scholarly journals Strengthening for Entrepreneurship Program of Sorghum Base as Food Alternative During the Pandemic Recovery Covid-19

Endang Noerhartati ◽  
Che Zalina Zulkifli ◽  
Pratiwi Dwi Karyati ◽  
Nugrahini Susantinah Wisnujati ◽  
Iva Evry Robiyansah ◽  

The purpose of this research was to find a solution during the pandemic recovery covid-19 with the strengthening of alternative food entrepreneurship sorghum. The research method uses qualitative research methods in entrepreneurship, descriptive qualitative action research  with data collection techniques in the form of observation and documentation, after the data collected is then analyzed statistically descriptive. The results showed that sorghum can be used as a national food stock facing a crisis and pandemic covid-19, sorghum food stock in the form of grains, rice, flour, soft brand sorghum, and various processed sorghum. National sorghum food stock strategy includes strengthening clusters and production centers, silo utilization cooperation, socialization of various sorghum products, and strengthening Center of Sorghum Entrepreneur (CSE) and Sorghum Entrepreneurship Unit (SEU).

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 64
Mirda Aryadi ◽  
Asril S ◽  
Febri Yulika

AbstrakMasjid Asasi Sigando menerapkan ornamen sebagai salah satu bagian dari bangunannya. Fungsi secara umum dari penempatan ornamen pada masjid Asasi sebagai penghias, hal ini juga berlaku pada bangunan yang khas Minangkabau lainnya. Penempatan ornamen pada masjid ini, hampir terdapat pada seluruh dinding luar. Ornamen yang diterapkan pada bagian dinding masjid seperti singok, pereang, papan banyak, papan sakapieng, dan salangko. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif yang berifat deskriptif. Ornamen Masjid Asasi memiliki keindahan dari segi motif yang belum dikaji secara keilmuan. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara obervasi, wawancara, dokumentasi dan studi pustaka. Hasil tentang ornamen Masjid Asasi bahwa ide penciptaan motif ornamen berlandaskan pada bentuk alam seperti, tumbuhan, hewan, alam benda dan manusia. Selain itu penempatan masing-masing motif juga disusun pada bagian masjid yang memiliki nama tertentu.Kata Kunci: masjid asasi, ornamen, motif.AbstractAsasi Sigando Mosque uses ornaments as one part of the building. The general function of the placement of ornaments on the Asasi mosque as decoration, this also applies to other typical Minangkabau buildings. Placement of ornaments on this mosque, almost found on the entire outer wall. Ornaments applied to the walls of the mosque such as singok, pereang, papan banyak, papan sakapieng, and salangko. This research uses descriptive qualitative research methods. Asasi Mosque ornaments have beauty in terms of motifs that have not been studied scientifically. Data collection is carried out by means of observation, interviews, documentation and literature study. The result of Asasi Mosque ornaments is that the idea of creating ornamental motifs is based on natural forms such as plants, animals, natural objects and humans. In addition, the placement of each motif is also arranged on the part of the mosque that has a certain name. Keywords: asasi mosque, ornaments, motifs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 81-96
Witri Retno Handayani ◽  
Umrotul Khasanah

The role of Islamic values in an institution properly and correctly will influence people's decisions to become members of the institution. This study aims to analyze the role and implications of Islamic values of the members of the KSU SWM Malang city, in improving the existence of the institution. The method used is descriptive qualitative research methods. Data collection techniques with in-depth interviews, observation and documentation. The informants in this study were several traders of the Dinoyo traditional market in Malang city, the chairman of the SWM cooperative management and the manager of the SWM cooperative. The results of the study found that the Islamic value of the members of the SWM cooperative was shown in the form of solidarity / teamwork, sincerity and trust in the good performance of the management, as well as the KSU-SWM manager.

