scholarly journals Caracterização do estado de conservação das estradas rurais na bacia do Ribeirão Paraíso, Jataí-GO

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 1767
Carine Cabral Souza ◽  
Márcia Cristina da Cunha

As estradas são muito importantes em vários aspectos, não só importantes, mas também necessárias. Possibilitam o tráfego de pessoas em busca de necessidades básicas (saúde, educação, lazer, trabalho, etc.) como também às atividades agrícolas. Portanto, o objetivo principal desse capítulo foi caracterizar e analisar o estado de conservação das estradas rurais na bacia hidrográfica do Ribeirão Paraíso, Jataí-GO, esperando contribuir com incentivo e conscientização por parte da gestão da estrada da necessidade de realizar um licenciamento ambiental para uma boa gestão: ambiental, econômica e social, para que responsabilize em arcar com despesas preventivas e mitigadoras dos possíveis e/ou presentes danos ambientais gerados. Como metodologia, utilizamos a caracterização empírica (monitoramento), com auxílio de ferramentas de Sistema de Posicionamento Global-GPS, trena, máquina fotográfica, entre outros, e os trabalhos de gabinete com seleção de informações e criação de um banco de dados da bacia necessárias à execução da pesquisa. Foi constatado que as estradas em sua maioria estão comprometidas, sem medidas de prevenção ou sem manutenção adequada, uma vez que as medidas requerem manutenções constantes para o bom funcionamento. Constatamos vários processos erosivos na faixa de rolamento e áreas adjacentes como buracos, ravinas, sedimentos e ausência de sistema de drenagem. Concluímos, portanto, que as estradas da área em questão apresentam degradação que pode prejudicar o escoamento da produção local, causando prejuízos econômicos, assim como, dificuldade de deslocamento de pessoas e veículos.Characterization of the conservation status of rural roads in the Ribeirão Paraíso basin, Jataí-GO  A B S T R A C TRoads are very important in many ways, not only important, but also necessary. They enable the traffic of people in search of basic needs (health, education, leisure, work, etc.) as well as agricultural activities. Therefore, the main objective of this chapter was to characterize and analyze the conservation status of rural roads in the Ribeirão Paraíso hydrographic basin, Jataí-GO, hoping to contribute with encouragement and awareness on the part of the road management of the need to carry out an environmental license for a good management: environmental, economic and social, so that you are responsible for paying preventive and mitigating expenses for possible and / or present environmental damage generated. As a methodology, we use empirical characterization (monitoring), with the help of Global Positioning System-GPS tools, measuring tape, camera, among others, and the office work with selection of information and creation of a necessary basin database the execution of the research. It was found that most roads are compromised, without preventive measures or without proper maintenance, since the measures require constant maintenance for proper functioning. We found several erosive processes in the tread and adjacent areas such as holes, ravines, sediments and the absence of a drainage system. We conclude, therefore, that the roads in the area in question show degradation that can impair the flow of local production, causing economic losses, as well as difficulty in displacing people and vehicles.Keywords: Monitoring, Maintenance, Erosive processes.

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 235-240
Iryna Solonenko

The development of road network infrastructure is an important component of the economic development of the European Union. Updating of the road network contributes to the integration of the economies of countries into a coherent whole. The road network provides the free movement of citizens, the movement of goods and the effective implementation of various services. The increase in the length of the road network leads to an increase in the financial and material costs necessary to ensure its maintenance and repair. One of the ways to reduce costs is by strengthening the physic-mechanical and operational characteristics of the pavement due to the widespread use of cement concrete. The quality of the pavement of cement concrete depends largely on the rational selection of its composition. This allows a significant increase in the durability of road pavement. The purpose of the research was: the development of recommendations for the rational selection of the composition of the road pavement material of cement concrete, aimed at upgrading longevity, and taking into account its frost resistance grade. According to the goal, the following tasks were developed: the analyses of the climatic zones in which the road network of the European Union is located; the development of a research plan, a selection of the response function and influence factors; the study of physico-mechanical and operational characteristics of the researched material of road pavement; on the basis of the obtained data, the calculation of the complex of experimental-statistical models, which describe the physico-mechanical and operational characteristics of the road pavement material; on the basis of experimental statistical models, a method was proposed for selecting the rational compositions of the cement concrete pavement road material depending on the conditions of its application. The results presented in the article can be used in engineering and scientific practice for the selection of road pavement from cement concrete for highways.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (8) ◽  
pp. 1417
Jiguang Dai ◽  
Rongchen Ma ◽  
Litao Gong ◽  
Zimo Shen ◽  
Jialin Wu

