TARBAWI:Journal on Islamic Education
Latest Publications





Published By Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo

2655-9749, 2684-8279

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 131
Andik Muhammad Rofi’i ◽  
Happy Susanto ◽  
Ayok Aryanto

This study aims to determine the influence of parental involvement on the learning motivation of grade IV and V students at MI Alam Islamic Center Ponorogo. In this study, the total population was 42 students in class IV and V of MI Alam Islamic Center Ponorogo which included 11 children in class IV A, 12 children in class IV B, and 19 in class V. Because the number of class IV and V MI Alam Islamic Center Ponorogo is 42 students, the population sample in this study is all of them. In measuring the research variables, the researcher first tested the instrument, namely the validity test and the reliability test. Meanwhile, in measuring the effect of the two variables using the correlation formula and simple linear regression using SPSS 20 to determine the results of the data that has been done. Based on the data processing that has been done, there is a significant influence between the involvement of parents on student motivation at MI Alam Islamic Center Ponorogo amounting to 32.7% while the remaining 67.3% is influenced by other aspects

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 107
Siti Fathonah ◽  
Syarifan Nurjan ◽  
Anip Dwi Saputro

This study aims to find out the influence of the habit of shaking hands on the discipline of MI children. The object of research is a student of class III, IV V of which 140 children. Meanwhile, for the sampling technique using random sampling. In measuring the research variable, research first test the instrument, the validity test, and the reliability test. Meanwhile, in measuring the effect of both variables using the formula of correlation and simple linear regression using the SPSS 21. Based on the test result the coefficient of determination (R square) obtained a correlation value of 0,390, meanwhile the R square (R) value of 0,390. This means that the percentage of contribution to the effect of shaking hands on increasing children’s discipline has a quite good and significant influence

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 123
Agung Santoso ◽  
Nurul Iman ◽  
Ayok Aryanto

The purpose of this study is to determine learning difficulties, the factors that influence them, and what teaching strategies can overcome learning difficulties experienced by students in Al-Qur’an Hadith lessons at MI Muhammadiyah 12, Ngampel Village, Balong District, Ponorogo Regency. The results of this study are that learning difficulties experienced by students in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Muhammadiyah 12 Ngampel Village namely students can not write, read, and memorize Al-Qur'an Hadith learning. Factors that influence it are internal factors, including students tired and lack of awareness of learning in themselves. While external factors, including family, the environment is less inters / good, and the lack of a habit to read the Qur'an when at home. To overcome these difficulties, it can be done by arranging strategies, methods, media, and techniques by existing problems.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 95
Fatimatul ‘Aliyah ◽  
Katni Katni ◽  
Anip Dwi Saputro

This study aims to determine the effect of extracurricular public speaking activities on the communicative character of class IV-VI students of MI Darul Fikri. This type of research is quantitative research, test analysis, data collection methods using questionnaires, observation, and documentation. The total population of 133 students consists of 7 classrooms. The sample of this research was taken using the formula Slovin, which was obtained as many as 57 of the 133 students. Hypothesis testing includes 2 stages, namely the product-moment correlation test and simple linear regression test using the SPSS 20 application. The results of this study can be concluded that three is a significant effect of extracurricular public speaking activities on the communicative character of class IV-VI students of MI Darul Fikri Bringin Kauman Ponorogo. This is evidenced by the amount of 0.258 or 25.8% while 74.2% is influenced by other factors

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 115
Fitri Rochayati ◽  
Syarifan Nurjan ◽  
Ayok Aryanto

The management of learning classes at MI Darul Fikri is unique and different from other schools. MI Darul Fikri is a school that implements a class of homogeneous gender learning and there is a special class with the pattern of study class heterogeneous gender. It is noted that the Learning class grouping has a positive influence on students, i.e. the learning outcomes of learners inhomogeneous learning classes are better compared to heterogeneous learning classes. The purpose of this research is to reveal and analyze the influence of management of homogeneous learning classes on the concentration of students at MI Darul Fikri Ponorogo. This research uses observation methods, polls, and documentation. The population in this study involved all students of class III, IV, and V MI Darul Fikri in the school year 2019/2020 consisting of 7 groups with a total of 139 students. The sampling technique in this study used Proportionate stratified random sampling which was obtained by a representative sample of 100 respondents. The results showed that the management of homogeneous learning class in MI Darul Fikri is good with a percentage of 70%. The concentration of learning students at the management of homogeneous learning classes in MI Darul Fikri is also good with a percentage of 70%, and there is a positive and significant influence of management of the class of homogeneous learning to the learning concentration of students at MI Darul Fikri Ponorogo namely 78.3%

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 87
Muhammad Marzuqi ◽  
Ahmad Muslich ◽  
Ayok Aryanto

This research was conducted to know the factors that cause fifth-grade children to be less responsible in their learning at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah 12 Ngampel and the teacher efforts of the teacher in fostering responsible behavior in classroom children’s learning. This type of research is qualitative research with a case study approach. The subjects of this study were all students of grade V, totaling 14 students, the principal of the class teacher. Religion teacher and MADIN/TPA teacher. Data collection methods used included an interview, observation, and documentation. Meanwhile, the data analysis used included: data reduction, data presentation, and concluding data validation using triangulation and member checking techniques. The results of this study are as follows (1) the factor that causes less responsibility the learning of class children V Madrasah Ibtidaiyah 12 Ngampel, namely the ability of the student is low. The level of student awareness is low in the importance of learning responsibility and the lack of attention of parents toward children’s education. (2) teacher effort in fostering responsible behavior in learning for grade V student in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah 12 Ngampel, that is student introduced to the importance of responsibility in taking responsibility for learning and collaboration between the school and parent in caring for and educating children.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 75
Zulfa Urwatil Wutsqo ◽  
Nuraini Nuraini ◽  
Sigit Dwi Laksana

