luz del debate sobre las transformaciones de las metrópolis dentro del capital globalizado. Si bien se reconoce que todas las grandes ciudades terminan siendo alcanzadas por la globalización, en el texto se resalta, sin embargo, que los efectos de ese proceso no son uniformes ni convergen en un modelo único de ciudad. Es necesario considerar la conformación histórica de cada una de ellas, sus instituciones, actores y decisiones políticas locales dentro de una dinámica definida por la continuidad/transformación, donde lo que ya existía condiciona la irrupción de lo nuevo, que en muchos casos ya había comenzado a delinearse en el pasado. Mediante la demostración de la conformación de una metrópoli extremadamente desigual y segregada y la medida en que las transformaciones han agravado tales alteraciones al paso de los últimos años, esta revisión del caso de Salvador se propone exponer algunas reflexiones para entender mejor los efectos del proceso de globalización sobre las grandes ciudades de América Latina. AbstractThis article analyzes the recent evolution of the socio-spatial segregation and urban configuration of the city of Salvador, in light of the debate on the transformations of metropolises within globalized capital. Although it is a well-known fact that large cities end up being absorbed by globalization, the text stresses the fact that the effects of this process are not uniform nor do they converge in a single model of a city. It is essential to  consider the historical moment of each of them, their institutions, actors and local political decisions within a dynamic defined by continuity/transformation, in which what already existed conditions the emergence of what is new, which in many cases, had already begun to be shaped in the past. Through the demonstration of the configuration of an extremely unequal, segregated metropolis, and the extent to which the transformations have aggravated these alterations over the years, this review of the case of Salvador proposes offering some reflections to provide a better understanding of the effects of globalization on major Latin American cities.

2013 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
João Carlos Amoroso Botelho

Desde que autores como Germani (1962), Di Tella (1969) e Ianni (1975) aplicaram a noção de populismo à América Latina, muito se escreveu sobre o tema. O conceito se estirou tanto que tem servido para definir políticos os mais díspares. Com a ausência das condições socioeconômicas descritas pelas formulações clássicas, a estratégia adotada é limitar a categoria à dimensão política. Esse procedimento, porém, não é capaz de descrever atributos exclusivos suficientes para que o populismo seja um fenômeno específico. Ao mesmo tempo, o conceito está tão enraizado que não é viável abandoná-lo. A solução proposta é avaliar em quais características um político se aproxima e se afasta dos casos paradigmáticos do passado. Assim, ele pode ser populista em certos aspectos e não em outros. Com esse procedimento, se chega a uma classificação, em que um líder apresente mais ou menos atributos descritos pelas definições clássicas, eliminando a necessidade de reformulação constante do conceito para adaptá-lo a novas circunstâncias. Também haveria menos espaço a que o rótulo de populista continuasse servindo para desqualificar políticos latino-americanos. O artigo aborda definições clássicas e recentes aplicadas à América Latina e avalia a viabilidade empírica da estratégia de se concentrar na dimensão política.---LA APLICACIÓN DEL CONCEPTO DE POPULISMO AMÉRICA LATINA: la necesidad de clasificar, y no descalificar Desde que autores como Germani (1962), Di Tella (1969) y Ianni (1975) aplicaron la noción de populismo a la América Latina, mucho se ha escrito sobre el tema. El concepto se ha estirado tanto que ha definido políticos muy dispares. Con la ausencia de las condiciones socioeconómicas descritas por las formulaciones clásicas, la estrategia adoptada es concentrarse en la dimensión política. Ese procedimiento, sin embargo, no es capaz de describir atributos exclusivos suficientes para que el populismo sea un fenómeno específico. Al mismo tiempo, el concepto está tan enraizado que no es viable abandonarlo. La solución propuesta es evaluar en cuales características un político se acerca y se aleja de los casos paradigmáticos del pasado. Así, ello puede ser populista en ciertos aspectos y no en otros. Con ese procedimiento, se llega a una clasificación, en que un líder presente más o menos atributos descritos por las definiciones clásicas, eliminando la necesidad de reformulación constante del concepto. También habría menos espacio a que el rótulo de populista continuase sirviendo para descalificar políticos latinoamericanos. El artículo presenta definiciones clásicas y recientes aplicadas a la América Latina y discute la viabilidad empírica de la estrategia de concentrarse en la dimensión política.Palabras-clave: populismo; América Latina; casos paradigmáticos; clasificación.---THE APPLICATION OF THE CONCEPT OF POPULISM IN LATIN AMERICA: the need to classify and not disqualifyEver since authors such as Germani (1962), Di Tella (1969) and Ianni (1975) applied the notion of populism in Latin America, much has been written on the subject. The concept stretched out so much that it has served to define the most dissimilar politicians. In the absence of socioeconomic conditions described by classical formulations, the strategy adopted is to restrict the category to the political dimension. Such a procedure, however, is not capable of describing adequate particular attributes that populism would be a specific phenomenon. At the same time, the concept is so deeply embedded in our society that it is not feasible to abandon it. The proposed solution is to evaluate in which characteristics a politician reaches and moves away from the paradigmatic cases of the past. Thus, it can be populist in some respects and not in others. In such a procedure, we arrive at a classification in which a leader shows more or less attributes described by classical definitions, eliminating the need for constant reformulation of the concept to adapt it to new circumstances. Also, there would be less space to which the label of populist would continue to serve to disqualify Latin American politicians. The article discusses recent and classic settings applied to Latin America and assesses the empirical viability of focusing on the political dimension strategy.Key words: populism; Latin America; paradigmatic cases; classification.