Road extraction in rural areas is one of the most fundamental tasks in the practical application of remote sensing. In recent years, sample-driven methods have achieved state-of-the-art performance in road extraction tasks. However, sample-driven methods are prohibitively expensive and laborious, especially when dealing with rural roads with irregular curvature changes, narrow widths, and diverse materials. The template matching method can overcome these difficulties to some extent and achieve impressive road extraction results. This method also has the advantage of the vectorization of road extraction results, but the automation is limited. Straight line sequences can be substituted for curves, and the use of the color space can increase the recognition of roads and nonroads. A model-driven-to-sample-driven road extraction method for rural areas with a much higher degree of automation than existing template matching methods is proposed in this study. Without prior samples, on the basis of the geometric characteristics of narrow and long roads and using the advantages of straight lines instead of curved lines, the road center point extraction model is established through length constraints and gray mean contrast constraints of line sequences, and the extraction of some rural roads is completed through topological connection analysis. In addition, we take the extracted road center point and manual input data as local samples, use the improved line segment histogram to determine the local road direction, and use the panchromatic and hue, saturation, value (HSV) space interactive matching model as the matching measure to complete the road tracking extraction. Experimental results show that, for different types of data and scenarios on the premise, the accuracy and recall rate of the evaluation indicators reach more than 98%, and, compared with other methods, the automation of this algorithm has increased by more than 40%.

Drones ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 15
Moulay A. Akhloufi ◽  
Andy Couturier ◽  
Nicolás A. Castro

Wildfires represent a significant natural risk causing economic losses, human death and environmental damage. In recent years, the world has seen an increase in fire intensity and frequency. Research has been conducted towards the development of dedicated solutions for wildland fire assistance and fighting. Systems were proposed for the remote detection and tracking of fires. These systems have shown improvements in the area of efficient data collection and fire characterization within small-scale environments. However, wildland fires cover large areas making some of the proposed ground-based systems unsuitable for optimal coverage. To tackle this limitation, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) and unmanned aerial systems (UAS) were proposed. UAVs have proven to be useful due to their maneuverability, allowing for the implementation of remote sensing, allocation strategies and task planning. They can provide a low-cost alternative for the prevention, detection and real-time support of firefighting. In this paper, previous works related to the use of UAV in wildland fires are reviewed. Onboard sensor instruments, fire perception algorithms and coordination strategies are considered. In addition, some of the recent frameworks proposing the use of both aerial vehicles and unmanned ground vehicles (UGV) for a more efficient wildland firefighting strategy at a larger scale are presented.

2011 ◽  
Vol 59 (2) ◽  
pp. 137-140 ◽  
S. Szczepański ◽  
M. Wöjcikowski ◽  
B. Pankiewicz ◽  
M. KŁosowski ◽  
R. Żaglewski

FPGA and ASIC implementation of the algorithm for traffic monitoring in urban areas This paper describes the idea and the implementation of the image detection algorithm, that can be used in integrated sensor networks for environment and traffic monitoring in urban areas. The algorithm is dedicated to the extraction of moving vehicles from real-time camera images for the evaluation of traffic parameters, such as the number of vehicles, their direction of movement and their approximate speed. The authors, apart from the careful selection of particular steps of the algorithm towards hardware implementation, also proposed novel improvements, resulting in increasing the robustness and the efficiency. A single, stationary, monochrome camera is used, simple shadow and highlight elimination is performed. The occlusions are not taken into account, due to placing the camera at a location high above the road. The algorithm is designed and implemented in pipelined hardware, therefore high frame-rate efficiency has been achieved. The algorithm has been implemented and tested in FPGA and ASIC.

2014 ◽  
Vol 505-506 ◽  
pp. 1148-1152
Jian Qun Wang ◽  
Xiao Qing Xue ◽  
Ning Cao

The road traffic accidents caused huge economic losses and casualties, so it had been focused by the researchers. Lane changing characteristic is the most relevant characteristic with safety. The intent of lane changing was discussed. Firstly, the factors affecting the intent were analyzed, the speed satisfaction value and the space satisfaction value were proposed; then the data from the University of California, Berkeley was extracted and the number of vehicles changed lane more often and the vehicle ID were obtained; the BP neural network classification model was established, it was trained and testified by actual data. The results shown the method could predict the intent accurately.

Serge P. Hoogendoorn ◽  
Hein Botma

A simple analysis to derive Branston’s generalized queueing model for (time-) headway distributions is presented. It is assumed that the total headway is the sum of two independent random variables: the empty zone and the free-flowing headway. The parameters of the model can be used to examine various characteristics of both the road (e.g., capacity) and driver-vehicle combinations (e.g., following behavior). Furthermore, the model can be applied to vehicle generation in microscopic simulation models and to safety analysis. To estimate the different parameters in the model, a new estimation method is proposed. This method, which was developed on the basis of Fourier-series analysis, was successfully applied to measurements collected on two-lane rural roads. The method was found to be both computationally less demanding and more robust than traditional parameter techniques procedures, such as maximum likelihood. In addition, the method provides more accurate results. Parameters in the model were examined with the developed estimation method. Estimates of these parameters at a specific period and a specific measurement location were to some extent transferable to other periods and locations. Application of the method to road capacity estimation is discussed.