This research was conducted with the aim of knowing the implementation of public speaking in improving the arabic language skills of students at Madrasah Diniyah Hidayataul Islam Jetis Ponorogo, knowing the results of the implementation of public speaking in improving the arabic language skills of Madrasah Diniyah Hidaytaul Islam Jetis Ponorogo, and as well as to find the supporting and inhibiting factors of the implementation of public speaking in improving the arabic language skillss of Madrasah Diniyah Hidayatul Islam Jetis Ponorogo. The object of this research is students anad teachers of Madrasah Diniyah Hidayatul Islam Jetis Ponorogo. This research used a qualitative research type. Data collectiontechniques using observation, interviews and documentation. Data were analyzed using conclusion. The research results found in this study are: (1) implementation of public speaking in improving arabic language skills in Madrasah Diniyah Hidayatul Islam Jetis Ponorogo, this activity is designed in muhadhoroh activities, which are carried out once a week with speech method in Arabic language. (2) The results of implementation of public speaking in improving arabic langguage skills in Madarash Diniyah Hidayatul islam Jetis Ponorogo are stuudents who are able to publicly speak in arabic gradually as well addition of their vocabulary.(3)Supporting and inhibiting factors for implementation public speaking in improving Arabic language skill in Madrasah Diniyah Hidayatul Islam Jetis Ponorogo are direct guidance and direction from teachers and friends, and the inhibiting factors is the lack of self confidence and lack of preaparation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 51
Juminto Juminto ◽  
Happy Susanto ◽  
Nuraini Nuraini

The purposes of this research are; (1) to explains the education of majlis ta’lim Assakinnah Bidayatus salam in improving spirituality and religiosity . (2) to explain the efforts of majlis ta’lim Bidayatus salam in improving spirituality and religiosity(3) to explain the implication of majlis ta’lim Assakinnah Bidayatus salam in enhancing spirituality and religiosity. the research method used in this study is qualitative approach.  Date collection method used were interview observation and document. This research  result  indicates  that the  implementation of  majlis ta’lim Assakinnah Bidayatus salam according to conditional of those pilgrims, there were a learning contract between presenters and learning pilgrims with various materials as aqidah, fiqih, fiqih munakahat, also qur’an and hadits/plantation and agriculture. With spirituality that is before the majlis ta’lim strengthens faith and aqidah, sakinah education, empower the poor, the development and implementation of da’wah. While from religiosity of the efforts made by majlis ta’lim is a good example, the movement of prayer , reciting the Qur’an together and an it is together. The implication of the spirituality and religiosity for pilgrims/comunity in increasing the value of rituals in carrying out obligations, the growth of social attitudes , and mutual cooperate to help and and intellectual developmentof the community.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 37
Erry Fujo Dwilaksono ◽  
M. Miftahul Ulum ◽  
Nuraini Nuraini

The moral education in the Book of Âdâb al-'âlim wa al-Muta'allim is in line with the government program that pays special attention to character education to make researchers interested in studying the book comprehensively. The purpose of this study is to describe the concept of KH. Hasyim Asy'ari related to education, the concept of character education in Indonesia and the relevance of the concept of moral education thought. Hasyim Asy'ari with character education in Indonesia. The type of research used is literature research or in the term Ain is called a library research with a descriptive method, with the data collection tools documentation and data sources consist of primary data sources, namely from the book Âdâb al-' Âlim wa al-Muta'allim by KH. Hasas'ari. The results of the study and discussion concluded that: the concept of KH thought. Hasyim Asy'ari about moral education is to direct someone to more religious values, the concept of character education in Indonesia is reflected in the program PPK, and the conclusion of Irian moral education. Hasyim Asy'ari has relevance to the character education in Indonesia.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 63
Sularmi Sularmi ◽  
Bambang Harmanto ◽  
Anip Dwi Saputro

The purpose of this study is 1.) To identify the planning of learning religious and moral values to form religious and independent characters in RA Integrated Al-Madinah Kec. Balong Kab. Ponorogo, 2.) To identify learning strategies of religious and moral values to form religious and independent characters in RA Integrated Al-Madinah Kec. Balong Kab. Ponorogo, 3.) To identify the evaluation of learning strategies of religious and moral values to form religious and independent characters in RA Integrated Al-Madinah Kec. Balong Kab. Ponorogo. The research method used by the type of field research with the data source is the speakers, seeing the events at the location, and doing documentation, data collection techniques with participant observation, interviews, and documentation. The results in this study are 1.) The teachers make learning plans in the form of semester programs, weekly programs and daily programs. 2.) Learning strategy for the head of RA to make policy by opening role classes and practical life, making report cards and giving examples to students. For teachers in making religious and independent character formation through habituation in learning. For parents to provide assistance to their children. 3.) Evaluation is carried out, namely conducting daily assessments, and making assessment reports and follow-up. One of the findings from the study shows that the involvement or participation of students in learning activities is influenced by the fforts of the teacher, the environment and habituation

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