2020 ◽  
Vol 28 ◽  
pp. 160
Juliane Sachser Angnes ◽  
Elisa Yoshie Ichikawa ◽  
Marcel Luciano Klozovski ◽  
Maria De Fátima Quintal de Freitas

This theoretical essay proposes to understand how the contemporary conception of Human Rights is configured, and from that, to articulate the affirmative actions for Indigenous peoples inserted in this conception. In other words, it reflects on how this process took place in Latin America, that is, whether these actions proposed in Latin America for Indigenous peoples adopt a perspective constituted by the “subject of law” being seen in its particularity and peculiarity, and whether there have been advances or setbacks. The results showed that, specifically, from the conceptions presented at the International Labor Organization (OIT) there was a break in the integrationist paradigm, showing a real advance in the expressions of these conceptions and the ways in which indigenous societies are understood, at least in the applied legislation in Latin America. However, there is still much to reflect on and fight for.

2019 ◽  
Vol 27 ◽  
pp. 43 ◽  
Sebastian Donoso - Diaz ◽  
Juan Pablo Fernandez -Negrete ◽  
Daniel Reyes Araya

This study exposes the opinions of a group of former directors of public schools in Chile who were selected by the system of high public management, and who had to leave their posts before the end of their appointment period. The responses evidence the fragility of the local organization of public education, in terms of the interference of the local political authority in the early dismissal of school leaders and identify the various pressures the leaders received from the higher authorities in the exercise of their position. The main problems they faced were the lack of support during the installation phases as well as a lack of monitoring and evaluation of their performance, which are widespread among Latin American countries, given the trends. This paper examines the selection process for High Public Management, the background on the subject, the answers of the interviewees, and an analysis of the interviews. It concludes with some proposals to improve the selection system. 

2021 ◽  
Joanna Stawowy

The subject of illness and disability has been explored by artists for a long time. Depending on the era, it was presented in different ways. Twentieth-century social movements, interested in emancipating otherness, shed new light on the perception of the human body and its causative capabilities. Currently, the artist is more a commentator of reality than its passive observer and disability is one of the most important subjects of art. The exclusion, which used to involve disabled people, seems to be passing nowadays, however the problem of ableism still exists. Contemporary artists refer to it in their works trying to face harmful stereotypes. The purpose of this article is to look at disability through the eyes of artists, to find its representations in works of art and to trace how the perception of the disabled body has changed, based on the aesthetics and canon of a given age – from the perfect body of antique to the social involvement of contemporary art.