Miloš Petković ◽  
Vladan Tubić ◽  
Nemanja Stepanović

Design hourly volume (DHV) represents one of the most significant parameters in the procedures of developing and evaluating road designs. DHV values can be accurately and precisely calculated only on the road sections with the implemented automatic traffic counters (ATCs) which constantly monitor the traffic volume. Unfortunately, many road sections do not contain ATCs primarily because of the implementation costs. Consequently, for many years, the DHV values have been defined on the basis of occasional counting and the factors related to traffic flow variability over time. However, it has been determined that this approach has significant limitations and that the predicted values considerably deviate from the actual values. Therefore, the main objective of this paper is to develop a model which will enable DHV prediction on rural roads in cases of insufficient data. The suggested model is based on the correlation between DHVs and the parameters defining the characteristics of traffic flows, that is, the relationship between the traffic volumes on design working days and non-working days, and annual average daily traffic. The results of the conducted research indicate that the application of the proposed model enables the prediction of DHV values with a significant level of data accuracy and reliability. The coefficient of determination (R2) shows that more than 98% of the variance of the calculated DHVs was explained by the observed DHV values, while the mean error ranged from 4.86% to 7.84% depending on the number of hours for which DHV was predicted.

Leonardo Barcellos de Bakker ◽  
Pedro Gasparinetti ◽  
Júlia Mello de Queiroz ◽  
Ana Claudia Santiago de Vasconcellos

Artisanal small-scale gold mining (ASGM) in the Amazon results in the dumping of tons of mercury into the environment annually. Despite consensus on the impacts of mercury on human health, there are still unknowns regarding: (i) the extent to which mercury from ASGM can be dispersed in the environment until it becomes toxic to humans; and (ii) the economic value of losses caused by contamination becomes evident. The main objective of this study is to propose a methodology to evaluate the impacts of ASGM on human health in different contexts in the Brazilian Amazon. We connect several points in the literature based on hypotheses regarding mercury dispersion in water, its transformation into methylmercury, and absorption by fish and humans. This methodology can be used as a tool to estimate the extent of environmental damage caused by artisanal gold mining, the severity of damage to the health of individuals contaminated by mercury and, consequently, can contribute to the application of fines to environmental violators. The consequences of contamination are evaluated by dose-response functions relating to mercury concentrations in hair and the development of the following health outcomes: (i) mild mental retardation, (ii) acute myocardial infarction, and (iii) hypertension. From disability-adjusted life years and statistical life value, we found that the economic losses range from 100,000 to 400,000 USD per kilogram of gold extracted. A case study of the Yanomami indigenous land shows that the impacts of mercury from illegal gold mining in 2020 totaled 69 million USD, which could be used by local authorities to compensate the Yanomami people.

2012 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 75-96
Piotr Matyjasiak

The aim of this paper is (i) to review the method of valorization of natural resources as applied in the environmental impact assessment, and (ii) to develop recommendations on how valorization expertise should be prepared in order to be comprehensive and transparent. Valorization is the proper time to carry out identi>cation of the possible negative environmental impacts and damages of a planned project. It is recommended to perform valorization due to the state (numbers) and functions (quality) of natural resources. This approach is related to the concept of environmental damage, which is defined as a measurable adverse change in a natural resource or measurable impairment of a natural resource service (which means the functions performed by a natural resource for the benefit of another natural resource or the public). Valorization of natural resources should include an assessment of potential environmental damage, including an impact on the local biodiversity, the ecological connectivity, the N2000 network, and the legally protected areas. The valorization of natural resources should be performed at the following thematic levels focusing on the role of the area under consideration due to: (1) the implementation of the objectives of protection of Nature 2000 network and its overall coherence, (2) the implementation of the objectives of protection of legally protected areas other than N2000, (3) the maintenance of the ecological connectivity in a context other than the coherence of Nature 2000 network, (4) the maintenance of species and natural habitats with favorable conservation status, (5) the conservation of species and natural habitat types that are not legally protected.

1998 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 34-44
Philip T Evers ◽  
Carol J Emerson

The purpose of this study is to investigate certain aspects of a transportation choice model proposed by Krapfel and Mentzer (1982) pertaining to the influence of shipper perceptions on the selection of a mode. Specifically, this study attempts to identify the impact that shipper perceptions of intermodal and over-the-road truck service, as well as other characteristics of the shipper, have on intermodal usage. The research findings support the notion that shipper perceptions affect modal usage and indicate areas in which intermodal providers should focus their attention to improve intermodal usage.

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