Sultan Sultan

Research on Grammatical Cohesion Analysis of Prabowo's Speech Text in the Election of Presidential Candidates and Vice-Presidential Candidates in 2019 discusses the forms of references and substitutions using the Mulyana Discourse Study theory. The aim is to describe the form of references and substitutions that are used as references to words or sentences directed by an author to indicate the direction or reference or purpose intended by the writer, so that the meaning that is to be conveyed is clearer.The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. The reason researchers used descriptive qualitative research methods in this study, because researchers describe words that include forms of reference and substitution in Prabowo's Speech Text in the Election of Presidential Candidates and Vice Presidential Candidates in 2019. Data collection is done by observation, object determination, data reading, data identification, coding, and data classification.The results of this study indicate that there are words that are included in the form of endophoric references, exophoric references, and forms of substitution. The most common data found is the grammatical aspect of exophoric reference. It can be concluded that the words used in Prabowo's speech text are many words that are repeated, so that the use in the form of references and substitutions in Prabowo's Speech Text in the Election of Presidential Candidates and Vice Presidential Candidates in 2019 is lacking in cohesion. Thus the thesis has a beneficial hope for the reader by learning more about discourse, especially grammatical cohesion, and might be better developed.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 12-20
Deby Prana Sari ◽  
M. Syahrun Effendi

The purpose of this study was to describe the general conversational implicature, scale conversation implicature, and special conversation implicature in in the Sweet 20 film by Ody C. Harahap. The research method used is qualitative research methods. Data collection techniques used are documentation techniques and refer to techniques. Data analysis techniques by transcribing the entire contents of the film, marking implicature, interpreting, and making conclusions. Test the validity of the data with member checking and expert validity. From the results of the study, the dominant implicature used in the Sweet 20 film by Ody C. Harahap is a specific conversation implicator as much as 75%, followed by a general conversation implicator as much as 21.33%, and finally the scale implication as much as 3.79%. The specific implications of the conversation in the form of using the language of speakers tend to use special words that only the speaker can understand the meaning or purpose of the speech. The Sweet 20 film is personal and familial in delivering speeches by speakers. From the results of this study, what needs to be considered is that when writing films Indonesian language teachers should pay attention to the composition of the use of implicature types.

Faridatus soleha Faridatus

This study aims to describe the temperament of characters in the Fighting Notes novel by using Ludwig Klages's personality theory. The focus of this research is on the temperament of the characters contained in the Note Juang by Fiersa Besari. Tempramen is a trait that a person has in him when he will do something, Klages divides the temprament into two parts, namely sangraminis tempraments and pleghmatic tempraments. This study uses descriptive qualitative research methods which means a research method that does not use numbers or calculations, this qualitative approach is used with the aim of producing word form descriptions from research that has been observed, in addition this study uses library techniques to get data on research observed. Data analysis in this study used hermeutic analysis with several stages, namely reading objects, marking data found on objects, coding data and analyzing all data with Ludwig Klages's personality theory. The results of this research in the Notes Fighting can be concluded that there are sangunis and pleghmatis tempraments but are inclined to sangunis tempraments that are experienced by many Suar figures.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 47
Siti Rohmatul Imani ◽  
Nuraini Nuraini ◽  
Anip Dwi Saputro

The management of memorization the Qur'an at MI Al-Barokah Purwantoro is an activity carried out by a teacher. Before carrying out learning, the teacher prepares targets or determines memorization first. Al-Qur'an memorization management at MI Al-Barokah purwantoro includes planning and implementation of learning. This research was conducted with the aim to find out the Management of Quran Recitation Learning carried out by each teacher when it will teach memorization of the Qur'an and how the inhibiting factors and supporters. This study uses descriptive qualitative research methods and the data collection is done by interview, observation, and documentation. The results of this study can be concluded that the Management of Al-Qur'an Memorizing Learning at MI Al-Barokah Purwantoro is an activity carried out by the teacher by using targets or determining memorization of the Qur'an. The learning stage 1. Learning planning which includes: a. extracurricular program, b. rote determination. 2. Implementation of learning which includes: a. learning method, b. deposit system, c. memorization target, d. evaluation. In MI Al-Barokah Purwantoro determining the target of the hafala is one juz, namely juz 'amma, and the memorization process of the Koran by using several methods namely by writing method and also by repetition method, by reading verses then students imitating until memorizing then after memorizing then students are required to deposit the memorization.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 81-105
Rifqi Chairul Umam