2017 ◽  
pp. 145
Miguel Urrutia

Aunque Touraine ha sostenido que el sujeto se constituye colectivamente, la producción última del sentido la hace residir en entidades de conciencia identificadas consigo mismas, es decir, en individuos; de este modo, se ha conectado con cierto izquierdismo latinoamericano y su invocación a “sujetos de derecho” titulares de una “soberanía” que, en última instancia, supone el “control consciente sobre un sí mismo”. Así, los axiomas de la política liberal individualista pasan a constituir el fondo constante sobre el cual se efectúan hasta los cambios sociales más profundos.Palabras clave izquierda / derechismo / accionalismo / política / imperio / movimientos sociales.Abstract:Although Touraine has maintained that the subject is constituted collectively, the last production of sense resides in identified organizations of conscience within themselves, that is to say, in individuals; this way, it has connected with certain Latin American leftist orientation and its invocation to “ subjects of right” entitled to a “sovereignty” that, in last instance, supposes the “conscientious control on itself”. Thus, the axioms of the individualistic liberal policy happen to constitute the constant bottom on which take place the deepest social changes.Key words Left / right / factionalism / politics / empire / social movements

Giovanni Gentile G. Marchetti

Arriving in Italy following the expulsion of the Jesuits from all the territories of the Spanish crown, the Mexican Francisco Javier Clavijero did not delay much to conceive the work that earned him the fame of initiator of the modern Latin American historiography. Eager to correct the erroneous and, in many ways, teratological image that the philosophes had offered of America, he composed, in the Spanish language, his, still fundamental today, Historia antigua de México, which, however, for various reasons, had to remain manuscript for a long time. Instead, he published it in Italian (Storia antica del Messico, 4 vols., Cesena, Biasini, 1780-81), two years after finishing it, in March 1778. The considerable extension of the work certainly makes Clavijero credible when he claims to have imposed himself a “new and difficult task by translating [his books] into the Tuscan”. The solutions that he adopts for some translation problems in the field of the subject dealt with are preferibiles to those of most contemporary translators of similar works.

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 49-81 ◽  
Catherine Alès

English Abstract:The indigenous people of Venezuela, long excluded from political participation, registered a whole set of rights within the new constitution in 1999. However, the proclamation of these rights did not ensure their full implementation and, a fortiori, their purpose to protect the survival of indigenous peoples. This article presents an analysis of the processes through which indigenous rights have been allocated but poorly implemented and even substantially withdrawn. In many Latin American states, the rights that promote autonomy and self-government are actively abandoned notwithstanding cultural, political, and economic contexts be they progressive or conservative. Through this analysis, this article proposes the concept of “proclamation-denial”. While this concept is relevant for numerous Latin American countries, this article highlights the specificities of the Venezuelan case.Spanish Abstract: Los pueblos indígenas de Venezuela, históricamente excluidos de la participación política, lograron que se registrara todo un conjunto de derechos particulares dentro de la nueva constitución en 1999. Sin embargo, la proclamación de estos derechos no garantizó su plena aplicación y, a fortiori, su propósito de proteger la supervivencia de los pueblos indígenas. Este artículo analiza los procesos por los cuales los derechos indígenas han sido legalmente asignados pero débilmente implementados, y hasta desconocidos sustancialmente. En muchos estados latinoamericanos, los derechos que promueven la autonomía y el autogobierno son activamente abandonados, y esto que el contexto cultural, político y económico sea progresista o conservador. A través de este análisis, este artículo propone el concepto de «proclamación-negación». Si bien este concepto es relevante para numerosos países de América Latina, el texto destaca las especificidades del caso venezolano.French Abstract:Longtemps exclus de la participation politique, les autochtones du Venezuela ont su inscrire tout un ensemble de droits particuliers au sein de la nouvelle constitution en 1999. La proclamation de ces droits n’a cependant pas garanti leur pleine application ni, a fortiori, son objectif de protéger la survivance des peuples autochtones. Cet article présente une analyse des processus par lesquels les droits autochtones ont été attribués mais faiblement implémentés, et ont même substantiellement régressé. Dans plusieurs Etats d’Amérique latine, les droits qui promeuvent l’autonomie et l’auto-gouvernement sont activement abandonnés, indépendamment du fait que le contexte culturel, politique et économique soit progressiste ou conservateur. A travers cette analyse, l’article propose le concept de «proclamation-dénégation». Tandis que ce concept est pertinent pour de nombreux pays d’Amérique latine, le texte illustre les spécificités du cas vénézuélien.

Antonio Carlos Wolkmer ◽  
Débora Ferrazzo

Resumo: Verifica-se na América Latina o reconhecimento crescente da presença do pluralismo, decorrente da grande diversidade de sistemas normativos e culturas autóctones, engendrada especialmente pelos povos originários e pelo ingresso de outros povos e culturas, fomentados no processo de colonização. Tais sistemas coexistem com o direito estatal, trazido das metrópoles pelo colonizador, de modo que tal direito, na história do continente, desenvolveu-se subordinado a interesses da tradição elitista, negligenciando as necessidades de segmentos majoritários e violentando em um nível inclusive ontológico, a diversidade cultural do latino-americana, na busca pela concretização de um projeto universalizante, que conduz a um único paradigma – o eurocêntrico. Entretanto, nas últimas décadas, foram deflagradas dinâmicas sociais transformadoras em todo o continente, em especial na região andina, culminando na edificação legítima e comunitária do poder político e nas mudanças das instituições oficiais, legadas pela cultura jurídico-política colonizadora (tradição europeia), notadamente, a Constituição e o Estado. Assim, adota-se uma opção metodológica e epistemológica pautada na bibliografia crítica, objetivando analisar estes processos e as oportunidades promissoras para um projeto descolonizador, que se impõem como fenômeno de estudo fundamental para as diversas ciências sociais, especialmente para o direito, onde o aporte crítico é tão necessário.Palavras-chave: Colonização jurídica; Insurgência popular; Processos democráticos; Pluralismo jurídico. Abstract: Latin-America is currently experiencing a growing acknowledgement of a wide variety of normative systems and native cultures, especially those generated by indigenous peoples and the entrance of others cultures and peoples, fomented by the colonization process. These systems coexist with State law, brought in the metropolis by the colonizer, so that such a law, in continent's history, has been developed under the interests of an elitist tradition, neglecting the needs of major segments and violating, including in ontological level, the cultural diversity of the continent. This is a consequence of the quest for achieving the goals of a universalizing project, which is based on a single paradigm – the Eurocentric. However, in recent decades, new transformative social dynamics have been triggered across the Latin American continent, especially in the Andean region. These dynamics have culminated in the construction of a legitimate political power based on communitarian values and have promoted changes in the two major official institutions originally bestowed by the legal and colonial political culture (European tradition), namely, the Constitution and the State. Therefore, this study adopts a methodological and epistemological option based on critical bibliography, aiming at to analyze these processes and the promising opportunities for the decolonization project, which imposes a fundamental study to various social sciences, especially to legal science, where the critical apparatus is so necessary.Keywords: Legal colonization; Popular insurgency; Democratic processes; Legal pluralism.

2021 ◽  
Vol 80 (316) ◽  
pp. 109
Eduardo Ramírez Cedillo ◽  
Francisco López Herrera

<p>Se analiza la relación del crecimiento económico con el gasto público de 16 países latinoamericanos de 1990 a 2017. Este trabajo contribuye a la literatura sobre el tema enfocándose en la región. Los resultados de un modelo para paneles cointegrados respaldan la ley de Wagner en el largo plazo y brindan evidencia parcial a favor de las hipótesis de Keynes en el corto plazo.</p><p><strong> </strong></p><p align="center">PUBLIC SPENDING AND GROWTH IN LATIN AMERICA:</p><p align="center">WAGNER´S LAW AND KEYNES’S HYPOTHESIS<strong></strong></p><p align="center"><strong>ABSTRACT</strong></p><p>The relationship between economic growth and public spending in 16 Latin American countries from 1990 to 2017 is analyzed. This paper contributes to the literature on the subject focusing on the region. The results from a model of cointegrated panels support Wagner’s Law in the long term and provides partial evidence in favor of the Keynesian hypotheses in the short term.</p>

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