Zakah is one of the pillars of Islam that must be implemented, zakah is generally divided into 2, zakah maal and zakah fitrah. A mosque is a place for Muslims to perform worship both in congregation and individually. In Indonesia the mosque is also a place for collecting and distributing zakat funds. This study aims to identify the effectiveness of zakat distribution through mosques (case study of Darussalam Mosque, Kota Wisata, Cibubur). The research method used is descriptive qualitative research methods with primary and secondary data sources that will be obtained from interviews, viewing reports related to zakat, observations, and documentation to Amil in Masjid Darussalam, Kota Wisata, Cibubur. The results of the study show that all indicators, that is right on target, economic improvement, use of funds. with some notes that need to be considered, namely the ZakatPro program must be carried out carefully monitoring and coaching so that mustahik can be more productive, and provide solutions to each mustahik's business problems

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 33
Moch Nur Cholis ◽  
Djarot Meidi Budi Utomo

The purpose of this study was to describe the interpersonal communication of teachers and parents to the moral development of students in extraordinary school dharma,  Candi Sub-districts, Sidoarjo Regency. This research used descriptive qualitative research methods. Informants in this study were teacher, parents student, and head of extraordinary school dharma,  Candi Sub-districts, Sidoarjo Regency. Data collection techniques used in-depth interviews, observation, and documentation. Analyzed data used descriptive analytic based on Miles and Huberman model. The results of the study showed that communication between teachers and parents to use interpersonal communication, but had not been effective. But, teachers and parents try to did the best possible interpersonal communication in teaching hours at school and outside of school hours learning.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 149-162
Nur Ahmad Salman Herbowo ◽  
Khairil Anwar ◽  
Ferdinal Ferdinal

The republishing activities of Kaba books carried out by the publisher Kristal Multimedia cannot be separated from the publisher Pustaka Indonesia, one of the earliest publishers managed by local communities in Bukittinggi during the Dutch colonial administration. Sixteen of the eighteen Kaba books that were printed were republished from the publisher Pustaka Indonesia. This research uses the republishing of Kaba books by Kristal Multimedia publisher as its material object. The formal object is doxa which the publisher of Kristal Multimedia expresses. The purpose of this study is to determine the background that causes the publishers of Kristal Multimedia to continue operating and is serious about republishing Kaba books. The research method used is qualitative research methods with interview data collection techniques and the use of documents. The theory used in this research is the arena of cultural production proposed by Pierre Bourdieu, focus the discussion of doxa, heterodoxa and orthodoxa. Doxa expressed by Kristal Multimedia publisher is heterodoxa, contradicting the doksa expressed by the publisher Pustaka Indonesia as a publisher that also produces school and religious textbooks. Kristal Multimedia Publisher focuses on all its publications in Minangkabau cultural books, such as the Kaba book.

2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 37
M. Firdaus

This research aims to describe Form and reason of use of Tamiang Malay Language swears word by Aceh Tamiang Comunity Akademy. Swear words are often used to pout other people or express resentment so that it feels far from national ethics and culture. the researcher used sociolinguistic studies to approach the phenomenon. The researcher attempts to associate the choice of variety and variations of swear words to find the form and the reasons of use swear word  at the student level. This research method uses descriptive qualitative research methods, this means, the researcher attempted to present data on the use of swear words to students using in-depth interviews and Focus Group Discussion.This study concludes that there are differences in form and reason of use of Tamiang Malay Language swear word by Aceh Tamiang Comunity Akademy.This research aims to describe Form and reason of use of Tamiang Malay Language swears word by Aceh Tamiang Comunity Akademy. Swear words are often used to pout other people or express resentment so that it feels far from national ethics and culture. the researcher used sociolinguistic studies to approach the phenomenon. The researcher attempts to associate the choice of variety and variations of swear words to find the form and the reasons of use swear word  at the student level. This research method uses descriptive qualitative research methods, this means, the researcher attempted to present data on the use of swear words to students using in-depth interviews and Focus Group Discussion.This study concludes that there are differences in form and reason of use of Tamiang Malay Language swear word by Aceh Tamiang Comunity Akademy.

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